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Science Revision Pack.
Name: ……………………………………………………..
Grade: 5………
2016 – 2017
A. Humans and Animals.
Question 1: Match the systems with their functions.
Human body systems
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Circulatory System
Central Nervous System
Excretory System
Question 2: Label the following diagram:
a. Name the system shown in the figure above.
b. What is the path of food as it travels through the digestive system?
Question 3: Label the following diagram:
Question 4: Answer the following questions:
a. What is the most important organ in the circulatory system?
b. What is the blood made up of?
Question 5: Fill in the blanks by using words from the box below:
The ____________ bite and chew the food. This breaks it into small pieces.
Special glands in the mouth make a liquid called ___________. This ___________ is mixed
with the food. It begins to digest it and makes it easier to swallow.
The ___________ pushes the food to the back of the mouth and it is swallowed. It goes down
the _____________ (or ____________) into the stomach.
The large intestine has one part called the _____________ . The digested food is _________
there and moves into the blood.
The ____________ is the last part of the large intestine. The parts of the food which cannot be
digested are collected there. Water is absorbed and solids become the ____________.
The ____________ is the hole at the end of the rectum. The digestive system is a tube, with a
hole at each end : the __________ and the __________.
Question 6 :State true or false by writing T or F:
a. The two types of blood vessels are arteries and veins. _____
b. The kidneys are a part of the respiratory system. ______
c. Humans breathe out Carbon dioxide. _______
d. The nerves carry messages to and from the brain. ______
e. Oxygen passes into the blood from the alveoli. _______
f. Carbon dioxide passes out of the blood into the alveoli.______
g. The brain has very little functions and is a simple organ.______
h. Your oesophagus is located near your small intestine.______
i. The liver makes bile and proteins.______
j. The liver converts nutrients from one form to another. _______
k. The heart pumps blood. ______
l. Gaseous exchanges take place in the stomach. ______
m. The brain controls all the functions of the body. ______
Question 7: Match the following:
Carbon dioxide
Question 8: Rami knows that some activities can affect our pulse rates. Tick three boxes to
show the three activities that could increase pulse rate the most.
*Having a rest
*Eating fruit
*Running a race
*Playing football
*Writing a letter
Question 9: Multiple Choice Questions.
1. What are the two types of blood vessels?
a. Arteries and veins
b. Blood and capillaries
c. Heart and Arteries
d. Red and white blood cells
2. The elastic bag of muscle the holds the urine after it leaves the kidneys is called?
a. Ureters
b. Kidneys
c. Liver
d. Bladder
3. The three parts of the nervous system are:
a. The brain, the spinal cord and the nerves.
b. The brain, the spinal cord and the sense organs.
c. The nose, eyes and skin
4. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
a. Images are detected by the eyes.
b. Smells are detected by the nose
c. Tastes are detected by the tongue
d. Sounds are detected by the skin.
5. When humans breathe out Carbon dioxide it goes into the:
a. Lungs
b. Atmosphere
c. Mouth
d. None of the above
6. Which gland is attached to small intestines just below the stomach and helps digest fats,
proteins and carbohydrates.
a. Liver
b. Stomach
c. Kidneys
d. Pancreas
7. Which of these activities will NOT make your heart pump faster?
a. Swimming
b. Sleeping
c. Running
d. Jumping
8. What is the main part of the nervous system?
a. Heart
b. Brain
c. Nerves
d. Spinal cored
9. What is the function of the heart?
a. Pumps the blood
b. Transmits signals to body parts
c. Clean the blood
d. None of the above
B. Living Things In the Environment.
Question 1: Match the following.
1. Organisms that are responsible for returning matter back
into the environment are the : _______
2. Organisms that only eat plants are called: _____
3. Organisms that only eat meat are called:_____
4. Organisms that eat meat and plants are called:_____
Question 2: Use the web food below to answer the question:
What is the producer in this food web?
The primary source for all energy used on our planet is:
Question 3: Observe this food web:
1. List the producers.
2. List the herbivores.
3. List the Carnivores.
4. From the web, write a food chain of 3 organisms.
Question 4: Tick the correct answer:
1. The pollution that causes respiratory problems is:
___Air pollution
___Water pollution
___Noise pollution
___Land pollution
2. The pollution that causes typhoid or cholera is:
___Air pollution
___Water pollution
___Noise pollution
___Land pollution
3. The pollution that causes loss of hearing due to loud noises is:
___Air pollution
___Water pollution
___Noise pollution
___Land pollution
Question 5: The three “R’s” of conservation are:
R___________, R_____________ and R___________.
Question 6: List 2 diseases that can affect humans due to water pollution:
Question 7: Write down the type of pollution shown in each picture below:
Question 8:
Fill in the blank spaces, choosing words from the box below:
1. Water can be _________________ in many ways.
2. Water can carry _____________, such as ___________ and _____________.
3. Human ____________ and ______________ can pollute water.
4. Sometimes water is polluted by accident when ____________ escapes from a crashed
tanker or a burst ____________.
5. Some ______________________ dump their waste in rivers or the ______________.
The waste can have _____________ in it, which kill animals and ____________.
6. Farmers add _____________________ to crops and soil. These can pollute water because
they are _________________ and end up in streams and rivers.
C. Material changes
Question 1: Match the statement to its correct definition.
A solid that doesn’t dissolve in liquid
Method to separate a solid from a liquid
A solid that dissolves in liquid
A liquid the dissolves a solid
Question 2: Draw a line from each change of state to the correct name.
Solid to liquid
Liquid to gas
Liquid to solid
Gas to liquid
Question 3: Complete the table by writing solid liquid or gas in each box to show how the
materials change.
Baking a cake
Melting butter
Making Ice cubes
Formation of water vapor
Question 4: Write in each box if the changes are reversible or irreversible.
Reversible / Irreversible
Frying Eggs
Burning wood
Making ice cubes
Rusting iron
Mixing baking soda with vinegar
Melting chocolate
D. Scientific Inquiry :
Question 1.
What do we call the list of steps that tell us what to do in an experiment?
Question 2.
Moby wants to know how often he should water his fig plant. Before finishing the
experiment, he writes in his lab report: “I think that the plant will be healthiest if I water
it twice a week.” What do we call this kind of guess?
Question 3
Order the following steps of an experiment.
Gather and set up the materials
Find a problem in the world
Make observations
Make a hypothesis
Follow the procedure
Draw conclusions from your final results
Question 4.
What materials would you need for an experiment to separate iron filings from
sand? List four.