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Cotonou, 26th to 28th of May 2015
No. 1 Amantra Link, Kotobabi North, Accra
P. O. Box AN 10575, Accra-North, Ghana;
Tel ++233 (0) 244-434-184;
Email [email protected]
he Infinite Intelligence referred to variously as Mawu Sogbolisa, God, Hu, Allah, Brahma etc. depending upon
the language of the respective community, is a Spirit with manifestation in every aspect of creation. As a
spirit, no community can claim ownership of ITS manifestation contrary to claims by some religious sects to
holding the divine appointment to monopolize how one can express one’s faith (religion).
Every True Religion and by implication Every True Culture is founded on the Customs and Traditions of its
practitioners with a belief in the supremacy of an Endless Energy called differently in the language of the people. All
communities employ their Indigenous languages tocommunicate with the source of their belief and identify
themselves with their local names which define their positions in the world.
Interreligious and Inter-Cultural Dialogues have been held mostly between Christians and Muslims with the
participation of other religious sects to spice their deliberations.What has been lacking in these previous fora isthe
issue of one sect believingthat its mode of expressing its faith is more superior to its counterpartsenabling them to
claimdivine appointment to “Win our Souls” or “Convert us” to become submissive to their faith.
As an indigenous religious practitioner, I believe thelaunch of this African Initiative must be propelled to achieve its
laudable objectives through understanding what happened to our ancestors which culminated in all Religious
Merchants invading our continent and imposing their merchandise on us.Numerous researches have established that
Ancient Egyptians who built the Civilization of the Nile Valley Kingdom of the Pharaohs describedthemselves
racially as Blacks. History books record the Hyksos, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, the French and English
invasion, occupation and looting of Ancient Egypt resulting in such names as Palermo Stone, Ebers, Westcar, Turin
Papyrus amongst numerous others. It is worth recounting that in the wake of the Greek’s conquest and occupation by
Alexander the Great and his followers embarked on a looting spree with the emptying of the Great Library of
Alexandria transforming most of them into Philosophers, Mathematicians etc.Emperor Ptolemy Philadelphus II
another self-appointed Greek overlord of Ancient Egyptdirected his attention towards demystifying the Temple
teachings.To achieve this objective he authorised the rounding up of over seventy Ancient Egyptian temple instructors
locked in separate cubicles under the supervision of Eleazar in the Great Library of Alexandria (Septuagint) to reveal
their secret teachings. Emperor Ptolemy Philadelphus II and his cohorts misrepresentedthese Black Ancient Egyptian
Instructorsas “Jewish Intellectuals” tasked to translate sacred hieroglyphic temple teachings of Ancient Egypt veiled
as the Pentateuch (Hebrew Torah) supposed to represent the five books of Moses into the Greek language.The refusal
of these seventy instructors preserved the sacred knowledge which constitutesthe foundation of African Spiritualism
referred to as African Traditional Religion.
Since Every True Religion must be founded on the Customs and Traditions of its practitioners it is the height of
irrationality for some Africans to accept peoples Religion as theirs which is synonymous to borrowing other peoples
Eyes to see one’s Creator’s handiworks; similarly to accept another person’s concept of one’s parents, it is equivalent
to borrowsomeone else’s nose to breathe, ears to hear, mouth to speak and eat as well as brains to think. If webelieve
that we are created in the image and likeness of the Infinite Creator we have no business shunning what we have in
preference to what others had.
We are gladdened by the focus of this Initiative on the important subject of Spiritualism.Spiritualismis an inseparable
aspect of African culturewhich recognizes the important contribution of the “Life giving force” as the Spirit of God
which sustains the existence of creation. Non-Afrikans misunderstand this aspect of our culture as ancestral worship,
while considering our reverence for this same creative force inhabiting water bodies, rocks, trees, plants and grooves
as constituting worshipping of these aspects of creation.It is quite recent that The Rosicrucian Fellowship has
recognized that the energy inhabiting them is the same one in humans. The Involvement of Indigenous Religion in this
exercise of developingknights of Peace and Development is averysignificant move which will enable African
Indigenous spiritualists to employ their specialities to disarm violent religious extremists. We are aware of the
capability of authentic African Spiritualists who provide charms which enablesits possessor to disappear from a life
threatening situation. Other charms assist hunters totame wild beasts, disarm or put violent or aggressive enemies to
sleep. There are charms whichcause guns to spill water instead of bullets, neutralize explosives and divert missiles
from their targets. General Eyadema escaped a plane crash in Lama Kara. Gilchrist Olympio survived several bullet
wounds which should under normal circumstances proved fatal.
