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Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Stidley, Christine Aileen
eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login)
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and
residency training if applicable.)
(if applicable)
Grinnell College
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of New Mexico
A. Personal Statement
For the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core, I serve as a co-director in biostatistics. I oversee educational
components of the Core, collaborate with Cancer Center researchers and mentor Core members. My research
interests focus on genetic and cancer epidemiology. I have designed and analyzed several genetic and
epigenetic studies of lung disease, including an ongoing GWAS. My cancer epidemiology research covers a
broad range of cancers. I also head the Statistical Genetics Group in the UNM Health Sciences Center and
lead the education effort in statistical genetics, population genetics and genetic epidemiology. I mentor four
junior faculty members in biostatistics and molecular epidemiology. With over 20 years of experience as a
biostatistician in biomedical and epidemiological research, I am well prepared to provide biostatistical support
to collaborators and mentoring for junior biostatistics faculty.
B. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1988 – 1996
Biostatistician, NM Tumor Registry and Cancer Research and Treatment Cntr (CRTC),
University of New Mexico (UNM) School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM
1995 – 1996
Research Assistant Professor, Dept of Internal Medicine, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
1996 – 2003
Assistant Professor, Dept of Family and Community Medicine, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
2003 – 2004
Associate Professor, Dept of Family and Community Medicine, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
2004 – 2008
Associate Professor, Dept of Internal Medicine, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
2009 – Present Professor, Dept of Internal Medicine, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
Additional Positions
1991 – 1996
Director, Biostatistics Facility, CRTC, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
1999 – 2007
Director, Biostatistics Facility, New Mexico Center for Environmental Health Sciences, UNM,
Albuquerque, NM
2001 – 2002
Visiting Biostatistician, Dialysis Clinic Inc, Quality Management, Albuquerque, NM
2002 – Present Adjunct Scientist, Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute (LRRI), Albuquerque, NM
2004 – Present Co-Director, Biostatistics Facility, UNM Cancer Center, Albuquerque, NM
2007 – Present Adjunct Professor, San Raffaele Institute, Milan, Italy
2009 – 2010
Director, Biostatistics and Biocomputing Core, UNM Interdisciplinary HPV Prevention Center,
Albuquerque, NM
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (selected from over 80 peer-reviewed publications)
Publications most relevant to the current application
1. Stone SN, Hoffman RM, Tollestrup K, Stidley CA, Witter JL, Gilliland FD. Family history, Hispanic
ethnicity and prostate cancer risk. Ethn Dis 2003; 13: 233-9.
2. Hunninghake GM, Cho MH, Tesfaigzi Y, Soto-Quiros ME, Avila L, Lasky-Su J, Stidley C, Melén E,
Söderhäll C, Hallberg J, Kull I, Kere J, Svartengren M, Pershagen G, Wickman M, Lange C, Demeo
DL, Hersh CP, Klanderman BJ, Raby BA, Sparrow D, Shaprio SD, Silverman EK, Litonjua AA, Weiss
ST, Celedón JC. MMP12, lung function, and COPD in high-risk populations. N Engl J Med 2009; 361:
2599-608. [PMID: 20018959]
3. Stidley CA, Picchi MA, Leng S, Willink R, Crowell RE, Flores KG, Kang H, Byers T, Gilliland FD,
Belinsky SA. Multivitamins, folate, and green vegetables protect against gene promoter methylation in
the aerodigestive tract of smokers. Cancer Research 2010; 70: 568-74. [PMID: 20068159]
4. Leng S, Bernauer AM, Hong C, Do KC, Yingling CM, Flores KG, Tessema M, Tellez CS, Willink RP,
Burki EA, Picchi MA, Stidley CA, Prados MD, Costello JF, Gilliland FD, Crowell RE, Belinsky SA. The
A/G allele of rs16906252 predicts for MGMT methylation and is selectively silenced in premalignant
lesions from smokers and in lung adenocarcinomas. Clinical Cancer Research 2011;17(7):2014-23.
[PMID: 21355081]
5. Leng S, Bernauer AM, Zhai R, Tellez CS, Su L, Burki EA, Picchi MA, Stidley CA, Crowell RE,
Christiani DC, Belinsky SA. Discovery of common SNPs in the miR-205/200 family-regulated epithelial
to mesenchymal transition pathway and their association with risk for non-small cell lung cancer.
