Download Carleton North BBT Lab Weather Module ACTIVITY # 6 a

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Carleton North BBT Lab
Weather Module
Instructions: You will need the Weather Workstation CD from the Supply Room in
order to complete this activity.
Part A – Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Write the answer in the blank space at the front
of the question.
1. Five
satellites orbit the earth at about 36,000 km.
2. These five satellites take two kinds of pictures. One kind is an ordinary picture
such as we would take with a camera. The other is
that records
temperature radiation.
3. At about 700-900 km the
gives a more detailed view of the weather.
satellites collect data which
4. If we can get a big enough picture of what is going on in the troposphere now,
we can predict the weather. We can do this because we know that weather systems
travel at about _____ kph in summer and ______ kph in winter.
5. Global weather watching requires
6. One supercomputer that processes vast amounts of numerical data for weather
forecasters is the
supercomputer in Montreal.
7. The weather map we see on TV is called a
are people interested in patterns of weather
9. A cold "front" is marked on a weather map using
Carleton North BBT Lab
Weather Module
Part B – True or False
True or False ?
1. In a high pressure area you can expect wet stormy weather.
2. Winds always blow towards higher pressure.
3. The greater the difference in pressure, the harder the winds will blow.
4. In a high pressure area, the air is sinking.
5. A low pressure area is often formed along the boundary, or front, between cold
warm air masses.
6. Because of the coriolis effect, winds converging on a low pressure area tend to
clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
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