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Gross Anatomy Lab Notes- Dr. Lu
Structures with a * are do-able.
Suspensory Ligament
Internal Jugular Vein
Pectoralis Major
Pectoralis Minor
Serratus Anterior- crosses 2-3 intercostal spaces
Deltopectoral Triangle- between Pectoralis Major and Deltoid.
Cephalic Vein- inside deltopectoral triangle
*Lateral Pectoral Nerve- innervates Pectoralis Major ((L)-large for lateral)
Medial Pectoral Nerve- innervates minor, through to major
Subclavian Artery (very large) Axillary Artery (after 1st rib)  branches to
*Throacoacromial Artery (between Lateral Pectoral Nerve and Medial Pectoral
Intercostal Space (between 2 ribs)
 External Intercostal Muscle (hands in pocket)
 Internal Intercostal Muscle (hands in prayer)
 Innermost Intercostal Muscle
In each intercostal groove lies a Vein, Artery and Nerve, Sup to Inf (VAN)
 Intercostal Vein (Superior)- Dark
 Intercostal Artery (In the Middle)- starts at descending aorta, small
 Intercostal Nerve (Inferior)- Largest
Transverse Thoracis Muscle- 4 on each side of back of anterior chest wall, inside
thoracic cage, behind sternum
Internal Thoracic Artery- runs parallel to sternum. On each side of sternum on the
back of the anterior chest wall.
Heart- Has 4 Chambers
Apex-left side, pointing downward
Ascending Aorta- sits anterior and superior in the correct anatomical position.
Atriums- R/L- superior
Right Atrium
 Superior Vena Cava
 Inferior Vena Cava
 *Pectinate Muscle
 Cristae Terminalis
 Auricle of the right atrium
 Fossa Ovale (not on test)
Ventricles- R/L- inferior
Left Ventricle
 Bicuspid Valve- Aortic Semilunar Valve
 AV Valve- doesn’t have SeptoMarginal Trabeculae
Right Ventricle
 Trabeculae Carnae- muscle
 Anterior Papillary Muscle- 3 present (b/c of attaching to the tricuspid valves)
 Chordae Tendonae
 AV Valve- Atrioventricular Valve has Septomarginal Trabeculae
 Tricuspid Valve- Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
Right Coronary Artery- 3 branches
 Atrial Artery- by the right atrium
 *Marginal Artery- on the right bottom side of the heart
 Posterior Interventricular Artery- on the posterior side of heart between the
Left Coronary Artery- 2 branches
 *Circumflex Artery
 *Anterior Interventricular Artery
Branches of R Coronary Artery
 Atrial Branch- exterior of heart at right atrium
 Marginal Branch- exterior of heart at bottom of right ventricle
 Posterior Interventricular Branch
Branches of L Coronary Artery
 Anterior Interventricular Branch
 Circumflex Artery
Coronary Sinus
*Moderator Bands- also known as septo-marginal trabeculaw
*Pulmonary Ligament- where the parietal and visceral pleura meet in the heart
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
Aortic Semilunar Valve
Aortic Arch
Visceral Pleura- between the fissures on each of the lungs
*Parietal Pleura- on the back of the thoracic cage, covers the entire chest cavity.
Left Lung
 1 fissure: Oblique fissure
 2 Lobes
Right Lung
 2 fissures: Oblique and Horizontal Fissure
 3 Lobes
*Pulmonary Nerve, Artery and Vein
 Bronchus- whitish and small. Thickest Opening
 Pulmonary Artery- largest opening. Thicker
 *Pulmonary Vein- Smaller opening- Thinnest- blue in color
*Pulmonary Ligament
Lingula of the Lung
Phrenic Nerve- C4/C5 to diaphragm
Left Vagus Nerve
 Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve- right branch going back to midline of body
 Esophageal Plexus- left branch traveling downward in body
Sympathetic Chain
Sympathetic Ganglion- underneath the sympathetic chain
Rami Communicantes
Greater Sphlenic Nerve- T5 to T9
Lesser Sphlenic Nerve- T10-T11- Many
Least Sphlenic Nerve- T11
*Descending Aorta- left side
Ascending Aorta
*Azygous Vein- More Ant to the Midline of vertebral column
*Esophagus- anterior to Descending Aorta
*Hemiazygous Vein
*Sensory Hemiazygous Vein
Thoracic Duct- behind Esophagus
“Biochemistry at Life College Sucks”
 B- Brachiocephalic Trunk
 LC- Left Common Carotid Artery
 S- Left Subclavian Artery
Inguinal Ligament- originates from rectus abdominus
*External Oblique Muscle
Internal Oblique Muscle
External Abdominal Muscle
Internal Abdominal Muscle
Transverse Abdominal Muscle
Anterior Rectus Sheath
*Rectus Abdominus Muscle
Posterior Rectus Sheath
Linea Alba- in center of anterior and posterior rectus sheath, above umbilicus, below
umbilicus- only anterior sheath
*Tendonis Insertion between each piece of the “6-pack”
*Celiac Trunk- looks like a flower. 3 branches
 *Gastric Artery- branching off of left side
 *Splenic Artery- goes to spleen, looks like snake. Branches off of left.
