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Fri, 05 May 2017 02:47:49 +0000
Trigger Point Therapy - Sciatica
<p><strong>Trigger Point Therapy - Sciatica</strong></p> <p>Posted by <strong>Judith
Winer</strong> on <strong>Jan 04, 2016</strong></p> <p><br />When we analyse the traffic through
our clinics at the end of each quarter, sciatica seems to be always up there in the top ten. There are
probably two good reasons for this. The first is that sciatica is one of those conditions where the pain
can be extremely severe. The second, is that manual therapy has long since been recognised as being
effective for providing relief, even by most medical doctors. In fact, any therapist familiar with trigger
point therapy will tell you that they're always upbeat going in to treat sciatica, as the effects of the
therapy are in most cases, extremely positive. This is something that has been reaffirmed in a number
of studies.</p> <p>Sciatica is a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as a lumbar
herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis. It is not a medical condition in and of
itself.</p> <p>The condition is characterised by pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve.
This is the largest nerve in the body, beginning at the&nbsp;lower back, and running through
the&nbsp;hips and buttocks down to each leg. In most cases, sciatica affects only one side of the body,
but can affect both (bilateral sciatica).&nbsp;</p> <p>Where symptoms are felt in both legs,
it&nbsp;typically means that the&nbsp;cause of the compression, such as a herniated disc, is big
enough to compress nerve roots on both sides of the spine. It is of course possible that two separate
conditions have developed on opposite sides of the spine, but this would obviously be a rarity.</p>
<p>In most cases, sciatica develops when the sciatic nerve is compressed by a herniated disk or bone
spur. This causes inflammation, pain, and sometimes numbness in the affected side. It's worth noting
that it's not unusual to come across&nbsp;sciatica in pregnant women due to an irritation of the sciatic
nerve during pregnancy.</p> <p><strong>What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica? </strong></p>
<p>The pain associated with sciatica can vary in degree. We see many clients who experience
infrequent pain whilst others suffer so severely from the pain as to be largely incapacitated.</p>
<p>Sciatica is often characterised by the following symptoms. The client may experience only one or a
combination:</p> <p>&bull; Constant pain in one side of the leg or buttock<br /> &bull; Pain worsens
when sitting<br /> &bull; Burning, tingling, or searing pain in the leg<br /> &bull; Weakness,
numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot<br /> &bull; A sharp pain which might affect
the&nbsp;ability to walk or to stand up</p> <p>Clients often describe how these symptoms worsen
when they&nbsp;cough, sneeze, or sit for a long period of time.</p> <p><strong>Who Is Prone to
Sciatica? </strong></p> <p>The probability of experiencing pain from sciatica peaks in the 50's and
then declines. It is rare to see clients under the age of 20 suffering from this condition. Those who
suffer from degenerative arthritis of the lumbar spine, lumbar disc diseases, slipped disc, or a trauma or
injury to the lumbar spine are the groups who are at a higher risk.</p> <p>Studies have shown that
obesity or even being overweight can increase the risk of sciatica, as the weight <em>will</em>
increase stress on the spine. A job that requires you to twist your back, carry heavy objects, or drive a
motor vehicle for long periods of time, may also contribute to increasing the risk factor. The other
group worth noting are diabetes sufferes who are at increased risk because&nbsp;the way that the body
uses blood sugar increases the risk of nerve damage.</p> <p>In summary, whilst there are those cases
of sciatica which require more aggressive intervention to deal with the underlying cause, the preferred
and most effective treatment in most cases is manual therapy including trigger point therapy, and
prescribed stretching and strengthening exercises.</p> <p>The trigger points commonly (almost
always) associated with sciatica are found in priformis, and gluteus maximus.&nbsp;</p>
<p><em>NAT home study courses are designed for therapists who wish to add to their trigger point
skills and knowledge. Each course presents the latest evidence based, best practice, trigger point
