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By: Kelly 5B
Brain – Slide 3
Lungs – Slide 4
Heart- Slide 6
Stomach- Slide 7
Liver- Slide 8
Large Intestine- Slide 9
Small Intestine- Slide 10
Kidneys- Slide 11
My Personalities- Slide 12
Peer Pressure- Slide 13
What happens if your body is in pressure- Slide 14
Strategies to deal with conflict- Slide 15
Friends- Slide 16
Making choices- Slide 17
Advertisement- Slide 18
How do friends influence our decision- Slide 19
My personality poem- Slide 20
Summary of Changes in me- Slide 21
The brain is a organ that controls everything in our body. It is
one of the most important organ in our body. The brain has 3
main parts : Cerebrum, Cerebellum and Medulla. The
Cerebrum is the biggest part of the brain. It controls our
senses, thinking and imagining. While the Cerebellum controls
our motion, balance and our new knowledge. The Medulla
controls Automatic actions in body like breathing, digesting
and etc. The brain is divided into 2 halves called hemisphere.
The left brain usually controls math & language skills.
Meanwhile the right brain controls creative task. Our brain
has four lobes. The lobes are called frontal lobe, parietal
lobe, occipital lobe and temporal lobe. These lobes are
actually named after the bone of the skull that overlie them.
Each of the lobes have different function. The main function
of the frontal lobe are to control attention. Abstract,
thinking, behavior, problem solving tasks, and physical
reactions and personality. The parietal lobe contains are
involved in hearing, language and attention. The Temporal
lobe controls our auditory and visual memories, language and
some hearing and speeches. The occipital lobe is the smallest
lobe between those four. It’s function is to control our
movement and color recognition.
Frontal Lobe
Spinal cord
The Lungs helps us to breath and it is protected by the ribcage. Every
time we breath our ribcage expands and it makes a single drop in air
pressure inside our lungs. When our lungs take oxygen in they let our
carbon dioxide. Daily exercise helps our lungs to keep healthy. They
are cone-shaped and sponge-like. Each of the lungs are divided into
lobes. The right lung has 3 and the left one has only 2. The lungs
(both of them together) are one of the largest body organ. The job
of the lungs is to transport oxygen into our bloodstream and to
release carbon dioxide. The lungs are placed in both sides of the
chest. The trachea (windpipe) conducts the oxygen into the lungs
through the tubular branches called bronchi.
Our lungs consist of bunches of minute air sacs called alveoli. Inside
our lungs there are about 300 million alveoli. The large surface area
of the alveoli makes it possible for huge number of oxygen to go
through our blood and also equal large amount of carbon dioxide can
seep back to the airways when we breath out. These alveoli can be
damaged by tar in cigarettes and it can cause breathing problems. If
our lungs can be opened up and all the alveoli lay it could cover up a
half tennis court. People who live in high altitudes has more bigger
lung capacity. It is because the air is thinner up there. It’s possible
for us to survive with one lung when a lung is damaged or diseased.
The heart function likes a pump. It pumps the blood to
all parts of our body except our nails, hair and teeth. The
heart is located between and behind our lungs. The outer
part of the heart is made our of three layers: the
epicedium, the myocardium and the endocardium. The
myocardium is the muscle of the heart. The heart is
made up of two pump parts. It’s the left and right one. It
is separated by a muscle wall called septum. The right
side of the heart is weaker and it only pumps blood to
the lungs. While the left part of the brain pumps blood to
all parts of the body. Each side of the heart has 2
chambers. The left and the right side of the brain ejects
abut 70 ml of blood every beat. The heart are made
almost entirely from muscles. The heart contracts and
relaxes about 70 times a minute automatically. There is
an arteries called coronary arteries and it supply the
heart. If the arteries are clogged the heart muscle will
be short of blood and stop working. That is what happen
in a heart attack.
The main job of the stomach is to break down food
after we eat. The stomach passes the digested food
into the intestines. There are 2 ways the stomach can
break down food. The 1st way is called mechanical
digestion. It is the physical way of breaking food. The
2nd way is called chemical digestion. It is when
chemicals called enzymes break food into molecules
that our body can absorb. Those chemical break down
fat and proteins for our body. When our stomach is
empty is barely holds 0.5 liters. But after a big meal it
can stretch up to more than 4 liters. The stomach lining
is protected by mucus so it doesn’t digest it self. The
gastric juice that is produce by the stomach contains
acid enzymes that breaks down the proteins from our
food. The stomach takes 5 hours to digest. Once the
food is digested and reduced into a liquid the muscular
ring at the exit relaxes and pass it on to the small
The liver is the body’s chemical processing
center. The liver is the biggest internal organ.
