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Prof. Lester’s BI 203 Practice Exam 3 (There is no answer key. Please do not email or ask me for answers.)
Chapters 7, 20, 12, 13, Groups of Bacteria
1) Which of the following is the best method to sterilize heat-sensitive solutions?
A) Dry heat
B) Autoclave
C) Membrane filtration D) Pasteurization
E) Freezing
2) Place the following surfactants in order from the most effective to the least effective antimicrobial activity:
1-Soap; 2-Acid-anionic detergent; 3-Quats.
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 3, 2
C) 2, 1, 3
D) 3, 2, 1
E) 3, 1, 2
3) The antimicrobial activity of chlorine is due to which of the following?
A) The formation of hypochlorous acid B) The formation of hydrochloric acid
C) The formation of ozone
D) The formation of free O
E) Disruption of the plasma membrane
4) Which of the following affects the elimination of bacteria from an object?
A) Number of bacteria present B) Temperature C) pH
D) Presence of organic matter
E) All of the above
5) Which concentration of ethanol is the most effective bactericide?
A) 100%
B) 70%
C) 50%
D) 40%
E) 30%
A disk-diffusion test using Staphylococcus gave the following results:
Table 7.1
Zone of inhibition (mm)
6) In Table 7.1, which compound was the most effective against Staphylococcus?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) Can't tell
7) In Table 7.1, which compound was the most effective against E. coli?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) Can't tell
8) Which of the following substances is NOT used to preserve foods?
A) Biguanides
B) Nisin
C) Potassium sorbate D) Sodium nitrite
9) Which of the following will NOT preserve foods?
A) Desiccation B) High pressure
C) Ionizing radiation
E) Sodium propionate
D) Microwaves E) Osmotic pressure
10) A drug that inhibits mitosis, such as griseofulvin, would be more effective against
A) Gram-positive bacteria.
B) Gram-negative bacteria.
C) Fungi.
D) Wall-less bacteria.
E) Mycobacteria.
11) Which of the following antibiotics is NOT bactericidal?
A) Aminoglycosides
B) Cephalosporins
C) Polyenes
D) Rifampins
E) Penicillin
12) Which one of the following does NOT belong with the others?
A) Bacitracin
B) Cephalosporin
C) Penicillin
D) Streptomycin
13) Which of the following antibiotics is recommended for use against gram-negative bacteria?
A) Polyenes
B) Bacitracin
C) Cephalosporin
D) Penicillin
E) Polymyxin
14) Which of the following antimicrobial agents is recommended for use against fungal infections?
A) Amphotericin B
B) Bacitracin
C) Cephalosporin
D) Penicillin
E) Polymyxin
15) More than half of our antibiotics are
A) Produced by fungi.
B) Produced by bacteria.
C) Synthesized in laboratories.
D) Produced by Fleming.
E) Produced by eukaryotic organisms.
16) Which of the following antibiotics does NOT interfere with cell wall synthesis?
A) Cephalosporins
B) Macrolides
C) Natural penicillins
D) Semisynthetic penicillins
E) Vancomycin
17) Which of the following organisms would most likely be sensitive to natural penicillin?
A) L forms
B) Streptococcus pyogenes
C) Penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D) Penicillium
E) Mycoplasma
18) Which of the following statements about drug resistance is false?
A) It may be carried on a plasmid.
B) It may be transferred from one bacterium to another during conjugation.
C) It may be due to enzymes that degrade some antibiotics.
D) It is found only in gram-negative bacteria.
E) It may be due to increased uptake of a drug.
19) In the presence of penicillin, a cell dies because
A) It lacks a cell wall.
B) It plasmolyzes.
C) It undergoes osmotic lysis.
D) It lacks a cell membrane.
E) Its contents leak out.
20) Which of the following statements about fungi is false?
A) All fungi are unicellular.
B) All fungi have eukaryotic cells.
C) Fungi are heterotrophic.
D) Most fungi are aerobic.
E) Few fungi are pathogenic to humans.
21) Which of the following statements is false?
A) Fungi produce sexual spores.
B) Fungi produce asexual spores.
C) Fungal spores are used in identification of fungi.
D) Fungal spores are for reproduction.
E) Fungal spores are resting spores to protect the fungus from adverse environmental conditions.
22) In which of the following ways do viruses differ from bacteria?
A) Viruses are filterable.
B) Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites.
C) Viruses don't have any nucleic acid. D) Viruses are not composed of cells.
E) Viruses don't reproduce.
23) Which of the following is NOT a method of culturing viruses?
A) In laboratory animals
B) In culture media
C) In embryonated eggs
E) None of the above
24) The definition of lysogeny is
A) Phage DNA is incorporated into host cell DNA.
