Download HTML Templates versus XML/XSLT templates

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Key differences between TERMINALFOUR & Omniupdate
Fundamental differences:
HTML Templates versus XML/XSLT templates
When a web developer creates new web design templates they are typically created converted from
Photoshop or PNG files into HTML/CSS. These HTML templates are then tested across browsers,
platforms and for accessibility.
In the case of TERMINALFOUR, you can drop these HTML/CSS templates right into the CMS, apply
special tags and they will be up and running quite quickly. As the templates are always stored in HTML if
you need to make changes you can quickly see the HTML, make the change and test it.
In the case of Omniupdate, when you have your HTML templates, you need to convert these to a format
called XML/XSLT. This is a format most web developers wouldn't be familiar with. While this format can
be powerful it does mean that for standard websites you need to spend a lot of time converting your
HTML to another format.
There are also questions as to XSLT's future. It is currently at version 2.0 which was last released in 2009.
TERMINALFOUR can support XML/XSLT templates but trend has been for web developers to use their
standard skill sets rather than needing to convert templates into a different format.
For example the following code is required in XSLT:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/>
<xsl:template match="/persons">
<head> <title>Testing XML Example</title> </head>
<xsl:apply-templates select="person">
<xsl:sort select="family-name" />
<xsl:template match="person">
<xsl:value-of select="family-name"/><xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select="name"/>
to generate the following HTML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
<head> <title>Testing XML Example</title> </head>
<li>Ismincius, Morka</li>
<li>Smith, John</li>
Single Page Templates versus a Page made up of one or more Templates
There are two types of Pages in web content management systems.
The first is like Wordpress where when you select a Page template you pick a layout and then your "fill
in the boxes". In essence this means that each page is a content type.
The second is used in many enterprise grade web content management systems, where you pick a page
layout and in that page layout you have a number of editable zones. in each of those editable zones you
can (if allowed) add in different content types.
Although this might sounds like a complicated area it has a huge impact on a number of areas:
The ability to move a piece of content from one area of a page to another area on another page
To be able to reuse the content on the page independent to some other content on the page.
The upside is that it's slightly easier to edit the content but the downside is that you're really restricted
at reusing content in different formats around the websites.
Other differences:
Built in eForms engine to allow users or administrators
create simple or complex forms and automate processes
Out-of-the-box data integration with third party systems
such as SunGard, Datatel, Blackboard & the ability to
synchronise, consolidate and workflow data from these
systems for publishing on-line.
Facility to connect to third party media libraries and reuse
content from those sources (for example Sharepoint)
Oracle Database Support
Ability to use all major scripting languages with "Preview
Support". While you can use all major scripting languages
in Omniupdate you cannot view them until you publish
them to the webserver.
Intranet / Portal Modules
Website Personalisation. Omniupdate support only very
basic interactive elements on the server side and these
components require database access. TERMINALFOUR
provides very extensive interactivity including dynamic
building of personalised pages based on audiences,
geography and behaviour.
US Patriot Act Friendly SaaS hosting in Canada (if required)
iPhone & iPad content editing support
Full Multilanguage support (not just supporting UTF8
output but multilanguage workflows, navigation and URLs)
HTML Content Importer (as a feature rather than a set of
scripts) - automatically import existing websites with some
basic configuration
Database Content Importer (Out-of-the-box)
Related content feature where you can see documents
relating to a particular page
Integration with SunGard Mobile and Blackboard Mobile
WebDav Support - Access the content repository or media
library using a Network Drive
Publish content to Mobile Apps using Web Services
Search Engine Optimisation Advice feature
Variants of Assets in the Media Library (but all attached to
the main asset)
Email marketing module
100% API Coverage