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Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital
900 NW 17th ST
Miami, Florida 33136 USA
Curriculum Vitae
DATE: March 19, 2016
Home phone:
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Hospital Address:
Current Academic Rank:
Primary Department:
Secondary Appointment
Visa Type:
Janet Louise Davis
(305) 326-6377
900 NW 17th ST, Miami FL 33136
7/83 – 6/86
Resident, Ophthalmology, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas. Chief Resident, 1985 - 1986.
1/83 −12/83 Resident, Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas
1/82 − 12/83 Intern, Internal Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas
M.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, high honors
M.A., University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
B.A., Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, summa cum laude
Certification and Licensure:
Medical License #FLME 0055249, State of Florida Board of Medicine, 1989 - .
Certified: American Board of Ophthalmology, May 1988. Recertified January 1, 2006.
Recertified November, 2013.
Medical License #G1369, Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, 1982. Not renewed after
1995 because of prolonged non-residence.
2015 -
Leach Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
2000 – 2015
Professor, Department of Ophthalmology,
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
1995 - 2000
Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology,
University of Miami School of Medicine
1989 - 1995
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology,
University of Miami School of Medicine
1989 - current Attending physician, Anne Bates Leach Eye Hospital, Miami, Florida
1989 - current Attending physician, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida
Books, Book Chapters and Monographs Published:
39. Albini, TA, Schwartz SG, Davis JL. Vitrectomy. In: Intraocular Inflammation, Eds: Zierhut
M, Pavesio P, Ohno S, Oréfice F, Rao N. Chapter 39, pp. 493-502. Springer: New York 2016.
38. Davis JL, Mandelcorn E. Ocular biopsy and diagnostic vitrectomy. In: Intraocular
Inflammation. Eds: Zierhut M, Pavesio P, Ohno S, Oréfice F, Rao N. Chapter 14, pp. 217-226.
Springer: New York 2016.
37. Davis JL, Zierhut M. Classification and terminology. Intraocular Inflammation, Chapter 2,
pp. 31-39. Eds: Zierhut M, Pavesio P, Ohno S, Oréfice F, Rao N. Springer: New York 2016.
36. Schwartz SG, Flynn HW, Davis JL. Exogenous Endophthalmitis. In: Intraocular
Inflammation. Chapter 143, pp. 1437-1446. Springer: New York 2016.
35. Davis JL. Infectious Chorioretinal Inflammatory Conditions. In: Regillo C, Brown G,
Flynn HW, eds. Vitreoretinal Disease: The Essentials Second Edition. New York: Thieme,
34. Yalamanchi, S., Miller, J.J., Davis, J.L. Autoimmune retinopathy and paraneoplastic
syndromes (2013) Retinal and Choroidal Manifestations of Selected Systemic Diseases, pp. 283308.
33. Arévalo, J.F., Davis, J.L., Dodds, E., Zeballos, D.G. Endogenous endophthalmitis
(2013) Retinal and Choroidal Manifestations of Selected Systemic Diseases, pp. 193-209.
32. Arévalo, J.F., Davis, J.L., Curi, A.L.L., Fernandez, C.F. Retinal and choroidal
manifestations of fungal diseases (2013) Retinal and Choroidal Manifestations of Selected
Systemic Diseases, pp. 161-191.
31. Davis JL, Albini T. Biopsy analysis. Ed: Elliot D, Rao PK. Surgical Management of
Intraocular Inflammation and Infection. JP Medical Ltd., 2013.
30. Schwartz, S.G., Davis, J.L., Flynn Jr., H.W. Endogenous Endophthalmitis: Bacterial and
Fungal (2012) Retina Fifth Edition, 2, pp. 1515-1522.
29. Albini TA, Davis JL. Ocular immunity and inflammation. Ed: Nguyen QD, Rodrigues EB,
Farah ME, Mieler WF. Retinal Pharmacotherapy, Saunders Elsevier, 2010, Chapter 5, pp. 37-43.
28. Kovach J, Davis JL. Neuroretinite subaigue diffuse unilaterale. Ed: Bodaghi B, LeHoang P,
Uveite. Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, Elsevier Masson SAS, 2009, Chapitre 41, pp 315-320.
27. Vedula A, Davis JL: Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Uveitis. Ed: Arevalo JF,
Retinal Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography. New York, Springer Science, 2009;
Chapter 17, pp 301-310.
26. Becker M, Davis JL, Editors. Surgical Management of Inflammatory Eye Disease.
Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
25. Davis JL: Retinal biopsy. Eds: Becker M, Davis JL, Surgical Management of Inflammatory
Eye Disease. Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2008; Chapter 26, pp 253-257.
24. Davis JL: Macular surgery in the treatment of posterior segment complications of uveitis.
Eds: Becker M, Davis JL, Surgical Management of Inflammatory Eye Disease. Heidelberg,
Springer-Verlag, 2008; Chapter 18, pp. 185-189.
23. Arévalo JF, Davis JL, Zeballos DG. Tomografía de coherencia óptica : principios y
aplicaciones clínicas en uveítis. In : Arévalo JF, Graue-Wiechers F, Quiroz-Mercado H,
Rodríguez FJ, Wu L. Uveítis y Tumores Intraoculares. Caracas, Amolca, 2008 ; Chapter 2, pp.
21. Davis JL: Necrotizing vasculitis. In: Joussen AM, Gardner TW, Kirchhof B, Ryan SJ, eds:
Retinal Vascular Disease. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2007; Chapter 25.6, pp. 668-673.
21. Davis JL: Intermediate uveitis. In: Albert DM, Miller JW, Azar DT, Blodi B, eds: Albert &
Jakobiec’s Principles of Ophthalmology, . Chapter 94, 1161-1172 .3rd Edition London, Elsevier
Saunders. 2007.
20. Gadkari, S., Rosenbaum, J.T., MacKensen, F., Zierhut, M., Stübiger, N., Kötter, I., Deuter,
C., Becker, M.D., Wiehler, U., Miller, D.W., Sivaprasad, S., Okhravi, N., Lightman, S., Davis,
J.L., Huang, J.J., Foster, C.S. Inflammatory vascular disease (2007) Retinal Vascular Disease, pp.
19. Davis JL, Fox G, Blumenkranz M: Acute retinal necrosis. In: Albert DM, Miller JW, Azar
DT, Blodi B, eds: Albert & Jakobiec’s Principles of Ophthalmology, 3r
d Edition, Section 10 Retina and Vitreous, Chapter 164. London, Elsevier Saunders, 2007.
18. Davis JL: Acute retinal necrosis. In: Huang D, Kaiser PK, Lowder CY, Traboulsi EI, eds:
Retinal Imaging. Philadelphia, Elsevier Mosby, 2006; 383-389.
17. Davis JL, Gass JDM, Olsen KR: Diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis. In: Ryan SJ, ed:
Retina, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier Mosby, 2006; 1721-1730
16. Becker MD, Heiligenhaus A, De Smet MD, Davis JL. Vitrectomy in uveitis. In Pleyer U,
Mondino B, eds. Essentials in Ophthalmology XVII – Uveitis and Immunological Disorders.
Heidelberg, Germany, Springer-Verlag, 2005, Chapter 17, pp. 273 - 283
15. Villate N, Mavrofrides EC, Davis J. Chorioretinal inflammatory diseases. In Schuman JS,
Puliafito CA, Fujimoto JG, eds. Optical Coherence Tomography of Ocular Diseases. Thorofare,
NJ: Slack Inc., 2004, pp. 372-412.
14. Sobrin L, Davis JL. Ocular Complications. In Singh N, Shafer RW, Swindells S. eds., HIV
Clinical Manual. Pittsburgh: Esun Technologies, 2003, pp. 227-244. Updated in 2006.
13. Uveitis. PIER On-Line Module. American College of Physicians/American Society of
Internal Medicine, 2002. Updated annually.
12. Berrocal AM, Davis JL: Uveitis following intraocular surgery. Ophthalmol Clin North Am
15: 357-364, September 2002.
11. Spector SA, Davis JL. Cytomegalovirus. In: Yu VL, Weber R, Raoult D, eds.
Antimicrobial Therapy and Vaccines, 2nd Edition. New York: Apple Tree Productions, 2002, pp.
1145 - 1166.
10. Davis JL. Intraocular Inflammation. In: Parrish RK, ed. The University of Miami Bascom
Palmer Eye Institute Atlas of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Current Medicine, 2000, pp. 351377.
9. Levada A, Dennehy P, Davis JL. Uveitis in children. In: Parrish RK, ed. The University of
Miami Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Atlas of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Current Medicine,
2000, pp. 514-518.
8. Davis JL. Infectious Chorioretinal Inflammatory Conditions. In: Regillo C, Brown G, Flynn
HW, eds. Vitreoretinal Disease: The Essentials. New York: Thieme, 1998, pp. 393-415.
7. Davis JL. Neuroophthalmology of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In:
Berger JR, Levy R, eds. AIDS and the Nervous System, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: LippincottRaven, 1996, pp. 383-400.
6. Davis JL. Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis. In: Pepose J, Holland G, Wilhelmus K,
eds. Ocular Infection and Immunity. Philadelphia: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1996, pp. 676-693.
5. Davis JL, Bloch-Michel E. Intermediate Uveitis. In: Pepose J, Holland G, Wilhelmus K, eds.
Ocular Infection and Immunity. Philadelphia: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., 1996, pp. 1243-1247.
4. Davis, JL, Palestine AG: Ophthalmologic Manifestations. In: Mandell GE, ed. Infectious
Diseases Teaching Atlas, Vol. I AIDS. Philadelphia: Current Medicine, 1995, pp. 6.2-6.13.
3. Davis JL. Vitritis. In: Margo CE, Mames R, Hamed L, eds. Diagnostic Problems in Clinical
Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1993, pp. 416-425.
2. Davis JL, Nussenblatt RB: Nonsteroidal immune therapy for ocular inflammation. In:
Tasman W, ed. Biomedical Foundations of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: JB Lippencott, 1989;
Vol 2, Chapter 31.
1. Davis JL, Nussenblatt RB: Intraocular inflammatory disease. In: BH Waksman, ed.
Immunologic Mechanisms in Neurologic and Psychiatric disease. New York: Raven Press,
1989; pp. 131-139.
18. Juried or Refereed Journal Articles and Exhibitions:
Juried Publications
202. Goldhardt R, Patel H, Davis JL. Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
following Dengue fever: A new association for an old disease. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. Published
online: 22 Feb 2016
201. Albini TA, Davis JL. Ocular Immunity and Inflammation. Dev Ophthalmol. 2016;55:38-45.
200. Gregori NZ, Davis JL, Rizzo S. Bimanual Technique for Retinal Tacking of Epiretinal Prosthesis.
Retina. 2015 Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26441271.
199. Kempen JH, Van Natta ML, Altaweel MM, Dunn JP, Jabs DA, Lightman SL, Thorne
JE, Holbrook JT; Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Research Group; Multicenter
Uveitis Steroid Treatment MUST Trial Research Group. Factors Predicting Visual Acuity Outcome in
Intermediate, Posterior, and Panuveitis: The Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial. Am J
Ophthalmol. 2015 Dec;160(6):1133-1141.
198. Gregori NZ, Flynn HW Jr, Schwartz SG, Rosenfeld PJ, Vaziri K, Moshfeghi AA, Fortun JA,
Kovach JL, Dubovy SR, Albini TA, Davis JL, Berrocal AM, Smiddy WE. Current Infectious
Endophthalmitis Rates After Intravitreal Injections of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Agents
and Outcomes of Treatment. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina. 2015 Jun;46(6):643-8.
197. Levitt AE, McManus KT, McClellan AL, Davis JL, Goldhardt R, Galor A. Ocular Inflammation in
the Setting of Concomitant Systemic Autoimmune Conditions in an Older Male Population. Cornea.
2015 Jul;34(7):762-7.
196. Feuer WJ, Schiffman JC, Davis JL, Porciatti V, Gonzalez P, Koilkonda RD, Yuan H, Lalwani A,
Lam BL, Guy J. Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: Initial Results. Ophthalmology.
2015 Nov 19. pii: S0161-6420(15)01210-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.10.025. [Epub ahead of print]
195. Aziz HA, Flynn HW Jr, Young RC, Davis JL, Dubovy SR. SYMPATHETIC OPHTHALMIA:
Clinicopathologic Correlation in a Consecutive Case Series. Retina. 2015 Aug;35(8):1696-703.
194. Churgin D, Relhan N, Davis JL, Albini TA. Perivascular hypofluorescence in frosted branch
angiitis. Ophth Surg Lasers Imag Ret. 2015 Mar;46(3):396-7.
193. Jeong S, Patel N, Edlund CC, Hartiala J, Hazelett D, Itakura T, Wu PC, Avery
RL, Davis J, Flynn HW, Lalwani G, Puliafito CA, Wafapoor H, Hijikata M, Keicho N,
Gao XA, Argueso P, Allayee H, Coetzee GA, Pletcher MT, Conti DV, Schwartz SG,
Eaton AM, Fini ME. Identification of a Novel Mucin Gene HCG22 Associated with
Steroid-Induced Ocular Hypertension. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 Mar 26. pii:
192. Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Research Group, Sugar EA, Holbrook JT,
Kempen JH, Burke AE, Drye LT, Thorne JE, Louis TA, Jabs DA, Altaweel
MM, Frick KD. Cost-effectiveness of fluocinolone acetonide implant versus systemic therapy for
noninfectious intermediate, posterior, and panuveitis. Ophthalmology. 2014 Oct;121(10):1855-62.
191. Reddy AK(1), Cabrera M, Yeh S, Davis JL, Albini TA. Optical coherence tomography-guided
ranibizumab injection for cystoid macular edema in well-controlled uveitis: twelve-month outcomes.
Retina. 2014 Dec;34(12):2431-8.
190. Davis JL. Ocular syphilis. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2014 Nov;25(6):513-8.
189. Sen HN(1), Davis J, Ucar D, Fox A, Chan CC, Goldstein DA. Gender Disparities in Ocular
Inflammatory Disorders. Curr Eye Res. 2014 Jul 2:1-16.
188. Schwartz SD, Regillo C, Lam BL, Eliott D, Rosenfeld PJ, Gregori NZ, Hubschman JP, Davis JL,
Heilwell G, Spirn M, Maguire J, Gay R, Bateman J, Ostrick RM, Morris D, Vincent M, Anglade E, Del
Priore LV, Lanza R. Human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal pigment epithelium in patients with
age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt's macular dystrophy: follow-up of two open-label phase
1/2 studies. Lancet. 2014 Oct 15. pii: S0140-6736(14)61376-3.
187. Chan CC, Goldstein DA, Davis JL, Sen HN. Gender and Uveitis (Editorial). J Ophthalmol 2014,
Article ID 818070.
186. Davis JL. Sex and reproduction in the transmission of infectious uveitis. J Ophthalmol 2014,
Article ID 683246.
185. Rachitskaya AV, Reddy AK, Miller D, Davis J, Flynn HW, Smiddy W, Lara W, Lin S, Dubovy S,
Albini TA. Prolonged Curvularia Endophthalmitis Due to Organism Sequestration. JAMA Ophthalmol
184. Friedman DS, Holbrook JT, Ansari H, Alexander J, Burke A, Reed SB, Katz J,
Thorne JE, Lightman SL, Kempen JH; MUST Research Group. Risk of elevated
intraocular pressure and glaucoma in patients with uveitis: results of the
multicenter uveitis steroid treatment trial. Ophthalmology 2013;120(8):1571-9.
183. Hornbeak DM, Payal A, Pistilli M, Biswas J, Ganesh SK, Gupta V, Rathinam SR, Davis JL,
Kempen JH. Interobserver Agreement in Clinical Grading of Vitreous Haze
Using Alternative Grading Scales. Ophthalmology 2014; 121(8):1643-8.
182. Chen RW, Flynn HW Jr, Lee WH, Parke DW 3rd, Isom RF, Davis JL, Smiddy WE.
Vitreoretinal Management and Surgical Outcomes in Proliferative Sickle
Retinopathy: A Case Series. Am J Ophthalmol 2013; 157(4):870-875.
181. Reddy AK, Hwang YS, Mandelcorn ED, Davis JL. HLA-DR, DQ Class II DNA Typing in
Pediatric Panuveitis and Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis (TINU). Am J
Ophthalmol 2014; 157(3):678-86.
180. Doshi RR, Lowrance MD, Kim BT, Davis JL, Rosenfeld PJ. Epiretinal macular
edema associated with thick epiretinal membranes. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging
Retina. 2013 Sep-Oct;44(5):508-12.
179. Kempen JH, Sugar EA, Jaffe GJ, Acharya NR, Dunn JP, Elner SG, Lightman SL,
Thorne JE, Vitale AT, Altaweel MM; Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST)
Trial Research Group. Fluorescein angiography versus optical coherence tomography
for diagnosis of uveitic macular edema. Ophthalmology 2013 Sep;120(9):1852-9.
178. Anwar Z, Galor A, Albini TA, Miller D, Perez V, Davis JL. The diagnostic
utility of anterior chamber paracentesis with polymerase chain reaction in
anterior uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2013 May;155(5):781-6.
177. Davis JL, Ruiz P Jr., Shah M, Mandelcorn ED. Evaluation of the reactive T cell infiltrate in uveitis
and intraocular lymphoma with flow cytometry of vitreous fluid. Trans Amer Ophthamol Soc. 2012
176. Knape RM, Sayyad FE, Davis JL. Moxifloxacin and bilateral acute iritis transillumination. J
Ophth Inflam Infec 2013; 3:10 [letter].
175. Silva R, Berrocal AM, Moshfeghi DM, Blumenkranz MS, Sanislo S, Davis JL. Herpes simplex
virus type 2 mediated acute retinal necrosis in a pediatric population: case series and review. Graefes
Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2013; 251: 559-566.
174. Davis JL, Haft P, Hartley K. Retinal arteriolar occlusions due to cytomegalovirus retinitis in
elderly patients without HIV. J Ophth Infl Inf 2013, 3(1):17.
173. Davis JL. Intraocular lymphoma: a clinical perspective. Eye (Lond) 2013; 27(2): 153-162.
172. Domalpally A, Altaweel MM, Kempen JH, Myers D, Davis JL, Foster CS, Latkany P,
Srivastava SK, Stawell RJ, Holbrook JT; For the MUST Trial Research Group.
Optical Coherence Tomography Evaluation in the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid
Treatment (MUST) Trial. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 2012; 20(6): 443-447.
171. Hodson KL, Galor A, Karp CL, Davis JL, Albini TA, Perez VL, Miller D, Forster
RK. Epidemiology and Visual Outcomes in Patients With Infectious Scleritis.
Cornea 2013; 32(4):466-472.
