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Publications (full length):
Saulnier D.M.A, Molenaar D., Kolida S., De Vos W., Gibson G.R Identification
of prebiotic fructooligosaccharide metabolism in L. plantarum WCFS1 using
microarray. (submitted).
C. L. Vernazza, G. R. Gibson and R. A. Rastall. (2005) In vitro Fermentation of
Chitosan Derivatives by Mixed Cultures of Human Faecal Bacteria. Carbohydrate
Polymers 60 (4): 539-545.
C. L. Vernazza, G. R. Gibson and R. A. Rastall. (2006) Prebiotic Preference, Acid
and Bile Tolerance of Five Strains of Bifidobacterium. Journal of Applied
Microbiology 100: 846-853.
Claire L. Vernazza, Bodin Rabiu and Glenn R. Gibson. (2006) Human Colonic
Microbiology and the Role of Dietary Intervention: Introduction to Prebiotics. In
Prebiotics: Development and Application. Whiley Press, Oxford. (in press).
Mäkeläinen, H., Tahvonen, R., Salminen, S. and Ouwehand, A.C. (2003) In vivo
safety assessment of two Bifidobacterium longum strains. Microbiology and
Immunology 47: 911-914.
Gueimonde, M., Ouwehand, A.C. and Salminen, S. (2004) Safety of Probiotics.
Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition 48:42-48.
Derrien, M., Adawi, D., Ahrné, S., Jeppsson, B., Molin, G., Osman, N.,
Štšepetova, J., Vaughan, E.E., de Vos, W.M. and Ouwehand, A.C. (2004) The
intestinal mucosa as a habitat of the intestinal microbiota and a target for probiotic
function and safety. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 16:137-144.
Ouwehand, A.C., Saxelin, M. and Salminen, S. (2004) Assessment of suggested
virulence factors and related properties of clinical, faecal and dairy
Bifidobacterium isolates. Bioscience and Microflora 23:37-42.
Ouwehand, A.C., Saxelin, M. and Salminen, S. (2004) Phenotypic differences
between commercial Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and L. rhamnosus strains
recovered from blood. Clinical Infectious Diseases 39:1858-1860.
Ouwehand, A.C., Vankerckhoven, V., Goossens, H., Huys, G. Swings, J.
Vancanneyt, M. and Lähteenmäki, A. (2005) The safety of probiotics in foods in
Europe and its’ legislation In: Goktepe, I., Juneja, V.K. and Ahmedna, M. (eds.)
Probiotics in Food Safety and Human Health. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Ouwehand, A.C., Frias, R. and Gueimonde, M. (2006) Assuring the continued
safety of probiotics and dairy starters. Mikrobiologia in press.
Pultz, N.J., Vesterlund, S., Ouwehand, A.C. and Donskey, C.J. (2006) Adhesion
of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus to human intestinal mucus. Curr. Microbiol
52: 221-224.
Gueimonde, M., Frias, R., Salminen, S. and Ouwehand, A.C. The feeding of
clinical lactobacillus isolates to healthy rats and rats with induced colitis.
OSMAN, N., ADAWI, D., AHRNE, S., JEPPSSON, B. & MOLIN, G. (2004). Modulation
of the effect of dextran sulfate sodium-induced acute colitis by the administration
of different probiotic strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Digestive
Diseases and Sciences 42: 320-327.
OSMAN, N., ADAWI, D., AHRNÉ, S. JEPPSSON, B. & MOLIN, G. (2005). Probiotic
strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium affect differently the translocation
and intestinal load of Enterobacteriaceae after D-galactosamine-induced liver
injury in rats. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 17: 40-46.
Derrien, M., Vaughan, E.E., Plugge, C.M, de Vos, W.M. (2004). Akkermansia
muciniphila, a novel human intestinal mucin-degrading bacterium. International
Journal of Systematic Evolutionary Microbiology 54( 5): 1469-76.
Te Biesebeke, R., Boesten, R., Klaassens, E.S., Booijink, C.C.G.M., de Vries,
MC., Derrien, M., Cohen, D.P.A., Schuren, F., Vaughan, E.E., Kleerebezem, M.,
de Vos, W.M. (2004). Microbial functionality in the human gastrointestinal tract.
Microbes and Environments. 19 (4): 276-280.
Ouwehand, A.C., Derrien, M., de Vos, WM., Tiihonen, K., Rautonen, N. (2005).
Prebiotics and other microbial substrates for gut functionality. Current Opinion in
Biotechnology 16 : 212-217.
Stsepetova, J., Sepp, E., Julge, K., Vaughan, EE., Mikelsaar, M., and de Vos,
W.M. Molecular comparison of fecal microbiota and distribution of Bifidobacteria
in allergic and non-allergic children on the basis of 16S rDNA analysis.
Songisepp, E., Kullisaar, T., Hütt, P., Elias, P., Brilene, T., Zilmer, M., Mikelsaar,
M. (2004). A New Probiotic Cheese with Antioxidative and Antimicrobial
Activity. Journal of Dairy Science 87: 2017-2023.
