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Academic Health Science
Accountable officer
An organisation that provides health care to patients and which
undertakes research. An AHSC usually provides teaching and
education as well.
Usually the Chief Executive who is responsible for maintaining
sound internal controls to support the achievement of the Trust’s
objectives and to review Trust effectiveness.
Services (usually in-patient), which treat patients for a certain
condition for a short time.
Activity Model
Model based on commissioned service provision for e.g. Occupied
Bed Days
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
A dictionary definition of ‘advocacy’ tells us that an advocate is:
Citizen Advocacy: means speaking up for someone else. Unpaid
volunteers who try to represent the interests and concerns of their
partner as if they were their own, but do not make decision for their
partner. They must be independent of people providing care or
services for their partner.
Legal Advocacy: possibly a solicitor or a barrister or an advice
worker. They give advice so that people can speak up for
Collective advocacy: a group of people working together to speak
out for what they want. Some organisations undertake collective
advocacy, e.g., MENCAP, Mind, Cambridgeshire Independent
Advocacy Service, trade unions.
Peer advocacy: help and support from people with a similar
background or experience to your own.
Professional advocacy: someone who is paid to provide support and
advice, independent of any services used. They will have
professional skills and knowledge and a good knowledge of local
Agenda for Change
The new NHS pay system that ensures fairer pay and a clearer
pathway for career progression
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia,
which describes the loss of mental abilities, such as memory
and reasoning.
The depreciation of intangible assets
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder and a mental health condition.
People who have anorexia have problems with eating. They are very
anxious about their weight. They keep it as low as possible, by strictly
controlling and limiting what they eat.
Anti-psychotic drugs
Drugs used to treat psychosis, including schizophrenia and
mania. They also have tranquillising effects reducing agitation.
Approved Mental Health
Someone who has had specific training in the legal aspects of
mental health assessment and treatment. AMPHs are
approved by their local authority social services department to
organise and carry out assessments under the Mental Health
Act 1983 (MHA).
Approved social workers
Social workers specifically approved and appointed under
114 Social
of the Mental
Health Act 1983 by a local social
services authority ‘for the purposes of discharging the functions
conferred upon them by this Act’. One of the most important is to
carry out assessments under the Act and to function as applicant
in cases where compulsory admission is deemed necessary.
Before being appointed, social workers must undertake postqualifying training approved by the Central Council for Education
and Training in Social Work (CCETSW).
Members from all local statutory agencies working with
children, with an independent chair who must ensure that all
children are protected from significant harm, including
responsibility for establishing good local policies and
practices and ensuring they are adhered to.
Now Approved Mental Health
Practitioners (under Mental
Health Act 2007)
Area Child Protection
Committee (ACPC)
Art therapy
Difficult feelings can often be more easily accessed through
using imagination and creativity rather than thinking and
talking. In art therapy sessions, you are encouraged to freely
express your difficult thoughts and feelings using a variety of
materials. This can help you to understand difficult feelings,
and to change patterns of how you relate them to yourself,
and to others. Music therapists, drama therapists and dance
and movement therapists work in a similar way using other
forms of expression.
Assertive outreach /assertive
community treatment
/intensive case management
Ensuring those most in need of specialist mental health care
remain in touch with services.
Assurance Framework
A system for risk management based on mitigation of risk around
the Trust’s key strategic objectives.
The Assurance Framework provides organisations with a simple
but comprehensive method for the effective and focused
management of the principal risks to meeting their objectives. It
provides a structure for the evidence to support the Statement of
Internal Control.
Atypical (novel) antipsychotic
Audit Commission
Audit Committee
There are four key elements:
• Principle objectives
• Principle risks
• Key controls
• Assurance and coordination
Range of newer and more expensive antipsychotic drugs used in
the treatment of psychosis, most commonly schizophrenia
Appoints and regulates the external auditors of statutory
authorities, including the NHS. Role to promote proper
stewardship of public finances and helping managers to achieve
economy, effectiveness and efficiency.
