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Drexel University
LeBow College of Business
Marketing Department
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Fax 215-821-6975
Tel: 215-821-2145
Email: [email protected]
Marketing (expected 2014)
Candidate LeBow College of Business, Drexel University
“The Brand is Mine: Development and Validation of a Measure of Brand Ownership”
(Advisor: Dr. Hyokjin Kwak)
Mass Communication (2008)
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington
Business English (2000)
Beihang University, Beijing, China
Teaching and Research Assistant
Department of Marketing, LeBow College of Business
Drexel University, PA
2008 Fall2009 Spring
Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies
Towson University, MD
Teaching and Research Assistant
Murrow College of Communication
Washington State University, WA
Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
July 2008–
June 2009
Health Insurance Associate
American Family Life Assurance Company (Aflac)
Towson, MD
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Research
Principles of Marketing
Marketing Channel
Brand and Reputation Management
Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Global Marketing/International Marketing
Marketing Channel & Distribution Systems
Principles of Marketing (Online)
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Public Speaking
Introduction to Mass Communication
Business English
Drexel University
Drexel University
Drexel University
Towson University
Washington State U
Beijing Union U
Winter 2013
Spring 2009
Brand Positioning Strategies / Brand Management
International and Cross-Cultural Branding
Social Media Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Hust, Stacey J. T., Ming Lei, Chunbo Ren, Hua Chang, Emily G. Marett, Anna Lazárová
McNab (2013). “The Effects of Sports Media Exposure on College Students’
Rape Myth Beliefs and Intentions to Intervene in a Sexual Assault,” Mass
Communication and Society, forthcoming.
Hust, Stacey J. T., Emily G. Marett, Ming Lei, Hua Chang, Chunbo Ren, Anna Lazárová
McNab, and Paula M. Adams (2012). "Health Promotion Messages in
Entertainment Media: Crime Drama Viewership and Intentions to Intervene in a
Sexual Assault Situation," Journal of Health Communication, 18 (1), 105-23.
(* invited for a revision)
* Chang, Hua, Hyokjin Kwak, Marina Puzakova, and Edit Smith (2012), "It’s No Longer
Mine: The Role of Brand Ownership in Brand Acquisition," Invited for a Revision
at International Journal of Advertising.
Hyokjin Kwak, Bert Rosenbloom, Trina Larsen Andras, and Hua Chang (2013), “When
Terminating Is Better than Sustaining in a Channel Relationship: A View from
Channel Management,” Under Review at Journal of Retailing.
Xie, Guangxin, Hua Chang, and Namika Sagara (2012), “Lying, Deception, and
Perspective,” Under second review at Journal of Consumer Research
(a Request to Resubmit a New from the Initial Version of the Manuscript).
Chang, Hua, Hyokjin Kwak, Marina Puzakova, and Charles R. Taylor (2013), “The
Brand is Mine: Development and Validation of a Brand Ownership Scale,” being
prepared for submission to Journal of Marketing Research.
Chang, Hua, Hyokjin Kwak, and Marina Puzakova (2013), “It Is Hard to Let It Go: The
Role of Promotional and Preventional Brand Ownership on Post-Acquisition
Brand Evaluations,” being prepared for submission to Journal of International
Chang, Hua, Hyokjin Kwak, and Marina Puzakova (2013), "Transformational Leadership
and Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Market Responsive
Capability and Innovativeness,” being prepared for submission to Journal of
Services Marketing.
Ramani, Girish, V Kumar, and Hua Chang (2013), "The Dynamic Impact of Fan Signups and Word-of-Mouth on Sales: Evidence from a Social Networking Website,"
being prepared for submission to Journal of Marketing.
Xie, Guangxing, Hua Chang and Namika Sagara (2013), “Do small lies hurt?
Dichotomous and continuous views of deception, honesty, and morality,” being
prepared for submission to Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Chang, Hua, Bert Rosenbloom, and Hyokjin Kwak (2013), "Toward a Better
Understanding of Customers’ Reactions to Online Service Failures: A
Psychological Contracts Perspective,” Innovating and Collaborating in a Global
Marketplace, Vol. 24, Rebecca Slotegraaf and David Griffith, eds., Chicago:
American Marketing Association, forthcoming.
Chang, Hua, Lingling Zhang, and Hyokjin Kwak (2013), " Message Framing in Green
Advertising: The Moderating Role of Construal Level,” Innovating and
Collaborating in a Global Marketplace, Vol. 24, Rebecca Slotegraaf and David
Griffith, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, forthcoming.
Ramani, Girish, V Kumar, and Hua Chang (2012), "The Dynamic Impact of Fan Signups and Word-of-Mouth on Sales: Evidence from a Social Networking Website",
Seeing Marketing Through Emerging Theoretical Lenses: A Focus on
Marketing's Organizational and Societal Roles, John Stuart Hulland and Sundar
Bharadwaj, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 377-378.
(Best Paper Award for Marketing Research and Analytics Track)
Chang, Hua and Daniel Korschun (2011), "When Brand Symbolism Matters: A Social
Identity Perspective," Advances in Consumer Research, 39, 869-870.
Xie, Guang-Xin, Hua Chang, and Namika Sagara (2011). "Perceived Deception: The
Role of Perspective-Taking," Advances in Consumer Research - Asia-Pacific
Conference Proceedings, 9, 349.
Chang, Hua (2011), "Transformational Leadership and Customer Satisfaction: The
Mediating Role of Market Responsive Capability and Innovativeness," Delivering
Value in Turbulent Times, Charles Noble and Stephanie Noble, eds., Chicago:
American Marketing Association.
