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Algebra 2 Practice Questions
12.3.1.a Represent, interpret and analyze functions with graphs, table and algebraic notation, and
convert among these representations.
19a. Write the equation of the line graphed
19c. Graph the line
20b. Tell whether the table below represents a
linear function.
19b. Find the slope of the line graphed below.
20a. Write the equation of the function
represented by the table below.
20c. Give the slope of the linear function
represented by the table below.
12.3.1.d Identify characteristics of linear and nonlinear functions.
21a. Describe the direction of a line from left to right if the slope is negative.
21b. If a line has an undefined slope, describe what the line looks like.
21c. If a line is horizontal, what is its slope?
22a. Is
22b. Is
22c. Is
a linear function? Explain why or why not.
a linear function? Explain why or why not.
a linear function? Explain why or why not.
12.3.1.f Compare and analyze the rate of change by using ordered pairs, tables, graphs and equations.
23a. Lines m and n are parallel. Line m has a slope of 4. Line n contains the points (5, 1) and (7, y). What
is the value of y?
23b. Lines m and n are parallel. Line m has a slope of -3. Line n contains the points (x, 6) and (5, -6).
What is the value of x?
23c. Lines m and n are perpendicular. Line m has a slope of 0. Line n contains the points (2, 3) and (x, 9).
What is the value of x?
12.3.2.b Represent a variety of quantitative relationships using linear equations and one-variable
24a. Solve 4x – 6 > 2x + 14
24b. Write an inequality for the following scenario and solve:
Ralph needs to earn at least $3000 to purchase a used car. He currently earns $7.50/hour. How many
hours must he work to be able to buy his car?
24c. Write an equation to represent the situation, then solve:
Jody’s goal is to beat the all-time scoring record in basketball, so she must score more than 300 points.
She has already earned 180 points, and has 8 games left. How many points must she score per game to
achieve her goal?
12.3.3.f Identify and generate equivalent forms of linear equations.
25a. Put the following equation in slope intercept form: x - 5y = 20
25b. Put the following equation in standard form:
25c. Tell which equation is equivalent to
12.4.3.b Identify dependent and independent events and calculate their probabilities.
26a. A bag of marbles contains 5 white, 2 black, 5 yellow marbles. Calculate the probability of drawing a
black marble and then a yellow marble without replacement.
26b. A bag of marbles contains 5 white, 2 black, 5 yellow marbles. Calculate the probability of drawing a
yellow marble and then a white marble with replacement.
26c. Find the probability of rolling two sixes on a pair of fair six-sided dice.
12.4.3.d Analyze events to determine if they are mutually exclusive.
27a. A single letter is chosen at random from the word POLYNOMIAL. Would choosing an M or a vowel
be mutually exclusive events?
a. yes
b. no
27b. In a standard deck of cards, is it mutually exclusive to draw a red card or a 5?
a. yes
b. no
27c. Explain what it means for two events to be mutually exclusive.