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Vocabulary in sections 4.1-4.4.
Trigonometry- a Greek word that means measurement of triangles
Initial side- A ray that is the starting position of the angle
Terminal side- the ray of the angle that rotates about the initial side
Vertex- The point at the end of the two rays where the angles meets
Standard position- when a angles’ initial side is located on the x-axis
Positive angles- angles that rotate counter clockwise
Negative angles- angles that rotate clockwise
Central angle- if the vertex of an angle is located on the origin
Acute angles- an angle with a degree of less than 90 degrees
Obtuse angles- and angles that is between 90 and 180 degrees
Complementary angles- two angles who's sum is 90 degrees
Supplementary angles- two angles who's sum is 180 degrees
Trigonometric functions- the six trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant,
secant, and cotangent
Periodic- functions that behave in a repetitive manner
Opposite Side- leg of a right triangle that is opposite of the angle
Adjacent Side- leg of a right triangle that is adjacent to the angle
Hypotenuse- Side of a triangle that is opposite the right angle
Angle of elevation- angle from the horizontal upward to an object
Angle of depression- angles that lie below the horizontal and downward towards an object
Reference angle- any acute angle formed by the terminal side of theta and the horizontal axis