The late Major Seth Anthony of Ghana demonstrated the potency of African Spiritualism during his military duty tour
of Burma during World War II,General Kotoka was immune to bullets and was therefore hacked to death by his
captors during the April 1967 rebellion. Several African politicians, military officers and civilians have employed and
continue to employ African Spiritualism to achieve their goals in all fields of human endeavour. The time has come
for us through this African Initiative to scout our continent to recruit and organize our Spiritualists to rescue our
continent from the threat of foreign inspired religious extremism and violencewhile promoting human centred
peaceful development.
It is not our business to claim to be “Winning Souls” and “Converting Infidels” into the service of the All Seeing and
All Knowing“Mawu Sogbo Lisa, Mawu Kitikata, and Mawu Adanuwortor who created everything in our universe.
It is only when we know ourselves that we can be free from other peopleimposingtheir culture of greed and looting on
us which has plunged an otherwise peaceful world into a theatre of wars.This International Symposium must revamp
our African Culture and redirect our attention fromthose cultural practices which mis educate our youth to love
everything foreign and despise all things African.
Thesepictures are attached to remind all of us of those great achievements of our African ancestors of the Nile Valley
Kingdom of the Pharaohs. Theyare also to prove that claims of Europeans being credited with being the fathers of
most inventions are false. How can Pythagoras be credited with a theorem for the finding of the Hypotenuse of a
triangle when this same theorem has been used in the construction of the Pyramids? How can Archimedes be credited
with the Principle of Floatation, whereas such principle has been in use long before Archimedes was born. Numerous
others likethe sacred teachings now hidden in Lodges and secret societies to which our African elite pay huge
subscription fees were taken from the teachings of the Wise Men of the Nile Valley which knowledge system exists
abundantly in our shrines.African Spiritualism manifests today in Zangbe performances as well as those who throw
sand into the air for same to be transformed into reptiles.
The consciousness of our youth must be brought home to accept our African value systems instead of attempting to
cross the Mediterranean in search of non existent greener pastures in Europe only to be drowned by the heartless
coastguards near Lampedusa. Interestinglythis Initiative is being launched in Benin home of the first batch of our
ancestors’ who escaped the invaders of our Nile Valley abode qualifying her as one of the key centres of African
Education of our youth must focus on theirjourneying back into true African history emphasisinggenuinePeace and
Development through Interreligious and Inter-cultural Dialogue by equal partners.
The Book of Isaiah Chapter 19 verses 1-4of the Euro-Christian Bible reads:
1This is a message about Egypt. The LORD is coming to Egypt, riding swiftly on a cloud. The Egyptian idols tremble
before him, and the people of Egypt lose their courage,
2 The LORD says, “I will stir up civil war in Egypt and turn brother against brother and neighbour. ..
3 I am going to frustrate the plans of the Egyptians and destroy their morale.
4 I will hand the Egyptians over to a tyrant, to a cruel king who will rule them...
To disconnect us from the great achievements of our ancestors - the Wisemen of the Nile ValleyCivilization, Eurocentric scriptures were developed claiming that God was displeased with the wickedness of our Pharaohsagainst a
HebrewGod’s chosen childrenwarranting his issuance ofhis directiveto Moses and Aaron to lead his children to
freedom in Canaan across the Red Sea.
However Euro-Christian and Arab Islamic clericswho encourage their followers to embark on winning souls and
converts for their religious doctrines admit that God is OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT AND OMNISCIENTand
could therefore not be ridiculed with claims of his incapability of teaching his creations how to relate (worship
Him/Her) to the extent of some being accused of paganism.
The Euro-Christian Bible accuses Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs and their descendants of not believing in God
though their leaders admit in their secret sanctum that the Pharaohs and their sages believe that:
“GOD IS ONE AND ONLY and none other existed with Him. –
God is the One, the One who have made all things.
established the earth thereon.
GOD IS LIFE, and through HIM ONLY MAN LIVETH. He gives life to man, He breaths the breath of life into
his nostrils.
God is father and mother, the father of fathers and mother of mothers. He begets, but was never begotten; He
produces but was never produced; He begat HIMSELF and produced HIMSELF. He creates, but was never
created. He is the maker of His own form, and the fashioner of His own body.