techniques.</em> Click below to see our list of courses.</p> <p><a
tml</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:20 +0000
Trigger Points and Lower Back Pain
<p><strong>Trigger Points and Lower Back Pain</strong><br />By <strong>Simeon Niel
Asher</strong><strong></strong></p> <p><em>Thank you to everyone who has been following our
blogs this year, and all of you awesome&nbsp;fellow therapists who have contributed so actively to the
NAT community pages on Facebook. &nbsp;We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, and a
prosperous, happy, and healthy 2016!</em></p> <p><em><br /></em></p> <p><em><img
se_V2_page_6_of_104_1024x1024.jpg?15609269404328709513" alt="" /></em></p> <p>Lower
Back Pain has reached epidemic proportions. Here we look at the part played by trigger points.</p>
<p>It has been suggested that low back pain is an inevitable result of walking upright (Harari). As the
force of gravity acts upon the skeleton and&nbsp;its muscular and ligamentous armature, it is
distributed via the fascia&nbsp;into three dimensions. Myers (2013) talks of an internal cohesioncompression of the body where it is both collapsing in on itself and pushing out from itself in a
constant state of equilibrium, a concept called &lsquo;tensegrity&rsquo;. Tensegrity is seen nowhere
better than in the spine.</p> <p>If the spine were a straight, rigid stick it wouldn&rsquo;t be able to
compensate for the multiple forces acting upon it. Therefore it is specifically arranged in a series of
curves (cervical and lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis). Along with the spinal discs, these curves
are essential for shock absorption and are maintained by an interblend of muscles and ligaments that
fire up in cyclical sequences.</p> <p>Even though all of the spinal vertebrae are designed to move, the
spine also demonstrates specialization in its movement patterns ,allowing us to exploit our three
dimensions. The direction of movement is mainly determined by the orientation of the spinal
&ldquo;facet joints&rdquo;: forward and backwards movements (flexion and extension) from the low
back, sideways from the neck (side bending) and rotation from the thoracic spine (although this is
limited by the ribs). The other important movement is a type of nodding backwards and forwards
which is translated through the sacroiliac joints (nutation and counter-nutation).</p> <p>Layered on
top of the vertebrae are a series of ligaments that are strong and specialized to resist directional forces
They again can be a source&nbsp;of pain and may develop &ldquo;trigger points&rdquo;. On top of
the ligaments is a complex but beautiful system of muscles.&nbsp;The deepest spinal muscles are used
to make minute adjustments in vertebral orientation (rotatores, interspinalis and intertransversalis).</p>
<p>Then&nbsp;the multifidus with its large and strong fibers bridging several vertebrae at once and
helping to maintain posture.</p> <p>The next layer of muscles connects the vertebrae to another from
one to six segments upwards. This is the erector spinae and it is divided into three columns. Moving
outwards from the center it forms a &ldquo;wing like&rdquo; structure - spinalis, longissimus and
iliocostalis. The erector spinae don&rsquo;t really keep the spine erect (that&rsquo;s the job of the
psoas and the multifidus) but they do extend the spine from a flexed position.</p> <p>Side-bending is
mainly performed by&nbsp;the quadratus lumborum muscles. Arranged over these muscles we have
broader, flatter and more superficial muscles such as the latissimus dorsi.</p> <p>Added to all this
hardware is the software that the brain uses to co-ordinate and sequence movement. All of the above
structures feed information to the brain in a constant stream affording it orientation (proprioception), as
well as force and direction (velocity). The brain responds by organizing&nbsp;movement sequences
hierarchically in functional units. These functional units mainly consist of a prime mover (agonist), an
opposing muscle force (antagonist) and other muscles that either fix the local joint (fixators) or help
the prime mover (synergists).</p> <p>The body tends to shut down around pain to avoid further
noxious stimuli. Part of the way it does this is by using trigger points.&nbsp;For example, the erector
spinae, multifidus, iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum, piriformis, rectus abdominus and hamstring
muscles often manifest trigger points in patients with disc problems. Similarly, the gluteus medius