170. Rachitskaya AV, Flynn HW, Davis JL. Endogenous endophthalmitis caused by
salmonella serotype B in an immunocompetent 12-year-old child. Arch Ophthalmol.
2012 Jun;130(6):802-4.
169. Sen HN, Drye LT, Goldstein DA, Larson TA, Merrill PT, Pavan PR, Sheppard JD,
Burke A, Srivastava SK, Jabs DA; Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST)
Trial Research Group. Hypotony in patients with uveitis: The Multicenter Uveitis
Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2012 Apr;20(2):104-12.
168. Frick KD, Drye LT, Kempen JH, Dunn JP, Holland GN, Latkany P, Rao NA, Sen HN,
Sugar EA, Thorne JE, Wang RC, Holbrook JT; Multicenter Uveitis Steroid
Treatment-MUST Trial Research Group. Associations among visual acuity and vision-and healthrelated quality of life among patients in the multicenter uveitis
steroid treatment trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Mar 9;53(3):1169-76.
167. Bhaleeya SD, Davis J. Imaging retinal vascular changes in uveitis. Int Ophthalmol Clin 2012;
166. Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) Trial Research Group, Kempen JH, Altaweel
MM, Holbrook JT, Jabs DA, Louis TA, Sugar EA, Thorne JE. Randomized comparison of systemic
anti-inflammatory therapy versus fluocinolone acetonide implant for intermediate, posterior, and
panuveitis: the multicenter uveitis steroid treatment trial. Ophthalmology. 2011 Oct;118(10):1916-26.
165. Shirodkar AR, Pathengay A, Flynn HW, Albini TA, Berrocal AM, Davis JL, Lalwani GA, Murray
TG, Smiddy WE, Miller D. Delayed- versus acute-onset endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. Am J
Ophthalmology 2012; 153(3):391-398.
164. Davis JL. Diagnostic dilemmas in retinitis and endophthalmitis. Eye (London). 2012; 26(2):194201.
163. Gangaputra SS, Altaweel MM, Peng Q, Friedman DS, Rao PK, Foster CS, Kim RY, Reed SB,
Srivastava SK, Wong IG, Kempen JH; MUST Trial Research Group. Morphologic assessment for
glaucoma in the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment (MUST) trial. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2011
162. Chan CC, Rubenstein JL, Coupland SE, Davis JL, Harbour JW, Johnston PB, Cassoux N, Touitou
V, Smith JR, Batchelor TT, Pulido JS. Primary Vitreoretinal Lymphoma: A Report from an
International Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Collaborative Group Symposium.
Oncologist. 2011; 16(11):1589-1599.
161. Hinkle DM, Dacey MS, Mandelcorn E, Kalyani P, Mauro J, Bates JH, Soukasian SH,
Holland GN, Foster CS, Fraunfelder FT, Davis JL, Fraunfelder FW. Bilateral
uveitis associated with fluoroquinolone therapy. Cutan Ocul Toxicol. 2012; 31 (2): 111-116.
160. Lingappan A, Wykoff CC, Albini TA, Miller D, Pathengay A, Davis JL, Flynn HW. Endogenous
fungal endophthalmitis: Causative organisms, management strategies, and visual acuity outcomes. Am J
Ophthalmol, 2012; 153(1): 162-166.
159. Alabiad CR, Miller D, Schiffman JC, Davis JL. Antimicrobial resistance profiles of ocular and
nasal flora in patients undergoing intravitreal injections. Am J Ophthalmol, 2011 Dec;152(6):999-1004.
158. Madow B, Galor A, Feuer WJ, Altaweel MM, Davis JL. Validation of a
photographic vitreous haze grading technique for clinical trials in uveitis. Am J
Ophthalmol. 2011; 152(2):170-176.
157. Davis, J., Olsen, T.W., Stewart, M., Sternberg Jr., P. How the comparison of Age-related Macular
Degeneration Treatments Trial results will impact clinical care (2011) American Journal of
Ophthalmology, 152 (4), pp. 509-514.
156. Albini T, Davis JL, Tuda CD. Challenging cases discussed by experts: retinal
vasculitis following coinfection with HIV and syphilis. J Ophthalmic Inflamm
Infect. 2011; 1(3): 89-93.
155. Moshfeghi AA, Rosenfeld PJ, Flynn HW, Schwartz SG, Davis JL, Murray TG, Smiddy WE,
Berrocal AM, Dubovy SR, Lee WH, Albini TA, Lalwani GA, Kovach JL, Puliafito CA.
Endophthalmitis after intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor antagonists. A six-year
experience at a university referral center. Retina, 2011; 31: 662-668.
154. Mandelcorn E, Palestine AG, Dubovy S, Davis JL. Vascular co-option in lung cancer metastatic
to the eye after treatment with bevacizumab. J Ophthal Inflamm Infect 2011: 1:35-38.
153. Rush RB, Goldstein DA, Callanan DG, Feuer WJ, Davis JL. Outcomes of birdshot
chorioretinopathy treated with an intravitreal sustained-release fluocinolone acetonide-containing device.
Am J Ophthalmol 2011; 151:630-636.
152. Kim J, Caberoy NB, Alvarado G, Davis JL, Feuer WJ, Li W. Identification of Hnrph3 as an
autoantigen for acute anterior uveitis. Clinical Immunology 2011: 138 (1): 60-66.
151. Davis JL, Madow B, Cornett J, Stratton R, Hess D, Porciatti V, Feuer WJ. Scale for Photographic
Grading of Vitreous Haze in Uveitis. Am JOphthalmol 2010;150(5):637-641.
150. Bayraktar S, Stefanovic A, Montague N, Davis J, Murray T, Lossos IS. Central
nervous system manifestations of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2010; 89(10): 10031009.
149. Stefanovic, A., Davis, J., Murray, T., Markoe, A., Lossos, I.S. Treatment of isolated primary
intraocular lymphoma with high-dose methotrexate-based chemotherapy and binocular radiation
therapy: A single-institution experience (2010) British Journal of Haematology, 151 (1), pp. 103-106.
148. Alabiad CR, Albini TA, Santos CI, Davis JL. Ocular Toxocariasis in a
Seronegative Adult. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2010; Apr 2:1-3.
147. Major JC Jr, Engelbert M, Flynn HW Jr, Miller D, Smiddy WE, Davis JL.
Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis: Antibiotic Susceptibilities, methicillin
resistance, and clinical outcomes. Am J Ophthalmol 2010; 149(2):278-283.
146. Galor A, Davis JL, Flynn HW, Feuer WJ, Dubovy SR, Selur V, Kesen MR, Goldstein DA, Tessler
HH, Ganelis IB, Jabs DA, Thorne JE. Sympathetic ophthalmia: incidence of ocular complications and
vision loss in the sympathizing eye. Am J Ophthalmol 2009; 148:632-637.
145. Stepien, K.E., Rosenfeld, P.J., Puliafito, C.A., Feuer, W., Shi, W., Al-Attar, L., Dubovy, S.R.,
Murray, T.G., Davis, J.L., Lee, W.-H., Schwartz, S.G., Smiddy, W.E., Berrocal, A.M., Flynn, H.W.
Comparison of intravitreal bevacizumab followed by ranibizumab for the treatment of neovascular agerelated macular degeneration (2009) Retina, 29 (8), pp. 1067-1073.
144.Lalwani, G.A., Rosenfeld, P.J., Fung, A.E., Dubovy, S.R., Michels, S., Feuer, W., Davis, J.L., Flynn
Jr., H.W., Esquiabro, M. A Variable-dosing Regimen with Intravitreal Ranibizumab for Neovascular
Age-related Macular Degeneration: Year 2 of the PrONTO Study (2009) American Journal of
Ophthalmology, 148 (1), pp. 43-58.
143. Shaikh, S., Davis, J.L. Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges: A 20-year-old female with a lesion
during pregnancy (2009) Retina, 29 (3), pp. 409-412.
142. Lott MN, Schiffman JC, Davis JL. Bevacizumab in Inflammatory Eye Disease. Am J Ophthalmol
2009; 148:711-717.
141. Wykoff CC, Albini TA, Couvillion SS, Dubovy, SR, Davis JL. Intraocular cryptococcoma. Arch
Ophthalmol 2009; 127: 700-702.
140. Harper TW, Miller D, Schiffman JC, Davis JL. Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis of Aqueous
and Vitreous Specimens in the Diagnosis of Posterior Segment Infectious Uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol
2009 147:140-147.
138. Punjabi OS, Rich R, Davis JL, Gregori G, Flynn Jr, HW, Lujan BJ, Rosenfeld PJ, Puliafito CA.
Imaging serpiginous choroidopathy with spectral domain optical coherence tomography
Surg Lasers Imaging 2008; 39 (4 Suppl): S95 - S98
138. Sisk, RA, Davis JL, Dubovy SR, Smiddy WE. Sympathetic ophthalmia following vitrectomy for
endophthalmitis after intravitreal bevacizumab. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 2008; 16: 236-238.
137. Stepien KE, Eaton AM, Jaffe GJ, Davis JL, Raja J, Feuer W. Increased incidence of sterile
endophthalmitis after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in Spring 2006. Retina 2009; 29: 207-213.
136. Reddy UP, Albini TA, Banta JT, Davis JL. Post-streptococcal vasculitis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm.
2008; 16:35-6.
135. Rich R, Smiddy W, Davis J. Infectious scleritis after retinal surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 2008; 145:
134. Lalwani GA, Flynn HW Jr, Scott IU, Quinn CM, Berrocal AM, Davis JL, Murray TG,
Smiddy WE, Miller D. Acute-onset endophthalmitis after clear corneal cataract surgery (1996-2005)
clinical features, causative organisms, and visual acuity outcomes. Ophthalmology 2007; 115:473-476.
133. Fung AE, Lalwani GA, Rosenfeld PJ, Dubovy SR, Michels S, Feuer WJ, Puliafito CA, Davis JL,
Flynn HW Jr, Esquiabro M. An optical coherence tomography-guided, variable dosing regimen with
intravitreal ranibizumab (Lucentis) for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol.
2007 Apr;143(4):566-83.
132. Calfa CJ, Lossos IS, Ruiz P, Davis JL. Ocular involvement as the initial manifestation of T-cell
chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2007 Aug;144(2):326-9.
131. Gregori NZ, Flynn HW Jr, Miller D, Scott IU, Davis JL, Murray TG, Williams B Jr.
Clinical features, management strategies, and visual acuity outcomes of Candida endophthalmitis
following cataract surgery. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2007 Sep-Oct;38(5):378-85.
130. Malumbres R, Davis J, Ruiz P, Lossos IS. Somatically mutated immunoglobulin IGHV genes
without intraclonal heterogeneity indicate a postgerminal centre origin of primary intraocular diffuse
large B-cell lymphomas. Br J Haematol. 2007;138:749-55.
129. Saenz AD, Amador A, Ruiz BM, Davis J, Ruiz P. Cytofluorographic and molecular identification
of a CD8-positive, TCR-alpha/beta-negative intraocular T cell lymphoma: a case report and review of
the literature. J Med Case Rep 2007; 1:114.
128. Rich RM, Rosenfeld PJ, Puliafito CA, Dubovy SR, Davis JL, Flynn HW, Gonzalez S, Feuer WJ,
Lin RC, Lalwani GA, Nguyen JK, Kumar G. Short-term safety and efficacy of intravitreal bevacizumab
(Avastin) for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Retina 2006; 26: 495-511.
127. Jabs DA, Martin BK, Ricks MO, Forman MS; Cytomegalovirus Retinitis and Viral Resistance
Study Group. Detection of ganciclovir resistance in patients with AIDS and cytomegalovirus retinitis:
correlation of genotypic methods with viral phenotype and clinical outcome. J Infect Dis.
126. Nussenblatt RB, Chan CC, Wilson WH, Hochman J, Gottesman M; CNS and Ocular
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Workshop: recommendations for the future. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2006; 14:139-44.
125. de Schryver I, Rozenberg F, Cassoux N, Michelson S, Kestelyn P, Lehoang P,
Davis JL, Bodaghi B. Diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus iridocyclitis without retinal
necrosis. Br J Ophthalmol. 2006; 90: 852-855.
124. Aizman, A., Johnson, M.W., Olsen, T.W., Ho, A.C., Davis, J.L. Diagnostic and therapeutic
challenges. High grade fever and bronchitis. (2006) Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.), 26 (3), pp. 345-351.
123. Jabs DA, Nussenblatt RB, Rosenbaum JT; Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN)
Working Group. Standardization of uveitis nomenclature for reporting clinical data. Results of the First
International Workshop. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Sep;140(3):509-16.
122. Becker M, Davis J. Vitrectomy in the treatment of uveitis. [Perspective] Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;
140: 1096-105.
121. Davis J: Removing silicone oil from eyes with cytomegalovirus retinitis. [Editorial] Am J
Ophthalmol 2005; 140: 900-902.
120. Davis JL, Miller DM, Ruiz P: Diagnostic testing of vitrectomy specimens. Am J Ophthalmol
2005; 140: 822-829.
119. Jabs DA, Martin BK, Forman SM, Ricks MO for the Cytomegalovirus Retinitis and Viral
Resistance Research Group. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Blood DNA load, CMV retinitis progression,
and occurrence of resistant CMV in patients with CMV retinitis. J Infect Dis 2005; 192: 640-649
118. Sobrin L, Lam BL, Liu M, Feuer WJ, Davis JL. Electroretinographic monitoring in birdshot
chorioretinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005; 140:52-64.
117. Berrocal AM, Davis JL. Chorioretinal involvement and vitreous hemorrhage in a patient with
juvenile xanthogranuloma. J Ped Ophthalmol Strabis 2005; 42: 241-242.
116. Zhang Y, Davis JL, Li W: Identification of tribbles homolog 2 as an autoantigen in autoimmune
uveitis by phage display. Mol Immunol 2005; 42: 1275-1281.
115. Scott IU, Flynn HW Jr, Murray TG, Smiddy WE, Davis JL, Feuer WJ: Outcomes of complex
retinal detachment repair using 1000- vs 5000-centistroke silicone oil. Arch Ophthalmol 2005; 123: 473478.
114. Sobrin L, Dubovy SR, Davis JL, Murray TG: Isolated, bilateral intraocular lymphoma in a 15-yearold girl. Retina 2005; 25: 370-373.
113. Rosenberg K, Feuer WJ, Davis JL. Ocular complications of pediatric uveitis. Ophthalmology 2004;
111: 2299-2306.
112. Lieb DF, Scott IU, Flynn HW Jr, Davis JL, Demming SM. Acute acquired toxoplasma retinitis may
present similarly to unilateral acute idiopathic maculopathy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2004;137:940-2.
111. Moshfeghi DM, Dodds EM, Couto CA, Santos CI, Nicholson DH, Lowder CY, Davis
JL. Diagnostic approaches to severe, atypical toxoplasmosis mimicking acute retinal
necrosis. Ophthalmology 2004: 111:716-25.
110. Davis JL. Diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma. Ocular Immunol Inflam 2004; 12: 7-16.
109. Schiedler V, Scott IU, Flynn HW Jr, Davis JL, Benz MS, Miller D. Culture-proven endogenous
endophthalmitis: clinical features and visual acuity outcomes.. Am J Ophthalmol. 2004 ;137: 725-31.
108. Quillen DA, Davis JL, Gottlieb JL, et al: The white dot syndromes. [Perspective] Am J
Ophthalmol 2004; 137: 538-550.
107. Hernandez-Illas M, Tozman E, Fulcher SFA, Jundt JW, Davis J, Pflugfelder SC. Recombinant
human tumor necrosis factor receptor Fc fusion protein (etanercept): Experience as a therapy for sightthreatening scleritis and sterile corneal ulceration. Eye & Contact Lens 2004; 30: 2-5.
106. Dunn JP, Van Natta M, Foster G, Kuppermann BD, Martin DF, Zong A, Jabs DA, Studies of the
Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group. Complications of ganciclovir implant surgery in
patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis: the Ganciclovir Cidofovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial.
Retina 2004; 24: 41-50.
105. Al-Attar L, Berrocal MD, Warman R, Dubovy S, Paredes A, Chan C, Davis J. Diagnosis by
polymerase chain reaction of ocular posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder after pediatric renal
transplantation. Am J Ophthalmol 2004; 137: 569-571.
104. Becker MD, Harsch N, Zierhut M, Davis JL, Holz FG. Therapeutische Vitrektomie bei Uveitis:
Aktueller Stand und Empfehlungen. Ophthalmologe 2003; 100:787–795
103. Cruz-Villegas V, Berrocal AM, Davis JL. Bilateral choroidal effusions associated with dengue
fever. Retina 23:576-578, 2003.
102. Cruz-Villegas V, Villate N, Knighton RW, Rubsamen P, Davis JL: Optical coherence tomographic
findings in acute exudative polymorphous vitelliform maculopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 136: 760-763,
101. Banta JT, Davis JL, Lam BL. Presumed toxoplasmic anterior optic neuropathy. Ocul Immunol
Inflam 10: 201-211, 2003.
100. Davis JL, Dacanay LM, Holland GN, Berrocal AM, Giese MJ, Feuer WJ: Laser flare photometry
and complications of chronic uveitis in children. Am J Ophthalmol 135: 763-771, 2003.
99. Benz MS, Glaser JS, Davis JL. Progressive outer retinal necrosis in immunocompetent patients
treated initially for optic neuropathy with systemic corticosteroids. Am J Ophthalmol 135: 551-553,
98. Jabs DA, Martin BK, Forman MS, Hubbard L, Dunn, JP, Kempen JH, Davis JL, Weinberg DV for
the Cytomegalovirus Retinitis and Viral Resistance Study Group. Cytomegalovirus resistance to
ganciclovir and clinical outcomes of patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis. Am J Ophthalmol 135: 2634, 2003.
97. Levy-Clarke GA, Buggage RR, Shen D, Vaughn LO, Chan CC, Davis JL. Human T-cell
lymphotropic virus type-1 associated t-cell leukemia/lymphoma masquerading as necrotizing retinal
vasculitis. Ophthalmology 109:1717-22, 2002.
96. Scott IU, Luu KM, Davis JL. Clinicopathologic reports, case reports, and small case series:
intravitreal antivirals in the management of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with
progressive outer retinal necrosis. Arch Ophthalmol 120:1219-22, 2002.
95. Verm AL, Scott IU, Davis JL. Necrotizing herpetic retinopathy associated with Ramsay Hunt
Syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 120: 988-9, 2002.
94. Behar-Cohen FF, El Aouni A, Gautier S, David G, Davis J, Chapon P, Parel JM. Transscleral
Coulomb-controlled iontophoresis of methylprednisolone into the rabbit eye: influence of duration of
treatment, current intensity and drug concentration on ocular tissue and fluid levels. Exp Eye Res 74:
51-9, 2002.
