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Statement from Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle Population (ASAP)
To the Charlottesville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regarding Proposed Expansion of Recreational Activities
at the Ragged Mountain Natural Area
August 19, 2016
The recent ecosystem survey of the Ragged Mountain Natural Area makes clear that important,
in some cases imperiled, biological resources exist there. Ragged Mountain is appropriately
designated as a natural resource management area. ASAP believes that recreational uses
permitted there must be compatible with persistence of the area’s natural resources.
At present, the City is considering expanding the trail network at Ragged Mountain and
expanding the allowed uses to include bicycle riding and dog walking. ASAP is not aware of
any demonstrations of the compatibility of the proposed recreational expansions with natural
resource conservation at Ragged Mountain. On the contrary, biologists have expressed many
concerns about the impacts of these additional recreational activities on ground-nesting birds and
some other species. Biologists also have expressed concern that additional recreational uses will
promote the spread of invasive species already present at the site.
Protection of natural resources is essential if our community is to move toward sustainability.
Given the current state of information and the importance of sustaining important natural
resources such as those at the Ragged Mountain site, ASAP urges that the City not
expand recreational uses at Ragged Mountain beyond what is currently allowed. That is, we
oppose both the expanded trail network and opening access to the existing trails for bicycles and
Increases in the population in our area clearly lead to increased demands for additional open
space recreational opportunities, and such opportunities are an important part of our
community’s quality of life. We would urge the city and county governments to recognize,
however, that continued growth of our population and ecological footprint will force us to
encroach increasingly upon sensitive natural areas that should remain in a more protected state.
While our existing open space recreational opportunities may already be too limited for our
current population, burgeoning growth will force us to limit them further, and the protection of
critical natural resources should not be compromised in order to circumvent this increasingly
problematic trade-off.