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Norman J. Beauchamp, Jr., M.D., M.H.S.
Professor and Chairman, 2002 - Present
Department of Radiology
Professor of Neurological Surgery, 2004
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Systems
Engineering, 2006
Adjunct Principle Scientist-Applied Physics Lab, 2010
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
President; University of Washington Physician Practice
Plan; 2006-2008
Home Address:
11701 N.E. 36th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Interim Chairman, 2002, Department of Radiology,
Johns Hopkins Medical Institution
Vice Chair for Clinical Operations, 1999-2002
Associate Professor, July, 2001 – November, 2002
Assistant Professor, July, 1996 – June, 2001
Department of Radiology
Johns Hopkins Medical Institution
Baltimore, MD
Business Address, Phone & E-mail:
Department of Radiology
University of Washington
Box 357115
Seattle, WA 98195
email: [email protected]
phone: 206-543-0871
Institution and Field
1982-86 B.S.
Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, Michigan--Biology
1986-90 M.D.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan,
College of Human Medicine
Internship-Categorical Year/General Surgery
Blodgett Medical Hospital Grand Rapids, Michigan
Michigan State University, Grand Rapids Campus
Department of General Surgery
Radiology Residency Training
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Department of Radiology
Neuroradiology Fellowship Training
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
1998-99 M.H.S. The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
Neurointerventional Radiology Fellowship Training
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
The Johns Hopkins Leadership Development Program
The Johns Hopkins Leadership and Diversity Program
GE Six Sigma Process Improvement Training Program
1986American Medical Association
Chapter Representative-AMA-M.S.S. National Conference
Student Advisory Committee, College of Human Medicine, MSU
1990Alpha Omega Alpha
American Heart Association, Stroke Council
American Heart Association Radiology Scientific Council
1995The American Roentgen Ray Society
1996American Society of Neuroradiology-Senior Member
Reviewer-American Journal of Neuroradiology
Reviewer- American Journal of Radiology
NIH Study Section-Ad Hoc Reviewer
Editorial Board - Radiology
1999American College of Radiology (ACR) Member
Eastern Neuroradiology Society- Senior Member
Treasurer- Eastern Neuroradiological Society
Clinical Practice Committee-American Society of Neuroradiology
American College of Physician Executives
American Society of Neuroradiology-Clinical Practice Committee
Secretary- Eastern Neuroradiological Society
RSNA Research Study Section Member, Chicago, Illinois
2002American Roentgen Ray Society Program Committee
Chair-American Roentgen Ray Society Education/CME Committee
2003Association of University Radiologists – member
2003Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiology Departments – member
NINDS Workshop, Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Harmonization
Criteria – Imaging Subcommittee
Association of University Radiologists – Board of Directors
2006Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiology Departments – Board of
Radiology Research Alliance - President
2006American Roentgen Ray Society Executive Council
ACR Task Force on Oral Boards
American College of Radiology – Director of Continuous Professional
Improvement for Neuroradiology
ACR Representative to Duty Hours Congress for ACGME Review of
Resident Duty Hours
Secretary/Treasurer- Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology
Editorial Board, Journal of American College of Radiology
Chair – American College of Radiology Education Commission
American College of Radiology – Board of Chancellors
AAMC Council of Academic Societies (CAS)
ACR Economic Issues in Academic Radiology Committee
Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (WBBA) Board of
Reviewer – Journal of Neuroimaging
Expert panelist for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Association of University Radiologists – Program Planning Committee
American Roentgen Ray Society – International Outreach Committee
RSNA Refresher Course Committee, Member/Health Policy and Practice
Steering Committee - Academy of Radiology Leadership and
International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology (IS3R) –
Executive Board, Secretary
American Roentgen Ray Society Roentgen Fund Board of Trustees
American Roentgen Ray Society – President Elect
Society of Chairs of Academic Radiology- President Elect
ACCME CME reaccreditation with Honors – American Roentgen Ray
Society Educational Program
ACRIN Network Chair’s Institutional Achievement Award
Fellow- American College of Radiology
Certificate of Merit. RSNA Education Exhibits – Informatics. Nowinski
WL, Qian GY, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Huang S, Hu QM, Gupta V,
Liu J, Leong WK, Thirunavuukarasuu A, Ananthasubramaniam A,
Parimal AS, Ng TT, Bilello M, Beauchamp NJ: CAD system for stroke
MR and CT.
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award in Radiology-as selected by the
fellows in the Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Fellowship Program
CTA angiography and perfusion imaging: The non-invasive need for
intervention. Beauchamp NJ, Carpenter J, Gailloud P, Wityk R. Magna
Cum Laude. Eastern Society of Neuroradiology
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award in Radiology-as selected by the
fellows in the Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Fellowship Program
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institution Leadership Program-24
individuals selected for a one year training program in leadership skills
American Roentgen Ray Scholarship
Editors Recognition Award for Distinction in Reviewing
for Radiology
Certificate of Merit. RSNA Scientific Exhibit Award
Beauchamp N, Ulug A, Bryan RN, vanZijl P. Diffusion Weighted
Imaging in Acute Stroke-Review and Controversies. Radiologic
Society of North America
Outstanding Fellow Teaching Award in Radiology,
as selected by the residents in The Johns Hopkins Residency
Invited Baccalaureate Speaker-School of Radiology Technology,
The Johns Hopkins University,
Outstanding Resident Instructor Award in General Surgery,
as selected by the medical school class of 1991 at Michigan State
University College of Human Medicine
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, Michigan State University, College of
Human Medicine-(Junior AOA- 1 of 5 Inductees)
Deans Scholarship for Outstanding Medical Student, 1986-90
Invited Baccalaureate Speaker-Lyman Briggs College,
Michigan State University
Top 25 Outstanding Seniors Award-Michigan State University,
(Class of 10,000 students)
Subcommittee-Redefining Requirements for Faculty PromotionJohns Hopkins House Staff Council
Johns Hopkins Hospital House Staff Council
Quality Assurance Committee. Department of Radiology, Johns
Hopkins University
Chief Resident, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
Chairman-Educational Development Subcommittee-JHH,
Department of Radiology
Member-Acute Stroke Committee-Johns Hopkins Hospital
Member-Cardiac/Cerebrovascular MRI Committee
Medical School Council Representative
Vice Chairman for Clinical Operations-Department of Radiology
Co-Chairman-Information Technology Committee
Medical School Council Agenda Committee
Executive Committee, Department of Radiology
Management Committee, Department of Radiology
Radiology Practice/Compliance Committee, Department of
Advisory Committee, The Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center
Chairman Search Committee--History of Medicine-Johns Hopkins
Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Planning Retreat
History of Science and Medicine Chair Search Committee
-Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Planning Committee
Co-Director-Combined Neurology-Radiology-Neuroradiology
Training Program for Radiology
Hopkins Medicine Clinical Practice Association-Oversight
Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Evaluation Committee
Quality Assurance Committee-Department of Radiology
Radiology Departmental Retreat Planning Committee
Chairman – Clinical Practice Operations Oversight Committee – Johns
Hopkins Hospital
2002UWP Board of Trustees, UW
2002Medical School Executive Committee, UW
2003Executive Committee- University of Washington Physicians Practice Plan
2004-present Clinical Oncology Oversight Committee, UW
Chair, UWP Performance and Compensation Committee,UW
UWP Compliance and Education Committee, UW
Clinical Management Committee, UW
Secretary, UWP Board of Trustees, UW
UW Medicine Board, UW
2006Medical School Executive Committee Steering Committee
2006UWP Audit and Finance Committee
UWP President
Chair, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Chair Search Committee
Chair, UW Medical Center Medical Director Search Committee
Chair, 5 year review of Chairman of Surgery Department
Chair, UWP Finance and Audit Committee
UWP Strategic Planning Committee
2008UW Medicine Strategic Planning Oversight Committee
2009Chair- Radiology Information Technology Committee
BOLD Choice Advisory Board Member
Telehealth Services Task Force
2011Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology Chair Search Committee
Co-Chair, UW Medicine Physician Re-entry Task Force
2011Co-Chair, UW Medicine Clinical Telemedicine Task Force
2011Co-Chair, UW Medicine Wellness Task Force
2012Search Committee, Dean of Engineering
Chair-Faculty Senate Executive Committee Nominating Committee
2012Curriculum Renewal Steering Committee, UW School of Medicine
2012Faculty Senate Chair Cabinet– Advisory Committee
2012Department of Bioengineering Advisory Board, University of Washington
2012Faculty Council on Research, UW
Peter Ghavami, Ph.D. candidate, Industrial Engineering
Mingang Fu, Ph.D. candidate, Industrial Engineering
GE Radiology Advisory Board
Microsoft Medical Information Technology Advisory Committee
Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association
2006Walter H. Coulter Foundation at the University of Washington.
