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•IV. Force, Motion and Mechanical Energy
•C. Interactions of Forces and Motion
•State Standards 1.6; 1.8; 2.1; 2.3; 2.5; 4.1
•7th grade assessment
•Students should know that mechanical energy comes form the
motion (kinetic energy) and/or position (potential energy) of an
•View lesson before using with students. Sample questions and
answers appear with mouse click or automatically.
What are the two basic
kinds of energy?
What is kinetic energy?
• The energy of motion.
• Depends on the mass
and velocity of an
• Kinetic energy increases
as mass increases.
• Kinetic energy increases
when velocity increases.
What is potential energy?
• Energy that is stored.
• Energy an object has because
of its position or condition.
• Energy that is associated with
objects that can be stretched
or compressed.
• Energy that depends on
Have you ever ridden a roller
coaster at an amusement park?
Hypothesize: Does the speed
of a roller coaster depend on
how tall the hills are?
If so which would give the
faster ride - tall hills or lower
Write a hypothesis in your
science journal.
How would you test your idea?
• Roll a marble from rest down
the groove in a ruler.
• The marble hits an object
which then moves.
• Vary the height of the top of
the ruler.
• The distance the object moves
is a measure of how fast the
marble was moving.
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