Trust’s own committee monitoring Trust’s performance, probity
and accountability.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Board Committee
Undertake detailed examinations of all aspects of health care
performance, including financial performance.
Autism spectrum disorder is a behaviourally defined syndrome
characterised by communication impairments, social
interaction problems and unusual interest patterns and/or
stereotyped behaviour. It occurs in about 1% of children and
often gives rise to serious lifelong disabilities that cause
considerable suffering and distress to individuals and their
A process to examine how results are achieved in order to bring
an organisation’s performance in line with the best.
Committee of the Board with a remit for a specific purpose eg.,
Audit and Assurance Committee
Board of Directors
Made up of a Chair, Non-Executive and Executive Directors, the
body responsible for the strategic direction, leadership and dayto-day management of the Trust. In a Foundation Trust, the
Board of Directors would be accountable to the Board of
Caldicott Guardian
Each NHS organisation has a nominated ‘Caldicott Guardian’
responsible for ensuring the Trust complies with the Caldicott
principles. These aim to ensure the protection of patient’s right
to privacy, dignity and confidentiality.
Cambridgeshire Children's
Cambridgeshire Children's Trust is a partnership that brings
together all organisations that work with children, young people
and families in a shared commitment to improving children's
lives and
life chances,
working collaboratively
and Cambridgeshire
a to
range ofimprovements.
free and independent advocacy
services. (See advocacy).
Cambridge early intervention service.
Cambridgeshire Independent
Advocacy Service (CIAS)
Care co-ordinator/key worker
Care pathway
Care plan
Care Programme Approach
(CPA) / care management
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services for persons up to
17 years of age
The person who is responsible for making sure that your care is
properly planned and you get the help you need. They will
usually work with a community mental health team and will be
the person you see most often. They will usually be a
Community Psychiatric Nurse, social worker or occupational
Patient’s journey through primary care, specialist and
community services to discharge/continuing care.
A plan for your care over the next few weeks or months. It
should be written down and you should have a copy. If you think
it is wrong, or something is missing, you can ask for it to be
The CPA provides a framework for care co-ordination. The main
elements are a care co-ordinator, a written care plan, and at
higher levels regular reviews by the multi-disciplinary team and
integration with the care management system. Involves
assessment of need, care planning and the organisation of care
packages within available resources.
Care Quality Commission
The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care
in England. It regulates care provided by the NHS, local
authorities, private companies and voluntary organisations. It
aima to make sure better care is provided for everyone - in
hospitals, care homes and people's own homes. It also seeks to
protect the interests of people whose rights are restricted under
the Mental Health Act.
Contained Air Solutions - safety cabinets used to hold or contain
micobiological samples.
A volume or list of patient referrals belonging to a healthcare
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Clinical Commissioning Groups are groups of General Practices
that work together to plan and design local health services in
England. They do this by 'commissioning' or buying health and
care services.
Choose and Book
Clinical Governance
Clinical trial
Cognitive Analytic Therapy o
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Clostridium Difficile - a type of bacterial infection that can affect
the digestive system.
A Non-Executive Director who provides leadership to the Board of
Directors and, together with the Chief Executive, is the leading
representative of the organisation. Within NHS Foundation
Trusts the Chair is appointed by the Council of Governors and also
chairs the Council of Governors meetings.
The Trust chaplaincy service can help you to contact an
appropriate representative of your faith. There are chapels at some
of our sites that can be used for private prayer or religious services.
Enabling patients to book appointments at point of referral with a
choice of time and date.
Cost Improvement Programme to deliver cash releasing
efficiency savings
How we make sure we carry out treatments safely and
effectively and encourage a culture of excellence in our staff to
Edit Profile improve quality of care.