Translational Research Partnership Awards in Biomedical
Engineering Award funding to UW investigators to support the
movement of promising technologies to clinical application. Committee
consists of leaders in academia, entrepreneurs and local venture groups
1. R01 HL 093086-01A1 (PI:Buchwald); Cerebrovascular Disease and Its Consequence in
the Strong Heart Study Cohort; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Role:
Co-Investigator 8/15/09 – 5/31/14
2. U01 HL080295-05 (PI:Psaty), Cardiovascular Health Study Events Follow-Up Study;
NIH; Role: Co-Investigator 8/01/09 – 5/31/14
3. Life Sciences Discovery Fund 09-02 (PI:Matula). Molecular Imaging and Therapy using
Ultrasound 5/1/10 - 4/30/15, $1,543,559 Role: Co-Principle Investigator
4. SABRE-COG Study funded by British Heart Foundation (PI:Shibata). Role: Coinvestigator, 2/1/08 – 7/31/12
1. American Society of Neuroradiology/Berlex Basic Science. The Natural History of
Areas at Risk of Infarction as defined by Perfusion MRI and MR Spectroscopic
Imaging. (PI: Beauchamp) 7/95-6/96
2. N01-HC-15103. MRI Reading Center; Cardiovascular Health Study, 7/95-7/97, (PI:
Beauchamp for Reading Center-Subcontract)
3. Johns Hopkins Gatewood Fellowship; MR Spectroscopic Imaging in Acute Stroke,
(PI: Beauchamp) 1997,
4. American Roentgen Ray Scholarship, 7/98-6/99;
5. Cardiovascular Health Study Ancillary Study: High Resolution MRI of the Internal
Carotid, NHLBI, 8/98-7/99; Role: Co-investigator
6. Cognitive Tests, ApoE, Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Risks of Dementia,
NHLBI, 7/99-6/00; Role: Co-investigator
7. MRI Reading Center. Atherosclerotic Risk in the Community, 7/95-7/96,
Role: Co-investigator
8. N01-HC-15103. Cardiovascular Health Study MRI Reading Center, 7/95-7/97,
The Cardiac Consequences of Hemispheric Stroke, R01NS3370-03, MR/CT
Interpretation, 7/96-98 Role: Co-investigator
9. N01-AG-4-2149. MRI Reading Center, Hawaii Aging Study.
RPN 98-06-12-08; Warfarin vs. Aspirin for Symptomatic Intracranial Disease
(WASID) Study - A 5 Year Multi-Center Clinical Trial; PI: Robert Wityk, MD
10. RPN 98-08-25-01; A Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Safety, Efficacy and Dose
Response Trial of Two Intravenous Doses of BMS-204352 in Patients with Acute
Stroke; PI: Daniel F. Hanley, MD
Entitled: " Superimposing Brain Atlas images and brain images with delineation of Infarct and
penumbra for stroke diagnosis”
Applicant: Agency for Science, Technology and Research
Inventor(s): Wieslaw Nowinski; Norman Beauchamp
Grant Number – US8,019,142
Grant Date – 13 Sep 2011
Scientific Presentations:
Anzai Y, Paladin A, Beauchamp NJ, Surawicz C. Breaking the glass ceiling for Women
in Radiology - Initiatives at the University of Washington. AAMC Annual Meeting. San
Francisco, CA. November 4, 2012
Lei H, Zou C, Pan D, Beauchamp NJ, Yang X, Matula T, Qiu B. Magnetic Stem Cell
Labeling Using Focused Ultrasound. ISMRM 20th Annual Meeting, Melbourne, Australia,
May 5-11, 2012.
McKay T, Nutt S, Li J, Beauchamp NJ, Yang X, Horner P, Qiu B. Neuralized iPSCs
can migrate to gliomas: MRI findings. ISMRM 19th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,
May 7-13, 2011.
Stratil P, Kohr JR, Beauchamp NJ, Medverd JR. Business of radiology: design,
implementation, and assessment of a curriculum for residents. Association of University
Radiologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 23-26, 2010.
Nowinski WL, Qian GY, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Gupta V, Puspitasari F, Hu J,
Liu J, Huang S, Kaźmierski R, Ambrosius W, Urbanik A, Chrzan R, Beauchamp NJ:
Computer-aided, atlas-assisted processing and quantification of CT and MR scans in stroke.
33rd European Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting ESNR 2008, 18 - 21 September
2008, Cracow, Poland. Neuroradiology 2008;50(Suppl 1):S66.
Nowinski WL, Guoyu Q, , Beauchamp NJ, Urbanik A, Liebeskind D, Nighoghossian N,
Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Huang S, Gupta V, Puspitasari F, Hu J, Liu J, Chrzan
R, Marcos A, Berthezene Y, Hermier M, Froment JC, Seet CS: A CAD system for
ischemic stroke supporting multiple infarct and penumbra definitions and time series
acquisitions. 94 Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly and Annual
Meeting, Chicago, USA, November 30 – December 5, 2008.
Nowinski WL, Beauchamp NJ, Bhanu Prakash KN, Liu J, Shibata DK, Gupta V,
Huang S, Hu J: Automatic white matter, ventricle, and stroke volumetric analysis of brain
MRI multimodal scans useful for epidemiologic studies and in identifying individual risk for
future stroke and dementia. 94 Radiological Society of North America Scientific Assembly
and Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, November 30 – December 5, 2008.
Nowinski WL, Qian GY, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Leong WK, Huang S,
Ananthasumbramaniam A, Liu J, Hu J, Gupta V, Lyon, NUH, Kazmierski R,
Ambrosius W, Urbanik A, Chrzan R, Beauchamp N Jr. A CAD system for acute
ischemic stroke. Stroke Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
Nowinski WL, Qian GY, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Huang S, Hu QM, Gupta V,
Liu J, Leong WK, Thirunavuukarasuu A, Ananthasubramaniam A, Parimal AS, Ng
TT, Bilello M, Beauchamp NJ. A CAD system for stroke MR and CT. RSNA, Education
Exhibits – Informatics, 2006.
10. Nowinski W, Guoyu Q, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Ananthasubramaniam A,
Beauchamp N. Atlas-assisted MR Stroke Image Interpretation by Using Anatomical and
Blood Supply Territories Atlases. RSNA 2005
11. Jacobs MA, Giugni E, Beauchamp NJ, Hillis AE, Wityk RJ, Restrepo L, Barker PB.
MR Perfusion Imaging. Evaluation of Signal and Contrast to Noise of Hemodynamic
Indices in Acute Stroke. American Society of Neuroradiology, 2003.
12. Babiarz LS, Yousem DM, Wasserman BA, Wu C. Bilker W. Beauchamp NJ.
Cavernous Carotid Artery Calcification and White Matter Ischemia. American Society of
Neuroradiology, 2003.
13. Barker PB, Eichler FS, Wityk RJ, Wang, PY, Beauchamp, NJ. Proton MR
Spectroscopic Imaging in Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome. American
Society of Neuroradiology; Vancouver, Canada. 2002
14. Beauchamp NJ, Jacobs MA, Simpson C, Giugni E, Hillis AE, Wityk RJ,
Barker PB. Time-to-Peak versus Mean Transit Time: a comparison of region defined as
“abnormal” in the evaluation of cerebral ischemia. American Society of Neuroradiology;
Vancouver, Canada. 2002
15. Karli Oguz K., Yousem DM, Herskovits EH, Deluca T, Beauchamp NJ. Impact of
Pager Notification on Verification Times. American Society of Neuroradiology;
Vancouver, Canada. 2002.
16. Karli Oguz K, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Herskovits EH, Beauchamp NJ. Impact of an
Emergency-Department Computed Tomography Scanner on Case Volume and Positive
Scan Rate. American Society of Neuroradiology; Vancouver, Canada. 2002.
17. Beauchamp NJ Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Jagust W. The Relationship of MRI to Dementia
in the Cardiovascular Health Study 8th International Conf on Alzheimer's Disease;
Stockholm, Sweden 2002.
18. Beauchamp NJ, Kuller L, Longstreth W, Arnold A, Bernick C, Bryan RN Weighted
White Matter Hyperintensity on Cerebral MRI-A Predictor of Stroke; American Academy
of Neurology-Denver, Colorado April 2002.
19. Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Tuffiash EC, Wityk RJ, Cooper O, Metter J.
Aphasia and Neglect Associated with Subcortical Infarcts Can Be Explained by Cortical
Hypoperfusion. American Heart Association Meeting. San Antonio, 2002.
20. Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Tuffiash EC, Wityk RJ, Jacobs MA, Selnes O.
Degree of Hypoperfusion of Wernicke's Area Predicts Severity of Word Comprehension
Deficit. American Heart Association Meeting. San Antonio, 2002.
21. Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Tuffiash EC, Wityk RJ, Early Recovery of
Aphasia Is Due to Reperfusion of Wernicke's Area. American Heart Association Meeting.
San Antonio, 2002.
22. Beauchamp NJ, Kuller L, Longstreth W, Arnold A, Bernick C, Bryan RN. MRI T2
White matter hyperintensity as a predictor of Stroke Risk. Radiological Society of North
American. Chicago 2001.
23. Beauchamp NJ, Wityk RJ, Hillis A, Simpson C, Barker PB. Perfusion weighted MRI of
the Posterior Circulation by time to peak analysis. Normal values relative to the anterior
circulation. . Radiological Society of North American. Chicago 2001.
24. Albayram SM, Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Murphy K. Fenestration of the middle
cerebral artery: Four angiographic observations leading to a possible embryologic
explanation. Radiological Society of North American. Chicago 2001.
25. Hillis AE, Tuffias E, Wityk R., Beauchamp NJ, Gordon B, Barker P. Diffusion
weighted imaging and Gadolinium perfusion imaging for identifying regions of damage or
tissue dysfunction associated with specific lexical deficits. Academy of Aphasia; Boulder,
CO; October 2001.
26. Beauchamp NJ, Keswani S, Wityk RJ. Posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy, a cause
of reversible coma and brainstem edema. American Society of Neuroradiology, Boston,
May 2001.
27. Beauchamp NJ, Hillis AE, Barker P, Aldrich E, Ulatowski JA, Wityk R. Neural
substrates of the cognitive processes underlying writing: MR evidence from diffusion and
perfusion scanning in hyperacute stroke. American Society of Neuroradiology, Boston, May
28. Beauchamp NJ, Chan B. Wireless local area networks: benefits for neuroradiology.
American Society of Neuroradiology, Boston, May 2001.
29. Gailloud P, Albayram S, Beauchamp NJ, Miller NR, Tamargo RJ, Murphy KJ.
Angiographic appearance and association with intracavernous aneurysms. American
Society of Neuroradiology, Boston, May 2001
30. Beauchamp NJ, Chan B. Image transfer rates across a wireless local area network.
Computer assisted exhibit. American Society of Neuroradiology, Boston, May 2001.
31. Beauchamp NJ, Chan B. What do I need to build a wireless local area network for
neuroradiology? Computer assisted exhibit. American Society of Neuroradiology, Boston,
May 2001.
32. Gottwald TF, Zinreich SJ, Beauchamp NJ, Nedden DZ. Identification of the Anterior
Ethmoidal Artery on Coronal CT Imaging of the Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses and
with CTA. Radiological Society of North America, November 2000. Radiology 217:
33. Hillis AE, Barker P, Aldrich E, Ulatowski JA, Beauchamp NJ, Wityk R. Improved
Function and Perfusion with Pharmacological Blood Pressure Elevation. Stroke 32:319c,
34. Hillis AE, Kane A, Jacobs M, Barker P, Beauchamp N, Wityk R, Gordon B. Neural
Substrates of the Cognitive Processes Underlying Writing: Evidence from MR Perfusion
and Diffusion Imaging in Hyperacute Stroke. Presented at the Annual Meeting of American
Academy of Neurology; Philadelphia; May 2001. Abstract published in Neurology,
35. Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Gordon B, Wityk RJ. Hypoperfusion of
Wernicke's Area Causes Semantic Impairment: Evidence From Magnetic Resonance
Perfusion Imaging. Neurology (Neurology, 54 (suppl 3)), A398.
36. Beauchamp NJ, Perovitch M. Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Imaging Applied in Stroke.
International Stroke Meeting. Lugano, Switzerland May 2000.
37. Hillis AE, Kane A, Barker P, Beauchamp N, Wityk R. Reperfusion of specific brain
regions restores selective lexical functions. Academy of Aphasia, Montreal; October, 2000.
Abstract published in Brain and Language, 74, 368-371
38. Beauchamp NJ, Carpenter J, Gailloud P, Wityk R. CTA angiography and perfusion
imaging: The non-invasive need for intervention. Eastern Neuroradiology Society. August
39. Carhuapoma JR, Beauchamp NJ. Brain edema after intracerebral hemorrhage: A MRI
volumetric study. American Academy of Neurology 51st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
2000. Neurology 54 (7), 2000; A375.
40. Beauchamp NJ, Carpenter J, Gottwald T. CT Angiography – Improving Vessel
Conspicuity Using a Volume Rendering Multiple Trapezoid Color Encoding Technique. .
American Society of Neuroradiology, April 2000.
41. Hillis AE, Wang P, Wityk R, Beauchamp NJ, Barker P, Gordon B. Regions of ischemia
on MR perfusion imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging associated with aphasia and
neglect in hyperacute stroke. American Academy of Neurology. Toronto, April 1999.
Abstract: Neurology, 5 (supplement).
42. Wang, Barker, Ulug, Yang Y, Duyn JH, Beauchamp NJ. Diffusion negative acute
cerebral ischemia. Radiologic Society of North America. Dec 98.
43. Carhuapoma JR, Barker P, Beauchamp NJ, Wang P, Ulatowski J, Hanley D. Proton
MR Spectroscopy, Diffusion and Perfusion MR in the study of intraparenchymal
hemorrhage. National Stroke Association Oct 98.
44. Hillis AE, Wang P, Beauchamp NJ, Barker P, Wityk R. Neglect dyslexia due to parietal
hypoperfusion reversed by endarterectomy. Academy of Aphasia. Santa Fe, November
1998. Abstract: Brain and Language, 65, 161-154.
45. Beauchamp NJ, Wang P, Ulug AM, Chun T, Barker P, vanZijl PCM. Single-Shot
Diffusion Imaging of Acute Stroke. American Society of Neuroradiology. May1998.
46. Wang P, Beauchamp NJ, Ulug AM, Barker P, van Zijl PCM. Diffusion Negative MR in
Acute Stroke. American Society of Neuroradiology. May 1998
47. Heath D, Beauchamp NJ, Fishman EK. Virtual Imaging for volume rendered helical
CTA. Radiologic Society of North America. Nov. 1997.
48. Beauchamp NJ, Bryan RN. Prevalence and Anatomic Characteristics of Infarct Like
Lesions on MRI in the Middle Aged: Data from the Atherosclerotic Risk in the
Community. American Society of Neuroradiology. May 1997.
49. Beauchamp NJ, Heath D, Rigamonti D, Tamargo R, Moses H, Fishman. Spiral CT
Neuroangiography as an adjunct to Conventional Angiography in Surgical Decision
Making. American Society of Neuroradiology. May 1997.
50. Chan B, Beauchamp NJ, Passe T. Computer based format for CT interpretation of Acute
Stroke as a tool for medical management and education. American Society of
Neuroradiology. May 1997.
51. vanZijl PCM, Ulug A, Beauchamp NJ, Bryan RN, Oppenheimer SM. Quantitation of
Diffusion Constants in Human Stroke. Cerebrovascular Diseases. Volume 6, supplement 2,
p. 84. 1996. Presented 9/96.
52. Beauchamp NJ, Heath Johnson P, Kuszyk B, Health D, Fishman EK. Volume
Rendering for Spiral CT Neuroangiography. Radiologic Society of North America.
Presented 12/96.
53. Beauchamp N, Passe T, Bryan RN. The Structure Function Correlates of Stroke.
American Society of Neuroradiology. Annual Meeting. Presented 6/96.
54. Rothman RE, Chanmugam A, McArthur JC, Lee RR, Beauchamp NJ, Shahan J,
Danyluk T, Kelen GD. Determining Appropriate ED Utilization of Head CT IN HIV+
Patients. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine National Meeting. Presented 5/1996.
55. Beauchamp N, Manolio T, Steinberg E, Bryan RN. The Feasibility and Value of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Large Scale Epidemiologic Stroke Studies. Society of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Annual Meeting. Presented 4/96.