93. Hu H, Jabs DA, Forman MS, Martin BK, Dunn JP, Weinberg DV, Davis JL for the Cytomegalovirus
Retinitis and Viral Rsistance Study Group. Comparison of cytomegalovirus (CMV) UL97 gene
sequences in the blood and vitreous of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and CMV
retinitis. J InfectDis 185: 861-877, 2002.
92. Rosa RH Jr, Davis JL, Eifrig CWG: Clinicopathologic correlation of idiopathic polypoidal choroidal
vasculopathy. Arch Ophthalmol 2002; 120: 502-508.
91. Song A, Scott IU, Davis JL, Lam BL. Atypical anterior optic neuropathy caused by toxoplasmosis.
Am J Ophthalmol 133: 162-164, 2002.
90. Gonzales CA, Ladas JG, Davis JL, Feuer WJ, Holland GN. Relationships between laser flare
photometry values and complications of uveitis. Arch Ophthalmol 119: 1763-1769, 2001.
89. Jabs DA, Martin BK, Forman MS, Dunn JP, Davis JL, et al. Longitudinal observations on mutations
conferring ganciclovir resistance in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and
cytomegalovirus retinitis: The Cytomegalovirus and Viral Resistance Study Group Report Number 8.
Am J Ophthalmol 132: 700-710, 2001.
88. Ladas JG, Yu F, Loo R, Davis JL, Coleman AL, Levinson RD, Holland GN. Relationship between
aqueous humor protein level and outflow facility in patients with uveitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
42: 2584-2588, 2001.
87. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. The ganciclovir implant plus oral ganciclovir versus parenteral cidofovir for the
treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS: The Ganciclovir Cidofovir
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. Am J Ophthalmol 131:457-467, 2001.
86. Luu KK, Scott IU, Miller D, Davis JL. Endogenous Pseudallescheria boydii endophthalmitis in a
patient with ring-enhancing brain lesions. Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers 32: 325-329, 2001.
85. Jabs DA, Martin BK, Forman MS, Dunn JP, Davis JL, Weinberg DV, Biron KK, Baldanti F for the
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis and Viral Resistance Study Group. Mutations conferring ganciclovir
resistance in a cohort of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and cytomegalovirus
retinitis. J Infect Dis 183: 333-337, 2001.
84. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. Long-term follow-up of patients with AIDS treated with parenteral cidofovir for
cytomegalovirus retinitis: The HPMPC Peripheral Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. AIDS 14:
1571:1581, 2000.
83. Miller D, Davis J, Rosa R, Diaz M, Perez E. Utility of tissue culture for detection of Toxoplasma
gondii in vitreous humor of patients diagnosed with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. J Clin Microbiol
38: 3840-3842, 2000.
82. Luu KKM, Scott IU, Chaudhry NA, Verm A, Davis JL: Intravitreal antiviral injections as adjunctive
therapy in the management of immunocompetent patients with necrotizing herpetic retinopathy. Am J
Ophthalmol 129: 811-813, 2000.
81. Jones BE, Jampol LM, Yannuzzi LA, Tittl M, Johnson MW, Han DP, Davis JL, Williams DF:
Relentless placoid chorioretinitis; a new entity or an unusually variant of serpiginous choroiditis? Arch
Ophthalmol 118: 931-938, 2000.
80. Gonzales CA, Scott IU, Chaudhry NA, Luu KM, Miller D, Murray TG, Davis JL. Endogenous
endophthalmitis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum: A case report and literature review.
Ophthalmology. 107: 725-729, 2000.
79. Alexandrakis G, Davis JL: Intracranial penetrating orbital injury. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 31: 6163, 2000.
78. Davis JL. Differential diagnosis of CMV retinitis. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 7: 159166, 1999.
77. Davis JL. Management of CMV retinal detachments in the new era of antiretroviral therapy. Ocular
Immunology and Inflammation 7: 205-213, 1999
75. Davis JL: Diagnostico clinico y de laboratorio de la uveitis. Actualidad Oftalmica 2: 9-15, 1999.
75. Ysasaga JE, Davis J. Frosted branch angiitis with ocular toxoplasmosis. Arch Ophthalmol 117:
1260-1261, 1999.
74. Roth DB, McCabe CM, Davis JL. HIV-related occlusive vasculitis. Arch Ophthalmol 117: 696-698,
73. Cohen, C.R., Davis, J., DeBarge, R., Foley, J., Foster, C.S., Fox, K., Friedlaender, M., John, G.,
Kaufman, A., Nozik, R., Olander, K., Ostrov, C., Raizman, M., Rosenbaum, J., Sall, K., Sheppard, J.,
Stewart, D., Tauber, J., Trocme, S., Zimmerman, P. Controlled evaluation of loteprednol etabonate and
prednisolone acetate in the treatment of acute anterior uveitis. Am J Ophthalmol 127: 537-544, 1999
72. Martin DF, Kuppermann BD, Wolitz RA, Palestine AG, Li H, Robinson CA. Oral ganciclovir for
patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis treated with a ganciclovir implant. Roche Ganciclovir Study
Group. New England Journal of Medicine 340: 1063-1070, 1999.
71. Roth DB, Feuer WJ, Blenke AJ, Davis JL. Treatment of recurrent cytomegalovirus retinitis with the
ganciclovir implant. Am J Ophthalmol 127: 276-282, 1999.
70. Davis JL, Tabandeh H, Feuer WJ, Kumbhat S, Roth DB, and Chaudry NA. Effect of potent
antiretroviral therapy on recurrent cytomegalovirus retinitis treated with the ganciclovir implant. Am J
Ophthalmol 127: 283-287, 1999.
69. Martin DF, Dunn JP, Davis JL, Duker JS, Engstrom RE, Friedberg DN, Jaffe GJ, Kuppermann BD,
Polis MA, Whitley RJ, Wolitz RA, and Benson CA for the International AIDS Society - USA. Use of
the ganciclovir implant for the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in the era of potent antiretroviral
therapy: recommendations of the International AIDS Society - USA panel. Am J Ophthalmol 127: 329
- 339, 1999.
68. Chaudhry NA, Tabandeh H, Rosenfeld PJ, Miller D, Davis J. Scleral buckle infection with
ciprofloxacin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1998) Archives of Ophthalmology, 116 (9), p. 1251.
67. Fishburne BC, Mitrani AA, Davis JL. Cytomegalovirus retinitis following cardiac transplantation.
Am J Ophthalmol 125: 104-106, 1998.
66. Booth MC, Hatter KL, Miller D, Davis J, Kowalski R, Parke DW, Chodosh J, Jett BD, Callegan MC,
Penland R, Gilmore MS. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis
in endophthalmitis. Infection and Immunity 66: 356-360, 1998.
65. Weishaar PD, Flynn HW, Murray TG, Davis JL, Barr CC, Gross JG, Mein CE, McLean WC, Killian
JH. Endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis: Clinical features and treatment outcomes.
Ophthalmology 105: 57-65, 1998.
64. Levinson RD, Vann R, Davis JL, Friedberg DN, Tufail A, Terry BT, Lindley JI, Holland GN.
Chronic multifocal retinal infiltrates in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Am J
Ophthalmol 125: 312-324, 1998.
63. Chaudhry NA, Tabandeh H, Davis J. Successive intraocular nocardiosis and cytomegalovirus
retinitis after cardiac transplantation. Arch Ophthalmol 116: 960-961, 1998.
62. Chaudhry NA, Tabandeh H, Rosenfeld PJ, Miller D, Davis J. Scleral buckle infection with
ciprofloxacin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Arch Ophthalmol 116: 1251, 1998.
61. Essman TF, Flynn HW, Smiddy WE, Brod RD, Murray TG, Davis JL, Rubsamen PE. Treatment
outcomes in a 10-year study of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surgery and Lasers 28:
185-194, 1997.
60. Vilar NF, Flynn HW, Smiddy WE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Rubsamen PE. Removal of retained lens
fragments after phacoemulsification reverses secondary glaucoma and restores visual acuity.
Ophthalmology 104: 787-791, 1997.
59. Davis JL, Taskintuna I, Freeman WR, Weinberg D, Feuer WJ, Leonard RE. Iritis and hypotony
after intravenous cidofovir for CMV retinitis. Arch Ophthalmol 115: 733-737, 1997.
58. Davis JL, Viciana AL, Ruiz P. Diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma with flow cytometry. Am J
Ophthalmol 124: 362-372, 1997.
57. Davis JL, Hummer J, Feuer WJ. Laser photocoagulation for retinal detachments and retinal tears in
cytomegalovirus retinitis. Ophthalmology 104: 2053-2060, 1997.
56. Musch DC, Martin DF, Gordon JR, Davis MD, Kuppermann BD and the Ganciclovir Implant Study
Group. Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with a sustained-release ganciclovir implant. New
England Journal of Medicine 337: 83-90, 1997.
55. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trial
Group. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) culture results, drug resistance, and clinical outcome in patients with
AIDS and CMV retinitis treated with foscarnet and ganciclovir. Journal Infectious Diseases 176: 50-8,
54. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in Collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. Parenteral cidofovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS: The HPMPC
Peripheral Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. A randomized, controlled trial. Annals of Internal Medicine
126: 264-274, 1997
53. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in Collaboration with the AIDS
Clinical Trials Group (ACTG). Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in patients with cytomegalovirus
retinitis: The Foscarnet-Ganciclovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. (Writing committee) Am J
Ophthalmol 124: 61-70, 1997.
52. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS
Clinical Trials Group: Foscarnet-Ganciclovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial: 5. Clinical features of
cytomegalovirus retinitis at diagnosis. (Writing committee chairman) Am J Ophthalmol 124: 141-157,
51. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS
Clinical Trials Group. MSL-109 adjuvant therapy for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 115: 1528-1536, 1997.
50. Davis JL, Winward KR, Lonardo EC, Nussenblatt RB, Meisler DM, Lee TD. Association of
Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis with HLA-DQw5. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation 4:
25-32, 1996.
49. Kim JE, Flynn HW Jr, Rubsamen PE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Smiddy WE. Endophthalmitis in
patients with retained lens fragments after phacoemulsification. Ophthalmology 103: 575-578, 1996.
48. Meldrum ML, Aaberg TM, Patel A, Davis J. Cataract extraction after silicone oil repair of retinal
detachments due to necrotizing retinitis. Arch Ophthalmol 114: 885-892, 1996.
47. Duker JS, Ashton P, Davis JL, Keller R, Chuang E. Long-term, successful maintenance of bilateral
cytomegalovirus retinitis using exclusively local therapy. Arch Ophthalmol 114: 881-882, 1996.
46. Davis JL. Intravenous antibiotics for endophthalmitis. Am J Ophthalmol 122: 724-726, 1996.
45. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. Assessment of cytomegalovirus retinitis. Clinical evaluation vs centralized grading of
fundus photographs. Arch Ophthalmol 114: 791-805, 1996.
44. Chen PP, Palmberg PF, Culbertson WW, Davis JL. Management of overfiltering and leaking blebs
with autologous blood injection. Arch Ophthalmol 114: 633, 1996.
43. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. Clinical vs photographic assessment of treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis. FoscarnetGanciclovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial Report 8. Arch Ophthalmol 114: 848-855, 1996.
42. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the
AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Combination foscarnet and ganciclovir therapy vs monotherapy for the
treatment of relapsed cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS. The Cytomegalovirus
Retreatment Trial. Archives of Ophthalmolology 114: 23-33, 1996.
41. Davis JL, Feuer W, Culbertson WW, Pflugfelder SC. Interpretation of intraocular and serum
antibody levels in necrotizing retinitis. Retina 15: 233-240, 1995
40. Lopez PF, Davis JL, Pare R, Kinota S, Lambert HM. Acyclovir-induced renal failure in the
treatment of presumed viral retinitis. Annals of Ophthalmology 27: 75-84, 1995.
39. Harbour JW, Smiddy WE, Rubsamen PE, Murray TG, Davis JL, Flynn HW. Pars plana vitrectomy
for chronic pseudophakic cystoid macular edema. Am J Ophthalmol 120: 302-307, 1995.
38. Cohen SM, Davis JL, Gass JDM. Branch retinal arterial occlusions in multifocal retinitis with optic
nerve edema. Arch Ophthalmol 113: 1271-1276, 1995.
37. Chang TS, Aylward GW, Davis JL, Mieler WF, Oliver G, Maberley A, Gass JDM. Idiopathic
retinal vasculitis, aneurysms, and neuro-retinitis (IRVAN). Ophthalmology 102: 1089-1097, 1995.
36. Davis JL, Serfass MS, Lai MY, Trask DK, Azen SP. Silicone oil in repairing retinal detachments
due to necrotizing retinitis in patients with HIV infection. Arch Ophthalmol 113: 1401-1409, 1995.
35. Davis JL. An algorithmic approach to treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis. Seminars in
Ophthalmology 10: 119-124, 1995.
34. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical
Trials Group. Morbidity and toxic effects associated with ganciclovir or foscarnet therapy in a
randomized cytomegalovirus retinitis trial. Archives of Internal Medicine 155: 65-74, 1995.
33. Kim JE, Flynn HW, Smiddy WE, Murray TG, Rubsamen PE, Davis JL, Nicholson DH. Retained
lens fragments after phakoemulsification. Ophthalmology 101: 1827-1832, 1994.
32. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the
AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Foscarnet-Ganciclvoir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. 4. Visual
Outcomes. Ophthalmology 101: 1250-1261, 1994.
31. Martin DF, Chan CC, deSmet MD, Palestine AG, Davis JL, Whitcup SM, Burnier MN, Nussenblatt
RB. The role of chorioretinal biopsy in the management of posterior uveitis. Ophthalmology 100: 705714, 1993.
30. Nussenblatt RB, deSmet MD, Rubin B, Freidlin V, Whitcup SM, Davis J, Herman D, Bloom JN,
Sran PK, Whitcher S, Palestine A, Austin H. A masked, randomized, dose-response study between
cyclosporine A and G in the treatment of sight-threatening uveitis of noninfectious origin. Am J
Ophthalmol 115: 583-591, 1993.
29. Winward KE, Pflugfelder SC, Flynn HW Jr., Roussel TJ, Davis JL: Postoperative
Propionibacterium endophthalmitis. Treatment strategies and long-term results. Ophthalmology
100:447-451, 1993.
28. Davis J. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome in patients with Cherokee Indian ancestry. Am J
Ophthalmol 115: 688, 1993.
27. Sellitti TP, Huang AJW, Schiffman J, Davis JL. Association of herpes zoster ophthalmicus with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and acute retinal necrosis. Am J Ophthalmol 116: 297-301, 1993.
26. Lewis ML, Davis J, Chuang, E. Interferon alfa-2a in the treatment of exudative age-related macular
degeneration. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 231: 615-618, 1993.
25. Davis JL, Soloman D, Nussenblatt RB, Palestine AG, Chan CC. Immunocytochemical staining of
vitreous cells: Indications, techniques, and results. Ophthalmology 99: 250-256, 1992.
24. Chuang EL, Davis JL. Management of retinal detachment associated with CMV retinitis in AIDS
patients. Eye 6: 28-34, 1992.
23. Fox GM, Flynn HW Jr, Davis JL, Culbertson WW. Causes of reduced visual acuity on long-term
follow-up after cataract extraction in patients with uveitis and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Am J
Ophthalmol 114: 708-714, 1992.
22. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the
AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Foscarnet-Ganciclovir
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial: 1. Rationale, Design, and Methods. Controlled Clinical Trials 13: 2230, 1992.
21. Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the
AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Mortality in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
treated with either foscarnet or ganciclovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis. N Engl J Med 326: 213-220,
20. Davis JL, Mittal KK, and Nussenblatt RB. HLA in intermediate uveitis. Developments in
Ophthalmology 23: 35-37, 1992.
19. Davis JL, Chan CC, and Nussenblatt RB. Diagnostic vitrectomy in intermediate uveitis. Dev
Ophthalmol 23: 120-132, 1992.
18. Davis JL, Chan CC, and Nussenblatt RB. The immunology of intermediate uveitis. Dev Ophthalmol
23: 71-85, 1992.
17. Nussenblatt RB, Davis JL, Palestine AG. Chorioretinal biopsy for diagnostic purposes in cases of
intraocular inflammatory disease. Dev Ophthalmol 23: 133-138, 1992.
16. Helbig H, Kittredge KL, Coca-Prados M, Davis J, Palestine AG, Nussenblatt RB. Mammalian
ciliary-body epithelial cells in culture produce transforming growth factor-beta. Graefe’s Archive for
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 229:84-87, 1991.
15. Chan CC, Palestine AG, Davis JL, deSmet MD, McLean IW, Burnier M, Drouilhet JH, Nussenblatt
RB. Role of chorioretinal biopsy in inflammatory eye disease. Ophthalmology 98: 1281-1286, 1991.
14. Palay DA, Sternberg P, Davis J, Lewis H, Holland GN, Mieler WF, Jabs DA, Drews C. Decrease in
the risk of bilateral acute retinal necrosis by acyclovir therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 112:250-255, 1991.
13. Palestine AG, Polis MA, DeSmet MD, Baird BF, Falloon J, Kovacs JA, Davey RT, Zurlo JJ, Zunich
KM, Davis M, Hubbard L, Brothers R, Ferris FL, Chew E, Davis JL, Rubin BI, Mellow SD, Metcalf JA,
Manischewitz J, Minor JR, Nussenblatt RB, Masur H, Lane HC. A randomized, controlled trial of
foscarnet in the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS. Ann Intern Med 115: 665673, 1991.
12. Davis JL. Human immunodeficiency virus-related uveitis. Curr Opinion Ophthalmol 2: 471-479,
11. Flynn HW Jr, Pulido JS, Pflugfelder SC, Davis JL, Culbertson WW, Roussel TJ, Miller D.
Endophthalmitis therapy: changing antibiotic sensitivity patterns and current therapeutic
recommendations. Arch Ophthalmol 109:175-176, 1991.
10. Davis JL, Mittal KK, Freidlin V, Mellow SR, Optican DC, Palestine AG, and Nussenblatt RB.
Association of HLA-DR53 with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada's disease and sympathetic ophthalmia in a
mixed-race population. Ophthalmology 97: 1137-1142, 1990.
9. DeSmet MD, Nussenblatt RB, Davis JL, and Palestine AG. Large cell lymphoma masquerading as a
viral retinitis. International Ophthalmology 14: 413-417, 1990.
8. Davis JL and Nussenblatt RB. Intraocular inflammatory disease. Research Publication of the
Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Diseases 68:131-139, 1990.
