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Vocab by Chapter Chapter 1 Introspection Structuralism Functionalism Psychoanalytic theory Behaviorism Humanist perspective Chapter 2 Hindsight bias Applied research Basic research Hypothesis Independent variable Dependent variable Theory Operational definition Validity Reliability Sampling Sample Representative sample Random sample Stratified sampling Experiment Confounding variables Random assignment Controls Group-­‐matching Experimenter bias Double-­‐blind procedure Single-­‐blind procedure Response or participant bias Social desirability Hawthorne effect Placebo method Chapter 3 Neuroanatomy Neuron Dendrites Cell body (soma) Axon Myelin sheath Terminal buttons Neurotransmitters Synapse Receptor sites Threshold Biopsychology/neuroscience Evolutionary Behavioral perspective Cognitive perspective Social-­‐cultural Correlations (positive/negative) Survey Response rate Naturalistic observation Case study Descriptive statistics Frequency distribution Measures of central tendency Extreme scores/outliers Positive/negative skew Measures of variability (range, Standard deviation, variance) z-­‐score Normal curve Correlation coefficient Scatter plot Line of best fit/regression line Inferrential statistics Sampling error p-­‐value Statistical significance Institutional Review Board (IRB) Coercion Informed consent Anonymity Confidentiality Debriefing Action potential All-­‐or-­‐nothing principle Neural firing Excitatory neurotransmitters Inhibitory neurotransmitters Acetylcholine (ACh) Dopamine Endorphins Serotonin GABA Glutamate Afferent neurons (sensory) Efferent neurons (motor) Central nervous system Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic N.S. Parasympathetic N.S. Accidents Lesions Electroencephalogram (EEG) Computerized axial tomography (CAT/CT scan) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Positron emission tomography (PET) Functional MRI (fMRI) Hindbrain Medulla Pons Cerebellum Midbrain Reticular formation Forebrain Thalamus Chapter 4 Transduction Sensory adaptation Perceptual adaptation Cocktail-­‐party phenomenon Sensation Perception Energy senses Chemical sense Vision Cornea Pupil Lens Retina Accommodation Feature detectors Optic nerve Occipital lobe Visible light Rods and cones Fovea Blind spot Trichromatic theory Color blindness Opponent-­‐process theory Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus Limbic system Cerebral cortex Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Brain lateralization Corpus callosum Lobes Association area Frontal lobes Broca’s area Wernicke’s area Motor cortex Parietal lobes Sensory (somatosensory) cortex Occipital lobes Temporal lobes Brain/neural plasticity Endocrine system Adrenal glands Monozygotic twins Dizygotic twins Heritability Afterimages Hearing Sound waves Amplitude Frequency Cochlea Pitch theories Place theory Frequency theory Conduction deafness Nerve deafness Touch Gate-­‐control theory Taste Smell Vestibular sense Kinesthetic sense Absolute threshold Subliminal messages Difference threshold Weber’s law Signal detention theory Top-­‐down processing Perceptual set Bottom-­‐up processing Proximity Similarity Continuity Closure Chapter 5 Consciousness Levels of consciousness Conscious level Nonconscious level Preconscious level Subconscious level Unconscious level Sleep Sleep cycles Sleep stages REM sleep Sleep disorders Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep apnea Night terrors Dreams Freudian dream interpretation Dream analysis Chapter 6 Learning Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous recovery Generalization Discrimination Classical conditioning Pavlov Unconditioned stimulus Unconditioned response Conditioned stimulus Conditioned response Aversive conditioning Second-­‐order/higher conditioning Learned taste aversion (Garcia effect) Operant conditioning Skinner Law of Effect Thorndike Instrumental learning Skinner box Reinforcer/reinforcement Constancy Size constancy Shape constancy Brightness constancy Depth cues Manifest content Latent content Activation-­‐synthesis theory Information processing theory Hypnosis Posthypnotic amnesia Posthypnotic suggestion Role theory of hypnosis State theory of hypnosis Dissociation theory of hypnosis Psychoactive drugs Agonists Antagonists Tolerance Withdrawal Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens (psychedelics) Opiates Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Punishment Positive punishment Negative punishment Omission training Shaping Primary reinforcers Secondary reinforcers Generalized reinforcers Token economy Reinforcement schedules (FI, FR, VI, VR) Continuous reinforcement Partial-­‐reinforcement Instinctive shift Observational learning Bandura Modeling Vicarious reinforcement/punishment Latent learning Insight learning Little Albert Experiment (Watson)
Chapter 7 Memory Information-­‐processing model Levels of processing model Sensory memory Sperling Iconic memory Selective attention Echoic memory Short-­‐term/working memory Chunking Mnemonic devices Rehearsal Long-­‐term memory Episodic memory Procedural memory Semantic memory Explicit memory Semantic Episodic Implicit memory Procedural Emotional Eidetic/photographic memory Retrieval Recognition Recall Primacy effect Recency effect Serial positioning curve Tip-­‐of-­‐the-­‐tongue phenomenon Semantic network theory Encoding Visual Acoustic Chapter 8 Motivations Instincts Drive reduction theory Need Drive Primary drive Secondary drive Homeostasis Arousal theory Yerkes-­‐Dodson law Opponent-­‐process theory Semantic Ebbinghaus Flashbulb memories State-­‐dependent memory Mood-­‐dependent memory Constructed/reconstructed memory Relearning effect Retroactive interference Proactive interference Anterograde amnesia Retrograde amnesia Long-­‐term potentiation Phonemes Morphemes Syntax Language acquisition