56. Ulug A, Oliverio P, Beauchamp N, Soher B, Bryan RN, Oppenheimer S, van Zijl P.
Diffusion-Weighted and Absolute Diffusion Imaging of Human Stroke. Society of
Magnetic Resonance Annual Meeting. Presented 8/1995.
57. Joseph D, Pieramici D, Beauchamp N. Diagnosis and Prognosis of Ruptured globes
Using Computed Tomography. Vision in Opthamology Meeting. Presented 12/1994.
58. Zachery R, Rigamonti D, Beauchamp N, Monsein L, Wharam M. Stereotactic
Radiosurgery for the Treatment of Arteriovenous Malformations: Linear Accelerator (Linac)
versus Gamma Knife. American Association of Neurologic Surgeons. Presented 8/1994.
55. Beauchamp N, Gottlieb L, Scott W, Fishman E. Poster Presentation: Computed
tomographic Evaluation of Soft Tissue Inflammation: An Algorithmic Approach. The
Radiologic Society of North America National Meeting. 9/1992.
Forman HP, Larson DB, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Crowe JK, Javitt MC,
Beauchamp NJ Jr, Mendelson EB. Masters of radiology panel discussion: Hyperefficient
radiology--can we maintain the pace? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012 Oct;199(4):838-43.
Forman HP, Larson DB, Kaye AD, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Crowe JK, Javitt MC,
Beauchamp NJ Jr, Mendelson EB. Masters of radiology panel discussion: The future of
the radiology job market. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012 Jul;199(1):127-32.
Forman HP, Larson DB, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Crowe JK, Javitt MC,
Beauchamp NJ Jr, Mendelson EB. Masters of radiology panel discussion: Maintaining
maintenance of certification in the field of radiology. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2012
Forman HP, Larson DB, Kaye AD, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Crowe JK, Javitt MC,
Beauchamp NJ Jr. Masters of radiology panel discussion: Women in radiology--how can
we encourage more women to join the field and become leaders?AJR Am J Roentgenol.
2012 Jan;198(1):145-9.
Forman HP, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Kaye A, Larson DB, Norbash A. Masters of radiology
panel discussion: What is the role of the radiologist in holding down health care cost
growth? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Oct;197(4):919-22
Longstreth WT Jr, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Bernick C, Lefkowitz DS, Beauchamp NJ
Jr, Manolio TA. Progression of MRI-defined brain vascular disease predicts vascular
events in elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke, 2011 Oct;42(10):2970-2.
Forman HP, Larson DB, Kaye AD, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Crowe JK, Javitt MC,
Beauchamp NJ Jr. Masters of radiology panel discussion: the commoditization of
radiology. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Apr;196(4):843-7.
Enzmann DR, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Norbash A. Scenario Planning. J Am Coll Radiol.
2011 Mar;8(3):175-9.
Forman HP, Norbash A, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Thrall JH, Larson DB, Kazerooni EA,
Hricak H, Monsees B, Javitt MC, Crowe JK. Masters of radiology panel discussion:
Models for health care performance in radiology-how do we measure our productivity and
ourselves? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Jan;196(1):130-5.
Forman HP, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Kazerooni EA, Larson DB, Javitt MC, Norbash A.
Masters of radiology panel discussion: who is accountable for the appropriateness of
studies – the radiologist, the referring physician, or both? AJR Am J Roentgenol 2010 Oct;
Forman HP, Javitt MC, Monsees B, Larson DB, Norbash A, Kaye A, Beauchamp NJ
Jr, Messinger N. Masters of radiology panel discussion: radiology extenders – challenges
and opportunities to balance the demands of our changing work environment. AJR Am J
Roentgenol 2010 Jul; 195(1):170-5.
Forman HP, Javitt MC, Monsees B, Crowe JK, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Larson DB, Kaye
A, Kazerooni EA, Norbash A, Messinger N, Hricak H, Thrall JH. Masters of radiology
panel discussion: role of communication in today’s radiologic practices. AJR Am J
Roentgenol 2010 Apr; 194(4):1014-7.
Reshef S, Fried L, Beauchamp N, Scharfstein D; Reshef D; Goodman S. Diastolic
Blood Pressure Levels and Ischemic Stroke Incidence in Older Adults With White Matter
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2011 Jan;66(1):74-81. Epub 2010 Oct. 28.
Podewils LJ, Guallar E, Beauchamp N, Lyketsos CG, Kuller LH, Scheltens P.
Physical activity and white matter lesion progression: assessment using MRI. Neurology
2007 Apr 10;68(15):1223-6.
Nowinski WL, Qian G, Bhanu Prakash KN, Volkau I, Hu Q, Thirunavuukarasuu A,
Ivanov N, Parimal AS, Qiao Y, Ananthasubramaniam A, Huang S, Runge VM,
Beauchamp NJ. Design and development of a computer aided diagnosis system for
processing of acute ischemic stroke MR images. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and
Biomedicine 2006;3(6):401.
Nowinski WL, Prakash B, Volkau I, Ananthasubramaniam A, Beauchamp NJ Jr.
Rapid and automatic calculation of the midsagittal plane in magnetic resonance diffusion
and perfusion images. Acad Radiol 2006 May;13(5):652-63.
Nowinski WL, Qian G, Kirgaval Nagaraja BP, Thirunavuukarasuu A, Hu Q, Ivanov
N, Parimal AS, Runge VM, Beauchamp NJ. Analysis of ischemic stroke MR images by
means of brain atlases of anatomy and blood supply territories. Acad Radiol 2006
Perez A, Restrepo L, Kleinman JT, Barker P, Beauchamp N, Wityk RJ. Patients with
diffusion-perfusion mismatch on magnetic resonance imaging 48 hours or more after stroke
symptom onset: clinical and imaging features. J. Neuroimaging 2006;16:329-333.
Prakash KNB, Gupta V, Bilello M, Beauchamp NJ, Nowinski WL. Identification,
segmentation, and image property study of acute infarcts in diffusion-weighted images by
using a probabilistic neural network and adaptive Gaussian mixture model. Acad Radiol
2006 Dec;13(12):1474-84.
Mukamal KJ, Chung H, Jenny NS, Kuller LH, Longstreth WT Jr, Mittleman MA,
Burke GL, Cushman M, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Siscovick DS. Alcohol use and risk of
ischemic stroke among older adults. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke
Restrepo L, Jacobs MA, Barker PB, Beauchamp N, Skolasky RL, Keswani SC, Wityk
RJ. Etiology of perfusion-diffusion MRI mismatch patterns. J Neuroimaging
Carhuapoma JR, Wang P, Beauchamp NJ, Hanley DF, Barker PB. Diffusionperfusion MR evaluation and spectroscopy before and after surgical therapy for
intracerebral hemorrhage. Neurocrit Care 2005;2(1):23-7.
Longstreth WT, Arnold AM, Beauchamp NJ, Manolio TA, Lefkowitz D, Jungreis C,
Hirsch CH, O’Leary DH, Furberg CD. Incidence, manifestations, and predictors of
worsening white matter on serial cranial magnetic resonance imaging in the elderly. The
cardiovascular health study. Stroke 2005;36(1):56-61.
Kuller LH, Longstreth WT Jr, Arnold AM, Bernick C, Bryan RN, Beauchamp NJ Jr;
White matter hyperintensity on cranial magnetic resonance imaging: a predictor of stroke.
Stroke. 2004 Aug;35(8):1821-5
Yousem D, Beauchamp NJ. A national neuroimaging database: a call to action. AJNR
Am J Neuroradiol. 2004 Jun-Jul;25(6):908-9.
Yousem DM, Bryan RN, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Arnold AM. A national neuroimaging
database: a call to action. Acad Radiol 2004 Jul;11(7):829-31.
Ding J, Nieto FJ, Beauchamp NJ, Harris TB, Robbins JA, Hetmanski JB, Fried LP,
Redline S. Sleep-disordered breathing and white matter disease in the brainstem in older
adults. Sleep-disordered breathing and white matter disease in the brainstem in older
adults. Sleep. 2004 May 1;27(3):474-9.
Ding J, Nieto FJ, Beauchamp NJ, Longstreth WT Jr, Manolio TA, Hetmanski JB,
Fried LP. A prospective analysis of risk factors for white matter disease in the brain stem:
the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neuroepidemiology. 2003 Sep-Oct; 22(5): 275-82
Hillis AE, Ulatowski JA, Barker PB, Torbey M, Ziai W, Beauchamp N, Oh S, Wityk
R. A pilot randomized trial of induced blood pressure elevation: effects on function and
focal perfusion in acute and subacute stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2003; 16: 236–246
Bariarz LS, Yousem DM, Wasserman BA, Wu C, Bilker W, Beauchamp NJ Jr.
