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NAME:________________________PERIOD:_________________ DATE:__________
GEOGRAPHIC FACTORS in each Continent
Major Geographic Features of The Americas
• Mountain Ranges: Appalachians, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, Andes.
• Rivers: Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, Rio Grande, Orinoco, Amazon, Rio de la Plata
• Plains: Great Plains, las Pampas
• Oceans: Atlantic, Pacific
• Gulfs and Seas: Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea
• Islands: Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Bahamas, Galapagos
• Peninsulas: Florida, Baja California, Yucatan
Key Countries of The Americas
• United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile
Major Geographic Features of Asia
• Mountain Ranges: The Urals, Himilayas and the Hindu Kush.
• Plateaus: Deccan, Tibetan
• Rivers: Huang Ye (Yellow River), Yangtze, Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus, Tigris, Euphrates.
• Plains: Steppes of Russia
• Oceans: Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Yellow Sea, South China Sea, Indian Ocean
Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal
• Islands (Archipalegos): Japan and Indonesia
Key Countries of Asia
• China – largest population in the world (estimated 1.2 billion people)
• India – second largest population in the world (estimated 1 billion people)
• Indonesia – largest Muslim population in the world
• Japan – second largest economy in the world
• Russia – largest country (in area) in the world.
• Saudi Arabia – largest oil reserve in the world
• Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan – important countries for the United States following the 9/11 attacks
The Five Regions of Africa
1. North Africa – mountain ranges (Atlas Mts.) and Sahara Desert.
2. West Africa – grasslands, most populated.
3. East Africa – mountains, plateaus, grasslands/plains/savannah, hills.
4. South Africa – Nambi Desert and Kalahari Desert, mountain range.
5. Central Africa – Equator, rainforest
Physical geography and its effects on people
• Sahara Desert – groups are kept separate; nomads.
• Smooth/regular coastline – kept invaders from other continents away until industrial revolution.
• Lack of navigable rivers – lack of communication, diversity, many languages.
• Great Rift Valley – lack of communication, diversity, many languages.
• High Plateau – lack of communication, diversity, many languages.
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