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Course Outline
Review Radicals, Factoring, FOIL
Chapter 1
*1.1The Building Blocks of Geometry
*1.2 Measuring Length
*1.3 Measuring Angles
*6.2 Spatial Relationships
*6.3 Prisms
*6.4 Coordinates in Three Dimensions
*6.5 Lines and Planes in Space
*6.6 Perspective Drawing
------ END OF SECOND 9 WEEKS -------
Chapter 12
*12.3 If-Then Statements
*12.4 Indirect Proof
Chapter 2
*2.1 An Introduction to Proofs
*2.2 An Introduction to Logic
*2.3 Definitions
*2.4 Properties
Chapter 7
*7.1 Surface Area & Volume
*7.2 Surface Area & Volume of Prisms
*7.3 Surface Area & Volume of Pyramids
*7.4 Surface Area & Volume of Cylinders
*7.5 Surface Area & Volume of Cones
*7.6 Surface Area & Volume of Spheres
*7.7 Three-Dimensional Symmetry
Chapter 3
*3.1 Polygons
*3.2 Quadrilaterals
*3.3 Parallel Lines
*3.4 Proofs with Parallel Lines
*3.5 Triangle Sum Theorem
*3.6 Angles in Polygons
*3.7 Midsegments
*3.8 Polygons
Chapter 8
*8.1 Dilations
*8.2 Similar Polygons
*8.3 Triangle Similarity
*8.4 The Side-Splitting Theorem
*8.5 Indirect Measurement & Similarity Theorems
*8.6 Area and Volume Ratios
--------- END OF FIRST 9 WEEKS -------*1.6 Motion in Geometry
Chapter 4
*4.1 Congruent Polygons
*4.2 Triangle Congruence
*4.3 Analyzing Triangle Congruence
*4.4 Using Triangle Congruence
*4.5 Proving Quadrilateral Properties
*4.6 Special Quadrilaterals
4.7 Constructions
*4.8 Transformations
Chapter 5
*5.1 Perimeter & Area
*5.2 Area
*5.3 Circumference & Area
*5.4 Pythagorean Theorem
*5.5 Special Triangles & Area
(Supplement with old textbook)
*5.6 Distance Formula
(Quadrature – Enriched Topic)
5.8 Geometric Probability
Chapter 6
*6.1 Solid Shapes
* indicates EOI topics
*1.5 Special Points in Triangles
Chapter 9
*9.1 Chords & Arcs
*9.2 Tangents to Circles
*9.3 Inscribed Angles & Arcs
*9.4 Secants & Tangents
*9.5 Tangents, Secants, & Chords
*9.6 Circles in the Coordinate Plane
------------ END OF THIRD 9 WEEKS -----------Chapter 10
*10.1 Tangent Ratios
*10.2 Sines and Cosines
*10.4 Law of Sines
*10.5 Law of Cosines
(Include Applications from the Above Sections)
Add: Area of Triangle = ½ ab sinC
Chapter 11
*11.3 Graph Theory
11.5 Non-Euclidian Geometry
Algebra Review
***** Reminder: Art/Music Obj must also be covered
Course Outline
Graphing & Writing Equations of Lines
------------- END OF FOURTH 9 WEEKS -------------
* indicates EOI topics
***** Reminder: Art/Music Obj must also be covered
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