Overgeneralization/overregularization Language acquisition device Linguistic relativity hypothesis Whorf Chomsky Universal grammar Linguistic determinism Prototypes Images Algorithm Heuristic Representativeness heuristic Belief bias/perseverance Functional fixedness Convergent thinking Divergent thinking Availability heuristic Incentives Maslows’ hierarchy of needs Self-­‐actualization Lateral hypothalamus Ventromedial hypothalamus Set-­‐point theory Bulimia Anorexia Obesity Achievement motivation Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation Management theory Approach-­‐approach conflict Approach-­‐avoidance conflict Avoidance-­‐avoidance conflict Chapter 9 Developmental psychology Nature vs. nurture Cross-­‐sectional research Longitudinal research Teratogens Fetal alcohol syndrome Newborn reflexes Attachment Harlow’s attachment research Ainsworth’s strange situation Secure attachment Avoidant attachment Anxious/ambivalent attachment Authoritarian parents Permissive parents Authoritative parents Piaget Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operational Formal operational Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory Chapter 10 Personality Type A Type B Freud Oedipus crisis Unconscious Id Ego Superego Defense mechanism Oral stage Anal stage Phallic stage Genital stage Horney Womb envy Adler Inferiority complex James-­‐Lange theory of emotion Cannon-­‐Bard theory of emotion Two-­‐factor theory of emotion General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) Trust vs. mistrust Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Initiative vs. guilt Identity vs. role confusion Intimacy vs. isolation Generativity vs. stagnation Integrity vs. despair Schemata Assimilation Accommodation Object permanence Conservation Metacognition Kohlberg’s moral development Preconventional stage Conventional stage Postconventional stage Gender role Gender Gender identity Adolescence Identity achievement Jung Personal unconscious Collective unconscious Archetypes Free association Trait theorist Big five traits Factor analysis Heritability Temperament Somatotype theory Triadic reciprocality or reciprocal determinism Self-­‐efficacy Locus of control (interal/external) Self-­‐concept Self-­‐esteem Self-­‐actualization Unconditional positive regard Projective tests Rorschach test Thematic apperception test Chapter 11 Standardized test Norms Standardization sample Standard deviation Percentile Intelligence Quotient Stanford-­‐Binet General intelligence Savant syndrome Down syndrome Psychometrician Split-­‐half reliability Test-­‐retest reliability Validity Construct validity Chapter 12 Insane DSM Multiaxial approach Anxiety disorders Specific Phobia Agoraphobia Social phobia Generalized anxiety disorder Panic disorder Obsessive-­‐compulsive disorder Post-­‐traumatic stress disorder Somatoform disorders Hypochondriasis Conversion disorder Dissociative disorder Dissociative fugue Dissociative identity disorder Mood/affective disorders Major depressive disorders Seasonal affective disorder Dysthymic disorder/pervasive depressive disorder Bipolar disorder Self-­‐report inventories MMPI Myers-­‐Briggs Barnum effect Predictive validity Aptitude test Achievement test Intelligence Fluid intelligence Crystallized intelligence Spearman’s intelligence theory Gardner’s intelligence theory Sternberg’s intelligence theory Emotional intelligence Stanford-­‐Binet IQ test Weschler tests (WAIS, WISC, WPPSI) Normal distribution Heritability Flynn effect Learned helplessness Schizophrenic disorders Delusions of persecution Delusions of grandeur Hallucinations Disorganized schizophrenia Paranoid schizophrenia Catatonic schizophrenia Flat affect Undifferentiated schizophrenia Diathesis-­‐stress model Double blind Personality disorders Antisocial PD Dependent PD Paranoid PD Narcissistic PD Histrionic PD Obsessive compulsive PD Autism Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Rosenhahn study Oppositional defiant disorder Conduct disorder Chapter 13 Deinstitutionalization Prevention Psychotherapy Psychoanalysis Free association Resistance Transference Insight therapies Humanistic therapies Rogers’ client centered therapy Unconditioned positive regard Active listening Gestalt therapy Existential therapy Behavioral therapies Counterconditioning Systematic desensitization Anxiety hierarchy Flooding Aversive conditioning Chapter 14 Attitude Mere exposure effect Central route to persuasion Peripheral route to persuasion Cognitive dissonance Festinger and Carlsmith experiment Foot-­‐in-­‐the-­‐door Door-­‐in-­‐the-­‐face Reciprocity norms Attribution theory Self-­‐fulfilling prophecy External/Situational attributions Internal/Personal attributions Collectivistic vs. individualistic cultures False-­‐consensus effect Self-­‐serving bias Stereotype Prejudice Ethnocentrism Just-­‐world bias Discrimination Out-­‐group homogeneity In-­‐group bias Scapegoat phenomenon Frustration-­‐aggression hypothesis Bystander effect Diffusion of responsibility Token economy Cognitive therapies Attributional style Beck’s cognitive therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Ellis’ rational emotive behavior therapy Group therapies Somatic therapies Psychopharmacology Antipsychotic drugs Antidepressants Antianxiety drugs Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery Psychiatrists Clinical psychologists Counseling psychologists Psychoanalysts Resilience Deindividuation Pluralistic ignorance Attraction research Social facilitation Social impairment Conformity Asch experiment Obedience Milgram experiment Group norms Social loafing Group polarization Groupthink Zimbardo’s prison experiment Sherif’s Boy Scout camp experiment Superordinate goals Halo effect Minority influence Social controls Self-­‐disclosure Altruism Self-­‐fulfilling prophecy Cognitive dissonance 
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