International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics. 2011;2(2):145-55. [PMID: 21686129]
6. Belinsky SA, Grimes MJ, Picchi MA, Mitchell HD, Stidley CA, Tesfaigzi Y, Channell MM, Liu Y,
Casero RA Jr, Baylin SB, Reed MD, Tellez CS, March TH. Combination therapy with vidaza and
entinostat suppresses tumor growth and reprograms the epigenome in an orthotopic lung cancer
model. Cancer Research 2011; 71(2):454-62. [PMID: 21224363]
7. Leng S, Stidley CA, Liu Y, Edlund CK, Willink RP, Han Y, Landi M, Thun M, Picchi MA, Bruse SE,
Crowell RE, Van Den Berg , Caporaso NE< Amos CI, Siegfried JM, Tesfaigzi Y, Gilliland FD, Belinsky
SA. Genetic determinants for promoter hypermethyation in the lungs of smokers: A candidate genebased study. Cancer Research. 2012;72(3):707-715. [PMID: 22139380]
Other relevant and recent publications
8. Khan K, Thompson W, Bush S, Stidley C. Transperineal percutaneous Iridium-192 interstitial
template implant of the prostate: Results and complications in 321 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 1992; 22: 935-9. [PMID: 1555985]
9. Stidley CA, Samet JM. Assessment of ecologic regression in the study of lung cancer and indoor
radon. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 139:312-22. [PMID: 8116607]
10. Stidley CA, Tollestrup K, Frost F, Bedrick EJ, Petersen HV. Mammography utilization after a benign
breast biopsy among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic women. Cancer 2001; 91: 1716-23. [PMID:
11. Stidley CA, Shah VO, Narva AS, Dalton D, MacCluer JW, Bobelu A, Scavini M, Welty TK, Zager PG.
A population-based, cross-sectional survey of the Zuni Pueblo: A collaborative approach to an
epidemic of kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2002; 39: 358-68. [PMID: 11840378]
12. Belinsky SA, Klinge DM, Dekker JD, Smith MW, Bocklage TJ, Gilliland FD, Crowell RE, Karp DD,
Stidley CA and Picchi MA. Gene promoter methylation in plasma and sputum increases with lung
cancer risk. Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11(18):6505-6511. [PMID: 16166426]
13. Stidley CA, Hunt WC, Tentori F, Schmidt D, Rohrscheib M, Paine S, Bedrick EJ, Meyer KB, Johnson HK
and Zager PG. Changing relationship of blood pressure with mortality over time among hemodialysis
patients. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006; 17:513–520. [PMID: 16396968]
14. Leng S, Stidley CA, Bernauer AM, Picchi MA, Sheng X, Frasco MA, Van Den Berg D, Gilliland FD,
Crowell RE, Belinsky SA. Haplotypes of DNMT1 and DNMT3B are associated with mutagen sensitivity
induced by benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide among smokers. Carcinogenesis 2008; 29: 1380-58. [PMID:
15. Leng S, Stidley CA, Willink R, Bernauer A, Do K, Picchi MA, Sheng X, Frasco MA, Van Den Berg D,
Gilliland FD, Zima C, Crowell RE, Belinsky SA. Double-strand break damage and associated DNA repair
genes predispose smokers to gene methylation. Cancer Res 2008; 68: 3049-56. [PMID: 18413776]
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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D. Research Support
Ongoing Projects
Factors for Epigenetic Silencing of Lung Cancer Genes
PI: S. Belinsky; subaward: R. Crowell
7/12/10 – 5/31/15
This project will utilize the Lovelace Smokers Cohort, a cohort of women and men who are at high risk of
development of lung cancer. A GWAS will be conducted to identify genetic variants that are associated with
methylation of sputum in the smokers, with validation utilizing the PluSS Cohort from the Pittsburgh Lung
SPORE. The identified SNPs also will be assessed in a nested case-control study of lung cancer, using
ACRIN, a prospective cohort of people at high risk of lung cancer within the National Lung Screening Trial.
Role: Co-investigator; responsible for design assistance and statistical analyses
Genetic and Epigenetic Biomarkers for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
NIEHS 1R01ES015262-01A2 (PI: S. Belinsky; subaward: C. Stidley)
The major goals of this project are to identify genes that affect DNA repair capacity and to assess the
relationship between DNA damage and the acquisition of aberrant gene promoter hypermethylation and
cellular transformation in response to carcinogen exposure in SCC of the lung, utilizing a cohort of radonexposed uranium miners.
Role: PI of subcontract; responsible for design, overseeing data management and conducting analyses
Statistical Analysis of Lovelace Lung Cancer Program Data
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute PO# JK060406 (PI: C. Stidley)
10/1/05 – 9/30/13
The major goal of this contract is to provide statistical collaboration on research in lung disease with Lovelace
Respiratory Research Institute, including the development of methylation profiles for lung disease and the
development of statistical methods to accomplish these analyses.