7. Davis JL, Nussenblatt RB, Bachman DM, Chan C-C, and Palestine AG. Endogenous bacterial
retinitis in AIDS. Am J Ophthalmol 107: 613-623, 1989.
6. Raphael GD, Davis JL, Fox PC, Malech HL, Gallin JI, Baraniuk JN, and Kaliner MA. Glandular
secretion of lactoferrin in a patient with neutrophil lactoferrin deficiency. Journal of Allergy and
Clinical Immunology 84: 914-919, 1989.
5. Flynn HW, Pflugfelder SC, Culbertson WW, and Davis JL. Recognition, treatment and prevention of
endophthalmitis. Seminars in Ophthalmology 4: 69-83, 1989.
4. Davis JL, Koidou-Tsiligianni A, Pflugfelder SC, Miller D, Flynn HW Jr., and Forster RK.
Antimicrobial resistance in coagulase-negative staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology 95:
1404-1410, 1988.
3. Flynn HW Jr., Davis JL, and Culbertson WW. Pars plana lensectomy and vitrectomy for complicated
cataracts in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Ophthalmology 95: 1114-1119, 1988.
2. Flynn HW Jr., Davis JL, Parel J-M, and Lee WG. Applications of a cannulated extrusion needle
during vitreoretinal microsurgery. Retina 8:42-49, 1988.
1. Davis JL, Parke DW II, and Font RL. Granulocytic sarcoma of the orbit: A clinicopathologic study.
Ophthalmology 92: 1758-1762, 1985.
Juried Exhibitions
50. H. Patel, J. L. Davis. Malignancy Presenting After Immunomodulatory Therapy for Presumed NonParaneoplastic Autoimmune Retinopathy. ARVO annual meeting, Orlando FL, May 5, 2014.
49. N. Stuebiger, A.Tao, W. Lee, S. Pineda, H. Jiang, J. Wang, J.L. Davis, D. DeBuc. Assessment of
Retinal Vasculitis using the Retinal Function Imager (RFI). ARVO annual meeting, Orlando FL, May 6,
48. J.L.Davis, E. Mandelcorn, T. Albini, Y-S. Hwang. Diagnostic Importance of T Lymphocytes in
Vitreous Specimens from Patients with Lymphoma. ARVO annual meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 5,
47. S.R. Dubovy, H. Aziz, M. Reyes, H. Flynn, J. Davis. Sympathetic Ophthalmia: A Clinicopathologic
Correlation. ARVO annual meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 6, 2010.
46. P.J. Francis, D. G. Birch, J. L. Davis, B. L. Lam, R. Spencer, J. T. Stout, P. Williamson. A Phase 1
Open-Label, Non-Comparative Study Evaluating eh Safety of a Single, Unilateral Subretinal
Administration of CNTO2476 (Human Umbilical Tissue-Derived Cells [hUTC] in Advanced Retinitis
Pigmentosa (RP). ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 5, 2010.
45. J. Fishler, E. Mandelcorn, T. A. Albini, J. L. Davis. A Review of Ocular Syphilis and its Clinical
Characteristics in Bascom Palmer over a Seven Year Period. ARVO Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale,
FL, May 6, 2010.
44. J.L. Davis, P. Haft, K. Hartley. Retinal Arteriolar Occlusions in Elderly Immunocompetent Patients
with Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Joint Meeting Retina Society, Macula Society, American Society of
Retina Specialists, New York NY, October 2, 2009.
43. C.R. Alabiad, D. Miller, J. Schiffman, J.L. Davis. Antimicrobial Sensitivity Profiles of Ocular and
Nasal Flora in Patients Undergoing Intravitreal Injections. ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL,
May 3, 2009.
42. M. Parrott, H.W. Flynn, Jr., C.C. Wykoff, D. Miller, T.G. Murray, W.E. Smiddy, J.L. Davis.
Nosocomial Acute-Onset Postoperative Endophthalmitis at a University Teaching Hospital (1995-2008),
ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL, May 5, 2009.
41. K. Alliman, H.W. Flynn, Jr., G. Lalwani, C. Quinn, J.L. Davis, T.G. Murray, P. Rosenfeld, W.E.
Smiddy. Acute-Onset Endophthalmitis Following Clear Corneal Cataract Surgery: A 12-Year Review
(1996-2008) ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL, May 5, 2009.
40. L.C. Olmos, H.W. Flynn, Jr., P. Gallogly, W.E. Smiddy, T.G. Murray, J.L. Davis. Clinical Features
and Outcomes of Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Retained Lens Fragments: Same- Day Surgery versus
Delayed Surgery . ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL, May 7, 2009.
39. R.B. Rush, J. Davis, D. Goldstein, H. Tessler, P. Lin, B. Meghpara. Birdshot Chorioretinopathy and
Fluocinolone Acetonide Intravitreal Sustained Release Devices: an Analysis of Efficacy and
Complications. ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL, May 7, 2009.
38. A. Galor, J. Davis, H. Flynn, W. Feuer, V. Setlur, M. Kegen, D. Goldstein, H. Tessler, D.A. Jabs, J.E.
Thorne. Sympathetic Ophthalmia: Incidence of Ocular Complications and Vision Loss in the
Sympathizing Eye. ARVO annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale FL, May 7, 2009.
37. Harper T, Miller D, Schiffman JC, Davis JL. Diagnostic PCR of Aqueous humor and vitreous
specimens in viral retinitis and posterior uveitis. ARVO Abstract 2008.
36. Kim Y, Jiang X, Caberoy D, Maiguel J, Davis J, Li W. Identification of autoantigens with serum
immunoreactivity specific to uveitis patients by phage display. ARVO Abstract 2008.
35. Albini TA, Bajenaru ML. Ruggeri M, Sklar AA, Valdes AJ, Jiao S, Puliafito CA, Davis JL. Optical
coherence tomography in experimental autoimmune uveitis. ARVO Abstract 2008.
34. Davis JL, Cornett J, Stratton R, Hess D, Porciatti V. Novel system for grading vitreous haze. ARVO
Abstract 2008.
33. Eaton AM, Wafapoor H, Davis J, Stepien KE, Jaffe GJ, Raja J. Sterile Endophthalmitis Following
Intravitreal Injection of Triamcinolone. American Academy of Ophthalmology poster presentation.
Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 2007.
32. S.M. Gerzenstein, S.G. Schwartz, N.F. Tsinoremas, A.C.L. Cervino, J.A. Ayala-Haedo, T.D.
Arguello, J.L. Davis, H.W. Flynn, C.A. Puliafito, W.E. Smiddy, M.E. Fini. A Pharmacogenomic Pilot
Study on Steroid-Induced Intraocular Pressure Elevation. Presented to the International Glaucoma
Society, Athens, Greece, March 29, 2007.
31. Hwang YS, Davis JL. Comparison of Phacoemulsification and Pars Plana Lensectomy with
Simultaneous Intraocular Lens Insertion for Cataract in Uveitis Patients. ARVO Abstracts 2006.
30. Li W, Davis J. Identification of autoantigens in autoimmune uveitis by subtractive phage
biopanning. ARVO Abstracts, 2004.
29. Wirthlin RS, Davis JL, Flynn HW, Scott IU, Dubovy SR. Sympathetic ophthalmia: Clinical features
and visual outcomes. ARVO Abstracts, 2004.
28. Lowder CY, Roth DB, Dodds EM, Couto CA, Davis JL, Santos CI. Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis
resembling the acute retinal necrosis syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 41:
S779 , 2000.
27. Lam BL, Chang Q, Hamasaki DI, Davis JL. Effect of short-term and long-term systemic
corticosteroid on the electroretinogram. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 41: S1270,
26. Eifrig CI, Rosa RH, Siatkowshi RM, Davis JL. Poor visual outcoms in idiopathic polypoidal
choroidal vasculopathy. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 41: S845, 2000.
25. Kumbhat S, Tabandeh H, Chaudry NA, Roth DR, Feuer WJ, Davis JL. Outcomes of recurrent
cytomegalovirus retinitis in AIDS patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy and
intraocular ganciclovir devices. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 39: S133, 1998.
24. Gonzales CA, Davis JL, Ladas JG, Holland GN. Correlation of aqueous flare with complications of
uveitis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 39: S364, 1998.
23. Davis JL, Gautier S, O'Grady G, Parel JM. Intravitreal ganciclovir concentration after oral,
intravenous and intravitreal administration in AIDS patients with CMV retinitis. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38: S1100, 1997.
22. Diaz M, Miller D, Rosa RH, Davis JL, Palma LA, Alfonso EC. Laboratory confirmation of
Toxoplasma gondii as the etiologic agent in necrotizing retinitis. Investigative Ophthalmology and
Visual Science 38: S871, 1997.
21. Rosa RH, Diaz MG, Miller D, Davis JL. Diagnosis of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis and
panophthalmitis in HIV-infected patients using viral tissue culture techniques. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38: S744, 1997.
20. Gautier S, Kasner L, Behar-Cohen F, El Aouni A, Kondo H, O'Grady G, Davis JL, Parel J-M.
Transscleral coulomb controlled iontophoresis of ganciclovir in rabbits: Safety and pharmacokinetics.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 38: S147, 1997.
19. Nose I, Parel J-M, Lee W, Cohen F, DeKozak Y, Rowan C, Paldano A. Jallet V, Söderberg P, Davis
J. Ocular coulomb controlled iontophoresis (OCCI). Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
37: S41, 1996.
18. Chang TS, Aylward GW, Davis JL, Gass JD, Mieler WF, Maberley AF, Oliver, GL. Idiopathic
retinal vasculitis, aneurysms and neuro-retinitis (IRVAN syndrome). Investigative Ophthalmology and
Visual Science 36: S620, 1995.
17. Margolis TI, Duker JS, Reichel E, Rutledge BK, Morley MG, Davis JL. Repair of retinal
detachment related to cytomegalovirus retinitis in eyes with ganciclovir implants. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36: S778, 1995.
16. Ormerod LD, Davis JL, Cohen SM. New retinal and choroidal manifestations of cat scratch disease.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36: S782, 1995.
15. Weishaar PD, Flynn HW, Murray TG, Davis JL, Barr CC, Gross JC, Mein CE, McLean WC.
Endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis: Clinical features and treatment outcomes. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science 36: S789, 1995.
14. Davis JL, Cousins SW, Cousins BH. Simplified computer and manual fundus drawings.
Ophthalmology 102 Supplement: 146, 1995.
13. Davis JL, Tang CB, Woods D, Feuer WJ. Effect of cryoretinopexy on intraocular cytokines in
inflamed rabbit eyes. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 35: S1686, 1994.
12. Prado A, Davis JL, Heilskov T. Acute necrotizing viral retinitis in HIV infection and AIDS.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 34: S1109, 1993.
11. Davis JL, Thompson WS, Miller D, Tang CB. Intraocular antibody measurements in infectious
retinitis in AIDS. International AIDS Conference, Berlin, Abstract No. PO-B18-1809, 1993.
10. Kinota S, Lopez PF, Lambert HM, Pare R, Davis JL, Jabs D. Acyclovir-induced renal failure in the
treatment of presumed viral retinitis. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 34: S1106, 1993.
9. Callanan D, Davis JL, Cohen SM, Halperin L, Gass JDM. The use of ivermectin in diffuse unilateral
subacute neuroretinitis. Ophthalmology 100 Supplement: 114, 1993.
8. Davis JL, Winward KR, Lonardo EC, Lee TD, Pflugfelder SC, Nussenblatt RB, Meisler DM.
Association of P. acnes endophthalmitis with HLA type. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science 33: S1421, 1992.
7. Davis JL, Culbertson WW, and Pflugfelder SC. Diagnostic usefulness of serologic studies of viral
retinitis in a clinical laboratory. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 32:S805, 199 1.
6. Palay DA, Sternberg P, Davis J, Lewis, H, Holland GP, Mieler WF, Jabs DA, Drews-Botsch C.
Acyclovir decreases the risk of bilateral involvement in acute retinal necrosis. Investigative
Ophthalmology and Visual Science 32: S688, 1991.
5. Pulido JS, Miller D, Flynn HW, Kattan HM, Fox G, Davis JL. Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus
endophthalmitis isolates to cephalosporins. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 32: S805,
4. Duker J, Davis JL. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma of the Posterior Segment Complicating Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection. Ophthalmology 98 Supplement: 112, 1991.
3. Davis JL, Jalkh A, Roberge F, Caspi R, Flynn HW Jr., Schepens C, and Nussenblatt R. Subretinal
fluid from human retinal detachment contains interleukin 1. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science 29: S396, 1988.
2. Davis JL, Palestine AG, and Nussenblatt RB. Neovascularization in uveitis. Ophthalmology 95
Supplement: 171, 1988.
1. Davis JL, Chan CC, Palestine AG, and Nussenblatt RB. Use of monoclonal antibodies in the
diagnostic evaluation of vitreous specimens. Ophthalmology 95 Supplement: 170, 1988.
Other Works, Publications and Abstracts:
Stuebiger N, Tao A, Lee WH, Pineda S, Jiang H, Wang J, Davis JL, DeBuc D. Conjunctival blood flow
velocity in patients with retinal vasculitis assessed with the retinal function imager. ARVO Abstracts
2015. Abstract Number: 3364 - B0147
Davis JL. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in Ophthalmology. Topics in Ocular Infectives, a CME
publication. June 2015
Davis JL, Chan CC, Goldstein DA. Women in print (2015) JAMA Ophthalmology, 133 (5), pp. 620621.
Davis J. Correspondence (2014) Retina, 34 (4)
Alabiad, CR, Miller D, Schiffman JC, Davis JL. Reply
(2012) American Journal of Ophthalmology, 153 (5), pp. 1011-1012.
Davis, J. Current concepts in the management of uveitic macular edema
(2010) Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology, 7 (2), pp. 60-66.
Davis, J.L., Mandelcorn, E. Frequency and factors associated with recurrences of ocular toxoplasmosis
in a referral center in Colombia: Comment (2010) Evidence-Based Ophthalmology, 11 (1), pp. 32-33.
Albini TA, Galor A, Davis JL. Reply to PMID 23415597. Am J Ophthalmol. 2013 Oct;156(4):847.
Olmos LC, Flynn HW Jr, Smiddy WE, Murray TG, Berrocal AM, Albini T, Janet L. Davis JL. Retinal
detachment following pars plana vitrectomy for retained lens fragments: rates after same-day surgery
versus delayed surgery. Juried poster presentation. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
meeting, October 18-19, 2010, Chicago IL.
Hinkle DM, Dacey MS, Foster CS, Kalyani PS, Holland GN, Davis JL, Mandelcorn ED, Mauro J.
Bilateral, simultaneous anterior uveitis with diffuse iris tranasillumination defects following oral
moxifloxacin therapy. Juried poster presentation. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
meeting, October 18-19, 2010, Chicago IL.
Davis JL, Mandelcorn, E. Editorial for, “Frequency and Factors Associated With Recurrences of Ocular
Toxoplasmosis in A Referral Center in Colombia”. Evidence-Based Ophthalmology: January 2010 Volume 11 - Issue 1 - pp 32-33.
Davis JL. Posterior Segment Complications of Uveitis. Vitreoretinal Issues. Audio-Digest
Ophthalmology, Vol. 46, Issue 05, 2008.
Davis JLChronic Iridocyclitis in JRA. Current Insights, April 2007. American Academy of
Davis JL. Reply (2006) American Journal of Ophthalmology, 141 (5), pp. 982-983.
International Ophthalmology, editors: M VanNewkirk, EC Alfonso, et al. Consultants: DR Anderson,
JL Davis, HW Flynn Jr. Writers: EC Alfonso, et al. San Francisco: American Academy of
Ophthalmology, 2005.
Davis J. Reply to letter by De Groot-Mijnes JDF, Rothova A : Diagnostic testing of vitrectomy
specimens. Am J Ophthalmol 141: 982-983, May 2006.
Davis JL. Poor test selection leads to undiagnosable uveitis. Ophthalmology Times 31 (11): 1, 46, June
1, 2006.
Gallogly P, Davis J: Young, healthy female has blurred vision in right eye; exam shows multiple
yellowish fundus lesions, subretinal fibrosis: What is the diagnosis? [Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Grand Rounds, edited by JJ Miller, DM Miller] Ophthalmology Times 31(8): 16-18, April 15, 2006.
Davis JL: Comments: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Retina 26: 349-350, March 2006.
Levy-Clarke GA, Smith JA, Buggage RR, Davis JL, Chan CC, Nussenblatt RB. A Decade of Ocular
Findings in Human T-Cell Lymphotrophic Virus type-1 (HTLV-1) Infected Patients. International
Uveitis Study Group, Ft. Lauderdale FL, April 29, 2005.
Hui JI, Davis JL: Woman has blurry vision of the left eye for 6 days; patient ha recent diagnosis or
AIDS, cerebral vasculitis of unknown etiology: What is the diagnosis? Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Grand Rounds, edited by J Kitchens, L Al-Attar. Ophthalmology Times 29(20): 16-17, October 15,
Hui J, Davis J: Man has painless loss of vision in left eye for 1 week; tests show optic disc edema,
exudates overlying the nerve, subretinal fluid: What is diagnosis? Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Grand
Rounds, edited by J Kitchens, L Al-Attar. Ophthalmology Times 29: 16-18, September 2004.
Davis JL: Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction and ocular inflammatory disease: Review of the
literature. Vitreoretinal Surg Tech 13: 6-7, 9, 11, August 2004.
Davis JL: Quoted in and reviewed article by N. Groves on A challenging diseases: Anatomic, genetic
factors play role in uveitis. Ophthalmology Times 29: 14, April 15, 2004.
Gregori N, Davis J: Patient has painful red eye, reduced acuity for 2 months. History includes
pterygium surgery, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis: What is your diagnosis? (Bascom Palmer Eye
Institute Grand Rounds, edited by JK Moore, EC Mavrofrides). Ophthalmology Times 29(2): 14-16,
January 15, 2004.
Kitchens JW, Davis J: Patient has bilateral vision loss, recent headache; African-American woman has
serous retinal detachments, angiographic abnormalities. (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Grand Rounds,
edited by JK Moore, EC Mavrofrides) Ophthalmology Times 28: 16-17, November 15, 2003.
Berrocal AM, Lieb DF, Flynn HW Jr, Davis JL: Case report submitted to “Diagnostics and therapeutic
challenges.” 23: 392-399, June.
Villate N, Davis JL. Older man has sudden onset of pain, photophobia. Vision decrease is severe,
patient being treated for oral thrush: What is you diagnosis? In: Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Grand
Rounds, edited by CWG Eifrig, M Benz. Ophthalmology Times 27(20): 82-83, October 15, 2002.