Cavernous carotid artery calcification and white matter ischemia. AJNR Am J
Neuroradiol. 2003 May; 24(5): 872-7
Lin DD, Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Aldrich EM, Wityk RJ, Murphy KJ. Combined
stent placement and thrombolysis in acute vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2003 Oct; 24(9): 1827-33
Hillis AE, Wityk RJ, Beauchamp NJ, Ulatowski JA, Jacobs MA, Barker PB.
Perfusion-weighted MRI as a marker of response to treatment in acute and subacute
stroke.Neuroradiology. 2004 Jan;46(1):31
Carhuapoma JR, Hanley DF, Banerjee M, Beauchamp NJ. Brain edema after human
intracerebral hemorrhage: a magnetic resonance imaging volumetric analysis. J Neurosurg
Anesthesiol 2003;15(3):230-233.
Restrepo L, Razumovsky AY, Ziai W, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Wityk RJ.
Transcranial Doppler markers of diffusion-perfusion mismatch. J Neuroimaging 2003;
Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Newman A, Beauchamp NJ, Burke G, Dulberg C, Fitzpatrick
A, Fried L, Haan MN. Risk factors for dementia in the cardiovascular health cognition
study. Neuroepidemiology 2003;22(1):13-22.
Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Fitzpatrick A, Ives D, Becker JT, Beauchamp N. Evaluation of
dementia in the cardiovascular health cognition study. Neuroepidemiology 2003;22(1):112.
Moore C, Heck D, Beauchamp N, Gailloud P. Detection of CT angiography of an
accessory middle cerebral artery simulating a fusiform aneurysm on MR angiography.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 2003 Feb;180(2):544-5.
Gotwald TF, Menzler A, Beauchamp NJ, zur Nedden D, Zinreich SJ. Paranasal and
orbital anatomy revisited: identification of the ethmoid arteries on coronal CT scans. Crit
Rev Comput Tomogr. 2003; 44(5): 263-78.
Restrepo L, Pradilla G, Llinas R, Beauchamp NJ. Perfusion- and diffusion-weighted
MR imaging-guided therapy of vertebral artery dissection: intraarterial thrombolysis
through an occipital vertebral anastomosis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2003 Oct; 24(9):
1823-6 .
Rastogi R, Beauchamp NJ, Ladenson PW. Calcification of the basal ganglia in chronic
hypoparathyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Apr; 88(4): 1476-7.
Fatemi A, Barker PB, Ulug AM, Nagae-Poetscher LM, Beauchamp NJ, Moser AB,
Raymond GV, Moser HW, Naidu S. MRI and proton MRSI in women heterozygous for
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. Neurology. 2003 Apr 22; 60(8): 1301-7.
Restrepo L, Wityk RJ, Gregg MA, Borowicz L Jr, Barker PB, Jacobs MA,
Beauchamp NJ, Hillis AE, McKhann GM. Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted magnetic
resonance imaging of the brain before and after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery.
Stroke 2002 Dec;33(12):2909-15.
Evers RW, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Beauchamp NJ Jr, Smith S. PACS and unread
images. Acad Radiol 2002 Nov;9(11):1326-30.
Longstreth WT Jr, Dulberg C, Manolio TA, Lewis MR, Beauchamp NJ Jr, O’Leary
D, Carr J, Furgerg CD. Incidence, manifestations, and predictors of brain infarcts
defined by serial cranial magnetic resonance imaging in the elderly: the Cardiovascular
Health Study. Stroke 2002 Oct;33(10):2376-82.
Oguz KK, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Herskovits EH, Beauchamp NJ. Effect of
emergency department CT on neuroimaging case volume and positive scan rates. Acad
Radiol 2002 Sep;9(9):1018-24.
Carhuapoma JR, Barker PB, Hanley DF, Wang P, Beauchamnp NJ. Human brain
hemorrhage: quantification of perihematoma edema by use of diffusion-weighted MR
imaging. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2002 Sep;23(8):1322-6.
Oguz KK, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Herskovits EH, Beauchamp NJ Jr. Impact of pager
notification on report verification times. Acad Radiol 2002 Aug;9(8):954-9.
Vasconcelos C, Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Heck DV, Murphy KJ. Is percutaneous
vertebroplasty without pretreatment venography safe? Evaluation of 205 consecutive
procedures. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2002 Jun-Jul;23(6):913-7.
Wityk RJ, Hillis AE, Beauchamp NJ, Barker PB, Rigamonti D. Perfusion-Weighted
MRI in Adult Moyamoya Syndrome: Characteristic Patterns and Change after Surgical
Intervention. Neurosurgery. 2002 Dec; 51(6): 1499-505; discussion 1506.
Evers RW, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Beauchamp NJ, Smith S. PACS and Unread Films.
Acad Radiol. 2002 Nov; 9(11): 1326-30
Hammoud D, Beauchamp NJ, Wityk R, Yousem D. Ischemic complication of a cerebral
developmental venous anomaly: case report and review of the literature.
J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2002 Jul-Aug; 26(4): 633-6.
Karli-Oguz K, Yousem DM, Deluca T, Herskovits EH, Beauchamp, NJ Jr. Impact of
pager notification on report verification times. Academic Radiology 2002; 9:954- 959.
Carhuapoma JR, Barker PB, Hanley DF, Wang P, Beauchamp NJ. Human Brain
Hemorrhage: Quantification of Perihematoma Edema Using Diffusion Magnetic
Resonance Imaging. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2002, September 23:1-5.
Vasconcelos C, Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Heck DV, Murphy KJ. Percutaneous
Vertebroplasty Without Pretreatment Venography Safe? AJNR 2002, Jun-Jul;23(6):913-7.
Hillis AE, Wityk RJ, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Gailloud P, Murphy K, Cooper O,
Metter EJ. Subcortical aphasia and neglect in acute stroke: the role of cortical
hypoperfusion. Brain 2002. May:125:1094-104.
Eichler F, Wang P, Wityk R, Beauchamp N, Barker P. Diffuse Metabolic
Abnormalities in Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome. AJNR 2002.
Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Martin JB, Murphy KJ. Percutaneous Pediculoplasty:
Polymethylmethacrylate Injection into Lytic Vertebral Pedicle Lesions. J Vas Interv
Radiol 2002, May;13(5):517-21.
Gailloud P, Albayram S, Fasel JH, Beauchamp NJ, Murphy KJ. Angiographic and
Embryologic Considerations in Five Cases of Middle Cerebral Artery Fenestration. AJNR
2002 Apr;23(4):585-7.
Hillis AE, Kane A, Tuffiash E, Beauchamp NJ, Barker PB, Jacobs MA, Wityk RJ.
Neural substrates of the cognitive processes underlying spelling: Evidence from MR
diffusion and perfusion imaging. Aphasiology 2002, 16, 245-38.
Hillis AE, Wityk RJ, Tuffiash E, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Jacobs MA, Selnes OA.
Hypoperfusion of Wernicke’s area predicts severity of semantic deficit in acute stroke.
Annals of Neurology 2001 Nov;50(5):561-66.
Hillis AE, Kane A, Tuffiash E, Ulatowski JA, Barker P, Beauchamp N, Wityk R.
Reperfusion of specific brain regions by raising blood pressure restores selective language
functions in subacute stroke. Brain and Language 2002, Dec;79(3), 495-510.
Longstreth WT, Diehr P, Beauchamp NJ, Manolio TA. Patterns on Cranial Magnetic
Resonance Imaging in Elderly People and Vascular Disease Outcomes. Arch Neurol 2001,
Moriarty Jl, Lim M, Storm PB, Beauchamp NJ, Olivi A. Reversible Posterior
Leukoencephalopathy occurring during resection of a posterior fossa tumor: case report and
review of literature. Neurosurgery 2001, Nov;49(5):1237-9; discussion 1239-40.
Bernick C, Kuller L, Dulberg C, Longstreth Jr. WT, Manolio T, Beauchamp NJ,
Price T. Silent MRI Infarcts and the Risk of Future Stroke: The Cardiovascular Health
Study. Neurology. Neurology 2001;57:1222-1229
Gailloud P, Beauchamp NJ, Carpenter JS, Albayram S, Murphy KJ. Vascular
compression by a ventricular shunt catheter: clinical value of volume-rendered CT
angiography. AJNR 2001 Sept;22(8):1570-1.
