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Learning in Relationships
The Development of Human
Thomas Fuchs
Translated from the German by Nina Keuttel
Introduction: Speech and Body Language
A child’s social skill development is
predominantly based upon physical
communication, or “inter-physicality” (MerleauPonty)
Overview: 1. Neuron Plasticity and Brain
Development 2. Learning in Relationships
Neuron Plasticity and Development:
The human brain is a socially and
biographically formed organ.
Neuron Plasticity: Synaptic “Learning”
Hebb 1949: „Neurons that fire together wire together“
Experience-dependent Plasticity of the Brain:
Every experience effects a change in our brain
and with that also in our self. In relationships
the brain changes and forms itself.
In the beginning was relationship:
Beginning: the Sense of touch
Touching, holding, lifting, rocking,
and breastfeeding are the first
conveyors of, the feeling of feeling
secure and protected.
In the beginning was
realtionship: Early Childhood
Beginning: Sense of sight
Innate differentialtion between animate and inanimate
attentiveness to faces
Innate ability to
imitate facial
(Meltzoff & Moore 1989)
Early Imitation: the foundation of empathy
Basic Emotions and their Expression
Irrespective of culture and rooted in biology:
Anger, revulsion, fear, sadness, joy, surprise
Emotional Resonance
Intuitive Parenting „Skills“
(Papousek Papousek)
Typical Models of Behavior:
Appropriate distance
Eye contact
Reaction to greeting
Facial Expressions
Melodic Baby Talk
Emotional Resonance
Musical Qualities
„crescendo, decrescendo“,
flowing, soft, explosive, etc.)
Emotional coordination „common state of
consciousness“, „common dance,“ (Daniel Stern)
 Primordial Resonance and Empathy System
“Mirror Neurons” (Rizzolatti u. Gallese 1996ff.)
as a basis for Information and Empathy:
Self Movement (gripping for example)
„Observation of Movement “
Not from self
Mirror Neurons 
Watching another grip something
„Mirror Neurons“
(Rizzolatti 1996, Gallese 2001)
Two Main Functions:
• Social Understanding
• Learning Social Imitation
Neuronal Neuro Systems also exist for affectations
(e.g. Laughing, Revulsion, Pain).
Development and differentiation of neuronal mirror
systems only in social contexts
Unconscious Learning: Implicit Memory
To differentiate from recall memory (autobiographic memory,
starts at age 2)
Formation of habits, automatic skills
Organized mainly in the subcortical region
Implicit Memory
Significance for Social Learning:
- Interactive acquisition behavior pattern
(„schemes-of-being-with“, Daniel Stern)
- „Implicit Relationship Knowledge“
- „musical“ memory, organized by time
2 minute long fixed facial expression of the mother
during a play interval:
 irritated, often anxious reaction of the infant
Children distinguish between mothers with:
- sensitive, lively interaction or
- rather more insensitive, passive behavior
(Frequent result: Bonding problem)
Bonding System
(John Bowlby 1955)
Biologically based system for the regulation of proximity, care,
and emotional connection:
Typical signals (searching, calling, looking, crying,
clinging, among others.)
Impulse drive and needs: (e.g., for attention, nearness,
Neuro-endocrin functions (e.g., oxytocin effect)
Bonding System
Early bonding as a model for later relationships:
Secure bonding structure
Deprivation syndrome in orphanage children (Spitz 1967)
Effects of postpartum depression of the mother
On the Path to Speech
„The Nine Months Revolution“
„Joint Attention“
Pointing gestures as an expression of
a common connection with objects
Dyadic Interaction
Triadic Interaction
„The Nine Months Revolution“
Development of speech in the context of
joint activities, especially when
associated with gestures
The Development of
Self Awareness
• Basal sense of self before birth
•„Self with otheres“ in the first year of life
• Understanding perspective from the age of 9 months:
„Seeing yourself through another‘s eyes“
• The mirror test
The Development of
Self Awareness
„I“ Pronouns
Understanding Perspective
Prefrontal Brain Structures as basis for reception of
perspective and self-distancing develop with
interactive experiences
Human beings do not come into the world as separate
entities. From the beginning, they are already biologically
presdisposed toward relationship with others:
- Bonding System
- Resonance and Empathy System
Summary (2)
Beginning of dialogue communications with pointing gestures
in cooperative situations
Joint attention
Altruistic and cooperative motivation
The role of the brain as „the relationshop organ“
Neuroscience and Education
Neurobiological knowledge about learning processes:
1) Implicit learning as an enduring foundation
2) Learning in relationships
3) Sense oriented Learning Process
4) Learning as an integral process (cognitive – emotional –
leiblich – interaktive)
→ Embedding in atmospher and feelings
→ Embedding in trused environmental contexts
→ Embedding in sensory and movement experiences
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