Role: Principal Investigator; responsible for statistical collaboration on multiple projects, including the design
and analysis of genetic epidemiological studies and the development of statistical methods relevant for
ongoing lung cancer research.
University of New Mexico Cancer Center
NIH/NCI 1P30 CA118100-01 (PI: C. Willman)
9/1/10 – 8/31/15
This project provides infrastructure support for the University of New Mexico Cancer Center, including a facility
core in biostatistics.
Role: Co-Investigator; Co-Director of Biostatistics Core
Mitochondrial DNA and ovarian cancer risk and survival
NIH/NCI 1 R01 CA160669-01A (PI: L. Cook)
4/4/12 - 3/31/17
This project involves the identification, selection, and characterization of the most informative mtDNA
polymorphic variants, genotypes and copy number measures that are associated with ovarian cancer risk and
Role: Co-Investigator
Alternative RNA splicing and protein products in leukemia outcome (PQ11)
NIH/NCI 1R01CA170250 (PI: S. Ness)
This NCI Provocative Questions grant will use next-generation sequencing and sophisticated bioinformatics
and biostatistics approaches to analyze the alternative RNA splicing in a large cohort of pediatric leukemia
patient samples, to determine whether the enhanced levels of RNA splicing observed in leukemias is due to
“splicing noise” or contributes to the disease process.
Role: Co-Investigator
Mutations and target genes in adenoid cystic carcinoma
NCI (PI: S. Ness)
This grant will address the functions and activities of the Mhb-NFIB fusion proeins, the product of the driver
mutation that causes ACC tumors.
Role: Co-Investigator
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DCI Medical Directorship and Quality Assurance
DCI, Inc. (PI: P. Zager)
The goal of this research is to improve health care practices for dialysis patients treated by DCI, Inc and to
study the underlying causes of kidney disease to prevent onset of chronic kidney disease.
Role: Co-Investigator
Completed Projects
Biomarkers to Assess Selenium Chemoprevention for NSCLC
5 R01 CA095568 (PI: S. Belinsky; subaward: T. Bocklage)
2/26/08 – 1/31/12
In conjunction with the clinical trial ECOG 5597 “A Phase III Chemoprevention Trial of Selenium
Supplementation in Persons with Resected Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”, this project will determine
the ability of a panel of genes inactivated through methylation in sputum or plasma to predict response to
therapy and the recurrence of cancer. This project also will define potential drug combinations to be evaluated
for primary and secondary prevention of lung cancer in future studies
Role: Co-Investigator; responsible for statistical analyses
Epigenetic Silencing of Lung Cancer Genes
NCI/LRRI (PI: S. Belinsky; subaward: R. Crowell)
Using two pre-existing cohorts of smokers, we examined whether the risk alleles for genes involved in tobacco
carcinogen activation and detoxification, oxidative stress, DNA repair, and de novo methylation of CpG sites
are associated with gene-specific promoter hypermethylation in sputum. We also assess dietary, clinical and
genetic factors, including interactions.
Role: Co-investigator; responsible for design, overseeing data management and conducting statistical
Sequencing Chr. 6 in Melanoma Patients
NIH 1R21CA125397-01A2 (PI: J. Edwards)
9/1/08 – 8/31/10
The major goals of this project are to develop and utilize and ultra-high throughput DNA sequencing
technology to generate large amounts of genome sequencing to identify and characterize genomic variation in
a population of people diagnosed with invasive melanoma.
Role: Co-Investigator; responsible for statistical analyses
New Mexico Center for Environmental Health Sciences
NIH/NIEHS P30 ES012072 (PI: S. Burchiel)
4/1/03 – 3/31/07
This project provided infrastructure support for the New Mexico Center for Environmental Health Sciences,
including a facility core in biostatistics and biocomputing.
Role: Co-Investigator and Co-Director of Biostatistics & Biocomputing Core
Validation of Pan-Species ELISA to Detect Antibodies to F1 and V
NIAID HHSN2662004000951 (PI: J. Wilder; subaward: C. Stidley)
9/2/08 – 7/31/10
The major goal of this project is to validate the species-neutral protein G-based enzyme linked immunosorbent
assays developed at the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research to detect antibodies against F1 and V
antigens from Yersinia pestis.
Role: PI of subcontract; collaborator on design and responsible for statistical analyses
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09)
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