Download Priority Queue - Data structure cs322

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Priority Queue
Data Structures
Prepared By: L.Fatimah Alanizi
Priority Queue
Suppose that you have a few assignments from different
Which assignment will you want to work on first?
You set your priority based on due days. Due days are called
Due day
Database Systems
October 3
October 10
Data Structure & Algorithm
September 29
Structured Systems Analysis
October 7
What is Priority Queue?
 a priority queue is an abstract data type which is like a regular queue or stack
data structure, but where additionally each element has a "priority" associated
with it.
 An entry in a priority queue is simply a (key, value) pair
 In a priority queue, an entry with high priority is served before an entry with
low priority, So the order is determined by key.
 Exe: Highest priority entry will served first ,so it is in the first order: kmin
 The smallest key: If we have a finite number of entries , then the smallest key, is
the key that satisfies kmin< k for any other key k
 If two entries have the same key value, they are served according to their
arrival in the queue.
What’s so different?
Stacks and Queues:
• Removal order determined by order of inserting (stack LIFO, Queue FIFO)
• User chooses exact placement when inserting and explicitly chooses
removal order
Priority Queue
• Removal order determined by key
• Key may be part of element data or separate
 Processes scheduled by CPU
 Hospital Emergency Rooms
 College admissions process for students
Priority Queue ADT
 insertItem(k,e): insert element e with key k
 extractMin( )/ removeMin() : return element with minimum key and
remove from queue
 minElement( ): Return (but do not remove) an element with the
smallest key; an error condition occurs if the priority queue is empty.
 minKey( ): Return a smallest key; an error condition occurs if the
priority queue is empty
 size( ): return number of elements
 isEmpty( ): size == 0?
Priority Queue implementation
1) Implementing PQ with Unsorted Sequence:
 Keys in the sequence are not sorted
 Each call to insertItem(k, e) inserts element in the last of Sequence
 O(1) time
 Each call to extractMin( ) )/ removeMin() traverses the entire
sequence to find the minimum, then removes element
 O(n) time
 What about other operations?
Priority Queue implementation
1) Implementing PQ with Unsorted Sequence:
Example: Assume we have the elements stored in an unsorted
sequence show here.
To perform the extractMin()/ removeMin() operation, we have to
inspect all elements to find the element (0,0) that has the
smallest key.
Priority Queue implementation
2) Implementing PQ with Sorted Sequence:
 Keys in the sequence are sorted
 Each call to insertItem(k, e) traverses sorted sequence to find correct
position, then does insert
 O(n) worst case
 Each call to extractMin( )/removeMin() does remove first element
 O(1) time
 What about other operations?
Priority Queue implementation
2) Implementing PQ with Sorted Sequence:
To insert the pair (6,6), we have to scan through the sequence
until we find the right place (between (4,4) and (7,7)).