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for the Use of
Ionizing Radiation
in Dentistry
Ernest W.N. Lam, D.M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.C.D.(C)
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Supplement to August/September 2011 issue of Dispatch magazine
for the Use of
Ionizing Radiation
in Dentistry
Ernest W.N. Lam, D.M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.C.D.(C)
Dr. Ernest Lam is an Associate Professor, and the Graduate Program Director and
Head of the Discipline of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at the Faculty of Dentistry
of the University of Toronto.
Radiology is a diagnostic test, and in
and technologically-produced sources
the use of ionizing radiation. Therefore,
Radiation is potentially harmful.
power industries. In total, human
oral and maxillofacial radiology should
Unfortunately, the manifestation of this
populations are subject to between 3
be performed thoughtfully and
harm may not be realized for upwards of
milli-Sievert (mSv) and 4 mSv of
responsibly, minimizing radiation dose
10 to 20 years; this is the so-called latent
background radiation per year,
to the patient, but maximizing
period of radiation injury1. Therefore, it
depending on their geographic location
diagnostic benefit.
is important for dentists to have a basic
on the planet.
Today, dentists have a wide range of
understanding of x radiation so that
In humans, x radiation interacts
imaging modalities from which to
their patients, and in particular children
primarily with water molecules, and the
choose. For many diagnostic dilemmas
and adolescents, are not placed in
result of these interactions is the
dentistry, this test almost always involves
derived from the nuclear weapons and
encountered in the practice of dentistry,
unnecessary risk from radiologic
generation of molecular intermediaries
periapical, bitewing, or panoramic
procedures that may be performed today
called free radicals1. Free radicals are
radiography may be appropriate, and all
in their offices.
relatively unstable atoms or molecules
that may be required to help formulate a
Discussions of radiation dose and risk
that contain at least one unpaired
patient diagnosis. In the past decade,
should begin by defining the units of
electron. Their production can initiate a
dentistry, and oral and maxillofacial
radiation measurement. The term
cascade of events throughout the cell,
radiology in particular, has seen the
“exposure” is often, but incorrectly, used
damaging cellular macromolecules
introduction of numerous computer-
as a synonym for “human exposure.”
including DNA, proteins and enzymes,
based digital imaging technologies.
Rather, the word “dose” should be used
lipid, and carbohydrate molecules.
Many practitioners have replaced film-
to quantify “human exposure.”
Although mammalian cells have a
based techniques with digital ones, and
Radiation absorbed dose is measured in
significant capacity to repair radiation
the recent introduction of three-
Gray (abbreviated Gy). A related unit, the
damage, damage to DNA in the form of
dimensional volumetric or cone beam
Sievert (abbreviated Sv), is used to
double strand breaks may be more
computed tomography (CBCT) in
measure radiation dose equivalent, the
difficult to repair. In some instances,
dentistry has generated both widespread
product of absorbed dose (in Gy) and a
DNA can be misrepaired, and this may
excitement and concern as strategies are
quality factor that reflects the potency of
result in point mutations and
developed for incorporating this novel
a particular ionizing radiation. For x rays,
chromosomal aberrations, both of which
technology into patient care.
the quality factor is 1, so for all intents
have been linked to the development of
The radiologic examination, whether it
and purposes, Gy and Sv may be used
cancer in cells, laboratory animals and
involves one or multiple modalities,
interchangeably when referring to doses
humans2. Indeed, there is direct evidence
should be designed to address a
from x radiation.
from epidemiologic studies that organ
particular diagnostic concern; there is no
Humans are subjected to a variety of
such thing as a “one size fits all” type of
naturally occurring radiations during
imaging modality. Therefore modalities
their lifetimes, and these cannot be
such as CBCT should be seen as an
controlled1. Cosmic rays, cosmogenic
doses corresponding to common medical
CT studies can result in an increased risk
of cancer development; evidence that is
reasonably convincing for adults and
very convincing for children. And as
addition rather than a replacement for
radionuclides and terrestrial sources,
older, more classic techniques.
including radon (222Rn), constitute the
Understanding the scope and limitations
greatest proportion of annual human
of what the imaging modalities can bring
radiation doses. Less significant sources
to patient care is an important first step
also include technologically-enhanced
in ensuring that oral and maxillofacial
sources (including the burning of fossil
radiology is practised in a safe and
fuels, the use of phosphate fertilizers and
Phantoms are often used to estimate
responsible way.
some building materials, and air travel),
radiation absorbed dose from various
individual organ doses from some dental
CBCT systems3,4 either approach or
exceed organ doses from medical CT, this
is a topic of considerable significance
(Table 1).