muscle often &lsquo;switches-off&rsquo; and develops trigger points around sacro-iliac
problems.</p> <p>So here's a brief overview of how, why and where trigger points develop in the
above structures and their connection to lower back pain:</p> <p><strong>Multifidus </strong></p>
<p>The multifidus muscle has a deeper and more superficial arrangement. It is intimately involved
with most types of LBP and often manifests trigger points. Because the muscles are so deep you need
to use firm pressure to work on these trigger points.</p> <p><strong>Erector Spinae </strong></p>
<p>Interestingly and contrary to what some of us have been taught the erector spinae don&rsquo;t
hold the spine erect! Most fibers are electrically silent during postural work (Kippers 1984). This
muscle group is designed to activate during extension from flexion, i.e. standing upright from bending
forward. The erector spinae has three divisions each of which may manifest a trigger point. According
to Simons, Travell, and Simons,&nbsp;individual pain patterns of several trigger points that refer pain
to the Lumbosacral region may blend into each other.</p> <p><strong>Piriformis </strong></p>
<p>The piriformis takes its origin from the lower part of the sacrum but it also often gets involved with
the protective patterns. It has been suggested that when the piriformis muscle gets tight, it can
compress the sciatic nerve, or even the blood vessels to the nerve, (vaso nervorum) which can lead to
(pseudo) sciatica. Remember that 17% of people have a sciatic nerve that runs through the piriformis
muscle.</p> <p><strong>Rectus Abdominus </strong></p> <p>The rectus is an antagonist to the
multifidus muscle and may either get involved with LBP due to reciprocal inhibition or it may be a
source of&nbsp;LBP itself. It is also interesting to note that trigger points in the lower rectus may also
cause diarrhea and symptoms mimicking diverticulosis or gynecological disease.</p> <p>We have
often found that treating trigger points in the rectus adds the finishing touch in some patients. Often it
can also be the reason why the lower back trigger points don&rsquo;t stay released.</p>
<p><strong>Iliopsoas </strong></p> <p>Mechanically, the iliopsoas has an intimate relationship with
maintaining the lumbar spinal lordosis and is often involved in mechanical LBP, but that is not the
whole story. In her book The Vital Psoas, Jo Ann Staugaard- Jones also describes the physical,
emotional and spiritual aspects of the iliopsoas. Staugaard-Jones talks of the iliopsoas as two distinct
muscles: the psoas major (one of the deepest core muscles) and the ilaicus.</p> <p>The psoas, she
maintains, is the only muscle that connects the upper body to the lower (spine to legs) and integrates
deeply with the nerve and energy systems: &ldquo;It is enervated by the lumbar nerve complex (lower
back) and when released, helps energize subtle body systems!&rdquo;</p> <p><strong>Glutes,
Piriformis and Hamstrings </strong></p> <p>Along with the tight glutes and piriformis the lower back
muscles tend to form a triangle of tight, spastic and fatigued tissues. Postural changes also cause
tension in the hamstring muscles, which also often manifests trigger points and can ache after
exercise.</p> <p><strong>Hamstrings </strong></p> <p>We often find trigger points in the hamstring
muscles associated with LBP. Sometimes this is a cause-and-effect relationship, from a trapped nerve
(radiculopathy) in the spine (sciatica). In these cases not all of the information/trophic input reaches the
muscle fibers and the muscles may become tight and full of trigger points. The corollary is also true.
Sometimes a tight hamstring will have a negative mechanical effect on the lower back.</p>
<p><strong>Quadratus Lumborum (Q/L) </strong></p> <p>The myofacial pain maps for the Q/L
tend to radiate into the pelvis&nbsp;even though the trigger points are higher in the spine. Taut bands
in the quadratus lumborum muscle can contribute to scoliosis. The Q/L is often involved in any disc
pathology literally bending the patient to one side (especially in the morning).</p>
<p><strong>Levator Ani &ndash; Sacral Pain </strong></p> <p>The levator ani muscle consists of
the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles. Together with the coccygeus muscle,
these&nbsp;muscles form the pelvic diaphragm (the muscular floor of the pelvis). Trigger points in the
levator ani muscle are often implicated in low back pain syndromes.</p> <p><strong>Soleus &ndash;