It’s main job is handling all the nutrients and
substances from the food we eat and give it to
our body cells if needed. This amazing organ also
transform carbohydrate into glucose. Glucose is
the main energy giving chemical for body cells.
The liver separates the healthy and unhealthy
chemicals from food and drinks. The liver also
cleans our blood. It also breaks down the protein
into Amino Acid. It stores vitamin and minerals. It
also breaks down ingredients in medicines. The
liver also helps us to heal our wound. It also
clears the blood old red cells and other harmful
substances such as alcohol etc and the liver will
make new plasma.
 The
large intestine is shorter than the small
intestine but it is a lot wider. It sucks most of
the water out of digested chime. The large
intestine keeps us from dehydrated. The
large intestine contains bacteria that breaks
down any remaining food and make vitamins.
The first part of the large intestine is called
the cecum. The appendix is attached to the
cecum. Sometimes the appendix gets
infected and has to be removed. The
appendix has no function in humans. The
main part of the large intestine is the colon
and the colon is as long as our tall.
Our small intestine is around 6-7m long tube and
is about 2.5 cm wide. The small intestine is
divided into 3 sections : the duodenum, the
jejunum and the ileum. Same as the stomach the
small intestine is also lined with protective mucus
that protects the small intestine from digesting
itself. The lining consists of thousand of villi. The
villi give the small intestine a HUGE surface area.
If we can flatten it, it could cover a whole tennis
court. The duodenum which is the first part of
the small intestine mixes the cyme with enzymes
and bile to break it into molecules so it is possible
to be absorbed. The middle part, the jejunum is
the part where the food is absorbed. Small
molecules pass across the villi into the blood
stream and they can be transported into all
around the body. The last part called the ileum
only absorb vitamin B12.
It is important to make good choices and not be pressured into
things that we feel are wrong.
Sometimes when we make choices there are effects that may
cause other people and myself harm.
Remember the ripple effect!
Saying NO is not easy sometimes but if we are confident to say it
then that is a good choice.
 Cannot
focus on School work
 Headache
• Frustrated/negative
 Tummy upset • Heart rate goes up
• Shaky
 Withdrawal
• Hot
 Cannot sleep
• Eating disorder
 Anxiety
• No appetite
 Get
support (adult)
 Try to ignore the situation
 Confrontation
 Apologize even if you are NOT in the wrong
We can help others and be friendly to them even if they are not your
For example we can give our seat to the ones who need it more than we
do. We can also greet them or even start a conversation. Every friendly
thing can be done to other people too even the ones who we don’t even
We can be friends to
 Smile
 Nice greeting
 Start a conversation
 Help someone
The best decision is an informed decision. The choices
we make effect our lives and all choices have
 The choices we make have consequences, positive and
 The choices we make MAY affect others.
 There are different influences on our choices.
 Every individual is responsible for choices he/she
What influences our choices?
Media and peer pressure
How people make decisions?
Choices, information, facts, influences, consequences,
What are the positive and
negative influences of
your advertisement?
• Some school might start
to give more healthy
• The students will be
more healthy
What are the positive and negative influences of • The company will be
more rich
your advertisement?
• Children might like
veggies and get use to
eat them
• Students might not want to eat lunch because
• The school might have
they don’t like the food
• The company might not be success in promoting more students
• School might gain more
its service or thing.
• The company might lose more money
• The school might be fooled by the company.
Friends can influence our idea by telling us to do it,
pushing us to do it and also they tell stories. They
can also said that it’s the trendy thing so it can
make us buy things we don’t feel comfortable with.
The world is made up
Of so many different people
And I’m happy to be who
I am and not anyone else
What I look like is only
One part of me and I’m
Sure that my friends would agree
What I say, how I feel
How, I act every day is
Much more important to me
My personality
Makes me, me
It’s my personality!
My individuality
My originality
It’s my specialty
It’s my personality!
Isn’t it good we are not exactly the same?!
During the topic of Changes in Me I found the most interesting
part is when we learnt about the organs in the human body.
There 8 body organs that we learnt which is the brain, lungs,
heart, stomach, liver, large intestine, small intestine and the
kidneys. The brain is one of the important organs in our body. It
controls everything even our personalities and feelings are all in
our brain. The lungs are the organs that helps us to breathe, they
are located in our chest. The heart is one of the most important
organ in our body. So the brain and the heart are the most
important organs without it we cannot survive. The main job of
the heart is to pump blood all around the our body and it never
stops. The stomach’s main job is to digest the food. The liver is
the only organ that can reproduce again. The large intestine is
around 7m-10m long and its just squeezed inside our body. The
kidney’s job is to clean our blood. Happy and healthy was quite
interesting because we got to know more information about how
to take care of ourselves. It was also very helpful when we learnt
the qualities of a friendship.