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5th Grade Music- Week of 2/15
This week, students will build on their prior work with the dulcimers in addition to reviewing
how to identify meters using conducting patterns. This follows our pattern of reviewing or
introducing one general music concept per week and spending the rest of the time progressing in
dulcimer playing skills to apply learned musical concepts and prepare for the Earth Day concert.
They will also be learning to teach themselves new songs, building musical independence.
Lasting Ideas & Results:
Advancing dulcimer skills will build student interest in independent music-making on
instruments which should promote music-making throughout the students’ lifetimes. The ability
to aurally identify meters in music listened to enhances listening enjoyment and understanding
and helps promote coordination for activities such as dancing and playing instruments. This
week’s work will also contribute toward a performance product on April 22.
Essential Question(s):
How can I determine whether music is in duple or triple meter? How do I conduct duple and
triple meters? How can I play as a group with my peers with good ensemble skills? How do I
pick a single string and strum all three strings of the dulcimer? How do I play the I and V
chords? Can I play the melody/harmony of a song with half the class while the other half plays
the other part? Can I teach myself a new song on the dulcimer when I’m given the fret numbers
Desired Learner Outcomes:
Students will be able to...
Students will know...
Identify whether music is in duple or triple
We conduct to decide which meter is correct
by which one “feels” better.
Play a song as a class with good ensemble
It is important to listen to each other and
internalize the beat in order to sound good as
an ensemble.
Display correct techniques for plucking a single
string and strumming all three strings while
playing familiar songs.
Vocabulary “strum” and “pick”, what fingers
should be used, in what direction, and in what
place on the dulcimer.
Play the I and V chords in accompaniments.
What fret numbers to use for each chord and
the harmonic rhythm.
Play a song in 2 parts- class divided between
melody and harmony.
All fret numbers, rhythms, and fingerings for
both parts.
Teach themselves to play a familiar song from
the fret numbers in the tune book.
Each fret number corresponds with one note.
1.1.5.B.1, 1.1.5.B.2, 1.3.5.B.1, 1.4.5.B.2
Daily Engagement Activities:
Meeting #1-
Meeting #2-
Meter review with conducting and 6-8 examples
Quick review- Hot Cross Buns and Boil Them Cabbage (both playing methods),
I and V chords, and Boil Them Cabbage chord part
Boil Them Cabbage in 2 parts- continue work
Introduce Hot Cross Buns chord part
Review all mentioned above
Continue Hot Cross Buns chord part work
Students continue work on self-teaching song from tune book and, if time,
perform for class
Summative Assessment(s):
Describe Performance Tasks
Explain &/or Reference Criteria
Identify whether a song is in duple or triple
Students will show me two or three fingers to
identify the meter.
Conduct duple and triple meter.
Observation (is the movement clear?)
Describe and demonstrate good ensemble
Student answers for describe, observation for
demonstrate (is the student “with” everyone
Strum three strings and pick a single one with
correct technique while playing familiar songs.
Observation (correct fingers, strum/pluck
direction, use of force)
Demonstrate fingerings for the I and V chords.
Observation of finger position
Play the chord accompaniment for Boil Them
Cabbage and Hot Cross Buns.
Observation (fingering and rhythm)
Play the melody and harmony parts of both
songs with half the class while the other half
plays the other half (or with partner).
Observation of formal graded performance
(scale of 1-3 from low to high, based on
maintaining fingering and rhythm while 2
parts are going on).
Perform a song that was self-taught from the
tune book.
Observation of formal graded performance (13, fingering and rhythm)
Pre-Requisite Knowledge & Skills:
All students have covered meter before and can define meter, duple, and triple. They can
conduct a duple pattern and a triple pattern to fit with a piece of music. They are growing
increasingly proficient in identifying which pattern “feels” better to identify the meter. This
week should be just review to keep it fresh and help increase proficiency. All students know the
techniques for plucking and strumming and the fingerings for Hot Cross Buns, Boil Them
Cabbage, and the Boil Them Cabbage chord part; we are simply continuing to practice these
things to make them better. They can also identify the fingerings of the I and V chords and play
with the class divided into two parts.
Meeting #11. Meter Review- In classroom, review meters. Who remembers what meter in music means?
What are the two types of meters we discussed? How did we decide which meter a piece
of music was in? Review conducting patterns. Discuss protocol for listening to pieces to
decide meter: 1) Listen for a few seconds, 2) wait until I say go, then try conducting
duple, 3) stop when I say, and then try triple when I say go, 4) show me fingers when the
music pauses to tell me duple or triple. Use meter CD to identify meter in about 6-8
songs. Observe all students for correct choices and note who needs additional practice.
2. Dulcimer Review- Move to multi-purpose room after reviewing room protocol (walk, no
playing unless I ask, etc.). Review Hot Cross Buns and Boil Them Cabbage while
playing the melody on one string. Review how to “play together” using good ensemble
skills- listen to each other and keep the beat in your head. After getting both songs
together without singing fret numbers, give out picks and repeat the review process,
except with strumming all three strings. Continue to correct technique as needed. Next,
review I and V chords and Boil Them Cabbage chordal accompaniment. Practice this
several times until it’s solid without any help from me and without the students saying
anything out loud to help. Finally, I play the melody while they play harmony.
3. 2-part Boil Them Cabbage- Again, divide class and hear each half on their assigned part
individually. Play it together, half on melody and half on harmony. Switch parts and
repeat process- each group alone, then together. Then try it with every other student in a
group (alternating- harder to hear).
4. Hot Cross Buns chord part- Write chord part for Hot Cross Buns on board. Have students
first say rhythm, then try playing a little at a time.
Daily recorded assessment: Informal (observation)- is the student playing correctly while the
class is divided? IF TIME FOR PARTNER ACTIVITY: Also grade student performance
with partner on scale of 1-3. (From formal performance)
Meeting #21. Dulcimer Review- Repeat review steps in #2 above, but faster. Include review of Boil Them
Cabbage in 2 parts and move on.
2. Hot Cross Buns Chord part- Continue work. Get part solid.
3. Tune books- If extra time, give students more time to work on a song from the tune books,
then have them perform to show progress.
Daily recorded assessment: Grading of each student on performance of song from tune book
Meter CD, CD player, dulcimers, picks, tune books
Modifications, Adaptations, & Accommodations:
If the Hot Cross Buns chord part goes quickly, they can go on to playing with the class divided.
Reflection: Will advise