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Non Verbal
Questions from the
What is haptics and how does it differ
among various cutures? Give some
examples from the reading? What touch is
inappropriate in your culture?
What is Olfactics? Why are we
uncomfortable with body odor? How
important is smell in your culture? Give an
How does smell influence our interactions?
Non Verbal
Nonverbal communication is the process of
communicating through sending and
receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues
between people. It is sometimes mistakenly
referred to as body language (kinesics), but
nonverbal communication encompasses
much more, such as use of touch (haptics)
and distance (proxemics)
Haptic communication is a form of
nonverbal communication and the way by
which people and animals communicate
via touching. Touch is the most effective
means to communicate feelings and
The withholding of touch may
communicate a variety of negative
Touch in animals
Gentling, stroking and touching of newborn
Licking –to clean the offspring. Also plays
an important role in stimulating the
physiological functions of newborn animals
and therefore contributes to their survival.
Touch in Humans
Tactile communication in the early stages
of life may establish the foundation of all
other forms of communications that
humans later develop.
As one grows older, the frequency of touch
Touch can sometimes communicate better
than verbal communication.
Categories of Touch
Friendship-Touch –let’s another person
know we care for, value, and have an
interest in her or him. Probably the most
difficult to interpret, both for the receiver of
the touch and the sender.
Boys distance themselves from their parents
at an earlier age than girls. There is more
touching with the same sex parent than
with cross-sex parents.
Categories of Touch
Professional-Functional Touch –Managers
should know the effectiveness of using
touch while communicating to
subordinates but need to be cautious and
understand how touch can be
misunderstood. A hand on the shoulder for
one person may mean a supportive
gesture while it could mean a sexual
advance to another person
Appropriate or not?
What emotions are
communicated through
following handshakes?
Friendliness but professional
Informal bond
Thankful or expressing pity
Romantic meaning
Bond or accomplishment
Relevance to Business
When conducting business in other cultures,
be aware of haptics etiquette. Adapt
yourself to cultural norms of business
When unsure whether you are dealing with
a non-touch culture or a touch culture, it is
better to avoid touch.
Our sense of smell
Human genes are designed to use smell to
detect thousands of compounds.
Smell/scent is not talked about much as it
has a negative connotation
Most cultures try to cover/remove/mask
body odors
How smell influences us
Scent can function as sexual attractant
Idiomatic expressions often involve scent in
a negative way:
I smell a rat
This smells fishy
Research shows smell is associated with
social status/class
People judge other races/cultures based
on their smell.
Smell and interaction
Research shows that the sense of smell is
very important in our interactions with
Many cultures value a fresh/clean smell
saying it contributes to life quality.
Smell can create a sense of bond and unity
How important is smell to
Take the Personal Report of Olfactory
Perception and Sensitivity (PROPS) test