Songisepp E., Kals J., Kullisaar T., Hütt P., Mändar R., Zilmer M., Mikelsaar M.
(2005). Evaluation of the functional efficacy of an antioxidative probiotic in
healthy volunteers. Nutrition Journal, 4: 22.
Hütt, P., Shchepetova, J., Lõivukene, K., Kullisaar, T., Mikelsaar, M. (2006)
Antagonistic activity of probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria against enteroand uropathogens. Journal of Applied Microbiology 100: 1324-32.
Saulnier D.M.A., Kolida S., Gibson G.R. 2004. The development of a synbiotic
product. First European Nutrigenomics conference. Wageningen (The
Saulnier D.M.A, Kolida S., Gibson G.R. 2005. The development of a synbiotic
product. School of Food Bioscience Research Day. The University of Reading,
Saulnier D.M.A, Molenaar D., Kolida S., Gibson G.R. 2006. Identification of
prebiotic fructooligosaccharides metabolism in L. plantarum WCFS1 using
microarray. 158th Society for General Microbiology Meeting. University of
Warwick, UK.
RASTALL & GLENN GIBSON (2003) Effect of chitosan and its oligosaccharide
on gut microflora populations using classical microbiological and molecular
methods. Society for General Microbiology 153rd Meeting. Manchester, UK
Zoetendal, E. G., Booijink, C. C. G., M. Derrien,M, Smidt, H, Kleerebezem, M,
and de Vos, W. M.. Functional Genomics of GI tract Bacteria. 19-22/09/2005. 20th
Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology SEM2005. Cáceres. Spain
Zoetendal E. G., Booijink C. C. G. M., Derrien M., Smidt H., Kleerebezem M,
and de Vos W. M. Host-microbe interactions in the gastrointestinal tract.
Workshop: Darmendag 2005. 03/11/2005. UM, Maastricht.
Derrien, M., Ben-Amor K, Vaughan, E.E., de Vos, W.M. Validation of a 16S
rRNA probe and quantification of Akkermansia muciniphila, a novel intestinal
mucin degrading bacterium. Poster at the The Food, GI-tract Functionality and
Human Health cluster PROEUHEALTH congress. 3nd Workshop, March 2 – 5,
2004, Sitges (Spain).
Derrien, M., Štšepetova J., Plugge, C.M., Vaughan, E.E., de Vos, W.M.
Monitoring of mucin-degrading bacteria: Isolation of strain MucT. Poster at the 1st
FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists. June 29- july 3, 2003, Ljubljana
Derrien, M., Vaughan, E.E., Plugge, C.M, de Vos, W.M. Isolation of a novel
intestinal mucin-degrading bacteria. Poster at the The Food, GI-tract Functionality
and Human Health cluster PROEUHEALTH congress. 2nd Workshop, March 2 –
5, 2003, Taormina (Italy).
Derrien, M., Vaughan, E.E., Plugge, C.M, de Vos, W.M. Molecular ecology of
mucin associated bacteria from the human gastrointestinal tract. Poster at the
IUMS (International Union of Microbiological Societies) congress. The world of
microbes, July 27– August 01, 2002, Paris (France)
Hütt, P., Shchepetova, J., Lõivukene, K., Mikelsaar, M.Determination of
antagonistic activities of different probiotics against pathogens 28.08 01.09.2005, 8th symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, Egmond aan Zee, The
Mikelsaar, M., Truusalu, K., Kullisaar, T., Naaber, P., Mikelsaar, R.-H., Zilmer,
M.Effect of probiotic induced antioxidative response in experimental murine
typhoid. XI International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology,
IUMS 2005, California, USA, July 2005
Songisepp, E., Kals, J., Hütt, P., Mändar, R., Mikelsaar, M. Impact of the
probiotic L. fermentum ME-3 consumption with different formulations and daily
doses on the fecal lactoflora, its composition and ME-3 fecal recovery.
Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, August
28 to September 01, 2005
Kullisaar, T., Lukman, A., Zilmer, K., Vihalemm, T., Mikelsaar, M., Zilmer, M.
Probiotic L. fermentum ME-3 may have impact on the rehabilitation quality of
elderly stroke patients18th International Congress of Nutrition, September 19-23,
2005, Durban, South Africa
Zilmer, M., Songisepp, E., Kullisaar, T., Zilmer, K., Mikelsaar, M. Lactobacillus
fermentum: probiotic and health characteristics essential for conception of
functional food.18th International Congress of Nutrition, September 19-23, 2005,
Durban, South Africa
Vihalemm, T., Kullisaar, T., Songisepp, E., Kaur, S., Zilmer, M. Probiotic
fermented goats' milk influences glutathione metabolism in blood and skin of
atopic dermatitis patients.18th International Congress of Nutrition, September 1923, 2005, Durban, South Africa
Scientific Workshop „Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics” between the
Department of Biochemistry (Tartu University) and the Department of
Neurochemistry and Neurotoxicology (Stockholm University), Tartu, June 2005.
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