Download Sean Henry October30, 2014 The Earth`s Layers The Earth Is made

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Sean Henry
October30, 2014
The Earth’s Layers
The Earth Is made of four main layers. They are crust, mantle, outer core, inner core. We know
what the Earth looks like because geologists study earthquakes. Scientist use a seismograph to measure
how strong or weak an earthquake is.
The crust is we inhabit on it. It’s Earth’ outer most layer of Earth. It is deeper under continents
then oceans. It’s Earth’s thinnest layer.
The mantle has great pressure and high temperatures. It is made out of silicon, magnesium, and
oxygen. It is the thickest layer about 1,800 kilometers wide. It is a layer of rock lying below the crust.
Outer core is 2,250 kilometers. It is totally liquid. Made of melted iron that’s really scalding. It
is right on top of the inner core.
Inner core is 1,300 kilometers The inner core is a solid sphere. It is the center of Earth. The
inner core spins at a different rate then Earth. It is made of mostly iron.
Scientist know about Earth’s layers, because they study earthquakes. The layer’s of Earth are
the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core
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