A research study to answer specific questions about new therapies
or new ways of using known treatments. Clinical trials are used to
for more
drugs or treatments are both safe and
term which is used to describe someone who provides care
and treatment to patients, such as a nurse, psychiatrist or
Glossary of
and Teams
NHS jargon-buster
A 'talking treatment' which helps you to see how early
B Profile
C D E Fand
G Hexperiences
O Paffected
Q R S how
T U you
V Wsee
Logout other people and how you behave. It usually takes
about 16 weekly
and Centre
focuses on a problem that is
provides health care to patients and
form undertakes
of psychological
on usually
learning provides
mostly in depression
as well. but increasingly shown to
be a useful part of the treatment for schizophrenia.
Services (usually
treat patients for a certain
of terms
and NHSwhich
condition for a short time.
Attention Deficit
Science Centre
Identifying health needs of local people, planning and
purchasing health services which respond to their needs.
Primary Care Trusts are responsible for deciding what services
their local residents need from the NHS and buy these
services with public money from the most appropriate
Commissioning for Quality and The CQUIN payment framework enables commissioners to
Innovation (CQUIN)
reward excellence, by linking a proportion of English
healthcare providers' income to the achievement of local
quality improvement goals.
Community care
A network of services provided by the NHS, social services and
volunteers designed to keep people independent, and to support
elderly people or people with mental health problems or
might previously
have been in hospital.
Community mental health team learning
specialist assessment,
treatment and care to people in their own homes and the
Community Psychiatric Nurse
A nurse who has been trained to help people with mental
health problems and who works in the community, instead of in
a hospital.
The simultaneous presence of two or more disorders, often
refers to combination of severe mental illness, substance
misuse, learning disability and personality disorder. The term
dual diagnosis or complex needs may also be used.
Complementary therapies
A wide range of treatments which can add something to
conventional treatment - eg, Reiki, Indian head massage,
aromatherapy, dance and movement etc.
Describes type of organisation and main purpose. It defines
membership and may describe how the Trust will be run – eg, the
type of meetings to be held and the powers of Officers and
Consultant Psychiatrist
The medical doctor with specialist experience and
qualifications in mental illness and emotional disorders that
has overall responsibility for your care. This includes your
medication and other activities you may take part in whilst in
Patient contact details or contact times - eg, face-to-face
meetings, first assessment. Or details of family or friends who
may provide a point of reference in support of patient care.
Corporate governance
The system by which organisations are directed and
controlled. The principles of corporate governance are
openness, integrity and accountability.
Care Programme Approach for case management of service
Continuing Professional Development
Crisis resolution/home
treatment service (CRHT)
New models of care for people with severe and enduring
mental illness.
Multi-agency Drug and Alcohol Action Teams.
Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) that is
associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities.
A negative mood state which involves a feeling of sadness.
Severe depression can reach the criteria for an affective disorder
and require treatment.
Department of Health.
Drug Intervention Programme ( Multi-agency)
Loss of contact with services by the service user.
Did not attend. Used to indicate if a person did not attend a
scheduled meeting, activity or engagement.
Data quality.
Delayed Service Discharge - the circumstance when an inpatient
who has been judged clinically ready for discharge but who
continues to occupy a bed beyond the discharge date - eg, whilst
waiting for community care services or services for carers, etc.
Early intervention service
Services offering prompt interventions to young people
experiencing their first episode of psychiatric illness. Earlier
interventions are associated with better outcomes.
(Include anorexia and bulimia nervosa.) Tend to have early
onset in childhood or adolescence. Anorexia nervosa involves a
distortion of body image, people carefully restrict intake of
calories, and are markedly underweight. Bulimia nervosa
involves episodic binges of over-eating, self-induced vomiting
and can lead to severe physical complications.
Aims to ensure the workforce is representative of the local
Senior employees who sit on the Board of Directors. Executive
Directors have decision-making powers and a defined set of
responsibilities for the day-to-day running of the Trust. The Chief
Executive is held accountable for the performance of the Trust.
Difficulties in relationships with your family, partners and friends
can be bad for your mental health. If this is the case, a family or
couple can be seen together. The therapy helps people to see
both their strengths and limitations and to try different ways of
getting on together. Family therapy can be helpful if the mental
illness of a family member affects the rest of the family.