Hillis AE, Kane A, Barker P , Beauchamp NJ, Wityk R. Neural Substrates of the
Cognitive Processes Underlying Reading: Evidence from Magnetic Resonance Perfusion
Imaging in Hyperacute Stroke. Aphasiology 2001, 15, 919-31.
Longstreth WT, Diehr P, Manolio TA, Beauchamp NJ, Jungreis CA, Lefkowitz D.
Cluster Analysis and Patterns of Findings on Cranial MRI of the Elderly: the
Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch. Neurol. 2001 Apr;58(4):635-40
Gottwald T, Beauchamp NJ, Melhem ER, Wityk R. MR Angiography of the Internal
Carotid Artery. Journal of Women’s Imaging. 2000, Nov 2 (4); 195-201.
Hillis AE, Barker PB, Beauchamp NJ, Winters BD, Mirski M, Wityk RJ. Restoring
blood pressure reperfused Wernicke’s area and improved language. Neurology. 2001 Mar
Wityk RJ, Goldsborough MA, Hillis A, Beauchamp N, Barker PB, Borowicz MS,
McKhann GM. Diffusion-weighted Brain MRI in Patients with Neurological
Complications after Cardiac Surgery. Arch Neurol. 2001 Apr;58(4):571-6.
McCollough L, Beauchamp NJ, Wityk RJ. Recent advances in the diagnosis and
treatment of stroke. Surv Ophthalmol. 2001 Jan-Feb;45(4):317-30.
Joseph DP, Pieramici DJ, Beauchamp NJ. Computed Tomography (CT) in the
Diagnosis and Prognosis of Open Globe Injuries. Computed tomography in the diagnosis
and prognosis of open-globe injuries. Ophthalmology. 2000 Oct;107(10):1899-906
Higman MA, Port JD, Beauchamp NJ, Chen AR. Reversible leukoencephalopathy
associated with re-infusion of DMSO preserved stem cells. Bone Marrow Transplantation
Beauchamp NJ, Barker PB, Wang PY, vanZijl PCM. Imaging of Acute Cerebral
Ischemia. Radiology 1999; August;212(2):307-24.
Hillis AE, Wang P, Beauchamp N, Barker P, Gordon B. Wityk R. Magnetic resonance
perfusion imaging: a new method for localizing regions of brain dysfunction associated
with specific lexical impairments? Aphasiology, May/June; 2000;14, 471-483
Yousem DM, Beauchamp NJ. Clinical Imput into Designing a PACS. Digit Imaging.
2000 ;Feb;13(1):19-24.
Passe TJ, Beauchamp NJ, Burger PC. Neuroimaging in the Identification of Low Grade
and Non-Neoplastic CNS Lesions. The Neurologist. 5:293-299. 1999.
Carhuapoma JR, Wang PY, Beauchamp NJ, Keyl PM, Hanley DF, Barker PB.
Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging
in the Study of Secondary Neuronal Injury After Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2000
Mar; 31(3):726-32.
Kuller LH, Velentgas P, Barzilay J, Beauchamp NJ, O’Leary DH, Savage PJ.
Diabetes Mellitus-Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease and Risk of Incident Cardiovascular
Disease and all Cause Mortality. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000 Mar;20(3):823-9.
Hillis AE, Barker P , Beauchamp N, Gordon B ,Wityk R MR perfusion imaging reveals
regions of hypoperfusion associated with aphasia and neglect. Neurology. 2000 Sep
Wang P, Barker P, van Zijl PCM, Beauchamp NJ. Diffusion negative stroke. AJNR
Am J Neuroradiology. 1999 Nov-Dec; 20:1876-80.
Rothman RE, Keyl PM, McArthur JC, Beauchamp NJ, Danyluk T, Kelen GD. A
Decision Guideline for Emergency Department Utilization of Noncontrast Head CT in
HIV-Infected Patients. Acad Emerg Med. 1999 Oct;6(10):1010-9.
Chua HC, Sen S, Cosgriff RF, Gerstenblith G, Beauchamp NJ, Oppenheimer SM.
Neurogenic ST Depression in Stroke. Clin Neurology and Neurosurgery. 1999
Bhadelia RA, Anderson M, Polak JF, Manolio TA, Beauchamp NJ, Knepper L,
O’Leary DH. Prevalence and associations of MRI demonstrated brain infarcts in elderly
subjects with history of transient ischemic attack: For the CHS Collaborative Research
Group. Stroke 1999 Feb;30(2):383-8
Beauchamp NJ, Bryan RN. Acute cerebral ischemic infarction: a pathophysiological
review and radiological perspective. Am J Roentgenol. 1998 Jul;171(1):73-84.
Manolio TA, Burke GL, O’Leary DH, Evans G, Beauchamp NJ, Knepper L, Ward B
for the CHS Collaborative Research Group. Relationship on Cerebral MRI Findings to
Ultrasonographic Carotid Atherosclerosis in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health
Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 1999 Feb;19(2):356-365.
Beauchamp N, Ulug A, Passe TJ, vanZijl P. Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Acute
Stroke-Review and Controversies. Radiographics. 1998 Sep-Oct;18(5):1269-83.
Kronmal RA, Hart RG, Manolio TA, Talber RL, Hennekens CH, Beauchamp NJ,
Newman A. Aspirin use and incident stroke in the Cardiovascular Health Study. CHS
Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1998 May;29(5):887-94.
Port J, Beauchamp NJ. Reversible Intracerebral Pathological Entities Mediated by
Vascular Autoregulatory Dysfunction. Radiographics 1998 Mar-Apr;18(2):353-67.
Ulug A, Beauchamp NJ, Bryan RN, vanZijl PCM. Quantitation of Apparent Diffusion
Constants in Human Stroke. Stroke, 1997; 28: 483-490.
Beauchamp NJ, Pizer E, Hruban RH, Fishman EK. Ossification of a Rectal Tumor: CT
Evaluation. Comput Assist Tomogr. 1997 Jul-Aug;21(4):671-3.
Melhem E, Benson M, Beauchamp N, Lee R: Cervical spondylosis: three-dimensional
gradient-echo MR with magnetization transfer. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1996 Apr; 17(4):
Beauchamp N, Kuhlman J: The MR Appearance of Placental Insertion site-Gestational
Trophoblastic Neoplasm. Clin Imaging. 1996 Jan-Mar;20(1):60-3
94. Beauchamp N, Gottlieb L, Scott W, Fishman E. CT Evaluation of Soft tissue and
Muscle Infection and Inflammation: A Systematic Compartmental Approach. Skeletal
Radiol. 1995 Jul;24(5):317-24.
Tomares S, Jabra A, Conrad C, Beauchamp N et al. Hemothorax in a Child as a Result
of Costal Exostosis. Pediatrics. 1994 Mar;93(3):523-5.
Beauchamp N, Kuhlman J. MR Features of Bleeding Renal Arteriovenous
Malformations. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1993 Mar-Apr;17(2):297-9.
(book chapters)
1. Beauchamp NJ, Hurt C. Accounts Receivable. In: Radiology Business Practice. How to
Succeed. Yousem DM, Beauchamp NJ (Eds.) Elsevier 2007
Beauchamp NJ. Leadership In: Radiology Business Practice. How to Succeed. Yousem
DM, Beauchamp NJ (Eds.) Elsevier 2007
Matheus MG, Beauchamp Jr NJ. Approach to Neuroimaging in the Emergency
Department. General Overview of Common Techniques. In: Emergency Medicine. A
Comprehensive Study Guide. Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, Stapczynski JS (Eds.) New York,
Beauchamp Jr NJ, Campbell Jr PD. Neuro CTA. In: Multidetector CT. Principles,
Techniques, and Clinical Applications. Fishman EK, Jeffrey RB (Eds.) Philadelphia,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins:2004;443-461.
Hurt CJ, Yousem DM, Beauchamp Jr NJ. Imaging Neoplasms of the Central Nervous
System, Head, and Neck. In: Holland Frei Cancer Medicine, Vol. 1. Kufe DW, Pollock
RE, Weichselbaum RR, Bast RC, Gansler TS, Holland JF, Frei III E (Eds.) Hamilton, BC
Decker, Inc.:2003;509-515.
Beauchamp Jr NJ. Holland Frei Cancer Medicine Review. Contributing Editor. Kufe
DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, Bast RC, Gansler TS, Holland JF, Frei III E (Eds.)
Hamilton, BC Decker, Inc.:2003;509-515.