God Himself is existence. He endures without increase or diminution. He multiplies Himself millions of times; He
is manifold in forms and in members.
God has made the universe, and He has created all that therein is. He is the Creator of what is in this world, and of
what was and of what is, and of what shall be. He is the creator of the heavens, and the earth, and of the deep,
and of the water, and of the mountains. God has stretched out the heavens and founded the earth. -What His
heart (mind) conceived straightway came to pass. When He speaks it comes to pass and endures forever.
(Brugsch, Religion, pp. 96-99)”
“King Leopold II of Belgium also advised his Missionaries departing for the Congo in 1883 with these words of
Reverend Fathers and Dear Compatriots, the task asked of you to accomplish is very delicate and demands much
tact and diplomacy. Fathers, you are going to preach the Gospel, but your preaching must be inspired by first, the
interest of the Belgium Government State.
The main goal of your mission in the Congo is not to teach the knowledge of God because they already know him.
They talk and commit themselves to their God. They know that killing and stealing, adultery and blasphemy are not
good. Let us have the courage to admit this fact so you do not teach the things they already know.
Your role essentially will be to facilitate the task of the administrative and industrial personnel. That is to say,
you will interpret the Gospel in a manner that protects and serves the interests of Belgium in that part of the
"AD 391 the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius I closed all “pagan temples” throughout the Roman Empire. This action
terminated a four thousand year old tradition and the message of the Ancient Egyptian language was lost for 1500
years. It was not until the discovery of the Rosetta stone and the work of Jean- François Champollion (1790-1832) that
the Ancient Egyptian history was given a lease of life."
What could have informed Euro-Christians and other religious sects to publicly accuse the Pharaohs and their
descendants of being pagans whereas their scriptures provided them the substance of their beliefs as King Leopold II
admitted when despatching his Missionaries to the Congo in 1883?
It is a fact that notwithstanding the Euro-Christian claim that Ancient Egypt was the habitation of devils, King
Ptolemy Philadelphus II caused his so-called seventy “Jewish Scholars” to stay in chambers of the Great Library of
Alexandria to allegedly translate the Hebrew Torah into the Greek language when it is an acknowledged fact that
Ancient Egyptians were the first people to have invented the Science of Writing. Who then were the Hebrews since
we also know through the Euro-Christian admission that Moses who allegedly authored the Pentateuch was brought
up and educated in the palace of the Pharaoh?
These two religious sects were the beneficiaries of the knowledge system of the Wise men of the Nile Valley who
were originally blacks as can be seen from the pictorial evidence below.
Pharaoh Aha Unifier of Upper and Lower Egypt and 2nd Pharaoh of the 1st Dynasty, Pharaoh Pi’ankhy of the 25th
Dynasty, the 1200 BCE Wall Painting found in the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses III and the facial features of the Gizah
Sphinx all confirm the racial identity of Ancient Egyptians in accordance with Herodotus submission that they had
dark skin, kinky hair, broad nose, fan-like ears, big eyes and together with Ethiopians were the only people in ancient
times who circumcised their children refusing uncircumcised persons entry into their temples. How come EuroChristians claim that there was a Covenant with the Jewish God which demanded that male Jewish children were
circumcised in their infancy?
PharaohAha unifier of Upper
and Lower Egypt 2nd Pharaoh
of the 1st Dynasty.
Pharaoh Pi’ankhy 25th Dynasty
How can Pythagoras get credited with inventing the Theorem for finding the area of a triangle which Ancient
Egyptians’ had employed over 6000 years in the building of the Pyramids before hePythagoras’ grandfather was born.
This action by Emperor Theodosius I following the trail blazed by Emperor Ptolemy Philadelphus provided the
Romans the opportunity to ransack Ancient Egyptian Temples and other religious sites of their sacred teachings
resulting in theNicaea Conference and the Nicene Creed followed by the Apostles Creed. Emperor Theodosius I’s
success short lived despite the falsified publications of Jean François Champollion-Figeac as all of them never
realised that the Ancient Egyptians’papyri teachings they were adulterating had also been captured on the walls and
rocks of the Pyramids, the obelisks, numerous Stelae and sarcophagi freely available to those with eyes tosee.
It is no wonder that the Wooden Glider invented and flown by Ancient Egyptians 2000 years earlier could not earn
them the credit of launching the world into the Aviation age instead the Greek Icarus brothers and the Wright brothers
of the United States of Americawho allegedly waxed feathers to their arms a little over a century agoand an
ItalianLeonardo da Vinci also got credited with inventing the first Flying machine over 200 years ago.