Considerations for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Dentistry
Table 1
Selected organ doses corresponding to oral and maxillofacial radiology examinations‡
Bone marrow
Thyroid gland
Salivary gland
134 mSv
550 mSv
4110 mSv
4 Bitewing radiographs
(ANSI F speed film or
PSP with rectangular
4 mSv
0 mSv
156 mSv
Panoramic radiograph
(assorted CCD#-based
up to 20 mSv
up to 67 mSv
up to 761 mSv
Lateral cephalometric
skull radiograph with a
PSP sensor
5 mSv
45 mSv
80 mSv
PA cephalometric skull
radiograph with a PSP
11 mSv
30 mSv
55 mSv
82 to 1542 mSv
183 to 10042 mSv
956 to 11833 mSv
105 (l) to 147 (p) mSv
183 (l) to 283 (p) mSv
1250 (l) to 1836 (p) mSv
466 (6”) to 1542 mSv (12”)
1300 (6”) to 10042 (12”) mSv
9006 (6”) to 11833 (12”) mSv
1031 mSv
3700 mSv
15300 mSv
Full mouth series (ANSI F
speed film or PSP* with
round collimation)
Cone beam CT
(large field)
Imaging Sciences iCAT
Hitachi CB Mercuray
64 slice medical spiral CT
(p): portrait mode
(l): landscape mode
‡Adapted from Ludlow et al3 and Ludlow and Ivanovic4
*photostimulatable phosphor
#charge-coupled device
radiologic examinations. One well-
defined within the RANDO® MAN head
whole body, radiation scientists have
known radiologic phantom is the
and neck, and data from these sites are
defined the absorbed dose equivalent as
RANDO® MAN, manufactured by
used to calculate radiation doses to the
the summed products of a weighting
Alderson Research Laboratories (Salem,
various organs and tissues here. This
factor for a tissue, T, (WT), absorbed dose
NY). RANDO® MAN is a human skeleton
methodology has been used extensively
(derived from the RANDO® MAN
embedded into a material that absorbs
in radiation dose estimates to the oral
phantom) to a tissue (DT) and the
radiation similar to that of soft tissue. As
and maxillofacial region (Table 1)3-8.
fraction of a tissue irradiated in the
many as 25 organ locations may be
To relate individual organ doses to the
imaging volume (FT). Tissue weighting
24.3 mSv, depending on the system being
evaluated. For lateral cephalometric
Table 2
radiography using a photostimulatable
Effective dose corresponding to oral and maxillofacial radiology examinations‡
phosphor (PSP) digital sensor, the
radiation absorbed dose equivalent has
Effective Dose
Full mouth series (ANSI F speed film or
PSP with round collimation)
been estimated to be approximately 5.6
mSv6,7. In contrast, radiation absorbed
170.7 mSv 4
dose equivalents vary widely for CBCT
examinations; 5.3 mSv for a small field of
Bitewing radiographs (ANSI F speed film
or PSP with rectangular collimation)
5.0 mSv
height, centred in the anterior maxilla
Panoramic radiograph (assorted CCDbased systems)
up to 24.3 mSv
Lateral cephalometric skull radiograph
with a PSP sensor
5.6 mSv
PA cephalometric skull radiograph with a
PSP sensor
5.1 mSv
Cone beam CT (large field)
Imaging Sciences iCAT
Hitachi CB Mercuray
view, 5 cm in diameter by 3.7 cm in
(Ludlow, unpublished data) to 1073 mSv
for a 12 inch field of view centred on the
head using the maximum quality setting
for this system3,4,7 (Table 2). The very
large differences can be explained on the
basis of the size of the field-of-view, the
tissues contained within the field-ofview, the operating kVp and mA of the
68 to 1073 mSv
74 (l) to 87 (p) mSv
407 (6”) to 1073 (12”) mSv
x-ray tube, and whether the system
delivers x radiation as a pulsed or
continuous beam. Each one of these
64 slice medical spiral
CT 860 mSv
factors can substantially modify the dose
calculation8 and greatly impact the
(p): portrait mode
(l): landscape mode
‡Adapted from Ludlow et al3 and Ludlow and Ivanovic4
patient. Therefore, it is imperative that
dentists choose appropriate exposure
parameters (kVp, mA, exposure time) for
all imaging examinations, whether
factors are numerical values that are
be 84 mSv5. Using the most recent 2007