Gottwald T, Beauchamp NJ. Non-invasive Imaging of the Cerebral Vasculature.
Applied Radiology. Aug 2000; 29 (8).
Wityk RJ, Beauchamp NJ. Diagnostic Evaluation of Stroke. Neurologic Clinics 2000
May; 18(2): 357-378. Review.
Beauchamp, NJ. Approach to Neuroimaging in the Emergency Department. Emergency
Medicine, Fifth Edition; 1494-1500.
10. Fortman BJ, Kuszyk BS, Beauchamp NJ. Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville's disease).
Applied Radiology. 1999 April. 28 (4):
11. Van Zijl PCM, Mori S, Beauchamp NJ, Wang PY, Barker PB. Fast MRI Application:
Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging of the Brain; Overview and Recent Work. Exerpta
Medica Intern. Congress Series, eds. S. Naruse, H. Watari, (ICS 1192-R), pp. 179-184
12. Provenzale JM, Beauchamp NJ. Recent Advances in Imaging of Cerebrovascular
Disease. Radiologic Clin of North America. 1999 May;37(3):467-88. Review.
13. Kuszyk BS, Beauchamp NJ, Fishman EK. Neurovascular Applications of CT
Angiography. Semin Ultrasound CT MR. 1998 Oct;19(5):394-404. Review.
14. Beauchamp NJ. Neuroimaging of Stroke for the Emergency Room Physician. In: Topics
in Emergency Medicine. NT Gentile (Ed). Aspen Publication. 1997, pp. 20-41.
15. Beauchamp NJ, Bryan RN: Neuroimaging of Stroke. In: Primer on Cerebrovascular
Disease. Welch KMA, Kaplan L, Reis D, Siejo B, Weir B (Eds.). London, Academic
Press: 1997;599-610.
16. Beauchamp NJ. Orbital and Periorbital Infection. In: Acute Problems and Essential
Procedures. J Eng (Ed). Lippincott-Raven Press. 1997, pp. 48-50.
17. Beauchamp NJ. Skull fracture. In: Acute Problems and Essential Procedures. J Eng
(Ed). Lippincott-Raven Press. 1997, pp. 54-56.
18. Beauchamp NJ: Spiral CT Angiography: A New Non-invasive Method to Evaluate the
Neurovasculature. Applied Radiology March 1995.
1. Yousem DM, Beauchamp NJ (Eds.). Radiology Business Practice. How to Succeed.
Elsevier. Pages 544. Philadelphia, PA. 2008
Invited Lectures
Computed Body Tomography for Technologists-State of the Art1. CT Techniques:Optimizing Study Techniques; Las Vegas, Nevada
2. CT vs. MRI:When is Each Study Indicated; Las Vegas, Nevada
3. CT of the Brain:Techniques and Applications; Las Vegas, Nevada
3/97 The Johns Hopkins MRI Review Course
1. MRI of Extraaxial Tumors; Marco Island, Florida
2. MRI of Acute Stroke: Advanced MRI
Techniques; Marco Island, Florida
6/97 Computed Body Tomography for Technologists-State of the Art-CT
1. Techniques: Optimizing Study Techniques; Las Vegas, Nevada
2. CT vs. MRI: When is Each Study Indicated; Las Vegas, Nevada
3. CT of the Brain:Techniques and Applications; Las Vegas, Nevada
3/98 Mid-Michigan CT/MRI Review1. CT -How Why and When of Neuroimaging; Saginaw, Michigan
2. Imaging of Stroke; Saginaw Michigan
3/98 The Johns Hopkins MRI Review Course
1. Carotid MRI Angiography; Marco Island, Florida
2. -MRI of Extraaxial Tumors; Marco Island, Florida
3. MRI of Acute Stroke: Advanced MRI, Techniques; Marco Island, Florida
5/98 International Symposium Neuroradiologicum-American Society of NeuroradiologyMR Spectroscopic Imaging and Stroke-Presentation and Panel Discussion;
10/98 Mid-Michigan Technologist Review Course1. MR angiography; Saginaw Michigan
2. MR Diffusion Imaging; Saginaw, Michigan
3/99 The Johns Hopkins MRI Review Course
1. Carotid MRI Angiography; Marco Island, Florida
2. MRI of Extraaxial Tumors; Marco Island, Florida
3/99 Siemens Volume Rendering Meeting;
1. CT Perfusion, Orlando Florida
2. CTA-Impact on Management, Orlando Florida
Siemens Medical Imaging Meeting;
1. CT Perfusion; Nashville Tennessee
2. CTA-Impact on Management; Nashville, Tennessee
Hopkins On the Road; Southern Maryland Regional Medical Conference
Neuroimaging of Stroke
Neurological and Neurosurgical Emergencies/Neurosciences Update:
1. Neuroimaging of Multiple Sclerosis; Inner Harbor, Maryland
2. Neuroimaging of Spine Trauma; Inner Harbor, Maryland
3. Neuroimaging of Hydrocephalus; Inner Harbor, Maryland
Course Co-Director-Neuroradiology in the Neurosciences International
Conference; Tan Tok Seng, Singapore1. CTA: Neurovascular Applications
2. -Hands on Session: MR Perfusion/Diffusion Imaging
3. Evaluation of Acute Cerebral Ischemia
4. Carotid MR, Angiography
The Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review Course
1. Lessons in Stroke Imaging; Baltimore MD
2. MRA versus CT Baltimore MD
3. Diffusion/Perfusion MRI;
4. Intradural Intramedullary Spine; Baltimore MD
Annual Imaging Seminar-“Imaging in the New Millennium”-Advances in Stroke
Imaging-Towson, MD
Christiana Hospital; Advanced Imaging in Stroke; Delaware. Visiting Professor
American Society of Neuroradiology-CT Perfusion Imaging-How To Session;
Atlanta, Georgia
Delaware Stroke Symposium-University of Delaware; Advances in Neuroimaging;
Delaware, Visiting Professor
Philadelphia Neuroradiology Society-Advances in Stroke Imaging. Philadelphia,
PA, Visiting Professor
Department of Epidemiology, University of Pittsburgh-Visiting Professor
White Matter Hyperintensity as a Predictor of Future Stroke Risk
The Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review Course1. Lessons in Stroke Imaging; Baltimore, MD
2. MRA versus CTA; Baltimore, MD
3. Diffusion/Perfusion MRI; Baltimore MD
Department of Radiology, Mainline Hospital System/Thomas JeffersonDiffusion/Perfusion MRI-Impact on Management, Philadelphia, PA, Visiting
CT Course-Orlando, Florida
CT Angiography: Neuroradiologic Applications
GE Medical Systems Healthcare-Renaissance Harborplace.
Six Sigma Within My Organization
Department of Neurology-Harbor Court Hotel
Neuroadiology for the Primary Care Practitioner
Principles & Practice of Clinical MRI-Marco Island, Florida
Diffusion & Perfusion Imaging in Acute Cerebral Ischemia
31. 5/02
32. 6/02
38. 5/03
39. 9/03
40. 9/03
41. 10/03
42. 10/03
43. 10/03
44. 2/04
45. 3/04
46. 3/04
47. 3/04
48. 4/04
American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting-Atlanta, Georgia. Key Note
Speaker: T-2 Weighted White Matter Hyperintensity: A New Detected Predictor of
Stroke Risk
University of Michigan, Global Leadership in Healthcare Program; Six Sigma as
applied to Medicine, Waukesha, Wisconsin
American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting-Vancouver, Canada.
Choosing a Research Question
International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Neuroradiology Review
Course- Diffusion Imaging in Stroke. Honolulu, Hawaii
Johns Hopkins Leadership Development Program, Introductory Address
Johns Hopkins Business of Medicine Program. Operations Improvement in
8th International Conference on Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders. The
Relationship of MRI to Dementia in the Cardiovascular Health Study.
Eastern Neuroradiologic Society; Montreal, Canada. Extending the Treatment
Window for Stroke using Advanced MRI Imaging
Celebrating the Synergy Between Industry and Academia , Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI.
Fifth Annual Advanced Topics in CT Scanning, Baltimore, Maryland. CT
Angiography: Neuroradiologic Application.
American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
1. Assessing Vascular Function with CT
2. Choosing a Research Topic
American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Keynote
Lecture: Extending the Treatment Window for Stroke: Six Hours and Beyond
American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Moderator,
Neuroradiology Scientific Session “Brain.”
Celebrating the Synergy, 2nd Annual Meeting, Michigan State University, Lansing,
MI. Characteristics of a Successful Industrial-Academic Partnership
SCARD, Vancouver, B.C. Quality and Safety Improvement in Radiology and the
Medical Institution.
