Download 1st Semester Review Chemistry I Chapter 1: The Science of

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1st Semester Review
Chemistry I
Chapter 1: The Science of Chemistry
1.1 What Chemistry is About
 Measurements & Units: Mass & weight; Volume; Density; Pressure
 Accuracy & precision
 Significant figures
 Scientific notation
 Dimensional analysis
1.2 Scientific Inquiry – see vocab
1.3 Matter and Energy
 matter def
o phases
 energy def
o Law of Conservation of Energy
Chapter 2: Matter and Atoms
2.1 Matter and the Elements
 substance vs. mixture
o element
 physical properties & physical change
 chemical properties & chemical change
 Periodic Table
 mole
o Avogadro's number
o calculations
2.2 Molecules and Compounds
 defs
 chemical formula
 molecular compound
 ionic compound
 formula mass
2.3 Mixtures and Solutions
 homogeneous vs. heterogeneous
 solution
o solute
o solvent
o dissolved
 concentration
o concentrated vs. dilute
o solubility
o molarity
o calculations
 percent by mass
 molarity
 mixtures of gases
o molar volume
Chapter 3: Temperature, Energy and Heat
 Brownian motion
 temp def
 temp scales
 Absolute zero
3.2 Heat and Thermal Energy
 def
 units – joule, calorie, BTU
 Thermodynamics
o 2nd Law
o system – open or closed
 1 Law
 thermal equilibrium
 specific heat – equation
 Heat transfer – conductor vs. insulator
3.3 Phase Changes
 def
 melting point, boiling point
 heat of fusion, heat of vaporization
 solving probs
 evaporation and condensation
Chapter 4: Physical and Chemical Change
4.1 Understanding Chemical Changes
 def
 irreversible
 interatomic forces vs intermolecular forces
 chemical bonds
o covalent bond – molecule
o ionic bonds
 enthalpy of formation
 reactivity
4.2 Chemical Reactions
 chemical reaction
 reactants & products
 balance equation
 coefficient
 endothermic vs. exothermic
o activation energy
4.3 Chemical Reactions in the Lab
 symbols for states of matter
 precipitate
 salt
 oxidation vs. reduction
 acid-base reaction
o pH scale
Chapter 5: The Structure of the Atom
5.1 The Atom Has a Structure
 Historical development of atomic theory
o Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford
 atom interior
o nucleus
o electron cloud
o properties of subatomic particles
 atomic number, atomic mass
o isotope
o average atomic mass
 ions
5.2 The Quantum Atom
 quantum theory
o quantum state
o 5 statements
waves & particles
o frequency
o wavelength
o photon
o Planck's constant
o relationship btwn frequency & wavelength, energy & frequency; wavelength & energy
electrons as waves
o allowed wavelengths
energy levels
o Pauli exclusion principle
Periodic Table & energy levels
5.3 Electron Configurations
 def
 writing electron configurations
5.4 Light and Spectroscopy
 spectrum
 spectrometer
 electromagnetic spectrum
 interactions between light and matter
o emission spectrum
o absorption spectrum
Chapter 6: Elements and the Periodic Table
6.1 The Periodic Table
 periodic properties
 Mendeleev
 atomic level periodic properties
o atomic radius
o electronegativity
o ionization energy
 historical development
 orbitals & atomic radius
6.2 Properties of Groups of Elements
 alkali metals
 alkaline earth metals
 transition metals
 C, N & O
 halogens
 noble gases
 why compounds form: filled vs. partially filled energy levels
6.3 Valence
 valence electrons
 determining valence electrons
 main group elements
 Lewis dot diagram
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