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the prominence of the cheek on each side
lateral subcutaneous surface
medial surface in the orbit.
posterior surface in the temporal fossa
The anterior curved margin of the bone formed the lateral
and inferior margins of the orbital cavity.
From the orbital margin a process passes backwards and
articulates with the greater wing of sphenoid bone
the anterior part of the lateral wall and adjacent part of the
floor of the orbital cavity
the anterior boundary of the inferior orbital fissure
two zygomatico-orbital foramina
the zygomaticofacial canal
zygomatico temporal canals
the foramen for the zygomaticofacial nerve is on the lateral surface of the bone
The anterior-inferior part articulate with the maxilla and
on the posterior surface is the foramen for the
zygomaticotemporal nerve.
the temporal process
prolonged backwards
the zygomatic process of the temporal bone formed the
zygomatic arch
The frontal process
a thin scale of bone
the medial wall of the lacrimal groove
the medial wall of the upper part of the nasolacrimal canal
The lower part of the bone is in the lateral wall of the
middle meatus of the nose
below with the lacrimal process of the inferior conchae
in front with the maxilla
above with the frontal bone
behind with the ethmoid bone
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