periapical or CBCT, based on patient size
defined by the International
ICRP tissue weighting factors, the
(child and adult) and region of interest
Commission on Radiological Protection
absorbed dose equivalent for this
(i.e. anterior versus posterior, mandible
(ICRP), and they are reviewed
radiologic examination is now 388 mSv6;
versus maxilla).
periodically based on current organ
more than four times the value
Unfortunately, radiation dosimetry data
radiobiological information. Recently,
calculated in 1992. The absorbed dose
is sometimes presented in overly
there have been substantial increases to
equivalent for the same examination
simplistic terms by comparing various
various tissue weighting factors, and
with ANSI F speed film decreases the
dose levels to common life experiences
these have lead to dramatic increases in
dose to 170.7mSv. And when rectangular
or other imaging modalities. The
radiation dose calculations9. For
collimation is used with ANSI F speed
comparison of the radiation dose from a
example, almost 20 years ago in 1992,
film, the dose decreases further to 34.9
panoramic radiography to days spent in
the radiation absorbed dose equivalent
mSv. Indeed, these decreases are dramatic.
the sun is inappropriate because it
calculated for a full mouth series of intra-
For extra-oral imaging, the current
assumes that the two types of radiation
oral radiographs using a 70 kVp and 10
radiation absorbed dose equivalent for
(x radiation and ultraviolet radiation)
mA x-ray beam, American National
panoramic radiography using a charge-
impart the same type of biological
Standards Institute (ANSI) D speed film
coupled device (CCD) digital sensor has
damage. While both forms of radiation
been reported to be up to approximately
impact on cellular macromolecules, they
and round collimation was reported to
Considerations for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Dentistry
ANSI D speed film and round
collimation are used. For CBCT
Table 3
examinations, the calculated risks range
from 4 fatal cancers per million CBCT
Probability of X in a million fatal cancers corresponding to oral and
maxillofacial radiology examinations‡
examinations to as high as 59. Indeed,
for some CBCT systems, the risks of
Full mouth series (ANSI F speed film or
PSP with round collimation)
developing a fatal cancer are comparable
to contemporary medical CT machines
(47), and this has many concerned
4 Bitewing radiographs (ANSI F speed
film or PSP with rectangular collimation)
(Table 3).
Although the radiation absorbed doses
Panoramic radiograph (assorted CCDbased systems)
up to 1.3
Lateral cephalometric skull radiograph
with a PSP sensor
PA cephalometric skull radiograph with a
PSP sensor
from some oral and maxillofacial
radiologic procedures are low, they are
not zero. This means that the risks are
also not zero. Therefore, it is essential
that dental practitioners use every
available means at their disposal to
ensure that radiation doses to patients,
Cone beam CT (large field)
Imaging Sciences iCAT
Hitachi CB Mercuray
particularly children and adolescents, are
4 to 59
4 (l) to 6 (p)
22 (6”) to 59 (12”)
kept as low as reasonably achievable,
balancing patient risk with diagnostic
benefit. This fundamental principle of
64 slice medical spiral CT
radiation protection, abbreviated ALARA,
states that radiation is potentially
(p): portrait mode
(l): landscape mode
‡Adapted from Ludlow et al3 and Ludlow and Ivanovic4
harmful, and therefore, human
exposures should be continuously
monitored and controlled. Furthermore,
no exposures should be permitted
do so in very different ways. Moreover,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and from
without considering the benefits that
the cellular mechanisms required to
radiation workers in the nuclear
may be derived from that exposure, and
repair this damage is also different .