 *Common Hepatic Artery- 2 branches
o *Gastroduodenum- Branch going downward
o *Hepatic Proper- Branch traveling upward- 3 Branches
 *R Gastric Artery- goes to stomach
 *L Hepatic Artery
 *R Hepatic Artery
*Superior Mesenteric Artery- 1 CM below celiac trunk, supplies ascending colon,
small intestine, 2/3 transverse colon, 3 Branches
 *Idiocolic Artery- goes to iliocecal valve
 *R Colic Artery- goes to portion of ascending portion of the large intestine
 *Middle Colic Artery- goes to the transverse portion of the large intestine
*Inferior Mesenteric Artery- 4 CM below superior. Lateral 1/3 of transverse colon,
descending colon to rectum, 3 branches
 L Colic Artery
 Sigamoid Artery
 Superior Rectal Artery
*Intestinal Artery- small intestine
*Inferior Epigastric Artery- between anterior and posterior rectus sheath
Small Intestine Junction
3 Structures that the Large Intestine has that the Small Does Not:
Tinea Choli
Appendicy Choli- Fatty Bag
Direct and Indirect Inguinal Hernia- separated by epigastric artery between rectus
sheath and abdominal muscle
Superficial Pubic Ring- where the muscle and vascular structures come from
Reproductive Organs
Vas Deferens
Tunica Maginals???
Tunica Algins???
Vein, Testicular Artery, Pempdorn Plexus???
3 layers of muscle
Liver- 4 Lobes
 Left Lobe
 *Quadrate Lobe
 Chordate Lobe
 Right Lobe
*Common Hepatic Duct
*Left Hepatic Duct
*Right Hepatic Duct
*Cystic Duct
*Bile Duct
*Triangular Ligament
*Coronary Ligament
*Fusiform Ligament- Upper Region
Ligament Teres- Lower Region
Great Omentum???
Colon- 4 Segments
 Ascending Colon
 Descending Colon
 Sigmoid Colon
 Transverse Colon
*Main Pancreatic Duct- bile duct and pancreatic duct meet at duodenum.
*Major Papalla
Kidney*Renal Cortex
*Renal Column-btwn each renal pyramid
*Renal Papilla- very tip of renal pyramid, pointing inward
*Minor Calyx
*Major Calyx
*Renal Pelvis/Palic
*Inferior Vena Cava- next to abdominal aorta
*L Renal Vein- off of inferior vena cava
Lumbar Plexus- Use Your Hand to Identify by Placing hand on lat side of Body
*Subcostal Nerve- Pinkie
Iliohypogastric Nerve- Ring Finger
Iliohypolinguial Nerve- Ring Finger
*Genitofemoral Nerve- Middle Finger
Lateral Femoral Cutaneal Nerve- Index Finger
*Femoral Nerve- Thumb
*Obturator Nerve
*LumboSacral Trunk
These notes were prepared by Tiffany Stein and may not be complete, this is not a
representation of the test for gross anatomy 1, it is merely a guide.
Terms Our Class Turned in to Dr. Lu
Cephalic Vein
Intercostal Artery
Coronary Sinus
External Intercostal Muscle
Phrenic Nerve
Pectinate Muscle
Parietal Pleura
Suspensory Ligament
Renal Pyramid
Ascending Colon
Superior Vena Cava
Lingula (of heart or lung??)
Left Ventricle
Celiac Trunk
Hepatic Proper
External Oblique Muscle
Internal Oblique Muscle
These notes were prepared by Tiffany Stein and may not be complete, this is not a
representation of the test for gross anatomy 1, it is merely a guide.