Chang, Hua and Lingling Zhang (2011), "Revisiting Country of Origin Effect: Consumer
reactions to the Acquired Brand in Cross-Border Mergers and
Acquisitions", Delivering Value in Turbulent Times, Charles Noble and Stephanie
Noble, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association.
Xie, Guang-xin and Hua Chang (2010), “Maneuvering or Cheating? Perspective-taking
and Numerical Anchoring in Price Negotiation,” Advances in Consumer Research,
Vol. 38, Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar, and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer, eds.,
Jacksonville, FL
Xie, Guang-xin, Hua Chang, and Namika Sagara (2010), “Self-Concept Maintenance
Underlying Perspective-Taking in Shaping Perceptions of Cheating,” Society for
Judgment and Decision Making Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Chang, Hua*, Bert Rosenbloom, and Hyokjin Kwak (2013), "Toward a Better
Understanding of Customers’ Reactions to Online Service Failures: A
Psychological Contracts Perspective,” 2013 American Marketing Association
Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.
Chang, Hua*, Lingling Zhang, and Hyokjin Kwak (2013), "Message Framing in Green
Advertising: The Moderating Role of Construal Level,” 2013 American Marketing
Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL.
Ramani, Girish*, V Kumar, and Hua Chang (2012), "The Dynamic Impact of Fan Signups and Word-of-Mouth on Sales: Evidence from a Social Networking Website",
2012 American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, St.
Petersburg, FL.
(Best Paper Award for Marketing Research and Analytics Track)
Chang, Hua* and Daniel Korschun (2011), "When Brand Symbolism Matters: A Social
Identity Perspective," Advances in Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO.
Xie, Guang-Xin*, Hua Chang, and Namika Sagara (2011). "Perceived Deception: The
Role of Perspective-Taking," Advances in Consumer Research, Asia-Pacific
Conference, Beijing, China.
Chang, Hua* (2011), "Transformational Leadership and Customer Satisfaction: The
Mediating Role of Market Responsive Capability and Innovativeness," 2011
American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Chang, Hua* and Lingling Zhang (2011), "Revisiting Country of Origin Effect: Consumer
reactions to the Acquired Brand in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions", 2011
American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Xie, Guangxin and Hua Chang* (2010), “Maneuvering or Cheating? Perspective-taking
and Numerical Anchoring in Price Negotiation,” Advances in Consumer Research,
Jacksonville, FL.
Xie, Guang-xin*, Hua Chang, and Namika Sagara (2010), “Self-Concept Maintenance
Underlying Perspective-Taking in Shaping Perceptions of Cheating,” Society for
Judgment and Decision Making Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Zhang, Lingling* and Hua Chang (2010), “Internet Use and Young Citizens’ Political
Decision Making,” National Communication Association, Human Communication
and Technology Division, San Francisco, CA.
Hust, Stacey.J.T*., Ming Lei, Chunbo Ren, Hua Chang., Anna McNab, Emily Marett, and
Jessica Fitts (2009), “Sports programming and beliefs related to sexual
assault,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
Mass Communication & Society Division, Boston, Massachusetts.
Hust, Stacey.J.T.*, Emily Marett, Hua Chang., Ming Lei, Chunbo Ren, Anna McNab, and
Paula Adams (2009), “Positive benefits: An Exploratory Study of Crime Drama
Viewership and Sexual Assault Prevention,” Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, Entertainment Studies Interest Group,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Chang, Hua*, Lingling Zhang, and Bruce Pinkleton (2009),”Internet use, cynicism and
skepticism in young citizens' attitudes towards political Decision
making,” International Communication Association, Political Communication
Division, Chicago, IL.
Chang, Hua* and Lingling Zhang (2008), ”The impact of Internet use on political
decision making,” National Communication Association, Human Communication
and Technology Division, San Diego, CA.
(Top Paper Award)
Zhang, Lingling and Hua Chang* (2007), ”Chinese or Americans: Exploring Chinese
Americans’ identity negotiation process,” National Communication Association,
Intercultural Division, Chicago, IL.
Chang, Hua, Ryan Thomas*, Mary Antony, Dianna Conley, and Zheng Zhu (2007), “Blue
in Face? An analysis of media framing of Bill Clinton/Wallace interview on Fox
News,” National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Pinkleton, Bruce*, Erica Austin, Hua Chang, Francis Dalisay, Hanlong Fu, Evan
Gallagher, Jay Hmielowski, Yevgenia Solodovnikova, Ryan Thomas (2007),
“Cynicism versus skepticism in citizens’ attitudes toward the media and political
decision making,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication, Washington D.C.
2013 AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Travel Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, Drexel University, 2013
Best Paper Award, Marketing Research and Analytics Track at American Marketing
Association Educators' Conference Winter 2012
Travel Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, Drexel University, 2011
Top Paper Award, Human Communication and Technology Division at Annual
Convention of National Communication Association, San Diego, CA, 2008
Research Assistant, Drexel University, 2009 – Present
Research Assistant, Washington State University, 2006–2008
Teacher of the Year, Beijing Union University, 2002-2004
Runner-Up in Teaching Contest, Beijing Union University, 2001
Scholarship for Excellent Student Leadership, Beihang University, China, 1998-2000
Remin Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Beihang University, China, 1998-2000
Reviewer, Competitive Paper Session, ACR Conference, 2013
Reviewer, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, 2013
Reviewer, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, 2012
Reviewer, Global Marketing Conference, 2010-2012
Reviewer, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, 2011
Session Chair, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference, 2011
Reviewer, Poster Session, ACR Conference, 2011
Reviewer, Poster Session, ACR Conference, 2010
Association for Consumer Research
American Marketing Association
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