industry . These data together with new
the relative risks of alternative
More recently, comparisons of dosimetric
dose data from different imaging
data from CBCT examinations have been
modalities3,4,6, form the basis for the
made with radiation doses from other
development of radiation risk injury
imaging modalities such as panoramic
estimates and ultimately, radiation
radiography. Since CBCT and panoramic
protection guidelines worldwide1. The
Radiation doses to patients are most
radiography have different purposes,
“injury” referred to here is commonly
effectively controlled by making prudent
comparisons such as this are overly-
the development of a fatal cancer.
decisions about the need and scope of
simplistic, and potentially misleading.
Currently, risk estimates range from the
radiography based on clinical need. In
And as such, they should be avoided.
development of 0.3 fatal cancers per
1983, the United States Food and Drug
The effects of high radiation doses on
million series of 4 bitewing radiographs
Administration (USFDA) convened a
human populations has been studied
made with a PSP digital sensor or
panel of clinicians and radiation
primarily in two population groups: the
American National Standards Institute
scientists to develop radiographic
survivors of the atomic bombs at
(ANSI) F speed film and rectangular
selection criteria for dental patients12.
collimation, to 21 fatal cancers when
These criteria were developed as
Table 413
Clinical situations for which radiographs may be indicated, but not limited to:
Positive historical findings
Positive clinical signs or symptoms
Previous periodontal or endodontic treatment
Clinical evidence of periodontal disease
History of pain or trauma
Large or deep restorations
Familial history of dental anomalies
Deep carious lesions
Post-operative evaluation of healing
Malposed or clinically impacted teeth
Remineralization monitoring
Presence of implants or evaluation for implant placement
Evidence of dental/facial trauma
Mobility of teeth
Sinus tract (“fistula”)
Clinically suspected sinus pathology
Growth abnormalities
Oral involvement in known or suspected systemic disease
Positive neurologic findings in the head and neck
Evidence of foreign objects
Pain and/or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint
Facial asymmetry
Abutment teeth for fixed or removable partial prosthesis
Unexplained bleeding
Unexplained sensitivity of teeth
Unusual eruption, spacing or migration of teeth
Unusual tooth morphology, calcification or colour
Unexplained absence of teeth
Clinical erosion
guidelines rather than strict
convened in 200413 by the United States
useful. Moreover, most, if not all of these
requirements or regulations, and
Department of Health and Human
can only become known to the dentist
provided practitioners with a list of
Services (the United States Public Health
after a patient interview and clinical
historical as well as clinical signs or
Service and the USFDA) and the
examination (Table 4). Therefore, the
symptoms that when identified,
guidelines were reviewed in light of
decision to prescribe radiography
indicated a possible need for
evidence from the previous 21 years on
without having examined a patient is
radiography. The guidelines endorse the
the nature and cause of disease in the
not considered responsible.
doctrine of risk versus benefit; that the
jaws. The 2004 revised guidelines now
Adoption of the guidelines has
potential risk of a proposed radiological
recognize 6 positive historical findings,
been alarmingly slow by both
procedure is justified if there is a net
and 22 positive clinical signs and
dental practitioners and academic
benefit to the patient. A new panel was
symptoms for which radiographs may be
Considerations for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Dentistry
institutions14-16. One explanation for
odontogenic cysts representing only
published evidence supporting the use of
this may be that dentists fear the threat
1.01% of accessions. For non-
CBCT; more research needs to be done in
of litigation should they fail to identify
odontogenic cysts, the nasopalatine duct
this regard. The SEDENTEXCT panel has,
a quiescent, intra-osseous abnormality.
cyst is the most common.