Sacral Pain </strong></p> <p>The soleus is a &ldquo;classic&rdquo; example of a trigger point
whose myofascial pain map is remote from the origin. The soleus is deep in the calf, yet in some cases
a trigger point in the soleus can refer pain to the coccyx area. We have seen this personally and it is
fascinating how treating this trigger point relieves the low back pain.</p> <p>How does your spine
stack up to lower back pain? Understand the how, why and where of trigger points surrounding the
spine in this weeks Blog Post from Simeon Niel Asher. <br /><br />Get 25% off his self care guide on
low back pain: <a href="" rel="nofollow"
<strong>Offer ends Dec. 31st!<br /><br /></strong></p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:19 +0000
Pathophysiology of Trigger Points
<div class="section-header--left"> <h1>Pathophysiology of Trigger Points</h1> <p class="textlight">Posted by <strong>Judith Winer</strong> on <strong>Dec 17, 2015</strong></p> </div> <p
style="text-align: center;"><img
_grande.jpg?12420509050412806465" alt="" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span
style="color: #666666;"> <em>Cycle of misery: trigger point formation hypothesis &ndash; these
individual links in the chain&nbsp;</em><em>do not always occur in this order. (Sourced from:
Starlanyl &amp; Sharkey 2013.)</em></span></p> <p style="text-align: left;">Sadly, too many
therapists remain&nbsp;out of the loop, when it comes to understanding trigger points. In the case of
some (mostly PT's, but others included) there is still a tremendous cynicism. This is generally because
these therapists have received a negatively biased education, and have somehow avoided the
opportunities to learn and explore trigger point therapy first hand.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">For
anyone willing to take the time to piece it all together, there is plenty of freely available research to
support trigger point therapy. Mainstream acceptance of trigger point therapy has grown rapidly in
recent years. We're committed to playing our part to push for the introduction of trigger point therapy
as a standard teaching requirement for all manual therapists.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: left;">In
todays trigger point blog we take a deeper look at where trigger points come from.</p> <p style="textalign: left;"><strong>The Integrated Trigger Point Hypothesis (ITPH) </strong></p> <p style="textalign: left;"><span>The ITPH is the current theory/working hypothesis. It </span><span>explains
most of the trigger point phenomena, and is based on the best electrodiagnostic and histopathological
evidence to date. First introduced by Travell and Simons in 1981 as the &ldquo;energy crisis
theory&rdquo; (Simons et al. </span><span>1998), the ITPH has been expanded over the years by
many others in the field. </span></p> <p style="text-align: left;"><span><a
href="" >Trigger points</a> manifest in the
region where sarcomeres and extrafusal motor endplates become overactive. Microscopy has
demonstrated that actin and myosin </span><span>myofilaments (sitting within a taught band) stop
sliding over one another and get stuck. Reitinger et al. (1996) </span><span>reported
&ldquo;pathological alterations&rdquo; in mitochondria </span><span>within these myofilaments, as
well as an increase in the width of A bands and a decrease in the width of I </span><span>bands. The
affected sarcomere(s) becomes permanently &ldquo;switched on,&rdquo; leading to a contraction and
&ldquo;wind-up.&rdquo; </span><span>The swollen, contracted actin and myosin filaments
</span><span>may actually get stuck in the Z band because of the gel- </span><span>like titin
molecules ratcheting the fibers in place and preventing detachment (Dommerholt et al. 2006).
</span></p> <p class="column" style="text-align: left;"><span>Recent electrophysiological
investigations have revealed that the electrical activity of &ldquo;active trigger points&rdquo; arises
from dysfunctional extrafusal motor endplate zones rather than from (as previously thought) muscle
spindles. </span><span>Electrical discharge frequencies of 10&ndash;1000 times normal
</span><span>have been demonstrated in the &ldquo;endplate zone&rdquo; in horses, rabbits, and
humans (Simons et al. 2002, Dommerholt et </span><span>al. 2006).</span></p> <p style="textalign: left;"><span>Histological investigation indicates abnormal calcium and ACh levels, and a
shortage of ATP in the vicinity </span><span>of the trigger point. It is worth noting that Grinnel et al.
