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Evolution Study Guide: WORTH 5 pts. Extra credit on the test
Print this off and bring it tomorrow for the test.
Know and understand the following terms:
1. What is evolution?
2. What id the difference between a species and a population?
3. What is a gene pool?
4. What is microevolution and macroevolution?
5. Speciation triggers what to take place?
6. What is a direct fossil versus an indirect fossil?
7. What is natural selection?
8. What is the Law of superposition?
9. Homologous structures are?
10. Analogous structures are?
11. Give an example and explain what vestigial structures are.
12. What is the difference between convergent and divergent evolution?
Know the different mechanisms that trigger microevolution:
1. genetic drift
a. bottleneck effect
b. founder effect
2. gene flow
3. mutations
4. nonrandom mating
5. natural selection
Answer the following questions:
1. How can Geographical variation lead to polymorphism?
2. Is it macroevolution or microevolution where you will see species become extinct
and appear?
3. What does Coevolution mean?
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