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1. How are IC’s classified?
2. List the limitations of IC?
3. Mention the advantages of integrated circuits.
4. Write down the various processes used to fabricate IC’s using silicon planar technology
5. What is the purpose of oxidation?
6. Why aluminium is preferred for metallization?
7. What is the principle of photo lithography?
8. List any two important features of ion implantation process
9. What is meant by monolithic integrated circuits?
10. What are the applications of current sources?
11. Mention the advantages of Wilson current source
12. What is a current mirror?
13. What is the use and advantage of an active load?
14. What is a differential amplifier?
15. Mention the characteristics of an ideal op-amp.
16. Explain the basic block diagram of an op-amp?
17. Define CMRR of an op-amp.
18. What is slew rate?
19. What is input offset voltage?
20. What is input off set current?
21. What is input bias current?
22. What does the term linear circuits generally convey?
23. Define gain bandwidth product?
24. What is meant by roll-off rate?
25. What are the limitations of open loop configuration?
Part B (11Marks)
1. Discuss the steps involved in the process of IC fabrication.
2. How are transistors fabricated in ICs.
3. Explain any two types of current sources. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages
4. Draw the diagram of differential amplifier with active load and describe its operation.
5. Draw and explain the internal block diagram of an op-amp.
6. Discuss in detail about the AC performance characteristics of an op-amp
7. Explain in detail about the DC characteristics of OPAMP.
1. Mention some of the linear applications of op – amps .
2. Mention some of the non – linear applications of op-amps.
3. What are the applications of V-I converter?
4. Draw the circuit of voltage follower using OPAMP and prove that its gain is equal to unity.
5. Draw an op-amp summing amplifier and obtain the expression for output voltage?
6. What is the need for an instrumentation amplifier?
7. List the features of instrumentation amplifier
8. What are the limitations of the basic differentiator circuit?
9. Give the application of integrator and differentiator?
10. What is the basic function of capacitor in differentiator and integrator?
11. List the applications of Log amplifiers.
12. What are the applications of comparator?
13. Differentiate Schmitt trigger and comparator.
14. Write down the applications of precision diode.
15. Draw the circuit of Op amp as clamper.
16. What is a filter?
17. What are the demerits of passive filters?
18. Mention some commonly used active filters.
19. What are the advantages of active filters over passive filters?
20. What is the roll off rate ?
Part B (11Marks)
1. Explain the working of an instrumentation amplifier with a circuit.Give its characteristics
2. Explain the operation of the Schmitt trigger with neat circuit diagram and output
3. Detail the logarithmic and anti logarithmic amplifier?
4. Draw the circuit diagram of a second order Butterworth active low pass filter and derive an
expression for its transfer function and explain .
5. Explain the working of precision rectifier.
6. Explain the principle of operation of V-I converter.
7. Explain the operation of op-amp as differentiator, integrator with waveforms and output
1. What is a PLL?
2. Mention some areas where PLL is widely used.
3. List the basic building blocks of PLL:
4. What are the three stages through which PLL operates?
5. Define lock-in range of a PLL
6. Define capture range of PLL.
7. Define Pull-in time.
8. Mention some typical applications of PLL.
9. Give the classification of phase detector:
10. What is a voltage controlled oscillator?
11. Define Voltage to Frequency conversion factor.
12. Draw the block diagram of NE566 voltage controlled oscillator?
13. list the applications of analog multipliers
14. What is FSK technique?
15. Draw the circuit of AM detector using PLL
16. Briefly explain analog multiplication process
17. what is an operational transconductance amplifier?Draw the schematic?
18. What is a frequency synthesizer?
19. What is amplitude modulation?
20. What is a 2 quadrant multiplier?
Part B (11Marks)
1. Briefly explain the block diagram of PLL and derive the expression for Lock range and
2. With a neat functional diagram, explain the operation of VCO.
3. With a neat sketch, explain the working of variable transconductance multiplier.
4. Explain how amplitude modulation can be performed using analog multiplier
5. Discuss in detail about Gilbert multiplier cell .
6. Describe the application of PLL as AM detection
7. Explain the application of PLL as frequency synthesizer.
1. List the broad classification of ADCs.
2. Define resolution of a data converter.
3. Define accuracy of converter.
4. What is meant by linearity?
5. List out some integrating type converters.
6. What are the main advantages of integrating type ADCs?
7. Explain in brief the principle of operation of successive Approximation ADC.
8. Where are the successive approximation type ADC’s used?
9. What is the main drawback of a dual-slop ADC?
10. State the advantages of dual slope ADC:
11. Define settling time and conversion time terms related to DAC
12. draw the schematic diagram of switch used in DAC
13. What is a sample and hold circuit? Where it is used?
14. Give the disadvantage of flash type A/D converter
15. Which is the fastest ADC and why?
16. Write the advantages of Flash type ADC
17. Why is the R-2R ladder better than weighted resistor DAC?
18. Define monotoniticity with respect to DAC?
19. How many comparators are required to build an n-bit flash type A/D converter?
20. What is a flash type A/D converter? Why is it called so?
Part B (11Marks)
8. What is integrating type converter? Explain the operation of dual slope ADC.
9. Explain the principle of operation of successive Approximation ADC.
10. Explain the operation of sample and hold circuit.
11. Explain the Flash type ADC with neat diagram.
12. Explain the working of weighted resistor and R-2R ladder type DAC.
1. Mention some applications of 555 timer:
2. What is a voltage regulator?
3. What is a linear voltage regulator?
4. What is a switching regulator?
5. What are the advantages of IC voltage regulators?
6. Give some examples of monolithic IC voltage regulators:
7. Define line regulation.
8. Define load regulation.
9. What is the advantage of switching regulators?
10. What is an opto-coupler IC? Give examples.
11. Mention the advantages of opto-couplers:
12. What is the need for a tuned amplifier?
13. Give the classification of tuned amplifier:
14. Draw the internal block diagram of IC voltage regulator.
15. List the characteristics of optocoupler.
16. Define monolithic switching regulator
17. Draw the pin diagram of 555IC
18. Draw the circuit of a switched capacitor integrator?
19. What is an isolation amplifier?
20. What is a video amplifier?
Part B (11Marks)
1. What is 555 timer? What are the features of 555 timer? Explain the monostable mode in
2. In detail discuss the 723 IC general purpose voltage regulator.
3. Explain the functional diagram of LM 380 power amplifier.
4. Discuss in detail the operation of Astable multivibrator.
5. Discuss in detail the operation of Monostable multivibrator.
6. Write a note on1.Isolation amplifier.2.Video amplifier.3.Audio power amplifier.
7. Write short notes on operation on function generator
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