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Guide to Using Minitab 14 For Basic
Statistical Applications
To Accompany
Business Statistics: A Decision Making
Approach, 8th Ed.
Chapter 3:
Describing Data Using Numerical
Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith
Prentice-Hall Publishing Company
Copyright, 2011
Chapter 3 Minitab
Population Mean
Foster City Hotel
Mean, Median, and Mode
Colleges and Universities
More Examples
Chapter 3 Minitab Examples (continued)
 Measures of Variation
Colleges and Universities
 Empirical Rule
Burger N’ Brew
Population Mean
Foster City Hotel
Issue: Determine the mean nightly revenue for
the Foster City Hotel.
Objective: Use Minitab to calculate the
population mean revenue
Data File is FosterCity.MTW
Population Mean – Foster City Hotel
Open the Minitab file
called FosterCity.MTW
Population Mean – Foster City Hotel
Select Stat – Basic
Statistics- Display
Descriptive Statistics
Population Mean – Foster City Hotel
Select the desired
Click on Statistics
Population Mean – Foster City Hotel
Select Desired
Statistics – Click
Population Mean – Foster City Hotel
Population Means
Mean, Median and Mode
Colleges and Universities
Issue: Can we produce a diagram which will
enable us to review the various out of state
tuition costs??
Objective: Use Minitab to develop a histogram
for the out-of-state tuition costs to give a
perspective of the placement of the mean,
median, mode.
The file is Colleges and Universities.MTW
Mean, Median, and Mode – Colleges and Universities
Open the file Colleges
and Universities.MTW
Mean, Median, and Mode – Colleges and Universities
Select Graph,
Simple, OK
Mean, Median, and Mode – Colleges and
Select Stock Price,
Mean, Median, and Mode – Colleges and
Measures of Variation
Colleges and Universities
Issue: Determine the Standard Deviation,
Minimum, and Maximum for selected colleges
and universities’ out-of-state tuition.
Objective: Use Minitab to calculate the standard
deviation, minimum, and maximum for selected
colleges and universities’ out-of-state tuition.
Data file is Colleges and Universities.MTW
Standard Deviation and Range – Colleges and
Open file Colleges and
Standard Deviation and Range - Colleges and
Select Stat, Basic Statistics,
Display Descriptive Statistics
Standard Deviation and Range – Colleges and
Select Mean, Standard
Deviation, Minimum,
Maximum, Range and
Standard Deviation and Range – Colleges and
The Session Window presents
the statistics that were
Empirical Rule
Burger N’ Brew
Issue: Analyze the Phoenix Burger Sales
Objective: Use Minitab to compute graphs and
numerical measures necessary for using the
empirical rule to analyze sales at Burger N’ Brew
Data file is BurgerNBrew.MTW
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Open the data file
Data File contains
sales for 365 days.
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Select GraphHistogram -Simple –
Click OK
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Identify variable for
analysis – Click OK
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Finished Histogram –
Bell Shaped Distribution
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
To compute numerical measures –
Click Stat – Basic Statistics – Display
Descriptive Statistics –Enter Desired
Variable – Click Statistics
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Select Mean and
Standard Deviation –
Click OK
Empirical Rule – Burger N’ Brew
Mean and Standard Deviation
Empirical Rule:
68% within 15.12 + (1)3.14
95% within 15.12 + (2)3.14
99.7% within 15.12 + (3)3.1