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In our bodies there is approximately 4.7- 5.5
litres of blood (for an average adult), a child
who is of average build and weighs 80
pounds (36kg) will have about half the
amount of an adult. So between 2.35-2.75
litres of blood.
For an average sized human of an average
weight and health, and resting heart rate. It
would take around about 1 minute for their
blood to go all around their body. Not all
blood has to travel the same distance
though. Generally blood travels at around 3
feet per second.
Factors that can affect the above calculation
can be: their height, weight, body
proportions, type of exercise and blood
pressure. So each individual is different.
 Adults have around 4.7-5.5
litres of blood in their body
 A child (36kg) has around 2.352.75 litres of blood in their
 Blood travels at 3 feet per
second, but slows down as it
gets into smaller arteries and
 It takes about 1 minute for your
blood to go around your body,
even faster if you are running
 Oxygen and nutrients travel in
our blood
 Your heart beats about 35
million times in a year, over 2.5
billion times in your lifetime
 If you spread out all your blood
vessels they would stretch 2
and a half times around the
world (approximately
 Even though your skins
thickness is 2mm, it gets an 8th
of all your blood supply
 Red blood cells can live up to
four months circulating around
the circulatory system