Download Parts of Speech Review - Warren Hills Regional School District

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Parts of Speech Review
1. Friendliness is an example of a(an) ________________________noun.
2. Write three linking verbs.
_________________________ _______________________ _________________
3. I, me, my, us, we, our are examples of _______________________________.
4. Highlight the adverbs in the following sentences:
a. Yesterday, I played football.
b. I will travel abroad for a year.
C. Maria quickly decided to go with her friends.
5. Down the mountain flew the members of the ski team.
Highlight the two prepositional phrases in the sentence above.
6. Write an example of a compound noun.______________________________.
7. Dana will pay for her tuition by check or by money order.
Circle the conjunction and underline the two phrases it connects.
8. Bill phoned from school last night and said that he lost his wallet.
Circle the antecedent for he and his.
9. How is down used in each of these sentences?
(noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition)
The team lined up for the first down.___________________________
He can down a quart of milk in one minute. _____________________
She often drives down from the city. ____________________________
The horse galloped down the lane.______________________________
I bought a down comforter. ___________________________________
10. Highlight the prepositional phrases in the following. (5)
For several days I have waited for snow. Finally, the flakes began to fall, and
I watched out the window as the whiteness began to accumulate. “School will surely
be cancelled,” I thought as I slipped into my ski pants. Sure enough, five minutes
later, the call came, and school was closed for the day.
11. Use the word “rule” as (1) a noun and then (2) as a verb.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
12. Use the word underneath as (1) an adverb and then (2) as a preposition.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
13. Use the word highway as a (1) noun and then (2) as an adjective.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
14. Circle the conjunctions in each of the following sentences and underline the
words, phrases, or clauses they connect.
a. She asked whether football or baseball is my favorite sport.
b. We expect them either in the morning or in the evening.
c. Neither flowers nor candy seems an appropriate gift.
d. Not only will the Smiths attend the party, but they will also bring guests.
e. Unable to run or to hide, the mouse froze in his tracks.
15. Tell the part of speech for each of the underlined words.
noun pronoun adjective verb adverb preposition conjunction interjection
a. A child can load a 35 mm camera. _______________________
b. To open it, she pushes a button. _________________________
c. She then inserts the fresh spool of film into the empty spool space. _______
d. That leaves a tail or leader of film sticking out and ready to be pulled. ___
e. She pulls the leader of film across the sprockets.______________________
f. She then inserts the edge of the film gently into the slots in the empty
g. Pulling the film tightly, she quickly makes certain it is in place. ________
h. Presto! She now closes the camera._________________________________
i. An intelligent child has just loaded a 35 mm camera. __________________
j. What could be easier! __________________________