Ysasaga J, Boulanger C, Weber M, Perre P, Davis J. Clinical picture: Ocular spots and Pott’s. The
Lancet 358: 1235, 2001
Davis JL, Miller D, Gonzales CA, Scott IU, Murray T: Reply to letter on Histoplasma capsulatum var.
capsulatum. Ophthalmology 109: 218-219, February 2002.
Davis JL. Comment on "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge." Retina 2001; 21: 167-169.
Davis JL. Review of "Atlas of Vitreous Biomicroscopy." Archives of Ophthalmology , 2000.
Davis JL. Abstracts of Am J Ophthalmol articles. Eye News (U.K.) 6: 43-46,1999.
Davis JL. AIDS and the Eye. CD-ROM. Boston: Ophthalmology Interactive, 1998.
– Introduction, Epidemiology, HIV Background
– New Therapies in the Treatment of CMV Retinitis
– Differential Diagnosis of Fundus Lesions
– Surgical Management of Complications of CMV Retinitis
– Insertion of Intravitreal Ganciclovir Implant
Davis JL. Reply to letter: Laser photocoagulation prophylaxis for CMV retinal detachments.
Ophthalmology 105: 1354, 1998.
Stagg RJ, Gathe J, Lieberman RM, Nuessle SJ, Davis JL, Ruane P, Bellman PC, Powderly WG, Jaffe
HS. The Vistide (cidofovir injection) treatment IND for relapsing CMV Retinitis (CMV-R). 4th
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 1997.
Davis JL. Discussion of paper: Whitcup SM, Csaky KG, Podgor MJ et al: A randomized, masked,
cross-over trial of acetazolamide for cystoid macular edema in patients with uveitis. Ophthalmology
103: 1062-1063, 1996.
Davis J, Ruiz P, Viciana A, Thompson WS, Murray T. Flow cytometry of diagnostic vitrectomy
specimens. In Nussenblatt RB, Whitcup SM, Caspi RR, Gery I, eds: Advances in Ocular Immunology.
Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 315-318, 1995.
Davis JL, Chuang EL. Repair of retinal detachment caused by cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [letter]. Am J Ophthalmol 113:468, 1992.
Davis JL, Miller D, Culbertson WW, Pflugfelder SC, Nicholson D: The Role of Intraocular Antibody
(EIA) and/or Antigen (PCR) Detection in Establishing Viral Etiology as a Cause of Acute or
Necrotizing Retinitis. Poster Presentation at Eighth Annual Clinical Virology Symposium, Clearwater,
Florida, May 18, 1992.
Davis JL and Smith JL. Intermediate Uveitis. In: Smith JL, ed., Neuro-ophthalmology Tapes, Vol.
XIII, No. 9, February 1991.
Davis JL. Inflammatory Mediators of the Vitreous. Autoimmunity Forum: Ophthalmology 1: 14, 1989.
Funded Research Performed:
06/03/2015. Advanced Ophthalmic Imaging and Electrophysiology Technologies to investigate ocular,
systemic and cerebral disorders affecting the retina and visual pathways. Delia DeBuc. The Finker
Frenkel Legacy Foundation
04/22/2015. Clinical and Genetic Characterization of Individuals with Achromatopsia. Byron Lam.
National Eye Institute
06/03/2015. An open label Phase 2 clinical trial of retinal gene therapy for choroideremia using an
adeno-associated viral vector (AAV2) encoding Rab-escort protein 1 (REP1). Byron Lam
08/03/2015. A Phase 2, Double-Masked, Randomized, Parallel Group, Sham Surgery/Placebo Control,
Multi-Center Study to Evaluate Systemic Immunosuppression Regimens as Graft Rejection Prophylaxis
Following Sub-retinal Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Retinal Pigmented
Epithelial Cells in Patients with Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Philip Rosenfeld. Ocata Therapeutics, Inc.
07/27/2014. A Phase I/II, OpenLabel, MultiCenter, Prospective Study to Determine the Safety and
Tolerability of Subretinal Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Retinal Pigmented
Epithelial (MA09hRPE) Cells in Patients with Advanced Dry AMD. Philip Rosenfeld. Advanced Cell
04/22/2015. A Phase III, Multinational, Multicenter, Randomized, DoubleMasked, StudyAssessing the
Safety and Efficacy of Intravitreal Injections of DE109 (three doses) for the Treatment of active,
NonInfectious Uveitis of the Posterior Segment of the eye. Janet Davis. Santen Incorporated , Santen
10/18/2015. PeriOcular and INTravitreal corticosteroids for uveitic macular edema (POINT) Trial. Janet
Davis. National Eye Institute
04/22/2015. Longterm Followup of Patients Who Participated in the Multicenter Uveitis Steroid
Treatment Trial (MUST Trial Followup Study) Previous phase Titled:Multicenter Uveitis Steroid
Treatment (MUST) Trial Protocol. Janet Davis. National Eye Institute
04/19/2014. New Enrollment PostApproval Study of the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System PM0201
(Post Approval Study). Byron Lam. Second Sight Medical Products
06/09/2015. A phase I/II, open label, multiplecenter,prospective study to determine the Safety and
Tolerability of subretinal transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem cell Derived Retinal Pigmented
Epithelial (MA09hRPE) Cells in patients with Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy. Byron Lam. Advanced
Cell Technology
04/19/2014. Long Term Follow Up to a Phase I/II, Open-Label, Multi-Center, Prospective Study to
Determine the Safety and Tolerability of Sub-retinal Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell
Derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelial (MA09-hRPE) Cells in Patients with Stargardt?s Macular
Dystrophy. (SMD). Byron Lam. Advanced Cell Technology
04/22/2015. A Phase 2, Open-label, Fellow-eye Controlled, Dose-escalation, Multi- Center Study to
Determine the Safety and Efficacy of Sub-retinal Transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell
Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells in Subjects with Stargardt?s Macular Dystrophy. Byron Lam.
Advanced Cell Technology
04/19/2014. An-Open label Dose Escalation Study of an Adeno-associated Virus Vector (scAAV2P1ND4v2) for Gene Therapy of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) caused by the G11778
mutation in mitochondrial DNA. John Guy. National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
06/03/2015/ A Phase I/IIa Dose Escalation Safety Study of Subretinally Injected StarGen? (SAR422459),
Administered to Patients with Stargardt?s Macular Degeneration. Byron Lam
04/22/2015. Systemic Immunosuppressive Therapy for Eye Disease Cohort Study (SITE). Janet Davis.
National Eye Institute
07/27/2014. A phase I/II, open label, multiplecenter,prospective study to determine the Safety and
Tolerability of subretinal transplantation of Human Embryonic Stem cell Derived Retinal Pigmented
Epithelial (MA09hRPE) Cells in patients with Stargardt's Macular Dystr. Byron Lam. Advanced Cell
04/22/2015. SUN Validation of Diagnostic Criteria in Uveitis. Janet Davis. National Institutes of Health
CAEB071A2211: A randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-masked, parallel-group study
to assess the tolerability, safety and efficacy of 2 weeks oral AEB071 300 mg twice daily, followed by 6
weeks AEB071 200 mg twice daily in the treatment of macular edema in patients with non-infectious
intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis, or panuveitis. Novartis 2007. (Pending)
Principal Investigator, “An 8-Week, Multicenter, Masked, Randomized Trial (with an 18-Week Masked
Extension) to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of 700 μg and 350 μg Dexamethasone Posterior Segment
Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) Applicator System Compared with Sham DEX PS DDS
Applicator System in the Treatment of Non-Infectious Ocular Inflammation of the Posterior Segment in
Patients with Intermediate Uveitis. PROTOCOL NUMBER: 206207-014-02. Allergan.
Principal Investigator, “Multicenter Uveitis Steroid Treatment Trial (MUST)”. Subcontract to Johns
Hopkins University, NEI 5U10EY01460-02. June 2005 to present. Estimated $500,000 direct and
indirect costs.
Marti-Haidar Foundation. Unrestricted grant for uveitis research. $70,000 per annum
Co-investigator, “Profiling autoantigens in uveitis”. R01EY016211-01A1 8/1/05-1/31/2011.
Principal Investigator, “A Phase I/IIa, Double-masked, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study
Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, Immunogenicity, and Clinical Response to Multiple
Subcutaneous Administrations of the Human Monoclonal Antibody to Human TNF (CNTO 148) in
Patients with Intermediate Uveitis, Posterior Uveitis, or Panuveitis.” Sponsored by Centocor, Inc. July
2003 to February 2004. $42,200 direct.
Principal Investigator, “A Multicenter, Randomized, Masked, Controlled Study to Evaluate Retisert, an
Intravitreal Fluocinolone Acetonide Implant, in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema.”
Sponsored by Controlled Delivery Systems, Inc. February 2002 to present, $20,000 per patient enrolled.
Estimated $200,000 per
Principal Investigator, "A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Masked, Controlled Study to Evaluate the
Safety and Efficacy of an Intravitreal Fluocinolone Acetonide (0.5 or 2 mg) Insert in Patients with
Uveitis Affecting the Posterior Segment of the Eye." Sponsored by Bausch & Lomb, 2001 to 2006,
$20,000 per patient enrolled. Estimated $125,00 per annum direct.
Clinic Director and Principal Investigator, “Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS,
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis: Subcontract to National Eye Institute Grant EY08057 and EY08052. 19891998: $117,000 per annum (direct). 1989 to 2000, $34,000 per annum (direct).
• Foscarnet-Ganciclovir CMV Trial, 1989 - 1992
• Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Retreatment Trial, 1992 - 1996
• Ganciclovir Intraocular Device - Cidofovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial (GCCRT), May
1997 to July 2000. $8,000 per patient enrolled.
• Long Term Study of Ocular Complications of AIDS. July 1998 to July 2000.
$2500 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator. "WV15376 - A randomized controlled comparison of the safety and efficacy of
RS-79070, and Oral Prodrug of ganciclovir vs. IV ganciclovir as induction therapy for the treatment of
newly diagnosed peripheral cytomegalovirus retinitis." Sponsored by Roche Global Development.
March 1997 to June 2001. $6500 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator. “WV15705 - An open label study of the safety and tolerability of valganciclovir,
an oral prodrug of ganciclovir, for the treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis in subjects with AIDS.”
Sponsored by Roche Global Development. January 1998 to June 2001. $6300 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator, “CMV Retinitis Viral Resistance Study.” Subcontract to National Eye Institute
Grant 5 RO1 EY10268. September 1998 to June 2004. $56,000 per annum.
Principal Investigator. “ISIS 2922-CS7: An Open Label Study of the Safety and Efficacy of
Intravitreal ISIS 2922 in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Patients with
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis.” Sponsor: ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. September 1998 to December 1998.
Principal Investigator. “Phase II, Randomized, Double-Blind Study of the Safety and Efficacy of
Intravitreous Cidofovir for the Treatment of Relapsing Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Patients with AIDS,
GS-96-503.” Sponsored by Gilead Sciences. October 1995 to April 1997. $6000 direct per patient.
Principal Investigator. “A Randomized, Controlled Study of the Safety and Preventive Efficacy of Oral
Ganciclovir when Used in Conjunction with an Intravitreal Ganciclovir Implant in the Treatment of
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis.” Sponsored by Syntex Research. September 1994 to October 1997.
$20,000 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator. “Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Lotemax and Prednisolone Acetate in
Acute Anterior Uveitis.” Sponsored by Pharmos Corporation. March 1996 to November 1996. $2500
per patient enrolled.
Clinic Director and Principal Investigator. “Monoclonal Antibody MSL-109 for CMV Retinitis Trial.”
Cosponsored by National Eye Institute Grant EY08057 and EY08052 and Protein Design Labs. $64,000
Clinic Director and Principal Investigator, “Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS: HPMPC
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial,” Cosponsored by National Eye Institute Grant EY08057 and EY08052
and Gilead Sciences. April 1994 to September 1995. $8,000 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator. “A Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of an Intravitreal Ganciclovir
Implant in patients with Cytomegalovirus Retinitis.” Sponsored by Chiron IntraOptics. May 1993 to
November 1995. $2,000 - $3,000 per patient enrolled.
Principal Investigator. “A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and
efficacy of an Intravitreal Ganciclovir Implant in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Cytomegalovirus
Retinitis.” Sponsored by Chiron IntraOptics. August 1993 to August 1994. $2000 per patient enrolled.
Other Research
Sub-investigator in macular degeneration trials (PI: Philip Rosenfeld, MD, PhD):
o ASaP – Assessment of Safety of Intravitreal POT-4 Therapy for Patient with Neovascular
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
o Eyetech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OSI) & Pfizer, Inc. Sponsor Protocol # EOP 1004.
o Eyetech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OSI) & Pfizer, Inc. Sponsor Protocol # EOP 1006. Closed
o Genentech, Inc. Sponsor Protocol: FVF3426g. On-going 2008
o Genentech, Inc. Sponsor Protocol: FVF2508g. Closed
o Genentech, Inc. Sponsor Protocol: FVF2598g. Closed
o Genentech, Inc. Sponsor Protocol: FVF2587g. Closed
o Alcon Research, Ltd. Sponsor Protocol: C-98-03. Closed
o Alcon Research, Ltd. Sponsor Protocol: C-03-15. Closed
Sub-investigator. An Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Anecortave Acetate Sterile Suspension (30 mg,
15mg, or 3 mg) versus Placebo Following sub-Tenon’s Injections for the Inhibition of Neovascularization in
Patients with Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 1999- ongoing
Sub-investigator. A Phase I/II, Multicenter, Dose-Escalation, Controlled Study of the Safety, Tolerability,
Pharmacokinetics, and activity of Multiple-Dose Intravitreal Injections of rhuFab V2 in Subjects with
Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. 2001 - ongoing.
Sub-investigator. Phase II/III, Randomized, Double-Masked, Controlled, Dose-Ranging, Multicenter,
Comparative Trial, in Parallel Groups, to Establish the safety and efficacy of intravitreal injections of Eye001
(anti-Vegf pegylated aptamer) given every 6 weeks for 54 weeks in patients with exudative Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD). 2002 - ongoing.
Ophthalmologist. “Merck 009 - A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study to Compare the
Safety and Activity of L-756423/Indinavir, 1600/800 mg q.d. or 800/400 mg/ b.i.d. Versus Indinavir 800 mg
q8h, All in Combination with Stavudine and Lamivudine.” Principal Investigator: Rafael Campo, MD.
Sponsor: Merck & Co. March 1999 to 2001.
Ophthalmologist. “Merck 008 - A Multicenter, Open-Label, Pilot Study to Evaluate the Safety and Activity
of L-756423/Indinavir Sulfate, 800/400 mg/ b.i.d. in Combination with Two nRTIs in HIV-Infected Patients
Who Failed an Indinavir Containing Regimen.” Principal Investigator: Rafael Campo, MD. Sponsor:
Merck & Co. March 1999 to 2001..
Ophthalmologist. “Merck 0639. A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Six-Month Study to Evaluate
the Acitivty and Safety of MK-0639 (Indinavir Sulfate, 800 mg q8h Administered in Combination with
Zidovudine, 200 mg q 8h, and 3TC, 150 mg b.i.d. (MK-0639/ZDV/3TC) Versus ZDV/3TC Versus MK-0639
Monotherapy for the Treatment of HIV Infection with Inclusion of an Open-Label Arm for Patients Who
Meet Safety Entry Criteria but Are Not Eligible for Randomization.” Principal Investigator: Margaret Fischl,
MD. Sponsor: Merck & Co. 1995 to 1996.
Ophthalmologist, “A Randomized, Double Blind Trial of BW256U87 Prophylaxis for Opportunistic
Cytomegalovirus End-Organ Disease in Patients with Advanced HIV Infection (<100 CD4+ Lymphocytes).”
Principal Investigator: Margaret Fischl, MD. Sponsored by NIH and Burroughs Wellcome. ACTG 204.
February 1994 to January 1995.
Sub-Investigator. “Protocol SO14297: Dose-ranging Safety and Efficacy Study Comparing Interferon Alfa2a Treatment (1.5 MIU vs. 3 MIU vs. 6 MIU) with Placebo in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related
Macular Degeneration (AMD) with Foveal Involvement.” Principal Investigator: Mary Lou Lewis.
Sponsored by Hoffmann-LaRoche. April 1994 to August 1996. $11,000 per patient enrolled.
Editorial Responsibilities:
Scientific reviewer
American Journal of Ophthalmology
Annals of Internal Medicine – top 10% of reviewers
Archives of Ophthalmology
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
American Hospital Formulary Service, USP DI (United States Pharmacopeia Drug
Ocular Immunology and Immunopathology (The Netherlands)
Graefe’s Archives for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (Germany)
Clinical Infectious Diseases through 2010
Current Eye Research
British Journal of Ophthalmology (UK)
Lancet (UK)
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Histology and Histopathology (Spain)
International Ophthalmology
New England Journal of Medicine
Editorial Board
EyeNet 1999-2002
American Journal of Ophthalmology 2002 – current
Graefe’s Archives for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (Germany) 2005 – current
International Ophthalmology, 2006 Retina Cases and Brief Reports, 2007 –
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection, 2008 Executive Editor
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2008 Editorial Consultant
American College of Physicians/American Society of Internal Medicine/PIER 2002 - current
Eye News (U. K.) 1999
Retina-Vitreous Subcommittee, 2002-2009 Annual Meeting, American Academy of
Committee Member
American Academy of Ophthalmology, Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 9,
Intraocular Inflammation and Uveitis, 2004 to 2008, member of subcommittee.
American Academy of Ophthalmology - Member Subcommittee of the Practicing
Ophthalmologist’s Curriculum - Uveitis Panel, 2005 – 2006
American Academy of Ophthalmology – Retina-Vitreous Subcommittee, 2010 –
Chairman, 2014 23.
Professional and Honorary Organizations:
American Ophthalmological Society, elected 2013.
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, member since 1985.
Silver Fellow, 2010.
American Academy of Ophthalmology, member since 1985.
The American Uveitis Society, member since 1989.
Executive Committee, Education and Research, 2002 – 2005
President, 2006-2008
The Vitreous Society, member since 1991.
The Retina Society, member since 1995.
The Macula Society, member since 1995.
Website committee, 2005
International Uveitis Study Group, member since 1996.
Education Committee, 2005
President, 2014 Ocular HIV Study Group, member 1996 - 1998.
International Ocular Inflammation Society, member since 1998.
International representative for the United States, 2005 - current
American Board of Ophthalmology
Associate Examiner: 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000 (mentor), 2002 (mentor), 2003 (mentor)
Director, 2006 – 2013. Chair 2013.
Dade County Medical Association, member since 1990.
Florida Medical Association, member since 1990.
American Medical Association, member since 1990.
