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George Blank
Subba Reddy Daka
Importance of Initialization
• Java classes are initialized and have predictable
default values. These values are stored in
memory allocated on the heap when the class is
• Uninitialized data is a source of bugs!
Types of Initialization
• Instance Initializers (also called instance
initialization blocks).
• Instance variable initializers.
• Constructors.
• You should ensure that any of the three types
produce a valid state for newly created
Default Initial Values
• This table shows the
default initial values
for each of the
variable types.
Default Value
(byte) 0
\u 000
object information null
• If you don't explicitly initialize an instance variable, that variable will
retain its default initial value when new returns its object reference.
// In source packet in file
• //
// This class has no constructors or initializers
class CoffeeCup {
private int innerCoffee;
As a result, when the reference to a new CoffeeCup object is first
returned by new, the innerCoffee field will be its default initial value.
Because innerCoffee is an int, its default initial value is zero.
• Constructor basics
In the source file, a constructor looks like a method declaration
in which the method has the same name as the class but has no
return type. For example, here is a constructor declaration for
class CoffeeCup:
// In source packet in file init/ex2/
class CoffeeCup {
// Constructor looks like a method declaration
// minus the return type
public CoffeeCup() {
// Body of constructor
// ...
• When you instantiate an object with new, you must specify a constructor.
For example, given the CoffeeCup class above that has two
constructors, you could instantiate it in either of these two ways:
// In source packet in file init/ex3/
class Example3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create an empty cup
CoffeeCup cup1 = new CoffeeCup();
// Create a cup with 355 ml of coffee in it
CoffeeCup cup2 = new CoffeeCup(355);
// Above requires constructor shown later
• Constructors are not methods
Default constructors
• If you declare a class with no constructors, the
compiler will automatically create a default
constructor for the class. A default constructor takes
no parameters.
• The compiler gives default constructors the same
access level as their class.
Instance initialization methods
When you compile a class, the Java compiler creates an
instance initialization method for each constructor you
declare in the source code of the class.
class CoffeeCup {
public CoffeeCup() {
public CoffeeCup(int amount) {
// ...
Instance initialization
• The compiler would generate the following two
instance initialization methods in the class file for
class CoffeeCup, one for each constructor in the
source file:
// In binary form in file init/ex8/CoffeeCup.class:
public void (CoffeeCup this) {...}
public void (CoffeeCup this, int amount) {...}
Instance Variable Initializers
In a constructor, you have the freedom to write as
much code as needed to calculate an initial value. In
an instance variable initializer, you have only an equals
sign and one expression.
// In source packet in file
class CoffeeCup {
private int innerCoffee;
public CoffeeCup() {
innerCoffee = 355;
// ...
• // In source packet in file init/ex10/
class CoffeeCup {
private int innerCoffee = 355; // "= 355" is an initializer
// no constructor here
// ...
• The right-hand side of the equals sign in an initializer
can be any expression that evaluates to the type of
the instance variable.
Instance initializers
An instance initializer, also called an instance initialization block is shown here with the
CoffeeCup class innerCoffee variable initialized by an instance initializer:
// In source packet in file init/ex19/
class CoffeeCup {
private int innerCoffee;
// The following block is an instance initializer
innerCoffee = 355;
// no constructor here
// ...
This manner of initializing innerCoffee yields the same result as the previous two examples:
innerCoffee is initialized to 355.
• Initializers can't make forward references
When you write an initializer (either an
instance variable initializer or instance initializer),
you must be sure not to refer to any instance
variables declared textually after the variable being
initialized. In other words, you can't make a forward
reference from an initializer.
• Initialization and inheritance
When an object is initialized, all the instance
variables defined in the object's class must be
set to proper initial values.
Instance data of objects
Every object, except class
Object itself, has at least one
superclass. When an object is
created, the Java virtual
machine allocates enough
space for all the object's
instance variables, which
include all fields defined in the
object's class and in all its
superclasses. For example,
consider the following classes:
// Declared in file (not In source packet)
package java.lang;
public class Object {
// Has no fields
// Has several methods, not shown...
// In source packet in file init/ex14/
class Liquid {
// Has two fields:
private int mlVolume;
private float temperature; // in Celsius
// Has several methods, not shown...
// In source packet in file init/ex14/
class Coffee extends Liquid {
// Has two fields:
private boolean swirling;
private boolean clockwise;
// Has several methods, not shown...
Here you can see the data that
must be allocated on the heap for
a Coffee object. The part of the
heap that is occupied by the
instance data for the Coffee object
is shown in the cyan color. Keep in
mind that the actual manner of
representing objects on the heap
is an implementation detail of
each particular Java virtual
• Order of initialization
In Java, the fields of an object are initialized starting with
the fields declared in the base class and ending with the
fields declared in the object's class. For a CoffeeCup
object with the inheritance path shown in Figure 1, the
order of initialization of fields would be:
• Object's fields (this will be quick, because there are
• Liquid's fields (mlVolume and temperature)
• Coffee's fields (swirling and clockwise)
• This base-class-first order aims to prevent fields
from being used before they are initialized to
their proper (not default) values.
Example: Constructors in
String(byte[], int)
String(byte[], int , int)
String(byte[], int, int, int)
String(byte[], int, int, String)
String(byte[], String)
String(char[], int , int)
• String(String)
• String(StringBuffer)
Private and Protected
• Most constructors are public. There are some
circumstances in which a private or protected
constructor is used.
• For example, a private constructor is appropriate
with a class using only static utility methods or
constants, type safe enumerations, or a singleton
• Protected constructors are used to prevent
instantiation outside the package.
• THE JAVA HANDBOOK- PatrickNaughton