</span><span>(2003) demonstrated that stretching and/or hypertonicity of muscles causes a pulling of
integrin protein peptides at the motor nerve terminal, triggering excessive ACh release
</span><span>without </span><span>the need for calcium. Other abnormal chemicals present in the
milieu of &ldquo;active&rdquo; trigger points include (Shah et al. 2003):</span></p> <p style="textalign: left;">Prostaglandins Substance P; Cytokines Bradykinin (BK); Hydrogen (H+); Calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP); Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-&alpha;); Interleukins IL-1 beta, IL-6, and
IL-8; Serotonin; Norepinephrine.</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><span>These chemicals have many
interactions and are part of various feedback loops. For instance, bradykinin </span><span>is known
to activate and sensitize muscle pain fibers </span><span>(nociceptors). This may help to explain
some of the </span><span>inflammatory hyperalgesia, tenderness, pain, and </span><span>lowered
pain thresholds seen in patients with chronic trigger points.</span></p> <p style="text-align:
left;"><strong>Vicious Cycle of Energy Crisis</strong></p> <p style="text-align:
left;"><span>Sustained dysfunction and sarcomere contraction leads to local intracellular and
extracellular chemical changes including:</span></p> <p style="text-align: left;">&bull; Localized
ischemia/hypoxia</p> <p style="text-align: left;">&bull; Increased metabolic needs</p> <p
style="text-align: left;">&bull; Increased energy (required to sustain contraction)</p> <p style="textalign: left;">&bull; Failed reuptake of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum</p> <p
style="text-align: left;">&bull; Localized inflammation (to facilitate repair)</p> <p style="text-align:
left;">&bull; Compression or watershed effect on local vessels</p> <p style="text-align: left;">&bull;
Energy crisis</p> <p style="text-align: left;">&bull; Production of inflammatory agents (which
sensitize local autonomic and nociceptive fibers)&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: left;">If this
situation is allowed to continue over a significant period of time, the above changes lead to a vicious
cycle. Calcium is unable to be taken into the actin and myosin myofilaments, leading to sarcomere
&ldquo;failure.&rdquo;</p> <p style="text-align: left;">Bengtsson et al. (1986), Hong (1996), and
Simons et al. (1998) have all proposed variations of the energy crisis theory. This theory suggests that
the body attempts to resolve sarcomere and endplate failure (outlined above) by changing the blood
supply to the sarcomere (vasodilation).</p> <p style="text-align: left;">One further result of this
anomalous&nbsp;situation is the migration of localized acute and chronic inflammatory cells.
Inflammation is a cascade: this cascade mechanism starts to occur around the dysfunctional sarcomere.
Inflammation brings with it sensitizing substances, such as bradykinin and substance P, a peptide
present in nerve cells, which not only increases the contractions of gastrointestinal smooth muscle, but
also causes vasodilation.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">This has the effect of stimulating both local
(small) pain fibers and local autonomic fibers, which in turn leads to increased ACh production and
hence a vicious cycle. Eventually, the brain sends a signal to the muscle in which the trigger point
manifests to cause it to rest. This leads to hypertonia, weakness, shortening, and fibrosis (muscle
stiffness) of the muscle, along with reflex inhibition of other muscle groups. Under microscopy, these
fibers have been described as &ldquo;ragged red.&rdquo; Treatment is thus aimed at interfering with
and attenuating this vicious cycle.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">For therapists interested in taking
trigger point therapy to the next level, see <strong><a
href="" >NAT home study</a> </strong>courses.
Always affordable, powerful, and immediately practical!</p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:17 +0000
3 Muscles that Cause Tooth Pain and Unnecessary Dental Procedures!
<strong>We know that trigger points can be excruciatingly painful, but who knew that some might
literally cause you to pull your teeth out? </strong></p> <p>We often complain about the lack of
myofascial education in the medical profession. Calculations are made each year of the number and
cost of unnecessary surgeries and other procedures performed due to improper diagnosis. Many of
these cases result from completely overlooking myofascial pain caused by trigger points. However,
there is one group of professionals who is starting to break that trend ... dentists! </p> <p><a
Muscles that Cause Tooth Pain and Unneccessary Dental Procedures.</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:16 +0000
The 6 Official Tests: You Can't Afford to Fail!
<strong>We know that trigger points can be excruciatingly painful, but who knew that some might
literally cause you to pull your teeth out? </strong></p> <p>We often complain about the lack of
myofascial education in the medical profession. Calculations are made each year of the number and
cost of unnecessary surgeries and other procedures performed due to improper diagnosis. Many of
these cases result from completely overlooking myofascial pain caused by trigger points. However,
there is one group of professionals who is starting to break that trend ... dentists! </p> <p>Read the rest
of the article by clicking on the link below and thank you for supporting us in spreading Muscle News
to as many friends, family and colleagues as possible!</p> <p><a
Can-t-Afford-to-Fail-.html?soid=1101121545271&aid=IOs3tz2TwNY">The 6 Official Tests You
Can't Afford To Fail</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:14 +0000
Tired, Sore or Swollen Feet? Here's the remedy that can't be beat!
p><strong>One thing is true about feet ... There is no other place in the whole human body we feel so
much pleasure to treat! For "foot people" there is nothing quite as pleasurable as a good foot massage.