First Definitive Treatment - the first clinical intervention intended to
manage a service user's disease, condition or injury and avoid
further clinical interventions.
Specialist health services for offenders with mental health
A new kind of public service organisation. Based on mutual
traditions, they are established as ‘public benefit corporations’
with new freedoms to innovate and forge partnerships in the
public interest and governance arrangements designed to help
trusts better reflect the needs of the communities they serve.
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000. The Act supersedes
the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information 1997
(the Code of Practice) Freedom of Information Act 2000
Your local doctor - or family doctor - who will usually be the first
person you see if you have a physical illness or emotional
problem. They can help you directly but can also refer you on for
specialist care or assessment. Many GPs have a community
psychiatric nurse, psychiatrist or counsellor who works at the GP
Eating disorders
Equal opportunity
Executive Director(s)
Family/ Systematic Therapy
Forensic Service
Foundation Trust status
Freedom of Information
General Practitioner
Group Therapy
Health and Social Care
(HASC) Scrutiny
Healthcare Associated
Healthcare professional
Any form of psychotherapy can be done in a group. Some
groups are very brief, focused and educational (such as parent
training groups), while others are unstructured and may last for
several years (such as group analytic therapy). All groups make
use of the input from other group members as well as the group
leader to help people understand and change their thoughts,
feelings and behaviours.
Local Authority scrutiny committees made up of councillors and
members – responsible for reviewing local services. Specifically
health overview and scrutiny committee reviews performance of
local health services.
These are infections that occur in a health care setting that were
not present before the patient entered the care setting.
Generic identification of CPFT staff who are qualified to
administer mental health or community health care services.
Health of the Nation Outcome
Score (HoNOS)
Healthcare governance
A way of measuring how well someone is doing in
their treatment and recovery.
How we make sure we carry out treatments safely and effectively
and encourage a culture of excellence in our staff to continuously
improve quality of care.
Health promotion
Giving people and communities the resources and information
they need to make choices about their help and to make their
environment safer.
Healthcare governance
How we make sure we carry out treatments safely and
effectively and encourage a culture of excellence in our staff to
continuously improve quality of care
Home treatment
Treatment may be offered in user’s home rather than in a clinic.
Frequent home visits by a Community Mental Health Team
(CMHT) can avoid some hospital admissions and provide support
to informal carers. Should be available at weekends and during
Information, communication and technology.
Information Governance Toolkit - an online system that allows
NHS organisations and partners to assess themselves against
Department of Health information governance policies and
The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Improving Access to
programme aims to improve access to talking therapies in the NHS
Psychological Therapy
by providing more local services and psychological therapists.
IAPT services have now been set up across the NHS.
Improving Working Lives (IWL) An NHS accolade recognising achievement of a set of
national standards focusing on implementation of modern
employment practices and providing staff with a flexible
work/life balance.
Integrated Compliance
Assessment tool (InCA)
The Integrated Compliance Assessment tool used by internal
governance to record compliancy record for the Trust.
The Integrated Compliance Assessment tool (InCA) was
introduced during the course of the year to support the
assessment of our compliance position against the CQC outcomes
and support the overall awareness-raising of essential standards
across our wards and community teams. The tool encompasses all
the requirements of the CQC standards along with the
transformation tools and standards that were developed as part of
our turnaround programme.
The number of people who get a particular illness or suffer a
particular disability.
Someone who stays in hospital to receive care and treatment.
Independent sector
Intermediate care
Voluntary sector, charitable and private care providers.
Care provided as an alternative to in-patient carer. Also allows
patients to be safely discharged from hospital and complete their
recovery at home or other suitable place.
Investor in People (IIP)
Recognition of commitment to training with objectives and
personal development plans for all staff.
Key Performance Indicators
Members of the Council of Governors of an NHS Foundation
Trust who help the working of the Council of Governors and
facilitate appropriate discussions with the Chair. The Deputy Lead
Governors supports the Lead Governor and takes on
responsibilities of the Lead Governor when they are unavailable.