Alpha Omega Alpha, elected 1981.
Phi Beta Kappa, elected 1972.
Honors and Awards:
University of Texas, University Graduate Fellow
Basic Science Honors, Baylor College of Medicine
Outstanding Woman Medical Student, Baylor College of
Medicine, American Medical Women’s Association
American Academy of Ophthalmology Honor Award
1996 -
Best Doctors in America, Woodward/White
Vitreous Society Honor Award
Mothers’ Voices: Extraordinary Voices Award
Louis J. Girard Distinguished Alumnus and Lecturer,
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology,
Houston, Texas
Best Doctors © in America
America’s Top Ophthalmologists
American Academy of Ophthalmology Senior Achievement Award
Professor of the Year, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Who’s Who, Who’s Who International, Who’s Who American Women
Helen Keller Lecturer, University of Alabama Birmingham
Florida Super Doctor
Castle Connolly Regional Top Doctor
Patients’ Choice
ARVO Silver Fellow
Castle Connolly: An America’s Top Doctor
European Patient Interest Association Award for Best Clinical Uveitis Paper in
2010 for Scale for Photographic Grading of Vitreous Haze in Uveitis
Leach Distinguished Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Miami Miller
School of Medicine
American Academy of Ophthalmology Lifetime Achievement Award
Post-Doctoral Fellowships:
1987 - 1989
Senior Staff Fellow, Laboratory of Immunology,
National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
1986 - 1987 Fellow, Vitreoretinal Surgery, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami
School of Medicine, Miami, Florida
26. Other Professional Activities:
Advisory Boards
Abbvie Advisory Board, 2014
XOMA Advisory Board, 2014.
Novartis Uveitis Advisory Board. Zurich, Switzerland. October 1-2, 2010.
Bausch & Lomb Uveitis Advisory Board. May 2004.
Bausch & Lomb Uveitic Glaucoma Advisory Board. May 2005.
Novartis. 2007.
AAO Practice Improvement Committee 2010 – 2013
AAO Annual Meeting 2005-2008 Program Planning Committee for: Retina, Vitreous and Intraocular
Inflammation, Uveitis, Reviewer
AAO Annual Meeting, 2010 – 2013 Program Planning Committee for: Retina, Vitreous and Intraocular
Inflammation, Uveitis, Committee Member
AAO Annual Meeting, 2014 – Program Planning Committee for Retina, Vitreous and Intraocular
Inflammation, Uveitis, Chairman
AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course Committee, Section 9, 2005-2008.
Courses and Conferences
Senior Instructor: Advanced Surgical Management in Uveitis. World Ophthalmology Congress,
Guadalajara, Mexico, February 6, 2016.
Senior Instructor: Pediatric Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, November 16, 2016, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Instructor: White Dot Syndromes. American Academy of Ophthalmology, November 16, 2016, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Instructor: How to Diagnose Uveitis – Non-infectious posterior uveitis. American Academy of
Ophthalmology, November 17, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Convener and moderator: Cutting Edge Research in Uveitis. International Uveitis Society,
International Ocular Inflammation Society meeting, San Francisco, September 25, 2015.
Convener and moderator: Anterior, Intermediate and Posterior Uveitis. IOIS sponsored symposium.
International Ocular Inflammation Society meeting, San Francisco, September 25, 2015.
Instructor: Update on Pediatric Uveitis Course. Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome.
Bogota, Colombia. Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology annual meeting, August 6, 2015.
Instructor: How to Reach a Diagnosis? What is New in Diagnostic Tools in Uveitis? New Imaging
Alternatives for Diagnosis of Posterior and Panuveitis. Bogota, Colombia. Pan-American Association
of Ophthalmology annual meeting, August 6, 2015.
Convenor and Moderator: Experimental Surgery in Uveitis. Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology,
Guangzhou, China, April 2, 2015.
Instructor. How to Diagnose Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology Instructional course,
Chicago, IL, October 20, 2014.
Senior Instructor: Pediatric Uveitis: What You Need to Know. American Academy of Ophthalmology
Instructional course, Chicago, IL, October 19, 2014.
Instructor. Imaging of White Dot Syndromes. American Academy of Ophthalmology Instructional
course, Chicago, IL, October 19, 2014.
Senior Instructor. Advanced Surgical Management of Uveitic Complications. With Victor Perez.
World Ophthalmology Congress, Tokyo, Japan, April 5, 2014.
Speaker. BPEI Curso. Infectious Posterior Uveitis. November 27, 2013, Miami FL.
Senior Instructor. Pediatric Uveitis: What you need to know. American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Chicago IL, November 19, 2013.
Instructor. How to diagnose uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL, November
19, 2013.
Speaker. Workshop on autoimmune retinopathy, NIH NEI Laboratory of Immunology, Bethesda MD
September 27, 2013. “Retinal Biopsy for AIR”
Senior Instructor. Pediatric Uveitis: What you need to know. American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Chicago IL, November 10, 2012.
Instructor. How to diagnose uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL, November
10, 2012.
Moderator. Clinical and Translational Research Papers. Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology, Fort Lauderdale FL, May 9, 2012.
Participant. Pediatric JIA Consensus, University of California Los Angeles, March 9-10, 2012
Instructor. How to Evaluate a Patient with Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Orlando,
Florida. October 25, 2011.
Instructor. Pediatric Uveitis: What You Need to Know. American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Orlando, Florida. October 25, 2011.
Instructor. International Uveitis Study Group Course. Venice International University, Venice, Italy.
March 6 – March 11, 2011.
Panel Moderator. Masquerade Cases. Uveitis Subspecialty Day, American Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, October 16, 2010, Chicago IL.
Instructor. How to Diagnose Uveitis: Diagnoses made by biopsy. American Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. October 17, 2010, Chicago IL.
Instructor. Pediatric Uveitis: What you need to know. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
Meeting. October 19, 2010, Chicago IL.
Senior Instructor. Masquerade Syndromes in Uveitis. PAAO Instructional Course. American
Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, October 26, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Senior Instructor. When and How to Use Intraocular Specimens to Diagnose Uveitis. American
Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, October 26, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Instructor. How to Evaluate a Patient with Uveitis: Diagnostic Vitrectomy. American Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, October 25, 2009, San Francisco CA. Senior Instructor: Coreen
Pediatric Uveitis: What You Need to Know. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting,
October 26, 2009, San Francisco CA. Senior Instructor: Bahram Bodaghi.
Instructor. International Uveitis Study Group. Second International Uveitis Course. February 22-26,
2009. Venice Italy.
Panelist. AMD Free papers, Session II. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta Georgia,
November 11, 2008.
Pediatric Uveitis: What You Need to Know. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta Georgia,
November 10, 2008. Senior Instructor: Bahram Bodaghi.
How to Evaluate a Patient with Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta Georgia,
November 11, 2008. Senior Instructor: Careen Lowder.
When and How to Use Intraocular Diagnostic Tests. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Atlanta
Georgia, November 9, 2008. Senior Instructor.
Local Therapy of Uveitic Complications. International Uveitis Study Group, Constanz Germany,
September 12, 2008.
Viral Disease of the Posterior Segment. International Uveitis Study Group, Constanz Germany,
September 10, 2008.
Non-Infectious Posterior and Panuveitis. Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, Innovations in Ocular
Inflammatory Diseases, Cleveland, Ohio, March 8, 2008.
Neovascularization in Uveitis. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Angiogenesis, Exudation, and
Degeneration 2008. Key Biscayne, Florida, February 23, 2008.
T-cell Predominant B-cell Lymphoma. American Uveitis Society Winter Symposium “Local Drug
Delivery”. Vail, Colorado, January 21, 2008.
How to Evaluate a Patient with Uveitis: White Dot Syndomes. American Academy of Ophthalmology
Instructional Course. Senior Instructor: Careen Lowder. New Orleans, November 12, 2007.
Ocular Manifestations of Fungal Diseases: Management of Retinal and Choroidal Fungal Disease.
American Academy of Ophthalmology Instructional Course. Senior Instructor: Fernando Arevalo.
New Orleans, November 13, 2007.
When and How to Use Intraocular Specimens to Diagnose Uveitis. Senior Instructor with Bahram
Bodaghi. American Academy of Ophthalmology Instructional Course. New Orleans, November 13,
Lymphoma and Masquerades. European University Professors of Ophthalmology. EUPO Course on
Uveitis. Society of European Ophthalmology/American Academy of Ophthalmology. Vienna, Austria,
June 9, 2007.
When and How to Use Intraocular Tests to Diagnose Uveitis. Instructional Course Senior Instructor,
American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 13, 2006.
How to Diagnose Uveitis. Instructional Course Participant. Posterior Uveitis: White Dots.
American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 13, 2006.
Infectious Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL, October 18, 2005. With
Bahram Bodaghi.
How to Evaluate Patients with Uveitis. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL, October
17, 2005. With Careen Lowder, Emilio Dodds, J. P. Dunn.
Course Director. International Uveitis Study Group. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April 29, 2005.
Presentations: Etiologic Diagnoses
Photographic Grading of Vitreous Haze
Participant. Ethics in Publishing. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida, May 2, 2005.
Participant. New Grading Scheme for Vitreous Haze. Sociedad de Enfermadades Oculares
Inflamatorias. Santiago, Chile, March 18, 2005.
Participant. Orientation for New Academy Leaders. American Academy of Ophthalmology, San
Francisco, California, February 17, 2005.
Director. Uveitis for the (Other) Subspecialist. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL, February 4-5,
Participant. American Uveitis Society First International Workshop on Standardization of Diagnoses,
Grading of Inflammation, Outcomes and Results Reporting in Uveitis. Baltimore, Maryland,
November 8-9, 2004.
Participant. Workshop on Ocular and CNS Lymphoma, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland, September 13 and 14, 2004.
Workshop Moderator. Update on Pediatric Uveitis. American Uveitis Society, Vail, Colorado,
January 18, 2004.
Participant. Cytokine Pathways and Ocular Inflammation in Noninfectious Uveitis. Washington DC,
June 23, 2003.
OCT in Inflammatory Diseases. Sociedad Panamericana de Enfermedades Inflamatorias Oculares.
San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 28, 2003.
Electroretinographic Monitoring of Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy. UCLA, Jules Stein Eye Institute
(Lake Arrowhead Conference Center), “Birdshot Choroidopathy.” October 17, 2002.
Uveitis Update. Christian Ophthalmologic Society. Breckenridge, Colorado. July 20, 2002.
Parasitic Eye Disease. Lecture for the Ophthalmology Department, Hopital Pitie-Salpetriere,
Universite de Paris, Paris, France. March 19, 2002.
Associate Instructor, Angiografia con fluoresceina y verde de indocianina en enfermedades
inflamatoria oculares: Vasculitis Retiniana. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23, 2001. Senior
Instructor: Lourdes Arellanes, MD,
Associate Instructor, Update on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis: Unusual Forms of
Toxoplasmosis. Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology. Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23,
2001. Senior Instructor: Russell Read, MD.
Associate Instructor, Angiographic Work-up in Posterior Uveitis: Principles and Practice. Congress
of the European Society of Ophthalmology. Istanbul, Turkey, June 4, 2001. Senior Instructor: Carl
Herbort, MD.
Use of Tissue Culture for the Diagnosis of Toxoplasmic Chorioretinitis. International Uveitis Study
Group. Chennai, India, February 2, 2001.
Clinicopathologic Correlation: Granulomatous Retinal Vasculitis due to HTLV-1 Infection.
International Uveitis Study Group. Chennai, India, February 2, 2001.
CMV Retinitis in the HAART Era. Associate Instructor. American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Dallas, Texas. October 23, 2000.
Management of Posterior Uveitis. Trade Secrets: Vitreoretinal Update. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute,
January 29, 2000.
Co-Instructor, CMV retinitis in the HAART era. Instructional course at the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, October 27, 1999. With Dr. Baruch Kupperman and Dr. Daniel
Participant: The First International Symposium on Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease,
UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute. October 20-21, 1999.
Instructor. Cataract Surgery in Uveitis. Presented to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive
Surgeons with W. W. Culbertson. Seattle, Washington, April 10, 1999.
Participant. First Combined International Symposium on Ocular Immunology and Inflammation,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 26 - July 2, 1998.
Instructor. Medical and Surgical Treatment of CMV Retinitis. Argentinian Society of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, July 23, 1998. With SI Puente, C Mestre and L D’Alessandro.
Participant. Workshop for the Discussion of a Multicenter, Randomized Trial Using
Humanized Anti-TAC Antibody in the Treatment of Non-Infectious Uveitis. Rockville,
Maryland, November 18 -19, 1998.
Instructor. CMV Retinitis Management in the HAART Era. Instructional Course, American
Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 1998. With Baruch Kupperman, MD, and Dan Martin,
Director. Trade Secrets Course "AIDS and the Eye." Presented for 3 Category I Continuing Medical
Education credits at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, February 22,
Director, HIV Education Course. For 2 Category I Continuing Medical Education credits required for
licensure in Florida. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, October 5, 1995.
Senior Instructor. CMV Retinitis - Office Diagnosis and Management. Instructional Course
Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 1993 - 1997. With Jay Duker, MD,
and Dan Martin, MD.
Instructor. Medical and Surgical Management of Retinitis Associated with AIDS. Instructional
Course, American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 1993 – 1995. With William R.
Freeman, MD, Elaine L. Chuang, MD, and Barry Kupperman, MD.
Participant. Contemporary Issues in Clinical Research. A course sponsored by the National Eye
Institute. Longboat Key, Florida, April 29 - May 1, 1993.
Participant. Digital and Indocyanine Green Angiography: An International Symposium and
Workshop. A course sponsored by New England Eye Center, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts, March 28, 1992.
Director. Management of CMV Retinitis for Ophthalmologists and Internists. A Continuing Medical
Education Course, University of Miami and Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, April 25, 1992.
Co-Director. Uveitis Symposium Continuing Medical Education Course, Bascom Palmer Eye
Institute, Miami, Florida, January 18-19, 1991. With W. W. Culbertson, MD.
Director. AIDS Education Course. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida. For Category II
Continuing Medical Education credit satisfying the State of Florida AIDS education requirement,
September 12, 1991.
Participant. The 5th International Symposium on the Immunology and Immunopathology of the Eye.
Tokyo, Japan, March 12 - 15, 1990.
Consultancies and Inventions
Steering Committee, Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS National Research Group, funded
by National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, 1994 – 1998.
Consultancy: Richard-James Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1994. Manufacturer of silicone oil
for use in vitreoretinal surgery.
Inventions: Silicone-oil loading device. With William Lee, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, 1993.
Invited Lectures and Professorships
Retrospective Review of Flow Cytometry and Gene Rearrangement in Intraocular Lymphoma. Free Paper.
World Ophthalmology Congress. Guadalajara, Mexico, February 8, 2016.
Taller de Uveitis. Hospital Ramon Pando Ferrer, Havana Cuba, December 9-10, 2015. In Spanish.
o Uveitis Infeciosa
o Uveitis Pediatrica
o Tratamiento de Uveitis con Terapia Local
o Mascaras de Uveitis
BPEI-FOLA Course. Santiago, Chile, December 4-5, 2016
Retina debates
o Pro: Local steroids for uveitis
o Pro: Pars plana vitrectomy for uveitis
Fundacion Oftalmologica de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile, December 4, 2015.
• PRO: Local Therapy with Corticosteroids is Preferable to Immunosuppression for the Treatment of
• PRO: Pars Plana Vitrectomy is Preferable to Immunosuppression for the Treatment of Uveitis.
Intraocular Lymphoma: Local presentations and treatment. Society of Neuro-Oncology. San Antonio,
Texas. November 21, 2015.
Vitreoretinal Surgery for Regenerative Medicine. International Retina Summit. Kunming, China, November
8, 2015.
Intraocular Lymphoma. American Association of Ocular Oncologists and Pathologists. Las Vegas, Nevada,
October 15, 2015.
Diagnosis of Ocular Infection with Intraocular Fluid. ARVO sponsored symposium. World Ophthalmology
Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, February 6, 2016.
Management of Intraocular Lymphoma. Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society, International Ocucular
Inflammation Society meeting, San Francisco, September 26, 2015.
Development of a Quality of Life Instrument for Uveitis. Next Generation Thinking and therapy for
Inflammatory Eye Disease, Munich, July 24, 2015.
Ecuadorian Society of Ophthalmology. Guayaquil, Ecuador, January 28-30, 2015
Analysis of Intraocular Fluid
Infectious Uveitis of the Posterior Segments
Mysteries and Masquerades
Imaging of Posterior Uveitis
New England Ophthalmological Society, Boston, MA, December 12, 2014.
The Uveitis Examination: Diagnostic Pearls.
Update on Uveitis Treatments, New England Ophthalmological Society, Boston, MA, December 12,
Surgical Management of Uveitis, New England Ophthalmological Society, Boston, MA, December
12, 2014.
Fundacion Oftalmologica de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile, December 4, 2015.
Infectious Posterior Uveitis of Bacterial/Fungal Etiology
Infectious Posterior Uveitis of Viral Etiology
Intraocular Lymphoma
PRO: Immunosuppression for Pars Planitis. Amaerican Academy of Ophthalmology, Retina Sub-Specialty
Day, Chicago, IL, October 18, 2014.
PRO: Ocular Radiation for Primary Intraocular Lymphoma. American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Ophthalmic Pathology and Oncology Sub-Specialty Day, Chicago, IL, October 18, 2014.
Uveitis Management for Rheumatologists. Florida Society of Rheumatology, Orlando, FL, July 11, 2014.
Immunosuppression 101. Florida Society of Ophthalmology Retina Sub-Specialty Day. Orlando, FL, June 21,
Keynote lecture: PCR for Uveitis Diagnosis. American Uveitis Society, Orlando FL, May 3, 2014.
Pacific College of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, San Francisco. Visiting Professor, April 21,
- PCR in the Mangement of Uveitis
- Viral Infection of the Posterior Segment
- Infectious Bacterial and Fungal Disease of the Posterior Segment
World Ophthalmology Conference, Tokyo, Japan, April 3-4, 2014.
-Cytokines in Uveitis
-Flow Cytometry of Ocular Fluids
ICG Angiography in Uveitis. American Uveitis Society. International Ocular Inflammation Society.
Valencia, Spain. February 28, 2014.
Flow Cytometry of Intraocular Fluids. Japanese Ophthalmological Symposium. International Ocular
Inflammation Society. Valencia, Spain. February 28, 2014.
Fundacion Oftalmologica Los Andes, Santiago, Chile, December 5-6 2013.
- Bacterial and Fungal Posterior Uveitis
- Viral Posterior Uveitis
- Intraocular Lymphoma
Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, October 5, 2013. Imaging of Posterior
International Retina Summit, Shenzhen, China, September 18, 2013. Chorioretinal Biopsy.