UW Medicine leading the Way, Surgery Pavilion Opening, Seattle, WA. Searching
the Brain
WWAMI Physician Appreciation Dinner, Anchorage, AK. Linking Brain Imaging
and Functioning.
KSKM National Public Radio Show Guest, Anchorage, AK. Line One Health
Connection – Advances in Imaging.
10th Conference of Peace through Mind Brain Science, Hamamatsu City, Japan.
Predicting Dementia by MR: Cardiovascular Study.
Systematic Diagnostics of Cancer in the Organism Focus Group, FHCRC, Seattle,
Early Career Faculty Development Day, Seattle WA. Developing a Successful
Career in Academics.
Neurology Grand Rounds, Seattle, WA. Extending the Treatment Window for
AUR, San Francisco, CA. Small group sessions on developing research ideas.
49. 4/04
50. 5/04
51. 5/04
52. 6/04
53. 6/04
54. 8/04
59. 10/04
60. 11/04
65. 10/05
66. 2/06
67. 5/06
68. 7/06
69. 5/06
70. 1/07
71. 5/07
72. 5/07
73. 6/07
74. 6/07
76. 6/07
MEDEX Northwest Grand Rounds, Seattle, WA.
Fred Hutchinson/University of Washington Cancer Consortium External Advisory
Board, Seattle, WA. Imaging in the Cancer Consortium: Where We Are and
Where We Need to Be.
MSEC Retreat Panel on Leadership, Semi-ah-moo. Can Leadership be Taught?
American Society of Neuroradiology, Seattle, WA. Regulation of Relative Cerebral
Blood Flow: Lessons from Functional Imaging.
American Society of Neuroradiology, Seattle, WA. Parallel Session Moderator,
Adult Brain: General and 3 0T/60d.
Emergency Radiology CME Course, Seattle, WA. Session Moderator, Craniospinal
Radiologic Emergency Topics.
Emergency Radiology CME Course, Seattle, WA. Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Neuroradiology Education Conference, Seattle, WA. Acute Stroke Imaging.
SCARD Fall Meeting, Bethesda, MD. Healthcare Performance: Quality/Safety.
2004 Imaging Update in Paradise, Maui, Hawaii. 1) MR Diffusion, 2) MR
Perfusion Imaging, 3) Stroke Imaging – CT and MR, 4) CTA-Neurovascular
Molecular Imaging, Biomarker Forum, Seattle, WA.
Bioengineering 599K, Weekly Seminars on Translational Imaging Research and
Developments, Seattle, WA. Radiology and the Imaging Sciences – A Review of
Today and a Glimpse of Tomorrow.
AUR, Montreal, Quebec. Philips Academic Faculty Development Program.
MSEC Retreat, Semiahmoo. Growing UW Medicine Research Funding.
Emergency Radiology CME Course, Seattle, WA. Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Bioengineering 599F, The Medical Imaging Seminar, Seattle, WA. Imaging…
What’s Next?
Society of Chairman of Academic Radiology Departments, Napa, CA. Newly
Appointment Chairs: Successes and Challenges.
The Eleventh Conference of Peace through Mind/Brain Science, Hamamatsu City,
Japan. Acute Cerebral Ischemia: Lessons from Advanced MR Imaging.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Advances in Brain
Imaging: Protocol Update-Stroke, Epilepsy and MS.
Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR), Bellevue, WA.
Imaging Sciences: Winning the Battle Against Cerebrovascular Disease.
ISMRM Weekend Educational Program, Advanced Brain MR Imaging, Seattle,
WA. Protocol Update: Stroke, Tumors, Epilepsy and MS
570 AM KVI Radio Show, Seattle, WA. Patient Power with Andrew Schorr.
How to Succeed in Academics? American Roentgen Ray Society, Orlando, Florida
Essentials to Consider in an Academic Career. Association of University
Radiologists. Denver, Colorado
Report from the Cardiovascular Health Study Regarding White Matter
Hyperintensities. American Society of Neuroradiology. Chicago, Illinois
Leadership. American Society of Neuroradiology. Chicago, Illinois
Keys to a Successful Career. Residency Graduation Address. Michigan State
University Department of Radiology. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
77. 3/08
78. 3/08
79. 9/08
80. 10/08
81. 10/08
82. 11/08
83. 3/09
84. 5/09
85. 5/09
86. 6/09
87. 6/09
88. 10/09
89. 6/10
90. 7/10
91. 9/10
92. 9/10
93. 2/11
94. 3/11
95. 4/11
Round Table Discussion: How a Chairman Can Help You Succeed. Association of
University Radiologists. Seattle, Washington
Radiology 2020. Scenario Planning for the Future. Society of Chairman of
Academic Radiology Departments, Seattle, Washington.
Welcome and CHS Study Results. Carotid Atherosclerosis Imaging Symposium,
Seattle, Washington.
AAARAD Panel. AAARAD, Tucson, Arizona.
SCARD Fall Meeting, Tucson, Arizona.
1. Scenario Planning
2. Accounts Receivable: Getting Paid for the Work You Do. New Chair Orientation
3. The Chair’s Job, Commoditization of Radiology
Development of Interdisciplinary Research. Medical School Executive Committee,
UW, Seattle, Washington.
Visiting Professorship, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
1. How to Succeed in an Academic Career
2. Grand Rounds. Stroke Imaging – Present and Future
3. Case Conference – Unknown Cases with Discussion
Association of University Radiologists, Arlington, VA. Moderator, Neuroradiology
RAHSR/RRA (at AUR), Arlington, VA. Quality Improvement in Radiology
Bellevue College BAS Graduates Celebration. Accomplishing Your Career Goals.
Seattle, WA
Integrated Brain Imaging Center Retreat. Structural Imaging. University of
Washington, Seattle, WA.
SCARD Fall Meeting, Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii.
1. An Ethical Approach to Academic Industrial Collaboration
2. Scenario Planning: Freefall
3. Understanding Accounts Receivable
4. Payor Approval for New Technologies
2010 UHC-AAMC FPSC Users Group Meeting, Keynote Speaker, Chicago, IL.
Scenario Planning as a Strategic Exercise in an Uncertain Radiologic World (with
A. Norbash and D. Enzmann), World Futurist Society Annual Meeting, Boston.
David C. Levin Lecture, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia.
SCARD Fall Meeting, Quebec City, Canada.
1. Accounts Receivable: Getting Paid for the Work You Do
2. Effective Partnership with Hospitals
Faculty Development Days, Seattle, WA
Preparing for Your Annual Meeting with Your Boss
ECG Management Consultants, Seattle, WA
Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Integrating Organizations and their
Different Cultures
Association of University Radiologists, Boston, MA
1. Be Accountable for your Receivables (AUR-AGFA Radiology Management
2. Brogdon Panel Discussion: How Radiology Can Flourish in the Era of Health
Care Reform
3. ACER Session, Should You Get Another Degree, Moderator
96. 5/11
97. 5/11
98. 5/11
99. 6/11
100. 11/11
101. 11/29
102. 3/12
103. 3/27
104. 4/12
105. 4/12
106. 10/12
107. 10/12
4. SCARD Scenario Planning Session
4th Annual How to be an Academic Radiologist Minicourse Resident-Selected
Keynote Speaker, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Grand Rounds, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Accountable Care Organizations: The Role of Radiology
American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA), Seattle, WA
Accountable Care Organizations and Radiology
Chief Resident Seminar, Seattle, WA
Developing Your Leadership Style
Faculty Development Workshop: Faculty Work-Life Balance, An Interactive
Workshop, Seattle, WA
1. How to Avoid Failure: Qualities of a Successful Leader RC 432
2. Mind Your Own Business - Required Business Skills for Your First Job RC702
Radiological Society of North America. Chicago Illinois
1. Leadership 101: How to be a Captain without a Mutiny: “Transitioning from
Underling to Overling”
2. Scenario Planning
3. Key Note Speaker: How to have a successful career
4. Be Accountable for your accounts Receivables
5. Evolving Payment Models in Healthcare
Predicting and preventing disease -- early diagnostics for all? University of
Washington. Mini-Medical School
UW-FHCRC Animal Bioimaging Center (ABIC) Optical Imaging MiniSymposium
"Essentials to Consider When Beginning an Academic Career"
“Situation Awareness.” University of Washington Leadership Development
The Well-Run Academic Radiology Department. Run Run Shaw Hospital.
Hongxiu, China.
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