If someone has a learning disability, it means that they may find it
more difficult to learn, understand and communicate. Learning
disabilities are not a "mental illness", but can be caused by many
illness or problems before or during birth, or that develop during
childhood or for
as the
result of an illness.
and providing health and social
care services for all adults with a learning disability. The LDP
Boards in Peterborough and Cambridgeshire were set up in
2001. They bring together a range of partners, including people
with a learning disability and their family carers, with a
responsibility for implementing the programme of developments
from the White Paper ‘Valuing People’.
Introduced in April 2008, a Local Involvement Network for each
Local Authority area will gather and represent views of local
A single body bringing together at local level the different parts of
the public sector, private, business, community and voluntary
sectors to support each other and work together to improve the
economic, social and environmental well being of the local
Looked After Children are provided with somewhere to live by
social services for more than 24 hours, as a result of a court
order, or after agreement with their parents. Children become
'looked after' when their birth parents are unable to provide
ongoing, temporary or permanent, care.
Lead Governor and Deputy
Lead Governor
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disability
Partnerships (LDPs)
LINKs (Local Involvement
Local Strategic Partnerships
Looked After Children (LAC)
Medium Secure Unit
Multi-Agency Public Protection (Panel) Arrangements
Medium-Secure Units, also known as MSUs, provide hospital care
for people with complex mental health problems who may have
become involved in the criminal justice system.
Mental disorder
Mental Health Act 1983 definition: “mental illness, arrested or
incomplete development of mind, psychopathic disorder and any
other disorder or disability of mind”.
Mental health
Mental Health Act 1983
An individual’s ability to manage and cope with the stresses and
of life.
reception, care and treatment of mentally disordered
persons, the management of their property and other related
Mental Health Act Committee
This body ensures the compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983
throughout the Trust encompassing advice on policies and
Mental health organisations
Modern Matron
Health and social care commissioners and providers of specialist
mental health care, including independent sector providers.
The Mental Health Minimum Data Set MHMDS contains recordlevel data about the care of adults and older people using
The Modernmental
role is
a new nursing role that was
announced in the NHS Plan. A Modern Matron is a skilled,
clinically experienced nurse who is empowered to bring about
improvements to the patient experience in inpatient settings. The
Modern Matron role provides nursing and multi-disciplinary
leadership to a ward or a small group of wards and will build on
the strengths and good practice within inpatient nursing care.
Modern Matrons will be visible, accessible and focused on
improving the experience of service users.
Illness or disability.
An independent body that regulates NHS Foundation Trusts.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - a type of bacterial
infection that is resistant to a number of widely used antibiotics.
A team of health and social care staff. It includes professionals
such as nurses, doctors, social workers, psychologists and
benefits workers. It can also include service users and nonprofessionals in certain jobs.
Multi-disciplinary team
Named nurse
A team of health and social care staff. It includes professionals
such as nurses, doctors, social workers, psychologists and
benefits workers. It can also include service users and nonprofessionals in certain jobs.
Never event
Never events are serious, largely preventable patient safety
incidents that should not occur if the available preventative
measures have been implemented.
NHS Direct
24 hour nurse-led service providing confidential health care
advice and information. Works collaboratively with other health
NHS Trusts
Provide most NHS services, through annual agreements with
Primary Care Trusts.
National Institute for Health and NICE is responsible for promoting clinical excellence and costCare Excellence (NICE)
effectiveness and producing and issuing clinical guidelines to
ensure that every NHS patient gets fair access to quality
National Service Frameworks
Bring together the best clinical and cost-effective evidence to
determine the best ways of providing particular services. They set
national standards and define service models for a specific
service or care group, support implementation of the standards
and establish timescales for development.
National Vocational Qualifications
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic mental health
condition that is usually associated with both obsessive thoughts
and compulsive behaviour.
Occupational Therapist (OT)
The person who will work with you to develop your skills and
confidence in everyday life - including work, social and leisure
activities and personal care.
