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Francesca Santoro
Brief CV
Francesca Santoro is currently Programme Specialist at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. She is currently the Technical Secretary of the North-Easter Atlantic,
Mediterranean and connected seas Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System (NEAMTWS) and
Head of the NEAM Tsunami Information Centre. She has been previously working for the EuroMediterranean Centre for Climate Change and for the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice where she has
been undertaking research activities on climate change adaptation in coastal zone. Moreover, she has
been lecturer at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice PhD Programme in Science and Management of
Climate Change, title of the course ‘Climate Change and Coastal Zone’. She has also been consultant for
the United Nations Environmental Programme – Mediterranean Action Plan, and for the International
Marine Centre. She has been working in a number of EU funded research and cooperation projects
mainly on integrated coastal zone management and climate change adaptation. She holds a PhD in
Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development, a MSc in Integrated Coastal Zone Management,
and an MSc in Environmental Sciences.
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