“There is perhaps no country where the positions and movements of the stars were observed with greater exactitude
than in Ancient Egypt. Isn’t it very revealing that “The Star Sighting Instrument” invented and employed by Ancient
Egyptian physicists and astronomers stands in a German Museum enabling their Scientists to use it as a blueprint for
the building of their modern day telescopes. The Americans also employed the same Ancient Egyptian blueprint to
build the Hobbes Telescope.
SURGICAL INSTRUMENTSand DELIVERY STOOL used by Ancient EgyptianMedical Scientists.
Surgical Instruments
Delivery Stool
All European claims to have invented the Surgical Instruments stands exposedas inventionsof Ancient Egyptian
Surgeons. Why have the Englishcredited Florence Nightingale with being the mother of modern nursing which
knowledge was built upon foundations of black Ancient Egyptians which our mothers have practiced and documented
several generations before her birth?
For an incredible number of years, Ancient Egyptians kept records in which movements of the Planets and Stars were
written down. Information was there on the movements, revolutions and positions of planets; there was also
information on the relationship of each planet to the birth of animals and on stars of good or bad influence. In
predicting the future to men, Ancient Egyptian Astrologers have often proved to be right; they predicted abundance as
frequently as famine, epidemics, and disease among herds. Earthquakes, floods, the appearance of comets and many
other phenomena impossible for ordinary people to know in advance as foreseen by them from observations made
over very long period of time.How come that Archimedes a Greek gets creditedwith discoveringthe Principle of
Floatation which Ancient Egyptians had employed in navigating the Nile River and the seas for thousands of years
before him?
Ancient Egyptian sages discovered that the essential cause of disease lies in a disharmony between his physical
elements and his subtle elements (psychic and mental); the latter affect the body just as magnetism and atmospheric
electricity affect the earth. These subtle states of the atmosphere and of man are themselves conditioned by different
vibrations of energy resulting from the movements and positions of celestial bodies. That is why the efficacy of a
therapeutic method depends to a large extent on the date and time of birth.
The secret agenda of the European and Arab initiators of the Trans-Atlantic and Trans Saharan Raids of Africa’s
divine priests and children shipped to foreign lands was to truncate our Spirituality and make us mental slaves of their
false doctrines.
The Ancient Egyptian Solar necklace, Vulture Pendant, Royal Chair, Earrings depict the craftsmanship of those great
men of the Nile Valley. The Abydos Mystery stelae depicts a helicopter, an armoured personnel carrier with an
artillery mounted on it, what looks like a space ship and a Submarine amongst numerous other drawings yet to be
deciphered provided Europeans and Americans the blueprint for the developments which has fueled their Military
Industrial Complex.
CONCLUSION : Our teachers and students must call on our farmers, fishermen, spiritualists to teach them the
wisdom of our sages inherited from the Nile Valley Kingdom of the Pharaohs. The Zangbe priests,numerous reliable
indigenous spirituatists including the Daagbo Hunon hold the key to eliminating the scourge of Religious Extremism
and Violence. With reliance on African Spiritualism we can overcome Boko Haram and other extremists. We urge the
youth of Africa to exude self-confidence while recognizing the fact that they were created in the image and likeness of
God without being discriminated against as proved by the Senegalese Anthropologist Cheikh Anta Diop concluded in
his research works on Ancient Egypt traced the Pharaoh and his descendants to be those inhabitants between the Volta
River Estuary to the West and the Mono River estuary to the East while Professor Yawo Doh-Nani identified the tonal
E3e language as that which was spoken in ancient Egyptthereby confirming E3e speaking peoples of West Africa as
those who lived in Ancient Egypt.
We urge all true Afrikans to develop Self Confidence in our beingtruly created in the image and likeness of Mawu
Sogbolisa and as such we have no moral justification to borrow anybody’s language to sing praises to our maker.
Thank you and Togbe Tsali the Endless Energy will richly bless you all.
Horus – The first Man-God.
Horus -The Mighty One of the Teshert Crown.
Horus- I. U. or I. A. U. = Jesus
Horus – In the Resurrection.
Horus – The Light of the World.
Horus – The Child- suckling.
Horus – God of Life.
Horus – The Great Spirit.
Horus - God of the Four Quarters, N. E. S. W.
Horus – The Seven Powers of.
