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The Six Major Nutrients
And Their Uses
-helps dissolve and digest food
-helps transport nutrients to body and extract wastes from the body
-gives the body shape (cells are filled with water)
-helps regulate the body’s temperature
-least expensive nutrient
-most important nutrient (animals can’t live without it)
-main part of muscles and tissue
-made up of amino acids (essential vs. non-essential)
-very important in growth and reproduction
-monogastrics are picky about their proteins
-ruminants can use and convert them all (rumen is like a magician)
Minerals -important to all systems
-Ex. Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, iron,
iodine, cobalt, copper, fluorine, manganese.
-Supplied in supplements
Vitamins -needed in small amounts
-used in blood clotting, forming bones, reproducing, and lactation
-help keep the body functioning
-same as sugars and starches
-supply energy
-used in all parts of life. Ex. Growth, Development, Reproduction,
Lactation (producing milk)
-types are:
simple sugars -glucose
compound sugars
complex sugars -starch
-needed in small amounts
-makes the feed taste better, break down better, feel better, and boost
energy levels in feed (gives 2-3 times more energy than carbohydrates)
-increases milk production and fattens meat animals