Download LO2.4: SESSION 4 - Verbal language – body language

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LO2.4: SESSION 4 - Verbal language – body language
Exercises show the fundamental significance of communication:
1. To communicate with team members and involve their resources for solving a conflict/problem.
2. To analyze body languages and experience their effects on us.
To improve knowledge
on To be aware on different To be able to use an adapted
of communication ways and their communication in order
manage a conflict situation.
Improve awareness of the To become aware and to
possibilities in managing a understand the “languages” of our
face and body.
conflict situation.
To expand the resources for
managing conflict situations.
Tools and Methodology
Short introduction:
Create connection between communication axioms by Watzlawick (see I. 2.3) and our daily life/ daily work
communication (among educator and minor, among professionals, ….)
Exercise 1: “Here is my problem”
It shows how communication within the team can help to enlarge resources and solve problems.
Exercise 2: Body language “Emotions have short legs”
Analyzing the facial and the body expressions (each one by himself, then comparing)
Reflecting about our feelings (joy, fear, anger) and their reflections on body, face, eyes, gestures, behaviours.
Reflecting about our interactions: the importance of verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
The importance of empathic ability.
This exercise allows putting to use the knowledge of others in order to solve problems. This activity
encourages people to ask for help when they want a problem solved. This will also offer to each participant a
satisfying variety of solutions.
The participants suggest solutions for other people’s problems.
What you need:
• Notepads for every participant
• Pens for every participant
• Ask the participants to form a circle. If the group is too large, you may choose to create 2 or 3 circles.
• Ask the participants to write on the notepad about a problem they had at work.
• Once the first step is finished, the participants pass their notepad to the person sitting on their left.
• Upon receiving the notepad from their neighbour, the participants must suggest them a solution.
• Continue till your notepad completes the circle and comes back to you with all the solutions
• Ask the participants to consider all solutions and to read out loud the one they think is the best.
Time: Explanations: 5 minutes
Activity: 15 minutes
Group feedback: 10 minutes
Did you find that activity useful? Do you often share your problems with other people?
Have you found a useful solution to your problem?
Source :
Guide de jeux et d’exercices en compétences essentielles, Serge Duguay, CCNB, Campus de Dieppe, 1/17/2011
Exercise 2: Body Language “Emotions have short legs”
What you need:
• Slights or photocopies of the 2 sheets
1. Page: “Look at the faces. What is this man feeling? “
One after another tells his own impressions and
2. Page “Now look at the drawings: “What do the outlined bodies express?” One after another tells his own
impressions and ideas.
Reflection on our feelings like joy, fear, anger, ….. , that first we feel inside of us, and how these feelings are
reflected on our body, face, eyes, gestures, behaviours.
Now reflection on our interactions: Verbal communication is not sufficient to understand each other. In
addition to words, you need to listen and to understand the emotions of the other person, what he shows us
with the tone of his voice, with his body, his face, etc.
That means having an empathic ability.
Here we also can take up the issue of the axioms of communication.
For example, "any communication has a content aspect and an aspect of relationship". > > > Conflicts most
often arise on the level of relations.
Liliana Jaramillo
Attività e giochi su empatia, emozioni e conflitto, 2007