Horus – God of the Pole Star.
Horus – Of the Two Horizons.
Horus – God of Light.
Horus– As Hawk or Vulture or Eagle Hawk.
Horus –Creator of Himself and Heir of Eternity.Horus–As Young Ear of Corn.
Horus – Child of Isis.
Horus – As Her-Shef or Khnemu- He who is on his Lake
Horus – King of the North and South.
Horus– The Anointed Son of the Father.
Horus - Guide of the Northern Horizon.
Horus– The Red Calf (Type of Horus the Child).
Horus In Spirit (Amsu).
Horus– In the Tree.
Horus – Guardian of Sut.
Horus– On the Cross.
Horus – Lord of Dawn and Evening Twilight.
Horus – As “I am the Resurrection and the Life.”
Horus – Lord of the Northern and Southern Horizon.
Horus – Prince of Peace.
Horus– Fettering Sut (or binding or chaining Satan).
Horus –Who descends into Hades.
Horus- Prince of the Emerald Stone.Horus- Lord of the Two Eyes or Double Vision.
Horus of the Triangle.Horus- The Manifesting Son of God.
Horus- The Great One – The Mighty One.Horus- As Child of the Virgin.
Horus- The Great Chief of the Hammer or Axe.Horus-The Sower of Good Seed (and Sut the Destroyer).
Horus- Lord of Tattu .
Horus- Carried off by Sut to the Summit of the Mount Hetep.
Horus- The Blind.Horus-Contending with Sut on the Mount.
Horus- The Tears of.Horus- One of Five Brethren.
Horus- The Followers of.
Horus- The Brother of Sut, the betrayer.
Horus- The Feet of.
Horus- Baptized with Water by Anup.
Horus- The Divine Healer.
Horus- Who exalted His Father in every Sacred place.
Horus- The Master.Horus- The Weeper.
Horus- In the Tank of Flame (Baptizer with Fire).
Horus- The Lifted Serpent.
Horus- The Good Shepherd with the Crook upon His Shoulder.
Horus- In the Bosom of Ra (his Father).
Horus- With Four Followers on the Mount.Horus- The Avenger.
Horus- With the Seven Great Spirits on the Mount.
Horus- He who comes with Peace.
Horus- As the Fisher.Horus- The Afflicted One.
Horus- As the Lamb.Horus- The Lord of Resurrection from the House of Death.
Horus- As the Lion.
Horus- As the type of Eternal Life.
Horus- Of Twelve Years.
Horus- The Child Teacher in the Temple (as Iu- em- Hetep).
Horus- With the Tat (Cross).Horus- As Ma-Kheru (the Witness unto Truth).
Horus- Made a Man at 30 years in his Baptism.
Horus- As the Lily.
Horus - The Healer in the Mountain.
Horus- Who came to fulfil the Law.
Horus- The Exorciser of Evil Spirits, as the Word.
Horus- Walking the Water.
Horus - Who gives the Waters of Life.Horus- The Raiser of the Dead.
Horus- In the Bush of Thorns (as Unbu).
Horus - The Just and True.
Horus- One with his Father.
Horus- Entering the Mount at Sunset to hold Converse with his Father.
Horus - The Bridegroom with the Bride in Sothis.
Horus- Transfigured on the Mount.
Horus had two mothers: Isis, the Virgin, who conceived him, and Nephthysis, who nursed him.
He was brought forth singly and as one of five brothers.
Jesus had two mothers: Mary the Virgin, who conceived him, and Mary, the wife of Cleophas, who brought him forth as one her
He was brought forth singly as one of five brethren.
Horus was the Son of Seb, his father on earth.
Jesus was the son of Joseph, the father on earth.
Horus was with his mother, the Virgin, until 12 years old, when he was transformed into the beloved Son of God, as the
begotten of the father in heaven.
Jesus remained with his mother, the Virgin, up to the age of 12 years, when he left her “to be about his Father’s business.”
From 12 to 30 years of age there is no record in the life of Horus.
From 12 to 30 years of age there is no record in the life of Jesus:
Horus at 30 years of age became adult in his baptism by Anup:
Jesus at 30 years of age was made a man of in his baptism by John the Baptist:
Horus, in his baptism, made his transformation into the beloved son and only begotten of the Father- the Holy Spirit,
represented by a bird.
Jesus, in his baptism, is hailed from heaven as the beloved son and only begotten of the Father, God- the Holy Spirit that is
represented by a dove.