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Katie Massa and Jackie Cuccia
ELE 301- Dr. Conte
Edgewood Elementary School
Ms. Queen, Grade 5
Lesson Topic and Main Concept:
Classifying triangles 19.1
Lesson Essential Question:
Will students be able to classify triangles by the length of their sides and angles?
3. Standards:
New Jersey & PA Common Core Standards
Anchor Descriptor - M5.C.1.1: Define and/or use basic properties of quadrilaterals
(parallelograms, squares, rectangles, trapezoids, rhombi), triangles, circles, pyramids, cubes,
and/or prisms.
Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all
subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are
rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.
Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.
Learning Objectives and Assessments
Learning Objectives
Students will be able to classify triangles
by their angles.
Students will identify and draw isosceles, scalene,
and equilateral triangles.
Students will represent isosceles, scalene, and
equilateral triangles on geoboards.
Students will be able to classify triangles
by the length of their sides.
Students will identify and draw acute, right, and
obtuse triangles.
Students will represent acute, right, and obtuse
triangles on geoboards.
Students will be able to find the missing
angle in a triangle.
Students will solve problems to find the missing
angle in a triangle.
Classifying triangles song, Classifying triangles PowerPoint, Classifying triangles chart,
Classifying triangles charts, Discover the triangles worksheets, Geoboards, Rubber bands
Pre- lesson assignment and / or prior knowledge:
Students will have prior knowledge of polygons and sides and angles in a triangle.
Students will have prior knowledge of total degrees in a triangle.
Lesson Beginning:
The lesson will open with the classifying triangles song.
Instructional Plan:
a. Differentiation:
Students will be able to draw their triangles as well as represent their triangles using geoboards.
Students will work in groups assigned by the teacher. Each group member will achieve a
different level of mathematics.
b. Lesson Steps:
Students will have a discussion about the video and different triangles they saw in the
 The teacher will lead the students in a discussion about different classifications of
 The teacher will discuss the angles in triangles and the total degrees in a triangle.
Students will fill out the Classifying Triangles chart as classifications of triangles are
Students will then use their chart to complete the Discover Triangles worksheets.
 Students will pretend they are detectives and use clues to classify the triangle being
 As students complete the worksheets they will represent the different classifications of
triangles on their geoboards.
 Students will then complete problems in which they find the missing angle in a triangle.
c. Questions
What is a right triangle? Obtuse?
What information is needed to classify triangles by their sides? Angles?
How do you represent a scalene, right triangle?
How do you represent an obtuse, scalene triangle?
What is the missing angle in the triangle?
d. Classroom Management:
Students will remain in their seats until instructed to move. If students are not working with the
materials properly, the materials will be taken away. Students will raise their hand to answer and
ask questions.
9. Closure
Students will write their own triangle clues and give their clues to a partner to classify their