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Learning Objective:
Today we are
going to analyze text that is
organized in sequential order.
•analyze=study the different parts of
•sequential(sequence)=order in which things happen
What are we going to analyze
Text in sequential order!
It is important to analyze text in sequential
order because it will allow you to pinpoint
events in the order that they occurred.
What are other reasons it is important to
analyze text in sequential order?
To understand what we are reading!
It will be tested!
Everyone knows
how to brush
their teeth!
What are the
1.Get your toothbrush
2.Wet it with water
3.Apply toothpaste
4.Start brushing the back
of your teeth and work
your way forward
5.Brush your tongue
6.Rinse your mouth with
7.Rinse your toothbrush
with water
Sequential Order
Sequential order shows the order in which
actions should be done. Writers often use
this pattern to explain how to do something
or how to make something. For example, a
recipe is usually written in sequential order.
Numbers are good indicators of sequence!
Signal words that indicate sequential
order (aka: transition words)
(numbers are also indicators)
Examples of sentences using
sequential order signal words!
Be sure to measure the length of the fabric
before you cut it to avoid cutting too much
After you add the eggs and the vanilla, beat it
very well.
After you heat the pan, you add chorizo and let
it cook until it crumbles. Then, add eggs into
the pan and cook.
• Ingredients:
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/3 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
• Directions:
First beat the egg. Then add the milk and other ingredients in the order
given, beating well. Next, fry in pan or on griddle, as you would other
pancakes. Lastly, top with your favorite syrup and a dusting of
confectioners' sugar. For a large family double or triple the ingredients.
Serves 4-6.
How can analyzing sequential order of
text help us become better readers?
Kate Barlow preserved peaches which lasted for years, and you can too if you
follow these few simple steps. First check the jars for cracks or chips.
Second place the lids in boiling water to sterilize. While the lids boil, wash
the jars and rings in hot, soapy water. Next place the boiling hot peaches
and syrup into the hot, sterilized jars. As soon as the jar is full within a half
inch of headspace wipe the rim of the jar clean. Immediately cap the jar
with the hot lid. Next place the jar in a steamer. After steaming for twenty
minutes remove the jar from the steam bath. Once the jar has cooled you
can store it until needed. The peaches will stay fresh for several years.
1. Which words in this paragraph show you order?
2. What would be wrong with putting the fourth sentence before the
second sentence?
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
Where does the food go
after It leaves your mouth?
a. Esophagus
b. Stomach
c. Villi
d. Gall bladder
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
Which of the following are
in correct sequential order?
a. Stomach, villi, colon,
b. Esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large
c. Large intestine, small
intestine, stomach,
d. Villi, stomach, bladder,
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
Food passes through the
______ before it gets to the
a. Villi
b. Gall bladder
c. Colon
d. esophagus
Adam was training for the track
meet for his middle school. He
was to run in three races alone
and in one relay. He practiced
each day. The first thing he did
was to stretch his muscles and
make sure his muscles were
ready to run. He stretched for ten
minutes each morning. Then, he
would run up and down the
stadium steps three times before
heading to the track. After
running up the stadium steps,
Adam would do twenty laps
around the track. Finally, he
would run all the way home and
eat a large breakfast before
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
What would Adam do
before he would run up and
down the stadium steps?
a. Shower
b. Eat lunch
c. Do 20 laps
d. Stretch
e. None of the above
Adam was training for the track
meet for his middle school. He
was to run in three races alone
and in one relay. He practiced
each day. The first thing he did
was to stretch his muscles and
make sure his muscles were
ready to run. He stretched for ten
minutes each morning. Then, he
would run up and down the
stadium steps three times before
heading to the track. After
running up the stadium steps,
Adam would do twenty laps
around the track. Finally, he
would run all the way home and
eat a large breakfast before
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
Before running home and
eating a large breakfast,
what would Adam do?
a. Stretch his muscles
b. Do 20 laps
c. brush his teeth
d. Both a and b
e. None of the above
Steps to making a quesadilla
1. Get all your ingredients
2. Heat your pan
3. Grate or slice your
4. Put the tortilla on the
pan and warm both
5. Put the cheese on the
tortilla and fold it in half
6. Place the tortilla on the
pan and let the cheese
7. Let cool
8. Enjoy
Steps to analyzing text that is in
sequential order.
1. Read the question first
2. Read the text
3. Identify the sequential order
signal words
4. Read the question again
5. Think about what the
question is asking
6. Choose the correct answer
If you wanted to make a chicken
quesadilla, at what step would
you add the chicken?
a. When you get the
b. When you are enjoying
c. When you are heating the
d. When you are putting the
cheese on the tortilla
Why is it important to
analyze sequential
To understand what we are reading
and to pinpoint where the
important information is located.
What are some sequential order
signal words?