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Master of Science
Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
Departments - Electrical Engineering & Information Technologies (IE) - Giessen
Information Technology, Electrical Engineering & Mechatronics (IEM).- Friedberg
Last (Family) Name:
First Name:
We kindly ask you to carefully assess your engineering qualifications. Below we have listed short descriptions of
the main modules required as the basis for studying our master course. Please fill out the following questionnaire
and submit it with your application documents. Please make sure that your data correlates with your official course
Undergraduate module contents on which Master ICE is based
(incl. suggested course hours which you should have completed
in your undergraduate degree course
Number of course hours
in your bachelor’s
1 - Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronical Engineering
(approx. 180 hrs)
Your course hours _____
Fundamental electrical quantities; Circuit elements (resistors, voltage and
current sources); Basic circuit laws (Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws); Analyses of
passive networks. Electric and magnetic fields; Induction; Transformers;
Capacitators and Inductors (characteristics and combination); Complex circuit
calculation; AC single phase circuit analysis; AC impedance and admittance of
capacitors and inductors. Switching behaviour of capacitors and inductors;
Transient response of first-order circuits (RC and RL); Frequency response of
simple RC filters
I am proficient in
□ at least 90%
□ at least 70%
□ at least 50%
□ less than 50%
□ None
of the topics listed
2 - Mathematics and Applied Maths/Transformations
(approx. 200 hrs)
Linear algebra; Functions and limits; Coordinate transformations; Trigonometry;
Vectors; Matrices and determinants; Sequences; Rows; Single variable
differential and integral calculus
Complex numbers and functions; Multivariable differential and integral calculus;
Analysis on curves; Partial derivatives; Differential equations; Numeric
Complex numbers and functions; Multivariable differential and integral calculus;
Analysis on curves; Partial derivatives; Differential equations; Numeric methods
Number of course hours in
your bachelor’s degree:
3 – Physics (approx. 90 hrs)
Your course hours: _____
Geometric optics; Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies
(translational and rotational motion, motion of particles and rigid bodies); Work
and energy; Potential and kinetic energy; Coordinate systems; Inertia moments.
Oscillation; (Mechanical) Waves; Basics of atomic physics; Bohr's Model,;
Current model of electrons and ions; Basics of solid state physics; Electrons in
matter; Energy band levels
I am proficient in
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None of the topics listed
4 - Computer Science (approx.90 hrs)
Your course hours: _____
History of Computer Science; Algorithms; Number Systems; Calculus in and
between number systems; Theory of Information; Representation of
Compiler/Interpreterprogramming languages; Structured programming; Syntax and Semantics;
Architecture of computers; Logical and arithmetic operations in computers;
Operating systems; Basics of software engineering
I am proficient in
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None of the topics listed
5 - Digital Electronics and Digital Systems (approx. 90 hrs)
Your course hours: _____
Basics of digital logics; Digital switching circuits; Bool’s algebra; Normalised
forms; Minimisation by Karnaugh-Veitch-diagrams and method of QuineMcCluskey; Components; Description languages for digital electronics;
Programming of logical circuits; ASICs; Analysis and synthesis of complex
digital switching circuits; Simulation of digital switching circuits; Safety
considerations for digital switching circuits
I am proficient in
□ at least 90%
□ at least 70%
□ at least 50%
□ less than 50%
□ None of the topics listed
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
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Master of Science
Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
Departments - Electrical Engineering & Information Technologies (IE) - Giessen
Information Technology, Electrical Engineering & Mechatronics (IEM).- Friedberg
Last (Family) Name:
First Name:
6 - Measurement Techniques (approx. 90 hrs)
Your course hours: _____
Basics of measurements (principles and errors of measurements); analogue
measuring processes for current, voltage, resistor, power and phase; bridges.
Analogue oscilloscope; Measuring amplifier; Sample & Hold; Digital measuring
processes and equipments; PC-based measuring techniques
7 - Microcomputer Science (approx. 60 hrs)
Your course hours: _____
Central processing units; Registers; Methods of addressing; Set of commands;
Hardware-oriented programming using Assembler and ANSI-C; Debugging;
Interfaces; Timer, Interrupts; Control of external electrical circuits
8 – Electronics (approx. 60 hrs)
9 - Telecommunications and Signal Transmission Science
(approx. 60 hrs
Theory of two-port networks; Linear and nonlinear circuits; Additive white
Gaussian noise; Frequency conversion; Transmission-line theory (basics);
Receiver principles
10 - Analogue and Digital Signal Processing (approx. 60 hrs)
Deterministic signals in LTI-systems; Base-band and band-pass systems;
Sampling and quantization; Discrete signals and systems (convolution,
correlation); Windows; Digital filters (FIR and IIR filters); Description of
stochastic signals
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
Basics of electronic components; PN-junctions; Diodes and transistors;
Amplifier circuits; Operational amplifiers; Electronic Circuits; DA- and ADConverters; Power Supplies
(approx. 60 hrs)
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Requirements; Basic analysis; Design tools; Implementation; Improvements of
software knowledge in one modern programming language; Object-orientated
programming; Process visualisation; Java
12 - Data Communications and Communications Technology
(approx. 60 hrs)
Basics of baseband transmission; Multiplexing and multiple access; Digital
modulation techniques; Error correction
13 - Telecommunications and Computer Networks(approx. 60 hrs
Architecture of communication networks (OS-model); Trunking and basics of
queuing theory; Computer networks (principles of connectionless networks);
Wide area networks (principles of connection oriented networks); Transmission
in telecommunication networks
14 - Optical Communications (approx. 60 hrs)
Basics of optical systems; Light sources; Optical detectors; Optical fibres and
cables; Connecting elements; High-bandwidth optical systems; Measurement
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ > 90%
□ > 70%
□ >50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Your course hours: _____
□ ≥ 90%
□ ≥ 70%
□ ≥50%
□ < 50%
□ None / of the topics listed
Which programming lecture have you completed?
What kind of programming projects have you done on your own?
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