Download Muscle Terms Terms Indicating Direction Relative to Body Axes

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Muscle Terms
Terms Indicating Direction
Relative to Body Axes:
Anterior (front)
Externus (superficial)
Extrinsic (outside)
Inferioris (inferior)
Internus (deep, internal)
Intrinsic (inside)
Lateralis (lateral)
Medialis/medius (medial,
Obliquus (oblique)
Posterior (back)
Profundus (deep)
Rectus (straight, parallel)
Superficialis (superficial)
Superioris (superior)
Transversus (transverse)
Terms Indicating Direction of
Rectus (straight)
Oblique (diagonal)
Transverse (across)
Circularis (circular)
Terms Indicating Specific
Abdominus (abdomen)
Anconeus (elbow)
Auricularis (auricle of the
Brachialis (brachium)
Capitis (head)
Carpi (wrist)
Cervicis (neck)
Cleido/clavius (clavicle)
Coccygeus (coccyx)
Costalis (ribs)
Cutaneous (skin)
Femoris (femur)
Genio- (chin)
Glosso/glossal (tongue)
Hallucis (great toe)
Ilio- (ilium)
Inguinal (groin)
Lumborum (lumbar region)
Nasalis (nose)
Nuchal (back of the neck)
Oculo- (eye)
Oris (mouth)
Palpebrae (eyelid)
Pollicis (thumb)
Popliteus (behind the knee)
Psoas (loin)
Radialis (radius)
Scapularis (scapula)
Temporalis (temples)
Thoracis (thoracic region)
Tibialis (tibia)
Ulnaris (ulna)
Uro- (urinary)
Terms Indicating Structural
Biceps (two heads)
Triceps (three heads)
Muscle Terms
Quadriceps (four heads)
Terms Indicating Shape, Size,
and Color:
Alba (white)
Brevis (short)
Deltoid (triangle)
Gracilis (slender)
Lata (wide)
Latissimus (widest)
Longus (long)
Magnus (large)
Major (larger)
Maximus (largest)
Minimus (smallest)
Minor (smaller)
Orbicularis (circle)
Pectinate (comblike)
Piriformis (pear-shaped)
Platys- (flat)
Pyramidal (pyramid)
Rhomboideus (rhomboid)
Serratus (serrated)
Splenius (bandage)
Teres (long and round)
Trapezius (trapezoid)
Vastus (huge or great)
Terms Indicating Body
Brachii (arm)
Gluteus (buttocks)
Infra (below)
Lateralis (lateral)
Pectoralis (chest)
Sub (underneath)
Supra (above)
Terms Indicating Action:
Abduction: moves away from
the midline
Adduction: moves closer to
the midline
Extension: increases the
angle of a joint
Flexion: decreases the angle
of a joint
Pronation: turns the palm of
the hand down
Rotation: moves a bone
around its longitudinal axis
Supination: turns the palm of
the hand up
Dorsiflexion: elevates the
Plantar flexion: lowers the
foot, pointing the toes
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