C) The period during replication when virions are not present.
D) When the burst time takes an unusually long time.
25) A viroid is
A) A complete, infectious virus particle.
C) A capsid without a nucleic acid.
D) In cell culture
B) Lysis of the host cell due to a phage.
E) Attachment of a phage to a cell.
B) A nonenveloped, infectious piece of RNA.
D) A provirus.
E) An infectious protein.
26) A clear area against a confluent "lawn" of bacteria is called a
A) Phage.
B) Pock.
C) Cell lysis.
D) Plaque.
E) Rash.
27) A persistent infection is an infection in which
A) The virus remains in equilibrium with the host without causing a disease.
B) Viral replication is unusually slow.
C) The disease process occurs gradually over a long period.
D) Host cells are gradually lysed.
E) Host cells are transformed.
28) An infectious protein is a
A) Bacteriophage.
B) Prion.
C) Retrovirus.
D) Viroid.
29) An envelope is acquired during which of the following steps?
A) Penetration
B) Attachment
C) Uncoating
30) An example of a latent viral infection is
A) Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
E) Papovavirus.
D) Biosynthesis E) Release
B) Cold sores. C) Influenza.
31) Put the following in the correct order for DNA-virus replication:
1-Maturation; 2-DNA synthesis; 3-Transcription; 4-Translation.
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
B) 2, 3, 4, 1
C) 3, 4, 1, 2
D) Smallpox.
D) 4, 1, 2, 3
E) Mumps.
E) 4, 3, 2, 1
32) A viral species is a group of viruses that
A) Have the same morphology and nucleic acid.
B) Have the same genetic information and ecological niche.
C) Infect the same cells and cause the same disease.
D) Can't be defined.
33) Which of the following statements about viruses is false?
A) Viruses contain DNA or RNA but never both.
B) Viruses contain a protein coat.
C) Viruses use the anabolic machinery of the cell.
D) Viruses use their own catabolic enzymes.
E) Viruses have genes.
51. Which of the following genera is an anaerobic Gram-negative rod?
A) Escherichia B) Staphylococcus
C) Neisseria
D) Treponema
52. Which of the following is NOT an enteric?
A) Salmonella B) Shigella
C) Escherichia
D) Enterobacter
53. Which of the following does not have a cell wall?
A) Borrelia
B) Mycoplasma
C) Mycobacterium
54. Which of the following bacteria is Gram-negative?
A) Treponema B) Corynebacterium
C) Bacillus
E) Helicobacter
D) Clostridium E) Nocardia
D) Staphylococcus
55. Which of the following form conidiospores?
A) Endospore-forming gram-positive rods and cocci
B) Actinomycetes
D) Anaerobic gram-negative cocci
E) Spiral and curved bacteria
E) Mycobacterium
C) Rickettsias
56. Rickettsias differ from chlamydias in that rickettsias:
A) Are gram-negative. B) Are intracellular parasites.
C) Require an arthropod for transmission.
D) Don’t have cell walls.
57. Which of the following bacteria is Gram-positive?
A) Pseudomonas
B) Salmonella C) Streptococcus
D) Mycoplasma
58. Which one of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others?
A) Bacillus
B) Escherichia C) Lactobacillus
D) Staphylococcus
E) Rickettsia
E) Streptococcus
59. Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, and Serratia are all
A) Dangerous pathogens.
B) Gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods.
C) Gram-positive aerobic cocci. D) Fermentative.
E) Endospore-forming bacteria.
62. Actinomycetes differ from fungi in that actinomycetes:
A) Are chemoheterotrophs.
B) Lack a nucleus.
C) Require light.
E) Cause disease.
D) Are decomposers.
63. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A) Spirochete - axial filament
B) Aerobic, helical bacteria - gram-negative
C) Enterics - gram-negative
D) Mycobacteria - acid-fast
E) Pseudomonas - gram-positive
64. Aflatoxins are produced by which group?
A) Zygomycetes
B) Ascomycetes
C) Deuteromycetes
D) Basidiomycetes
E) Oomycetes
65. Fungi without a sexual phase or sexual spore are classified as:
A) Zygomycetes
B) Ascomycetes
C) Deuteromycetes
D) Basidiomycetes
E) Oomycetes
66. A person suffering from coccidiomycosis have what kind of disease?
A) Viral
B) Bacterial
C) Fungal
D) Autoimmune
Compare and contrast lytic bacterial virus multiplication with animal virus multiplication.
What kinds of things can be infectious?
What is special about HPV that makes it hard for cells to eliminate.
For Animal Viruses, focus on the underlined viruses. Know their name, their family, and what disease they