therefore, taken a cautious, conservative
Some dentists argue that always making
A review of some 30 million health
approach to making recommendations
a full mouth series of intra-oral
insurance records in the United States
for imaging. Of the recommendations
radiographs or a panoramic radiograph
suggests that the detection of quiescent
that the panel has indicated to be “best
to screen for quiescent disease is an
disease in asymptomatic patients given
practice”, two general themes stand out.
effective way of ensuring nothing is
economic and radiobiological costs, and
First, should three-dimensional imaging
missed. This is an unfounded fear, and
the morbidity and mortality to patients
have been performed in the past using
unsupported in the literature. Of course,
is not, in fact, justified22. Indeed, in the
medical CT, the panel suggests that
this type of approach also presupposes
oral and maxillofacial radiology
CBCT may be a better option for patients
that the dentist is capable of interpreting
literature, where the use of selection
because of the lower radiation absorbed
any abnormality should one actually be
criteria has been studied extensively,
doses. And second, the size of the
there is now a sizeable base of evidence
When considering the need for
supporting their use
radiography in the absence of clinical
suggest that when selection criteria are
After careful consideration of a patient’s
signs or symptoms, one must consider
carefully used, only a small number of
imaging needs following a thorough
several factors: the prevalence of such
entities are missed, most of which are
clinical examination, image acquisition
lesions in the jaws, the probability that
resorbed roots, retained primary tooth
can then begin. As was the case with
the presence of such a lesion would fail
roots, hypercementoses and dense bone
image selection, continued consideration
to produce a clinically-detectable sign or
islands. Some of these entities require no
is required to ensure that the principles
symptom, and whether the presence of
additional management whatsoever. The
of ALARA are preserved during image
such a lesion would influence
guidelines also discourage radiography at
management (a Stafne submandibular
predetermined, regular time intervals
defect is an example of an abnormality
(i.e. the making of a panoramic
that would have no bearing on patient
radiograph every 5 years in
management) . Central intra-osseous
asymptomatic patients); there is no
For many years, film-based intra-oral
jaw lesions have an approximately 85%
evidence base for this practice.
radiography with its very high image
likelihood of occurring in the apical
The SEDENTEXCT project28, a European
. These studies
imaging field should be limited to only
the area of interest, and not beyond.
areas of the teeth, and are primarily
consortium of oral and maxillofacial
odontogenic in origin. An additional 7%
radiologists and radiation physicists have
of these are reported to be
recently released their version 2.0 of
developmental in origin, and the
their evidence-based guidelines
remaining 8% are said to form the basis
document for CBCT use. This document
of whether or not to conduct a
has gathered evidence for the use of
radiographic examination12. As a group,
CBCT in a wide range of clinical
odontogenic tumours are rare. Surveys of
scenarios in oral and maxillofacial
anatomic pathology services report
imaging. Among the topics discussed are
tumour incidences ranging from 0.7% to
imaging of the developing dentition,
2.7% of all accessions17-21. Odontogenic
restoring the dentition, and oral and
cysts are more common, with an
maxillofacial surgical and orthodontic
incidence of approximately 17.20%. Of
applications. Unfortunately, for many of
these accessions, the largest percentage
these applications, there is little
of cysts are radicular cysts with non-
resolution has been used as the gold
standard for oral and maxillofacial
radiography. In more recent years, the
slower and less sensitive ANSI D speed
emulsion film has been replaced by the
faster and more sensitive ANSI F speed
emulsion film. ANSI F speed emulsion is
approximately 60% more sensitive to
radiation than is ANSI D speed emulsion,
which translates to a 60% decrease in
radiograph exposure times; a
considerable dose savings to the
patient29. This decrease has not, however,
impacted on image resolution, which has
been reported to be at least 20 line pairs
per millimetre (lp/mm). Indeed, there are
now numerous in vitro studies that have
display an image resolution of at least 20
demonstrated the diagnostic quality of
lp/mm. The median resolutions of
ANSI F speed film to be equivalent to
several CCD and CMOS sensors have
CBCT technology, first described in 1998
been reported to be as low as
for applications in dentistry, employs a
In many practices, digital sensors are
approximately 11 lp/mm in various in
cone-shaped x-ray beam and a planar
replacing radiographic film as image
vitro studies. In contrast, PSP sensor
digital sensor41. During image
receptors. Three digital receptors
resolutions are reported to be even lower
acquisition, both the radiation source
and sensor rotate around the stationary
that of ANSI D speed film
technologies are now widely available for
at approximately 8 lp/mm. The newest
both intra- and extra-oral imaging; the
generations of CCD and PSP sensors
patient. There are two general classes of
CBCT systems; ones that employ small
solid state charge-coupled device (CCD),
have recently achieved tested resolutions
the complementary metal oxide
of greater than 20 lp/mm and 13 lp/mm,
fields of view with dimensions of 8 cm or
semiconductor (CMOS), and the
respectively, rivalling ANSI F speed
less and large fields of view machines
photostimulatable phosphor plate
with dimensions of greater than 8 cm.