It almost makes the soreness in our feet worth it! </strong></p> <p>However, not all foot treatments
are created equal. The myofascial foot remedy in this issue of Muscle News not only feels great, but
also has the added benefit of being therapeutic and corrective to myofascial tissues from head to toe!
</p>Don't forget, the fascial sheath that surrounds our body starts at the feet and wraps all the way up
to our heads like a full body pantyhose. So, while you enjoy the following myofascial spa treatment for
your feet, you are improving the health of your entire musculoskeletal system!<p></p> <p><a
href=" ">Tired, Sore or
Swollen Feet?</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:13 +0000
The Miracle Hand and Wrist Treatment: Part 2
p><strong>We know you therapists especially are going to enjoy Part 2 of the Miracle Hand & Wrist
Treatment: Weak grip & Stiff Fingers </strong></p> <p>While being a hindrance to the life of
anyone these symptoms can be disabling to a professional bodyworker! This issue we will teach you
the basic method to get rid of these TWO frustrating and painful conditions. </p> <p>At some future
point in time (quite soon if our efforts succeed), knowing how to take care of your body will be part of
everyone's education. Thank you for supporting us in spreading Muscle News to as many friends,
family and colleagues as possible!</p> <p><a href=" ">The Miracle Hand and Wrist Treatment: Part
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:11 +0000
The Miracle Hand and Wrist Treatment: Part 1
p><strong>One of the hard lessons we've learned in medicine is that Repetitive Use Injuries are real.
We don't have to have a traumatic incident to incur an injury in a joint, muscle or tendon. All that has
to happen to seriously wound a joint or muscle is repeated use day after day without proper
maintenance and recovery. </strong></p> <p>Realizing this, one area that takes a pounding in
modern life is the hand & wrist! Day after day, between using the computer to writing to driving, the
hand & wrist never get a break! And who takes the time or even knows how to perform maintenance
on this vital body area? </p> <p>If you are experiencing wrist symptoms already, don't wait until
permanent joint changes have already taken place. And even if you have no symptoms, it is still
important to do these simple preventative exercises that take mere minutes.</p> <p><a
href=" ">The Miracle hand and Wrist Treatment:
Part 1</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:10 +0000
Pain in the Thorax or Chest? Don't Assume the Worst!
p><strong> There is an excellent reason our chests are protected by a powerful cage of ribs and fascia
... to protect our life-sustaining organs, such as the heart and lungs. When you have pain in the chest
or thoracic cavity, you must certainly not ignore it. If there are accompanying symptoms down your
arm, there may be something very unpleasant brewing in this vital area of your body, and you should
seek a proper medical evaluation. </strong></p> <p> However, many times it is hard to track down
the cause of pains and aches in this scary body region. Thankfully, the field of Trigger Point Therapy
has offered many solutions to these otherwise enigmatic symptoms. Pain in the thoracic cage and
chest are frequently the result of easy to treat trigger points in several muscles, rather than an
indication of serious illness. </p> <p> In this issue of Muscle News, we are going to look at one such
muscle that causes mysterious thoracic pain without a dangerous underlying cause. </p> <p><a
">Pain in the Thorax or Chest? Don't Assume the Worst!</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:09 +0000
I've Been Shot in the Back Muscle - One-Sided Low Back Pain & SI Joint Injury!
<p><strong> A remarkable number of people are familiar with a joint that you really have no business
knowing about unless you're an anatomy professor. </strong></p> <p> It's not like your elbow or
knee or wrist that you willingly use every day. In fact, it barely even moves at all, but rather wiggles a
little when you walk in a tiny figure 8 pattern that is virtually undetectable to all but the trained
professional's eye. </p> <p> It's called your Sacroiliac Joint or SI joint, and if you put your hands on
your hips backwards, your fingers would pretty much be right on top of the joint. Not exactly one of
the "head, shoulders, knees, and toes" parts of the body we refer to on a regular basis. </p> <p><a
href=" ">I've Been Shot In
the Back Muscle!</a><p>
Thu, 04 May 2017 04:02:07 +0000