Retina Society, Beverly Hills CA, September 28, 2013. Diagnosis of Lymphoma by Flow Cytometry and
Gene Rearrangement..
Workshop on autoimmune retinopathy, NIH NEI Laboratory of Immunology, Bethesda MD September 27,
2013. “Retinal Biopsy for AIR”
Colombian Vitreoretinal Society, Cartagena, Colombia, September 5-7, 2013.
- Immunosuppression 101
- Molecular Biology in Uveitis
- Neoplastic Masquerades
- New Infectious Uveitides
Viral Retinitis, Florida Society of Ophthalmology, Palm Beach, Florida, June 29, 2013.
Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland OH, April 21, 2013. Non-infectious posterior uveitis. Case
Ophthalmological Society of South Africa, Capetown, March 14-17, 2013
- Sam and Dora Cohen Lecture: Molecular Biology in the Diagnosis of Uveitis
- Non-infectious Posterior Uveitis
- Viral Infection of the Posterior Segment
50th Anniversary Associacion Para Evitar Ceguera, Mexico City, February 14-16, 2013
Ocular Manifestations of HIV Infection – a 25-year Retrospective
Retina 2013. Waikoloa, Hawaii. January 19-25, 2013.
- Non-infectious posterior uveitis
- Viral infections of the posterior segment
- Immunosuppression 101
Mystery cases
Vitrectomy in the management of uveitis
Intermediate uveitis. Uveitis Sub-specialty Day, American Academy of Ophthalmology, November 9, 2012.
Vitreous haze as an outcome marker. Uveitis free papers. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL,
November 11, 2012.
Vitreous haze as an outcome marker. International Uveitis Study Group International Symposium in Uveitis,
Thessaloniki, Greece, October 19-20, 2012.
Intraocular lymphoma. Cancer of the Eye. Cambridge Ophthalmological Society, Cambridge UK, September
12-14, 2012
Georgia Ophthalmological Society, Hilton Head SC, May 26-27, 2012.
- Viral infections of the posterior segment.
- Non-infectious posterior uveitis
- Clinical manifestations of intraocular lymphoma.
Molecular biology in the diagnosis of uveitis. Kansas City Eye Conference, Kansas City Missouri, May 12,
World Ophthalmology Conference 2012, February 17-20, 2012, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
- Surgery is the cure for uveitis.
- Intraocular Lymphomas: Typical presentations of vitreoretinal lymphoma
- Rapid Fire Papers: 68-year-old woman with retinal opacities and retinal biopsy
- Pediatric Panuveitis with HLA-DRB1*01 and HLA-DQB1*05 Haplotype
Viral Retinitis. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute 50th Anniversary, February 4, 2012, Miami FL.
Intravitreal Therapy in Uveitis. Advanced Retinal Therapy, December 3, 2011, University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria. Course Director: Professor Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth.
International Ocular Inflammation Society Meeting, Goa India. November 13 – 16, 2011.
- Flaremeter Monitoring in JRA Iridocyclitis – for Kowa Lunch Symposium
- Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis – for the Sociedad Panamericana de Enfermedades
Inflamatorias Oculares (SPEIO)
- Clinical Epidemiology of Uveitic Macular Edema and Surgical Treatment of Uveitic Macular
Edema – for the American Uveitis Society
- Simultaneous Aqueous Humor Cytokine and Flow Cytometry Profiles in Active Uveitis – for the
Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society
- Chairperson: Posterior Segment Surgery in Uveitis: Controversies in Treatment and Diagnosis –
for the International Ocular Inflammation Society
- Chairperson: Free Papers in Infectious Uveitis
Retina Subspecialty Day 2011. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Newly Identified Causes of Uveitis.
Orlando, Florida. October 22, 2011.
Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group Symposium. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Culture
Negative Endophthalmitis – What Do I Do Next? Update on New Diagnostic Modalities in Endophthalmitis.
Orlando, Florida. October 23, 2011.
Women in Ophthalmology Symposium. American Academy of Ophthalmology. The ABO and Certification
of Ophthalmologists from the US and Around the World. Orlando, Florida. October 23, 2011.
Cambridge Ophthalmological Society. Diagnostic Dilemmas in Endophthalmitis and Retinitis. Cambridge,
United Kingdom. September 9, 2011.
XV Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Retina y Vitreo. Madrid, Spain. March 4, 2011.
Agentes antiangiogénicos en las inflamaciones oculares
Vitrectomía diagnóstica en uveitis posteriores
American Uveitis Society Winter Symposium 2011. Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. February 19, 2011.
Systemic treatment of uveitic CME.
Visiting Professor. University of California San Francisco, Department of Ophthalmology. October 7, 2010.
- Molecular Biology in the Diagnosis of Uveitis
- Masquerade Cases
Molecular Biology in the Diagnosis of Uveitis. Congreso Internacional de Investigacion en Rehabilitacion.
El Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion, Mexico City, Mexico, October 1, 2010.
Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis of Lymphoma. Symposium organized by Sarah Coupland. ARVO annual
meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 2, 2010.
Approach to Posterior Segment Infections. Visiting Professor, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri,
March 18, 2010.
Uveitis Update 2010. St. Louis Ophthalmological Society, St. Louis, Missouri, March 18, 2010.
Foreign Expert, Shanxi Province, Peoples Republic of China, Shanxi Eye Hospital, Taiyuan, China.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Arterial and Venous Occlusive Disease
Leader, Roundtable discussion. Treating the Difficult Uveitis Patient. American Academy of Ophthalmology
Annual Meeting, October 27, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Moderator, Section X Uveitis, Retina Subspecialty Day. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
Meeting, October 24, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Panelist: Intraocular Inflammation, Uveitis Original Papers. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
Meeting, October 26, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Discussant: Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in the
Imaging of Anterior Segment Tumors. Editors’ Choice Symposium. American Academy of Ophthalmology
Annual Meeting, October 27, 2009, San Francisco CA.
Physician Accountability. Women in Ophthalmology. August 7, 2009. San Diego, California.
Neovascularization in Uveitis. Retina Sub-Specialty Day, American Academy of Ophthalmology, November
8, 2008.
Uveitis: Where Do We Go from Here? Uveitis Sub-Specialty Day, American Academy of Ophthalmology,
November 8, 2008.
PCR Testing of Aqueous Humor. Societe Panamericano Enfermades Inflammatorios Oculares (SPEIO),
Atlanta Georgia, November 9, 2008.
Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy, MERSI, Boston, Massachusetts, October 4, 2008. Electroretinographic
Monitoring in Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy
International Uveitis Study Group, Constanz, Germany, September 9-12, 2008
Local Therapy for Uveitic Complications
Viral Infections of the Posterior Segment
Christian Ophthalmology Society, Calloway Gardens, Georgia, August 2, 2008
Pediatric Uveitis
Infectious Uveitis and Masquerade Syndromes
World Ophthalmology Conference, Hong Kong, China, June 28 – July 2, 2008.
Institute of Medicine Aims for Improvement
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Uveitis
Vitrectomy in the Management of Infectious Uveitis (delivered by Douglas Jabs)
Local Therapy for CMV Retinitis
Diagnosis, Pathology, and Immunology of Intraocular Lymphoma
Management of Pediatric Uveitis
Sun Yat-Sen University Eye Center, Guangzhou, China, June 27, 2008. Molecular Diagnostic Studies Using
Intraocular Fluid.
Central Pennsylvania Retina Society, Hershey, Pennsylvania, May 21, 2008.
Inflammation and Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Masquerade Syndromes
University of Florida Department of Ophthalmology, Gainesville, Florida, May 22, 2008.
Uveitis or Not? (Masquerades)
Imaging the Posterior Segment
Inflammation, AMD, and Neovascularization
Surgical Management of Uveitis
Montreal Ophthalmolgic Society, Montreal, Canada, May 15 – 16, 2008.
Impact of Aging on the Retina
Eye Disease in Immunocompromised Patients
Ocular Involvement in Autoimmune Disease
Oregon Academy of Ophthalmology, Portland, Oregon, February 28 – March 2, 2008.
Inflammation of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Surgical Management of Intermediate and Panuveitis
Photo Jeopardy – Interactive Session
Imaging the Posterior Segment
International Ocular Inflammation Society, Paris, France, September 17-20, 2007.
Moderator, American Uveitis Society, “The Future of Research in Clinical Uveitis”
Moderator, Posterior Segment Surgery in Uveitis
Macular Surgery in Uveitis
Types of Neovascularization in Uveitis
New ways to Grade Vitreous Haze
Auto-antigens in uveitis. International Ocular Inflammation Society Symposium. Society of European
Ophthalmology/American Academy of Ophthalmology. Vienna, Austria, June 10, 2007.
Visiting Professor. University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada, April 26-27, 2007.
- Masquerade Syndromes
- Choroidopathies
- Local and Systemic Treatment of Uveitis
- Diagnostic Vitrectomy
University of Illinois at Chicago. Update on Uveitis. Chicago, Illinois, April 22, 2007
- Masquerade Syndromes
- Imaging in Uveitis
New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 9 -11, 2007.
- Local Treatment of Uveitis
- Cataract Surgery in Uveitis Patients
- Imaging in Uveitis
Common But Irritating Uveitis Entities. Presented to the InterAmerican Course, Miami, Florida,
November 19, 2006.
Autoinmune de Verdad: Distinguishing Autoimmune Uveitis from Its Masquerades. Presented to
Sociedad Panamericana de Enfermadades Intraocularias, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 12, 2006.
Complications of Pediatric Uveitis. Presented to Retina Subspecialty Day, pre-AAO Annual Meeting,
Las Vegas, Nevada, November 11, 2006.
Ocular Inflammation Update. University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 9, 2006.
- What Makes a White Dot Dark
- Masquerade Syndromes
Pediatric Uveitis. Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology. Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 8,
Autoantigens in Uveitis: Clues in the Choroid. Chang Dung Memorial Hospital. 30th Anniversary.
Taipei, Taiwan, May 27, 2006.
Helen Keller Lecturer. Helen Keller Foundation for Research and Education and the Department of
Ophthalmology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Birmingham, Alabama, May 20, 2006.
- Imaging in choroidal inflammatory disease (Helen Keller Memorial Lecture)
- Evidence for Systemic Immunosuppression in Uveitis
1st Annual Nussenblatt Lecturer. The Search for Autoantigens. NEI Laboratory of Immunology
Alumni Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, April 30, 2006.
Ocular Oncology Course. Gene Rearrangements in Intraocular Lymphoma. ARVO sponsored. Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida, April 29, 2006.
New York Eye and Ear Institute. Masquerade Syndromes, New York, New York, April 20, 2006.
Rush Medical College. Retina and Uveitis Update, Chicago, Illinois, March 25, 2006
-Systemic Medications in the Treatment of Uveitis
-Local Therapy of Uveitis
University of New Jersey Medical and Dentistry School, Grand Rounds, Newark, New Jersey, March
20, 2006.
-The Search for Autoantigens
-Diagnosis and Management of Chorioretinitis
Aspen Retinal Detachment Society, Snowmass, Colorado, March 9, 2006.
-Evidence for the Use of Systemic Medication in Uveitis
-Diagnosis and Management of Intraocular Lymphoma
World Congress of Ophthalmology 2006. Sao Paulo Brazil, February 20 – 24, 2006.
-Management of Retinal Detachment in Patients with AIDS
-Immunosuppressive Therapy – Macrolide Antibiotics
-Repair of Retinal Detachments in Necrotizing Herpetic Retinitis
-White Dot Syndromes – Angiographic and OCT Correlations
-Management of Posterior Pole Complications in Pediatric Uveitis
Cole Eye Institute, Uveitis Update. Cleveland, Ohio, February 11, 2006.
-Complications of Pediatric Uveitis
-Choroidal Inflammatory Disease
Eighth Cape Eye Hospital Symposium and Pretoria Eye Institute’s Jacaranda Symposium. Capetown
and Pretoria, South Africa, November 5-6 and November 10-12, 2005.
-Anterior Uveitis
- Intermediate Uveitis
- Panuveitis
- Retinal Vasculitis
- Regional and Local Therapy of Uveitis
- Systemic Therapy of Uveitis
- Rational Use of Diagnostic Testing in Uveitis
- Selection of Intraocular Diagnostic Tests in Uveitis
- Optical Coherent Tomography in Uveitis
Why Laboratory Testing for Uveitis is Low Yield. American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Subspecialty Day for Uveitis, Chicago IL, October 15, 2005.
Pediatric Uveitis Update. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Subspecialty Day for Pediatric
Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Chicago IL, October 15, 2005.
Lecture series in microbiology and immunology. Sponsored by Orbis. Taiyuan, Shanxi, China,
October 17-20, 2005.
Vitrectomy for Uveitis. International Ocular Inflammation Society. Granada, Spain, May 20, 2005.
Vitrectomy for Uveitis. Club Inflammation Oculaire. Societe d’Ophtalmologie Francaise. Paris
France, May 8, 2005.
Diagnostic Vitrectomy. Vitreoretinal Course, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, April 30,
Correlación entre angiografía de fluorosceína y indocinina en el diagnostico de uveitis. Pan-American
Association of Ophthalmology. Santiago, Chile, March 21, 2005
Terapia Biológica para Uveitis. Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology. Santiago, Chile, March
19, 2005.
Sustained drug delivery. Sarasota Vitreoretinal Course, Sarasota, Florida, February 19, 2005.
How to Make Diagnoses in Uveitis. Louisville Ophthalmological Society, Louisville, Kentucky,
November 11, 2004.
Resident lecture: Choroidal Inflammatory Diseasess
Research lecture: Autoantigens in Uveitis
Complications of Pediatric Uveitis. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Ocular Ocular Inflammations &
Infections. Athens, Greece, November 5-7, 2004.
Discussion of “Analysis of Pediatric Uveitis Cases at a Tertiary Referral Center." American Academy
of Ophthalmology. New Orleans, Louisiana, October 25, 2004.
Ancillary Testing in Diagnostic Vitrectomy for Uveitis. With Daniel Miller. The Retina Society,
Baltimore Maryland, October 1, 2004.
Third Annual All-India Uveitis Society Meeting, Chandigarh, India, February 5 –8, 2004,.
- HLA Typing in Uveitis
- Complications of Childhood Uveitis
- Speculations on Choroidal Inflammatory Diseases
- Role of Flow Cytometry in Uveitis
- Vitrectomy in Uveitis
What to Order and When to Refer. Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
December 4, 2003.
The Z-Plane. Pittsburgh Ophthalmology Society. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 4, 2003.
The Search for Auto-Antigens. Shiley Eye Institute, University of San Diego, San Diego California,
November 14, 2003.
Rosenberg K, Feuer WJ, and Davis JL. Complications of Pediatric Uveitis. American Academy of
Ophthalmology, Anaheim, California, November 16, 2003.
Intermediate Uveitis. Uveitis Sub-Specialty Day. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Anaheim,
California, November 15, 2003.
ERG Monitoring of Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy. . Sociedad Panamericana de Enfermadades
Intraocularias, Anaheim, California, November 16, 2003.
ERG Monitoring of Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy. International Ocular Inflammation Society,
Abano Terme, Italy. May 29, 2003.
Vitrectomy in the Management of Uveitis. 8th Annual C. S. Foster Fellows Meeting. Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida, May 4, 2003
Choroidal Neovascularization in Pediatric Uveitis. Macula Society. Bonita Springs, Florida.
February 28, 2003 and XXIV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmologia. Simposio: Ocular
Inflammatory Disease Update. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 29, 2003.
Harris Lectureship, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology,
February 7 – 8, 2003.
Retina 2003, Maui, Hawaii, January 20-24, 2003
- Decision Making in Uveitis
- Retinal Vasculitis
- Selection of Intraocular Diagnostic Tests
- OCT Manifestations of Inflammatory Diseases
- Speculations on the Pathogenesis of Choroidal Inflammation
- Current Management of Chorioretinitis
- Diagnosis and Management of Posterior Uveitis (physicians’ program)
- Ocular Manifestations of AIDS (nurses’ program)
Discussion of “Pars Plana Vitrectomy in the Diagnosis of Infectious Uveitis.” American Academy of
Ophthalmology, Orlando, Florida, October 23, 2002.
Monitoring Pediatric Uveitis. Sociedad Panamericana de Enfermadades Intraocularias. Panamerican
Association of Ophthalmology. Orlando, Florida, October 21, 2002.
What’s New in Diagnosis? Retina Sub-Speciality Days, American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Orlando, Florida, October 20, 2002.
Ocular Fluids as Material for Research in Uveitis. Presented at Cytokines, Immunity and Ocular
Disease, third NEI/LI alumni Conference, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
September 19, 2002.
Severe Vision Loss in Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. Macula Society. Barcelona,
Spain. June 13, 2002.
Indications for Diagnostic Vitrectomy. International Congress of Ophthalmology, PAAO Symposium,
Sydney, Australia, April 23, 2002.
15th Reunion Nacional del Grupo Espanol Multicentrico de Uveitis, Barcelona, Spain. March 15,
Necrotizing Herpetic Retinitis and Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome
Masquerade Syndrome: Intraocular Lymphoma.
45th Postgraduate Seminar in Ophthalmology, Ohio State University. Columbus OH, March 8 and 9,
Diagnostic Testing in Uveitis
Diagnosis and Management of Anterior Uveitis
Retinal Vasculitis
Monitoring Pediatric Uveitis
Parasitic Eye Disease. Grand Rounds, McGill University. Montreal Canada, March 7, 2002.
Monitoring Pediatric Uveitis. UCLA Pediatric Seminar, Jules Stein Eye Institute. Los Angeles CA,
March 1, 2002.
Vitrectomy for Uveitis. Retinal Vasculitis. Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, October 13, 2001.
Unusual Causes of Retinal Vasculitis. Florida Society of Ophthalmology, Palm Beach, Florida,
September 18, 2001.
Atypical Forms of Toxoplasmosis. Retinal Vasculitis. Pan American Academy of Ophthalmology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 23, 2001.
New Concepts in Ocular Toxoplasmosis. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology.
Istanbul, Turkey, June 5, 2001.
Discussion of "A Phase I Evaluation of Sustained Delivery Fluocinolone in the Treatment of Diabetic
Macular Edema" by Andrew Pearson. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Dallas, Texas.
October 23, 2000.
Intraocular Antibodies in Viral Infection. XIV International Congress of Eye Research. Moderator of
session: Sally Atherton, PhD. Sante Fe, New Mexico, October 19, 2000.
Management of Posterior Uveitis. Women in Ophthalmology. Aspen, Colorado, July 29, 2000.
HLA Typing in the Investigation of Patients with Intraocular Inflammation. International Ocular
Inflammation Society. Istanbul, Turkey, June 22, 2000.
