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CST (STAR) World History Review
World History: The Modern World
online self-quizzes
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Chapter 1
Sources of the Democratic Tradition [2,000 B.C.E. (B.C.) – 1689 C.E (A.D.)]
Section 1: The Greek Roots of Democracy
webcode mza-0111
Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire webcode mza-0122
Section 3: Principles of Judaism
webcode mza-0133
Section 4: The Rise of Christianity
webcode mza-0144
Section 5: Democratic Developments in England webcode mza-0155
Chapter test
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Chapter 2
The Enlightenment and the American Revolution (1700-1800)
Section 1: Philosophy in the Age of Reason
webcode mza-1711
Section 2: Enlightenment Ideas Spread
webcode mza-1721
Section 3: Birth of the American Republic
webcode mza-1731
Chapter test
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Chapter 3
The French Revolution and Napoleon (1798_1815)
Section 1: On the Eve of Revolution
webcode mza-1811
Section 2: The French Revolution Unfolds
webcode mza-1821
Section 3: Radical Days of the Revolution
webcode mza-1831
Section 4: The Age of Napoleon
webcode mza-1841
Chapter test
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Chapter 4
Revolutions in Europe and Latin America (1790-1848)
Section 1: An Age of Ideologies
webcode mza-2011
Section 2: Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
webcode mza-2021
Section 3: Revolts in Latin America
webcode mza-2031
Chapter test
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Chapter 5
The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750-1850)
Section 1: Dawn of the Industrial Age
webcode mza-1911
Section 2: Britain Leads the Way
webcode mza-1921
Section 3: Social Impact of the Industrial Rev webcode mza-1931
Section 4: New Ways of Thinking
webcode mza-1941
Chapter test
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Chapter 6
Life in the Industrial Age (1800-1914)
Section 1: The Industrial Revolution Spreads
Section 2: The Rise of Cities
Section 3: Changing Attitudes and Values
Section 4: Arts in the Industrial Age
Chapter test
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Chapter 7
Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800 – 1914)
Section 1: Building a German Nation
webcode mza-2211
Section 2: Germany Strengthens
webcode mza-2222
Section 3: Unifying Italy
webcode mza-2233
Section 4: Nationalism Threatens Old Empires webcode mza-2244
Section 5: Russia: Reform and Reaction
webcode mza-2255
Chapter test
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Chapter 8
Growth of Western Democracies (1815-1914)
Section 1: Democratic Reform in Britain
webcode mza-2312
Section 2: Social and Economic Reform in Britain webcode mza-2323
Section 3: Division and Democracy in France webcode mza-2334
Section 4: Expansion of the United States
webcode mza-2346
Chapter test
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Chapter 9
The New Imperialism (1800-1914)
Section 1: Building Overseas Empires
webcode mza-2411
Section 2: The Partition of Africa
webcode mza-2421
Section 3: European Claims in Muslim Regions webcode mza-2431
Section 4: The British Take Over India
webcode mza-2441
Section 5: China and the New Imperialism
webcode mza-2451
Chapter test
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Chapter 10
New Global Patterns (1800 -1914)
Section 1: Japan Modernizes
webcode mza-2511
Section 2: Imperialism in Southeast Asia & the Pacific webcode mza-2521
Section 3: Self Rule for Canada, Australia, & New Zealand webcode mza-2531
Section 4: Economic Imperialism in Latin America webcode mza-2541
Chapter test
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Chapter 11
World War 1 and the Russian Revolution (1914-1924)
Section 1: The Great War Begins
webcode mza-2611
Section 2: A New Kind of War
webcode mza-2621
Section 3: Winning the War
webcode mza-2631
Section 4: Making the Peace
webcode mza-2641
Section 5: Revolution and Civil War in Russia webcode mza-2651
Chapter test
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Chapter 12
Nationalism and Revolution Around the World (1910-1939)
Section 1: Struggle in Latin America
webcode mza-2711
Section 2: Nationalism in Africa & the Middle East webcode mza-2721
Section 3: India Seeks Self-Rule
webcode mza-2731
Section 4: Upheavals in China
webcode mza-2741
Section 5: Conflicting Forces in Japan
webcode mza-2751
Chapter test
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Chapter 13
The Rise of Totalitarianism (1919-1939)
Section 1: Postwar Social Changes
webcode mza-2811
Section 2: The Western Democracies Stumble webcode mza-2821
Section 3: Fascism in Italy
webcode mza-2831
Section 4: The Soviet Union Under Stalin
webcode mza-2841
Section 5: Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany webcode mza-2851
Chapter test
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Chapter 14
World War II and Its Aftermath (1931-1945)
Section 1: From Appeasement to War
Section 2: The Axis Advances
Section 3: The Allies Turn the Tide
Section 4: Victory in Europe and the Pacific
Section 5: The End of World War II
Chapter test
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Chapter 15
The Cold War (1945-1991)
Section 1: The Cold War Unfolds
Section 2: The Industrialized Democracies
Section 3: Communism Spreads in East Asia
Section 4: War in Southeast Asia
Section 5: The End of the Cold War
Chapter test
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Chapter 16
New Nations Emerge (1945-present)
Section 1: Independent Nations of South Asia webcode mza-3111
Section 2: New Nations of Southeast Asia
webcode mza-3121
Section 3: African Nations Gain Independence webcode mza-3131
Section 4: The Modern Middle East
webcode mza-3141
Chapter test
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Chapter 17
Regional Conflicts (1945-present)
Section 1: Conflicts Divide Nations
Section 2: Struggles in Africa
Section 3: Conflicts in the Middle East
Chapter test
Chapter 18
The Developing World (1945-present)
Section 1: The Challenges of Development
webcode mza-3311
Section 2: Africa Seeks a Better Future
webcode mza-3321
Section 3: China and India: Two Giants of Asia webcode mza-3331
Section 4: Latin America Builds Democracy webcode mza-3341
Chapter test
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Chapter 19
The World Today
Section 1: Industrialized Nations After the Cold War webcode mza-3411
Section 2: Globalization
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Section 3: Social and Environmental Challenge webcode mza-3431
Section 4: Security in a Dangerous World
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Section 5: Advances in science and Technology webcode mza-3451
Chapter test
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