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**Kingdom Animalia**
Variety in the World of Animals
Variety in cell number
1. Protozoic – __________-celled animals
2. Metazoic – __________-celled animals
Variety in how energy is obtained
1. ______________ – makes its own food from inorganic sources.
Ex: Plants, some bacteria, some protists make their own food using light energy
2. ______________ – cannot make its own food. They obtain energy by consuming
other organisms.
Ex: Animals, fungi, some protists, some bacteria
Variety in symmetry
1. ___________ symmetry – an organism can be cut in half in only one plane and have
both sides look alike. Most animals as well as humans have bilateral symmetry.
2. ___________ symmetry – an organism can be cut in half in several ways through the
center and the two halves will still be alike. Ex: starfish, sea urchin
3. ___________ – an organism whose shape changes or has such a great variety in its
shape that symmetry is not found. Ex: amoeba
(Only genus and species are italicized. The rest are just capitalized.)
1. _______________ (Phylum Chordata; only 3% of all animals)
a. have a _______________ (can be bone or cartilage)
b. have a distinct head
c. have an _______________
d. make up only 3% of all animals
e. includes birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians
2. _______________ (make up 32 different phyla)
a. lack a backbone
b. do not have a cranium
c. may have an ___________________
d. over 2 million different species
e. includes insects, crustaceans, mollusks, echinoderms, sponges, and worms
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Characteristics of all vertebrates
1. have a _________ _________ with a brain at the anterior end
2. brain is protected by a skull
3. body has a _________________ or notochord for support
4. have an endoskeleton made of bone and/or cartilage
5. have an axial and an appendicular skeleton
6. have ____________ symmetry
7. have complex body systems
7 classes of vertebrates
1. Class Mammalia
2. Class Aves
3. Class Reptilia
4. Class Amphibia
5. Class Osteichthyes
6. Class Chondrichthyes
7. Class Cyclostomata
Class Mammalia
 __________________
 Breathe with lungs
 Have hair and mammary glands
 ~4000 living species
 Ex: cats, dogs, rodents, apes, elephants
Class Aves
 _________________
 Breathe with lungs
 Have wings, feathers, and two feet
 ~ 9000 living species
 Ex: eagles, robin, penguins, emu
Class Reptilia
 __________________
 Breathe with lungs
 Have dry, scaly skin
 ~ 6000 living species
 Ex: snakes, lizards, turtles
Class Amphibia
 _________________
 Soft, moist skin
 Usually breathe with gills in younger stages; most adults breathe with lungs
 ~ 3000 living species
 Ex: frogs, salamanders, caecilians
Class Osteichthyes
 _____________________
 Aquatic with fins and scales
 Breathe with gills
 Skeleton is made partly or wholly from bone
 ~ 21,000 living species
 Ex: perch, bass, trout, tuna, sea horse
Class Chondrichthyes
 ____________________
 Aquatic with fins and scales
 Breathe with gills
 Have skeletons made of cartilage
 ~ 800 living species
 Ex: sharks, rays, chimaeras
Class Cyclostomata
 ____________________
 Aquatic
 Have slimy, scaleless bodies
 Breathe with gills
 Have skeletons made of cartilage
 Lack _________
 ~ 45 living species
 Ex: lampreys, hagfish
Class Mammalia
All mammals
1. are __________________
2. have hair
3. have mammary glands
4. breathe air with _____________
5. have a ________-chambered heart
Most mammals
1. have __________ pairs of limbs
2. have 7 neck vertebrae (exception: sloth, manatee)
3. are born ___________
Mammal reproduction
 Mammals can be divided several different ways depending on how the young are
born and how they are ______________
Type of birth
1. Viviparous – bear _______ young and nourish them during development; most
mammals are born this way
2. Oviparous – after internal fertilization, _________ are laid and incubated; the
platypus and echidna have young this way
(3 way is not found in mammals, but is found in some reptiles)
3. Ovoviviparous – eggs are fertilized but ______ _________ the mother, after eggs
hatch, live young come out
Type of nourishment
1. _____________ – developing young are attached to the ___________ in the uterus
and are given nutrients from the mother; after birth, the mother continues to nourish
the babies with milk produced in mammary glands
2. _______-____________ – developing young receive nutrients from the yolk inside of
the egg; after hatching, they receive milk from the mother for their nourishment
3. _____________ – young are born very tiny (premature) and are kept in a __________
until they are old enough to move around on their own; milk is available to them
inside the pouch
Orders in Class Mammalia
Eat _________; tube-teeth
One specie
Arboreal _________ mammals
2 species
Flying lemur
Mammals with ___________
2 species
African elephant, Asian elephant
____________ mammals
4 species
Manatee, dugong
____________ mammals
6 species
Platypus, echidna
Mammals with horny __________
8 species
 Odd-toed, __________ mammal
 16 species
 Horse, rhinoceros
9. Edentata
 ______________ or peg-toothed
 31 species
 Armadillo, sloth
 Mammals with four upper incisor
 63 species
 Rabbit, pika
 _____________ mammals
 84 species
 Blue whale, bottlenose dolphin
 _______-___________ mammals
 166 species
 Gorilla, ring-tailed lemur
 Even-toed __________ mammals
 171 species
 Giraffe, cow
7. Hyracoidea
 Defenseless mammals with
___________ ___________
 11 species
 Hyrax
 _____________ mammals
 242 species
 Koala, kangaroo
8. Perissodactyla
15. Carnivora
 _______-eating mammals
 284 species
 Lion, walrus, bear
16. Insectivora
 __________-eating mammals
 400 species
 Mole, shrew
17. Chiroptera
 ___________ mammals
 875 species
 Gray bat, vampire bat
18. Rodentia
 ___________ mammals
 1687 species
 Beaver, rat, squirrel
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