Panel Chairman. Changing Patterns of Intraocular Inflammation Associated with HIV.
International Ocular Inflammation Society. Istanbul, Turkey, June 20, 2000.
Lecture series in microbiology and immunology. Sponsored by Orbis. Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, April
25 - 29, 2000.
Masquerade Syndromes. Société d’Ophtalmo-Immuno-Infectiologie Francophone. Institut Pasteur,
Paris, France, March 17, 2000.
Aspen Retinal Detachment Society. Aspen, Colorado, March 7 - 9, 2000.
- Toxoplasmosis.
Vitrectomy in Uveitis
Third Internal Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology. Lisbon, Portugal, February 12, 2000.
- Therapeutic Algorithm for Viral Retinal Infection in the Normal and Immunocompromised Host.
Puerto Rican Society of Ophthalmology, Annual Meeting. Puerto Rico, November 20, 1999.
Diffuse Subacute Unilateral Neuroretinitis
Intraocular Lymphoma
Management of Posterior Uveitis
Visiting Professor, University of California at San Francisco, Department of Ophthalmology. San
Francisco, November 4, 1999
Posterior Uveitis
Retinal Vasculitis
Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis. The Macular Society Symposium, American Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, October 27, 1999.
Intraocular Lymphoma: Clinical Presentation, Evaluation and Management. American Association
of Ophthalmic Pathologists. Orlando, Florida, October 23, 1999.
Toxoplasmosis - When and How to Treat. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Vitreo-Retinal
Subspecialty Day. Orlando, Florida, October 23, 1999.
XIV National Symposium - Ophthalmology 2020’s. Ahmedabad Academy of Ophthalmology.
Ahmedabad, India, September 24 - 26, 1999.
– MHC and Inflammatory Eye Disease
– Ocular Toxoplasmosis
Ð Masquerade Syndromes
Ð Pars Planitis - Etiology and Clinical Manifestations
Lectures for the XXXVI Curso de Actualizacion en Oftalmologia. Hospital “Dr. Luis Sanches
Bulnes,” Asociacion para Evitar la Ceguera en Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico, September 17 - 19,
Optic Nerve Disease in AIDS patients. XII Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology.
Stockholm, Sweden, June 29, 1999.
Update on therapeutical strategies in non-infectious uveitis. XII Congress of the European Society of
Ophthalmology. Stockholm, Sweden, June 29, 1999.
Endophthalmitis. Société d’Ophtalmo-Immunoinfectiologie Francophone. Ghent, Belgium, June 5,
Current Management of CMV Related Retinal Detachments.
Differential Diagnosis of CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Winter Immunology Symposium, Leysin,
Switzerland, January 22-23, 1999.
– Intraocular Lymphoma
– CMV Retinitis in the HAART Era
Lectures presented to the Aspen Retinal Detachment Society, Snowmass, Colorado, March 2 - 6, 1998.
Cataract Extraction in Uveitis. Presented to the Société d’Ophtalmo-Immuno-Infectiologie
Francophone. Hôpital Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris, France, April 3, 1998.
Intraocular Lymphoma. Presented to the Austin Ophthalmological Society, Austin, Texas, August 18,
Cataract Surgery in Uveitis. Presented to the Argentine Ophthalmological Society, Buenas Aires,
Argentina, July 22, 1998
The Evolving Relation: CMV and HIV. Presented to the Baylor College of Medicine, Department of
Ophthalmology Residents’ Day and Alumni Meeting. Houston, Texas, June 5, 1999.
Research Symposium: CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Residents’ Day
and Alumni Meeting. Miami, Florida, June 13, 1998.
Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Intraocular Lymphoma. Presented to the Vitreo-Retinal
Subspecialty Course of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. New Orleans, November 7, 1998.
Complex Retinal Detachment in CMV Retinitis. Presented at the Retina Society Symposium at the
American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, November 10, 1998.
CMV-Related Retinal Detachments. University of California Seminar Program, CMV Retinitis, San
Francisco, February 9, 1997.
HIV and CMV Related Uveitis. Gilead Sciences Scientific Advisory Board, Laguna Niguel,
California, May 8, 1997.
HIV-Related Ocular Disease. Presented to the Florida Society of Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale,
Florida, September 21, 1997.
Current Therapy for CMV Retinitis. Presented to Vitreoretinal Subspecialty Course, American
Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, California, October 26, 1997
Non-Infectious Uveitis: Pathogenesis and Therapy. Presented to the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, San Francisco, California, October 29, 1997.
Discussion of "Intravitreal Injections in the Treatment of CMV Retinitis." Presented to the American
Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, California, October 29, 1997.
Update on CMV Retinitis 1996. Presented to the Duval County Ophthalmological Society.
Jacksonville, Florida, March 7, 1996.
Common Uveitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Vitreo-Retinal Course. Palm Beach, Florida,
March 16, 1996.
Emerging Treatments for CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Living with HIV Conference. Sponsor:
Mercy Hospital. Miami Beach, Florida, September 28, 1996.
Discussion of "Macular Hole Surgery and Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy." American Academy of
Ophthalmology. Chicago, October 29, 1996.
Ocular Complications of HIV Infection. Presented to HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment Update,
University of Miami Comprehensive AIDS Program. Orlando, Florida, January 28, 1995.
– Management of CMV Retinitis
– Local Therapy of CMV Retinitis
Lectures presented to Systemic Diseases and the Eye, St. Luke’s Hospital. Chesterton, Missouri,
February 11, 1995.
Update on CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Vitreoretinal Course. Palm Beach,
Florida, March 18, 1995.
– Anterior Uveitis
– Intermediate Uveitis
– Posterior Uveitis
– Panuveitis
– Parasitic Diseases of the Eye.
Lectures presented to the Colombian National Ophthalmological Society. Bogota, Colombia, August
4, 1995.
Current Issues in CMV-Related Retinal Detachments. Presented to “The Cutting Edge,”
Vitreoretinal Subspecialty Day. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Atlanta GA, October 28,
Intraocular Infections in the Immunosuppressed Patient. Presented to the American Academy of
Ophthalmology. Atlanta GA, November 2, 1995.
Discussion of “A Randomized, Double-Masked, Cross-Over Trial of Acetazolamide for Cystoid
Macular Edema in Patients with Uveitis.” Presented to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Atlanta GA, November 2, 1995.
Acute Retinal Necrosis. Presented to the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses.
Atlanta GA, October 31, 1995.
Ganciclovir Implants and Management of CMV. Presented to the American Society of Ophthalmic
Registered Nurses of South Florida, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Ophthalmic Update 1994, January
29, 1994.
– Posterior Segment Manifestations of AIDS and Diagnostic Techniques
– Acute Retinal Necrosis
– Repair of Retinal Detachments due to Viral Retinitis
Presented to the XVIII Simposio Internacional Professor Moacyr E. Alvaro, Departamento de
Oftalmologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina. Sponsored by the Brazilian Societies of Retina,
Vitreous, Uveitis and Laser. Sao Paulo, Brazil, February 3, 1994.
The Eye and HIV Disease. Presented to the AIDS/HIV Update, Comprehensive
AIDS Program, University of Miami School of Medicine. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, October 8, 1994.
– Monitoring CMV Retinitis
– Communication between Internists and Ophthalmologists
– CMV-Related Retinal Detachments
Lectures presented at the Washington Hospital Center. Washington, D. C., February 20, 1993.
Use of Fundus Photography in Clinical Research. Presented to the Ophthalmic Photographers’
Society, 24th Annual Education Program. Chicago, November 13, 1993.
– Intermediate Uveitis
– Differential Diagnosis of Retinitis
– P. Acnes Endophthalmitis
– Anterior Uveitis
Lectures presented as Visiting Professor to the VIIth National Congress of Ophthalmology.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, May 30, 1992.
– Other (Non-CMV) Retinal and Choroidal Diseases Encountered in AIDS Patients
– Invasive Diagnostic Procedures
– The Management of Ocular Complications of AIDS Related Ocular Disease
Lectures presented at AIDS and the Eye: A Multidisciplinary Clinical Symposium. Tufts University
School of Medicine and New England Eye Center. Boston, Massachusetts, June 6, 1992.
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis: Management and Diagnosis. Presented at a Satellite Meeting of the
International AIDS Conference. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 20, 1992.
Discussion of “A Masked Prospective Evaluation of Outcome Parameters for CMV-Related Retinal
Detachment Surgery in AIDS.” Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual
Meeting. Dallas, Texas, November 12, 1992.
Discussion of “A Comparison of Results after Surgery for Retinal Detachments with CMV Retinitis
Before to After 1990.” Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting.
Dallas, Texas, November 12, 1992.
Uveitis Update. Presented to the Florida Society of Ophthalmology Continuing Medical Education
Course. West Palm Beach, Florida, April 14, 1991.
Discussion: Limited Harada’s Disease - A Spectrum of an Entity? Presented to the American
Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Anaheim, California, October 17, 1991.
Juried Presentations without Published Abstracts
Flow Cytometry and Gene Rearrangement for the Diagnosis of Intraocular Inflammation. Retina Society,
Beverly Hills, CA, September 28, 2013.
AAO Joint Meeting 2008: Poster Co-Author. PO541-Nosocomial Acute-Onset Postoperative
Endophthalmitis at a University Teaching Hospital
AAO Joint Meeting 2008: Poster Co-Author
PO027-Retinal Detachment Rates and Visual Acuity Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Pars Plana
Vitrectomy for Retained Lens Fragments:
Severe Vision Loss in Idiopathic Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. Davis JL, Eifrig C, Rosa R. Presented
to the Macula Society, June 13, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.
Dessouki AL, Davis J, Song M-K, Freeman W, Fishman H, Mansour S, Postelmans L, Caspers-Velu L,
Engstrom RE. Effects of Silicone Oil Removal on CMV-Related Retinal Detachment. The Vitreous Society.
Cancun, Mexico, January 10, 2001.
Electroretinographic Monitoring of Birdshot Choroidopathy. Presented to The Retina Society. Coral
Gables, Florida, December 3, 2000.
CMV Retinitis Post Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy. Presented to The Macula Society. Boca
Raton, Florida, February 20, 1998
Iritis and Hypotony after Intravenous Cidofovir for CMV Retinitis. Presented to The Macula Society.
Florence, Italy, June 18, 1997.
Flow Cytometry in the Diagnosis of Intraocular Lymphoma. Presented to The Retina Society.
Vancouver BC, Canada, September 7, 1997.
Electroretinographic Monitoring of Retinal Function in Birdshot Choroidopathy. Presented to the
Fourth International Symposium Uveitis. Yokohama, Japan, October 12, 1997.
Visual and Anatomic Outcomes of Silicone Oil Repair of Retinal Detachments Due to Necrotizing
Retinitis in AIDS. Presented to the Vitreous Society. London, England, August 16, 1995.
Intraocular Antibody Measurements in Infectious Retinitis in AIDS. Presented to the Vitreous Society.
St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands , December 4, 1993.
Surgical Preferences in the Treatment of CMV-Related Retinal Detachments. Presented to the
Vitreous Society. Laguna Niguel, California, October 21, 1992.
Acyclovir Reduces the Rate of Bilaterality in Acute Retinal Necrosis. Presented to the Vitreous
Society. Paris, France, September 23, 1991.
Other Lectures and Presentations
Reappraisal of the Stepladder Approach to Uveitis Treatment. Sociedad Panamericano de Enfermadades
Inflamatorias de los Ojos. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago IL, October 16, 2005.
Update on CMV Retinitis. Presented at Retter Auditorium, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Alcon
Vitreoretinal Course, Miami, Florida, April 28, 2001.
Vitrectomy in Uveitis. Presented at Retter Auditorium, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Alcon
Vitreoretinal Course, Miami, Florida, April 28, 2001.
Course director, Uveitis Trade Secrets. Presented at Retter Auditorium, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami,
Florida, February 17, 2001.
Key Diagnostic Features in Uveitis
- HIV Law in Florida
Algorithm for the Treatment of Viral Retinitis. Presented to the Clinical Immunology Section,
University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, Florida, May 30, 2000.
Nutrition and Age Related Macular Degeneration. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Trade Secrets Continuing Medical Education Course on Macular Degeneration. Miami, Florida, March 27,
Lensectomy-vitrectomy in uveitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Vitreo-Retinal Continuing
Medical Education Course. Miami, Florida, May 7, 1999.
Intraocular Lymphoma. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Inter-American Curso. Miami,
Florida, November 9, 1998.
CMV Retinitis in the HAART Era. Presented to the Clinical Immunology Tuesday Noon Conference,
University of Miami School of Medicine, Clinical Immunology Section, Division of Infectious Diseases.
Miami, Florida, September 15, 1998.
Intraocular Lymphoma. Presented to the National Eye Institute, Laboratory of Immunology, Alumni
Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland, March 28, 1998.
Update on CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Vitreoretinal Continuing Medical
Education Course. Miami, Florida, May 9, 1997.
Update on AIDS. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Inter-American Curso. Miami,
Florida, November 4, 1997.
Toxoplasmic Chorioretinitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Inter-American Curso.
Miami, Florida, November 4, 1997.
Toxoplasmic chorioretinitis. Presented to Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Grand Rounds. January 5,
Ocular Complications of HIV Infection. Presented to University of Miami Special Immunology
Division weekly teaching rounds. Miami, Florida, January 31, 1995.
Current Management of CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Vitreoretinal
Continuing Medical Education Course. Palm Beach, Florida, March 18, 1995.
Quality of Life Research in Multi-Center Trials in CMV Retinitis. Presented to Bascom Palmer Eye
Institute Grand Rounds. Miami, Florida, May 24, 1995.
Ophthalmological Manifestations of HIV Infection. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Trade Secrets
Continuing Medical Education Course for Non-Ophthalmologists. Miami, Florida, September 24, 1994.
Clinical Research in Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Presented to the Santen Pharmaceutical Company.
Miami, Florida, February 17, 1993.
Ophthalmic Manifestations of AIDS. Presented at the University of Miami 40th Anniversary Medical
Symposium. Miami, Florida, February 27, 1993.
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Presented at the Vitreo-Retinal Symposium Continuing Medical
Education Course. Palm Beach, Florida, March 27, 1993.
Is There a Role for the Ganciclovir Implant in the Management of CMV Retinitis? Presented to the
American Uveitis Society. Sarasota, Florida, May 1, 1993.
Intraocular Antibody Measurements in Necrotizing Retinitis in AIDS. Presented to Diamedix
Corporation research conference. Miami, Florida, June 30, 1993.
Update on CMV Retinitis. Presented to the Special Immunology weekly conference, University of
Miami Department of Medicine, August 10, 1993.
Endogenous Endophthalmitis. Presented to Grand Rounds, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami,
Florida, August 26, 1993.
AIDS and Associated Opportunistic Infections of the Eye. Trade Secrets Continuing Medical
Education Course, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, September 18, 1993.
Infections and Inflammations of the posterior segment of the eye: Diagnosis and Management.
Retinal Update Course, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, October 23, 1993.
Safe Surgery. Presented to XIV Curso Interamericano de Oftalmologia Clinica. Bascom Palmer Eye
Institute, Miami, Florida, November 17, 1992.
Uveitis Update. Presented to 1992 Trade Secrets Continuing Medical Education Course, Retina
Section, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, February 1, 1992, Miami, Florida.
Diagnostic Tests in Retinitis. Presented to 1992 Trade Secrets Continuing Medical Education Course,
Retina Section, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, February 1, 1992, Miami, Florida.
CMV Retinitis from the Ophthalmologist’s Perspective. Presented to “Management of CMV Retinitis
for Ophthalmologists and Internists.” A Continuing Medical Education Course, University of Miami and
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, April 25, 1992.
Viral Diagnostic Studies. Presented to the Research Conference of the Department of Ophthalmology,
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, September 15, 1992.
Retinal Vasculitis. Presented at the 1992 Neuro-Ophthalmology Course. Miami Beach, Florida,
December 4, 1992.
Intermediate Uveitis. Uveitis Symposium Continuing Medical Education Course. Bascom Palmer
Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, January 18-19, 1991.
Approach to Retinitis in AIDS. Uveitis Symposium Continuing Medical Education Course. Bascom
Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, January 18-19, 1991.
Medical Treatment of Uveitis. Uveitis Symposium Continuing Medical Education Course. Bascom
Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, January 18-19, 1991.
Pars Plana Lensectomy and Vitrectomy for Cataract Associated with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Presented to the American Uveitis Society, Anaheim, California, October 15, 1991.
Cystoid Macular Edema. Presented to Department of Ophthalmology Research Conference. Bascom
Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, November 26, 1991.
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis, Acute Retinal Necrosis, and Toxoplasmosis. Presented to 1991 Clinical
Retinal Update Continuing Medical Education Course. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida,
December 7, 1991.
Teaching Awards Received:
Teaching Specialization:
Thesis and Dissertation Supervision:
Professor of the Year, Bascom Palmer, 2003-2004
Uveitis, HIV, AIDS, intraocular infections
University Committee and Administrative Responsibilities:
1990 - 1993
1991 - 1996
1994 - 1996
1995 - 1996
1995 - 1996
1996 -
Animal Research Committee
Ophthalmology residency selection committee
Steering committee, research proposal evaluation
Faculty sponsor, Continuous Quality Improvement Task
Force on Waiting Time in Clinic.
Computerized medical record committee (ad hoc)
Anne Bates Leach Operating Room Committee
1996 1997 - 1998
1998 - 2002
2001 –
2010 2010 -
Anne Bates Leach Bylaws Committee, Co-Chairman
University of Miami Medical Group Governing Board
Anne Bates Leach Medical Records Committee
University of Miami Task Force on Women and Minorities
Search Committee for Chairman of Cell Biology and Anatomy
Anne Bates Leach Bylaws Committee, Chairman
Search Committee for Chairman of Department of Ophthalmology
Medical Director Uveitis
Medical Director Imaging
Community Activities:
Medical Action Myanmar. Education of primary care AIDS specialists in indirect ophthalmoscopy
and identification of viral retinitis.
Sponsor of Susruta ARVO travel grant for Indian ophthalmologists in training, 2005.
ORBIS-sponsored educational mission to Shanxi Eye Hospital, 2001 and 2005. Educational program
in Immunology and Microbiology.
Advanced Spanish. Intensive Language Institute, University of Miami School of Continuing
Education, August 1999.
Intermediate Spanish. Intensive Language Institute, University of Miami School of Continuing
Education, January 1999.
Judge, Chandler Society Resident and Fellow Research Scientific Forum,
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Miami School of Medicine,
June 19, 1998.
Judge, Annual Photo Contest, Ophthalmic Photographer’s Society, 1992 – 1994, 2010