Older People’s Mental Health Service
Overview and Scrutiny
Patient Advice and Liaison
Service (PALS)
See Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committees.
Patient Environment Action
Teams (PEAT)
Payment by Results (PbR)
Complementary to existing services, the Patient Advice and
Liaison Service (PALS) provides service users, their carers and
families with help, information and support to resolve concerns
quickly and efficiently. Every NHS organisation will have a PALS
to support atients and the public.
These teams are part of a national programme to assess and
improve cleanliness, safety, privacy and dignity of inpatient care
areas within NHS services. All Trusts are assessed and scored
by these teams as part of an annual programme. These scores
form part of the performance framework for Trusts. Services that
pass at a certain level can move on to environmental selfassessment.
Payment by Results (PbR) provides a transparent, rules-based
system for paying trusts. It will reward efficiency, support patient
choice and diversity and encourage activity for sustainable
waiting time reductions. Payment will be linked to activity and
adjusted for casemix.
Personality disorder
Covers a variety of clinically significant conditions and behaviour
patterns, which tend to be persistent from childhood or
adolescence. May co-exist with other mental disorders.
Someone who has expert knowledge of the use of medicines.
They work closely with doctors and nurses and advise them on
the safe and effective use of drugs. They are responsible for
supplying medication and making sure it is available in the right
A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear, for example a fear of
heights or animals. Phobias are estimated to affect 1 in 40 adults
a year.
Performance indicator.
Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder If you have experienced a traumatic event, you may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the days, weeks or months
after the incident. Although such events can be very difficult to
come to terms with, confronting your feelings and seeking
professional help is often the only way of effectively treating PTSD.
Post-natal depression
Primary care
Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)
Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
Providers and providing
The birth of a baby is an emotional experience and, for many
new mothers, feeling tearful and depressed is also common.
However, sometimes longer periods of depression, known as
postnatal depression (PND), can occur during the first few weeks
and months of the baby's life. PND can have a variety of physical
and emotional symptoms, but it can be treated.
Care provided through Primary Care Trusts.
Groups of local doctors and community services with resources
for commissioning health care for their practices’ populations.
A government-led programme to enable the private sector to
become involved in the provision of facilities which will then be
run by the NHS.
Hospital trusts, GPs, voluntary organisations and sometimes
private institutions that provide the health according to contract
with the Strategic Health Authority or Primary Care Trust.
A medical doctor with specialist experience and qualifications
in mental illness and emotional disorders. He or she has
overall responsibility for your care. This includes any
medication you may take, and any activities you may be
involved in whilst in hospital, or in the community.
Someone who has done a psychology degree, then further
training in helping people with emotional or psychological
problems. Psychologists can offer you therapy which involves
talking about your difficulties and working together to overcome
them. They are different from psychiatrists in that they are not
medically trained and do not prescribe medication.
Psychological therapies
Talking therapies, including psychotherapy, counselling, family
therapy and cognitive-behaviour therapy.
A period of illness when people suffer from thought disorder,
hallucinations or delusions.
Someone who has trained to carry out one or more of the
psychotherapies. They can be from any professional
background - or none. They should be registered with a
professional psychotherapy organisation in the UK.
Psychotropic drugs
Recovery oriented care
Recovery Principles
Regional Secure Units (RSUs)
Medication used in the treatment of mental disorder.
Research and Development.
A system of care that focuses on people and outcomes and
combating the stigma associated with mental health
The concept of recovery was developed by service users. One
service user describes recovery as “rediscovering meaning and
purpose after a series of catastrophic events, which mental
illness is, it doesn’t necessarily mean being symptom free”.
Patient referrals provided to CPFT from an external source - eg,
doctors' surgery, another Trust or hospital, police, army or other
medical service agency.
Medium-secure units for people who are thought to pose
special risks, particularly violence to others.
Risk management
Root cause analysis (RCA)
Schedule 5
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Secondary care
Self harm
Senior Independent Director
Serious incident (SI)
Service user/s
A mental health membership charity working to help everyone
affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life.
