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Unit C Chapter 1 Vocabulary
1. Fresh water – water that is not salty, and has little or no taste, color or smell. Most lakes
and rivers are made up of fresh water. The water that you drink and depend on for
2. Eutriphication- an increase of nutrients in a lake or pond. As Eutriphication occurs, algae
from a thick scum on the water. The amount of oxygen in.
3. Condensation- water vapor in the atmosphere becomes a liquid. Air cools, vapor
condenses, droplets form clouds.
4. Impermeable- a substance that liquids can’t flow through. Resistant to the passage of
5. Precipitation- any type of liquid or solid water that falls to Earth’s surface. Examples:
rain, snow, sleet, hail, freezing, acid raid.
6. Water table- the highest part in the ground that is completely filled with water.
7. Drainage basin- an area into which all of the water on one side of a divide flows.
8. Divide- ridge or continuous line of highland from which water flows in different
9. Aquifer- underground layer of permeable rock or sediment that contains water.
10. Ice burg- A mass of frozen fresh water that floats on Earth’s oceans.
11. Artisan Well-A well that is underground and that comes out from pressure.
12. Water Cycle- The continuous movement of water on Earth, through its atmosphere, and
in the living things on Earth.
13. Ground Water- Water that collects and is stored underground.
14. Salt water- water that contains dissolved salts and other minerals.
15. Turnover-It’s the yearly rising and sinking of the warm and cold air in a lake.
16. Evaporation-The process in which liquid turns into a gas.
17. Permeable - Allowing the passage of water.
18. Spring - A flow of water from the ground at a place
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