(PSP)34. There are many reasons why
The mean resolution of film-based
Unlike projection radiography, a CBCT
system captures the anatomy of the area
dentists might consider digital imaging
panoramic systems has been reported to
technology in their practices. These may
vary between approximately 7 lp/mm to
being imaged as three-dimensional
include ease of image manipulation
11 lp/mm, depending on the type of
volume elements, or voxels. The
following exposure, increased
intensifying screen used in the cassette.
anatomy can then be viewed as two-
productivity, elimination of darkroom
In comparison with intra-oral film-based
dimensional planar images reformatted
chemicals and environmental chemical
radiography or some digital intra-oral
along straight or curved planes to display
waste, and radiation dose reduction35.
systems, this difference is substantial.
the internal anatomy of the region of
The pros and cons of digital intra-oral
The resolution of digital panoramic
interest. Small field-of-view systems
employ pixel dimensions as low as
radiographic systems is addressed more
systems has been reported to be less than
comprehensively elsewhere36. Indeed it
10 lp/mm40. Given the relatively poor
0.076 mm while the larger field
has been reported that the mean
resolution of panoramic systems in
machines employ pixel dimensions of
effective radiation dose reduction when
general, they should not be the first
up to 0.40 mm.
using intra-oral digital sensors is
choice for depicting fine bony
The centre of the imaging field
approximately 55% compared with ANSI
architecture, or the architecture of
determines what tissues may potentially
D speed film35,37. It should be noted that
periradicular structures such as the
be irradiated. As we have discussed
intra-oral CCD and CMOS sensors have
periodontal ligament space or the lamina
earlier, position of the imaging field may
smaller active surface areas than film or
dura. Moreover, the production of ghost
have a substantial bearing on patient
PSP sensors, so more images may be
images and the superimposition of the
radiation dose. Although radiation dose
required to cover the same anatomical
cervical spine may obscure key areas,
considerations are of particular concern
area within the oral cavity, thus reducing
particularly in the anterior mandible and
for large field-of-view 3D imaging, they
the potential for greater dose savings.38
maxillae. The notion of panoramic
are less so for small volume CBCT. For
In contrast, substantial dose reductions
imaging replacing periapical or bitewing
small field systems, the effective
have not been found for digital
radiography, or as a “screening tool”,
radiation doses have been reported to
panoramic imaging over film-based
should be considered inappropriate
range from approximately 5.3 mSv to
radiographs with rare Earth intensifying
given the inherent artefacts of
38.3 mSv (Ludlow, unpublished). Since
panoramic imaging, the lower image
radiation effective dose calculations are
Image resolution is one issue that does
resolution, and the discussion above,
based on the volume and sensitivity of
separate film-based imaging from digital
regarding the use of radiography for the
tissues contained within the imaging
sensor technologies. As we have stated
detection of quiescent disease.