Risk management places special emphasis on identifying
circumstances which put users, carers and staff at risk of harm
and then acting to prevent or control those risks. This helps us to
improve the quality of care we provide.
Systematic process to analyse the causes of incidents, learn from
them and where possible reduce the risk of recurrence.
Referral to treatment. Time taken for a patient to be refered to an
appropriate CPFT service.
Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that causes a range of
different psychological symptoms including hallucinations (hearing
or seeing things
that do
and delusions
and Justice
- coroner
powers.(believing in
things that are untrue).
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that
has a seasonal pattern. It is characterised by recurrent episodes
of depression at the same time each year.
Health care provided in hospital setting.
Self harm is when somebody damages or injures their body on
purpose. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)
describes it as 'self-poisoning, or injury, irrespective of the
apparent purpose of the act'.
The Code of Governance issued by Monitor requires all FTs to
appoint a Senior Independent Director from their Non-Executive
Directors. The SID is the main point of contact for the Board of
Governors if they have concerns about the performance the Board
of Directors, compliance with the Terms of Authorisation or
welfare of the Trust which contact through the normal channels of
Chairman or Chief Executive has failed to resolve
A serious incident is defined by the National Patient Safety Agency
(NPSA) as an incident that occurred in relation to NHS-funded
services and care resulting in one of the following: unexpected or
avoidable death of one or more patients, staff, visitors or members
of the public; serious harm to one or more patients, staff, visitors or
members of the public; a scenario that prevents or threatens to
prevent the Trust's ability to continue to deliver healthcare
services; allegations of abuse; adverse media coverage or public
concern about the Trust or the wider NHS.
People who need health and social care for their mental health
problems. They may live in their own home, stay in care, or be
cared for in hospital.
Seven-day follow up
Follow up (by phone or face-to-face contact) within seven days of
discharge from psychiatric inpatient care to help reduce
subsequent risk and social exclusion.
Situation Report compiled to describe the detail surrounding a
situation, event, or incident.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder (also know as Social Phobia). If you have
a social phobia, the thought of being seen in public or appearing at
social events can make you feel very anxious and frightened.
Social care
Personal care for vulnerable people, including people with special
needs which stem from their age, physical or mental disability and
children who need care and protection.
Social Care Package
A combination of services put together to meet a person's needs
as part of a care plan arising from an assessment or review.
Social worker
A professional who can help you with practical aspects of life, and
who will often also have had training in psychological help. They
work closely together with other organisations that are also able to
provide you with help.
Spend agency
Agency ascribed to the role to monitor and/or control spending.
All parties within and interest in the organisation, services, etc.
Strategic Health Authority/ies
Responsible for developing a strategic framework for the health
systems within their area and for performance managing Primary
Care Trusts and NHS Trusts.
Supervised discharge
Under the 1995 Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Act
consultant psychiatrists may apply for powers of supervision of
service users following discharge from hospital. A ‘supervisor’
(care co-ordinator) has the power to ‘take and convey’ the service
user to a place of treatment, but not to treat them.
Support Time Recovery (STR)
Staff within community teams who have dedicated time to support
service users to access resources in the community and thus
promote their independence.
Talking therapy / treatment
A general term for treatments which involve talking in individual or
group sessions with a trained mental health professional.
Teaching Trust
Strengthens the Trust’s links with higher education institutions.
Trust receives extra funding to support the teaching of
psychological medicine to doctors from the Cambridge University
School. The Teaching ethos influences all staff groups and
education programmes.
Tertiary care
Specialist care, usually for less common illnesses.
Internal referral - transfer of a patient from one CPFT service to
another CPFT service.
‘Two ticks’
An award recognising employers’ innovative work on disability and
implementing the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Ward manager
The senior nurse in charge of running a hospital ward.
Waiting times endured by a patient for a service to be provided or
White Paper
Government document which outlines the way policy and services
will operate in the future.
Whole-time equivalent - measure of NHS staff resourcing or