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Unit 6 – Learning
Make flash cards of key terms for each day!
Date/ M-F
Reading/ Assignment(s)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Focus Objective(s) discussed
in the reading
pp. 215-217
pp. 218-220
pp. 220-228
In-class activity
pp. 228-232
pp. 232-235 Bring textbook (w/s in class)
Bring Textbook to class
pp. 242-249
Test + Focus Objectives Due
FO1 FO13
FO1 FO11 FO13
FO2 FO11 FO13
FO2 FO5 FO6 FO11 FO13
FO3 FO11 FO13
FO4 FO13
Learning (7–9%) Unit 6
This section of the course introduces students to differences between learned and unlearned
behavior. The primary focus is exploration of different kinds of learning, including classical
conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. The biological bases of behavior
illustrate predispositions for learning.
AP students in psychology should be able to do the following:
1. [CHART] Explain classical conditioning including all relevant principles (CS, US,
CR, UR, acquisition, extinction, generalization, discrimination, higher order
learning (conditioning) and spontaneous recovery). Provide definition and relevant
examples. 218-22
2. [CHART] Explain operant conditioning, including all relevant principles (positive
and negative reinforcement, positive and negative punishment, extinction, shaping,
chaining, token economy) Provide definition and relevant examples. 228-32, 234-35
3. [CHART] Compare and contrast classical and operant conditioning. 240-41
4. Explain observational learning, including all relevant principles (required conditions,
effect on behavior, modeling, imitation, Bandura, Bobo doll) 242-49
5. Contrast continuous and partial reinforcement. 232-33
6. [CHART] Make a chart for the partial schedules of reinforcement that looks like the
following (include examples and a visual representation of each) 232-33
Ratio (#)
explain here
Interval (time)
explain here
Fixed (predictable)
Variable (unpredictable)
Visual Representation
Visual Representation
Visual Representation
Visual Representation
7. How does practice affect quality of learning?
8. How does motivation affect quality of learning?
9. Provide examples of how biological constraints create learning predispositions.
10. Describe the essential characteristics of
a. insight learning,
b. latent learning, and
c. social learning.
11. Apply learning principles to explain
a. emotional learning, 227, 235
b. taste aversion, 224, 225, 230, 231
c. superstitious behavior, 239
d. and learned helplessness. 223
12. Explain how each the following can be used to address behavioral problems.
a. behavior modification,
b. biofeedback,
c. coping strategies,
d. and self-control
13. [CHART] Make a chart to identify the major figures in the psychology of learning
using the following columns (Who, What, When, Where and Why)
a) Albert Bandura, 244-249
b) John Garcia,
c) Ivan Pavlov, 218-227
d) Robert Rescorla,
e) B. F. Skinner, 228-240
f) Edward Thorndike,
g) Edward Tolman, and
h) John B. Watson. 218, 223, 227, 249
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