volume, regional variations in dose
calculations are normal. For large field
earlier, ANSI F speed film emulsions
Considerations for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Dentistry
CBCT systems, depending on the system,
radiation dose to the patient by
responsibility of the user to determine
the effective dose may range from 68
approximately 1.5 times43. Therefore, the
the field size based on the area of
mSv to 1073 mSv3,4,7. This very large
use of long collimation is the preferred
interest. Indeed, the SEDENTEXCT28
range can be attributed to the operating
guidelines for the use of CBCT suggest
kVp and mA of the different machines,
A further refinement to the concept of
that the smallest field size that is
the field of view sizes and the mode in
collimation is the replacement of the
compatible with the clinical
which the radiation is delivered (pulsed
round cross sectional opening of the
investigation should be used; a best
collimator with one that has a
practice, in their opinion.
or constant output).
rectangular cross-section; an area not
When an x-ray beam exits the housing of
an x-ray unit, the size, shape and spread
of the beam is restricted by a device
called a collimator. For intra-oral x-ray
systems, collimators (formerly and
incorrectly referred to as “cones”) of
varying lengths are available. Collimator
length determines the distance between
the x-ray target in the x-ray tube housing
and the exit point of the collimator and
the degree of spread of the x-ray beam.
Shorter units provide collimation of 8
inches or less, and produce x-ray beams
that are more divergent at the beam
periphery than collimators that provide
12 or 16 inch distances between the xray source and the collimator opening.
The more divergent x-rays that exit the
housing of shorter collimators interact
with the skin to a greater degree, and
impart an additional dose to the patient.
Furthermore, the more divergent
components of the x-ray beam produce
more distortion of the image and reduce
image contrast42. A unit that provides for
longer collimation allows only the most
parallel-running components of the xray beam to exit the collimator,
absorbing many of the more divergent
components in its walls. Longer
collimation also generates an image that
is less distorted. The most significant
difference, however, between the use of
long and short collimators is the
observation that when short collimators
are used, this increases the effective
substantially larger than the surface area
of an ANSI size 2 film. Health Canada’s
Safety Code 3043 dictates that the intraoral x-ray beam should be no larger than
a circle corresponding to 7 cm in
diameter or a rectangle of no more than
38.5 cm2. Indeed, the National
Commission on Radiologic Protection’s
Report 145 has a more stringent
guideline, indicating that rectangular
collimation should be routinely used for
periapical radiography unless patient
cooperation and/or anatomy preclude
the effective use of a position indicating
devices45. The rectangular restriction has
been reported to decrease patient
radiation absorbed dose by a factor of
between 4 to 5 times without an
impacting image quality46. For bitewing
radiography, the use of rectangular
Lead aprons are recommended for use for
radiography by Health Canada Safety
Code 30, although the physical
requirements for the apron are not welldescribed44. For panoramic imaging,
coverage is recommended for both the
front and rear of the patient, although
this document does not indicate how far
toward the feet this coverage should
extend. Consequently, there are many
different lead aprons available. These
may cover the entire front of the body,
the front and back of the body to the
pelvis, or only to the chest, and may
incorporate different thicknesses of lead.
Aprons may also incorporate a thyroid
collar, or this may be purchased
separately from the apron.
collimation may be difficult, but it is not
As conventional dental x-ray beams are
impossible. For the larger ANSI 4 size
very highly collimated, the role of the
film that is used for adult occlusal
lead apron is not to protect the patient
radiography, the use of rectangular
against irradiation by the primary
collimation may not be possible.
beam47. Rather, lead aprons are used to
For panoramic and skull imaging, the
x-ray beams are typically determined by
the manufacturers, and are not
adjustable, even if the patient is small.
This has the effect of increasing doses to
areas of the skull such as the orbits and
cervical spine for panoramic imaging,
and the cranial cavity and cervical spine
for skull imaging. For CBCT systems,
many different field of view sizes are
available on these machines, and it is the
protect the gonadal tissues against
scattered radiation that could potentially
affect genetic material contained there.
