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pulmonary trunk  right pulmonary a., left pulmonary a.
Branches of thoracic aorta
of ascending aorta (middle mediastinum)
right and left coronary - see "branches"
of aortic arch (superior mediastinum)
brachiocephalic - see "branches"
left common carotid - see "branches"
left subclavian - see "branches"
of descending aorta (posterior mediastinum)
intercostal aa., esophageal aa., bronchial aa. – all segmental
Branches of abdominal aorta
coeliac trunk - branches to stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas, duodenum
superior mesenteric a. - branches to jejunum, ileum right half of colon
right and left renal aa. - to kidneys
testicular/ovarian aa. ( = gonadal aa.) - to gonads
inferior mesenteric a. - to left half colon
lumbar (segmental) aa.
right and left common iliac aa. - see "branches"
Branches of aortic branches
right coronary a.  marginal a., circumflex a.  posterior descending a.
left coronary a.  anterior descending a. ( = interventricular a.), circumflex a.
brachiocephalic a.  right common carotid a., right subclavian a.
right and left common carotid aa. 
external carotid  facial a. , superficial temporal a. (superficial)
 maxillary a. (deep)  11 major branches to head and face
internal carotid  ophthalmic aa.
 middle cerebral aa.
Circle of Willis - upon passing through foramen magnum, vertebral aa.  basilar a
upon passing through carotid canal, internal carotid aa. change name to middle cerebral
middle cerebral a.  anterior cerebral a.
right and left anterior cerebral aa. anastomose by anterior communicating a.
vertebral a.  basilar a.  posterior cerebral aa.
posterior communicating aa. join posterior and middle cerebral aa.
Right and left subclavian aa. 
vertebral a.  basilar a.  posterior cerbral aa. (see Circle of Willis)
thyrocerviacal trunk - branches to shoulder and neck
other branches to thoracic wall and pectoral girdle
subclavian  axillary a. (changes name when passes first rib)
axillary a.  brachial a. (changes name when passes teres major m.)
brachial aa. (medial to brachialis m., posterior to biceps brachii)
 profunda brachii a.
 radial a.
 ulnar a.
profunda brachii (posterior, between heads of triceps)
radial a. (anterior, deep to brachioradialis m., lateral to flexor carpi radialis m.)  deep palmar arch
ulnar a. (anterior, deep to superficial flexors)  superficial palmar arch
 common interosseous artery
coeliac trunk  common hepatic a.  right gastric a.
 left gastric a.
 gastroduodenal a.  right gastroepiploic a.
 splenic  left gastroepiploic a.
(cont'd next side)
common iliac a.  internal iliac a., external iliac a.
internal iliac a.  gluteal a., sacral aa., other branches to pelvis and obturator region
external iliac a.  femoral a. (changes name when crosses inguinal ligament; femoral a. anterior to adductor
longus m. and pectineus, in femoral triangle)
femoral a.  profunda femoris a. ( = deep femoral a.)
 popliteal a. (femoral a. changes name when passes through adductor hiatus)
popliteal a.  anterior tibial a., posterior tibial a., peroneal a.
anterior tibial a.  dorsalis pedis a. (dorsum of foot)
posterior tibial a.  medial plantar a., lateral plantar a. (split at medial malleolus)
superficial temporal a. - temporal
facial a. - lateral surface of mandible, anterior to ramus and parotid
external carotid a. - anterior to SCM m., inferior to mandibular angle
brachial a. - (ante)cubital fossa, medial to tendon of bideps brachii m.
radial a. - anterior surface of distal end of radius (or snuff box between tendons of extensor pollicis longus et brevis mm.)
femoral a. - femoral triangle (sartorius m., adductor longus m., inguinal ligament)
popliteal a. - popliteal fossa
posterior tibial a. - posterior to medial malleolus
anterior tibial a. - between tendons of extensor hallicis longus and extensor digitorum longus
Veins - all the same as arteries, with a few exceptions, plus superficial veins
small cardiac v. (alongside marginal a.  coronary sinus  right atrium
great cardiac v. (alongside anterior descending, then circumflex aa.)  coronary sinus
cranial cavity
superior sagittal sinus  right transverse sinus  right sigmoid sinus  right internal jugular v. (changes name when
passes through jugular foramen)
inferior sagittal sinus  straight sinus  left transverse sinus  left sigmoid sinus  left internal jugular v.
facial v. (face)  ophthalmic v. (orbit)  cavernous sinus (alongside sella turcica)  maxillary v. (infratemporal
internal jugular vv. (drains all of head) + subclavian vv.  brachiocephalic vv. ( = innominate vv.)
external jugular vv. (drains occipital region)  subclavian vv.
upper appendage
right and left brachiocephalic vv. ( = innominate vv.)  superior vena cava
median cubital (anterior antebrachium)  cepalic v., basilic v.
cephalic v., basilic v. (superficial)  axillary v.
lower appendage
common iliac vv.  inferior vena cava
great saphenous v. (superficial medial thigh and leg)  femoral v.
short saphenous v. (superficial lateral leg)
azygos - drains right intercostal vv., hemiazygos (drains left intercostal vv.)
azygos  superior vena cava  right atrium
veins corresponding to coeliac trunk, superior and inferior mesenteric are replaced by hepatic portal vein, which drains
blood from the gut to the liver
liver  hepatic v.  inferior vena cava