Using a lead apron incorporating 0.25
mm lead, Wood et al47 found that for
maxillary vertex occlusal and periapical
exposures made with a round collimator,
the dose to the gonadal tissues was the
same, whether or not a lead apron was
used; 0.01±0.01 mGy (10 mGy). Since
control dosimeter readings were also 0.01
mGy, their results suggested that the
The routine use of lead aprons is
dentistry since the majority of dentists
doses were so low that they were less
considered commonplace in dental
act as their own oral and maxillofacial
than the detection threshold of the
clinics. It is likely, then, that if a patient
dosimeter. The authors cautioned that
is not covered by a lead apron, that they
With the introduction of CBCT systems
they would still recommend the use of a
may question the dentist why one is not
in dentistry, the potential to do harm is
lead apron incorporating 0.25 mm of
being used. It is recommended, however,
considerably greater now than ever
lead for protection of breast tissue from
that thyroid collars be used whenever
before because of the higher effective
scattered radiation. Extrapolating this to
possible, particularly in children and
doses imparted by this new modality.
panoramic radiography, it would be
adolescents, unless the region of interest
Should these examinations be directed
reasonable that the apron should cover
becomes obscured by the collar.
toward children and adolescents, the
the front and the back of the patient to
the level of chest.
Perhaps of greater importance than the
absorption of scattered radiation to the
gonadal tissues is the absorption of
scattered radiation to the thyroid gland,
a relatively radiosensitive organ in the
head and neck. Sikorski and Taylor
measured this dose using a RANDO®
MAN phantom, and in children and
adults undergoing full mouth series and
panoramic radiography in dental offices.
For intra-oral and panoramic
radiography, these workers reported a
mean thyroid dose reduction of 24% and
60%, respectively, when a thyroid collar,
incorporating 0.3 mm of lead, was used.
Furthermore, in their patient study, these
workers found mean dose reductions of
58% between offices that used thyroid
collars and those that did not.
Although some radiation protection
agencies such as the NCRP suggest that
lead aprons may not be necessary if
radiation protection guidelines are
stringently followed45 (i.e. the judicious
use of selection criteria, digital receptors
or ANSI F speed film, and 16 inch
rectangular collimators), few practices are
able to comply with all three
Good clinical decision-making,
most vulnerable in our population, the
resources and recommendations of
Image Gently could not be more timely.
particularly, when it comes to radiation
use, can sometimes be a daunting task.
Radiography is not a diagnostic test that
Two internet resources have recently
should be performed routinely. Rather,
been developed to help both the
radiography should be ordered only after
clinician and the patient in this regard.
completing a clinical examination, and
Image Wisely is the radiation use
when a historical finding, or a clinical
awareness campaign of the American
sign or symptom suggests the presence of
College of Radiology, the Radiological
an abnormality that requires further
Society of North America, the American
investigation. When imaging is
Association of Physicists in Medicine,
indicated, every effort should be made to
and the American Society of Radiologic
design the examination so that the
Technologists49. It encourages
radiation dose to the patient is kept as
practitioners to use the lowest, optimal
low as reasonably achievable. The design
radiation dose for radiologic
of such an examination should consider
examinations that are necessary for
the size, location, perceived nature and
patients, and to avoid unnecessary
accessibility of the abnormality, x-ray
examinations. Image Gently is a
receptor sensitivity, x-ray beam output
campaign of the Alliance for Radiation
area or field-of-view size, technical
Safety in Pediatric Imaging50. This
factors (e.g. kVp, mA and exposure time),
campaign, in particular, raises awareness
and lead coverage, all of which have the
for imaging and safety of the pediatric
potential to impact on patient dose. In
population. Both campaigns provide
the final analysis, responsible radiologic
viewable and downloadable information
decision-making practices should yield a
on their websites that guide practitioners
benefit to the patient and ultimately,
in the careful selection of technical
influence their management.
criteria for which to acquire images (i.e.
kVp and mA). Moreover, both encourage
requirements. One other reason,
practitioners to only scan the region of
although not quantifiable, for why lead
aprons should be used is for the
interest, and not areas peripheral to this.
Although these resources are directed at
psychological well-being of the patient.
physicians, they are no less relevant to
Considerations for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in Dentistry
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50. Image GentlyTM.
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