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Évszámok, fogalmak, nevek, helyszínek, amit tudni kell az ókori Görögország témakörből:
1. Dates:
1. 776 BC The first written evidence of the Olympic games
2. 490 BC Marathon battle
3. 480 BC Thermopylae battle, Salamis battle
4. 479 BC Plataea battle
5. 478 BC Delian league
6. 431-404 BC Peloponnesian war
7. 338 Chaeronean battle
8. 336-323 Alexander the Great ‘s ruling
9. 325 BC Alexander the Great reached the river Indus
10. 324 BC The special wedding in Susa
2. Concepts /fogalmak/
Pentathlon, stadium, chariot race, aristocrat, demos, metics, democracy, politics, citizenship,
community matter, hoplite, phalanx, assembly, council of 500, Court, Archon, strategoi,
ostracism, Spartan, perioicoi, helot, council of elder’s, epitaph, Delian league, Theatron,
Orchestra, sceene, stage, parodos, Hellenistic culture.
3. Places: Olympus Mount, Olympia, Sparta, Athens, Marathon, Thermopylae,
Salamis, Troy, Crete
4. Names:
Minos, Minotaur, Theseus, Ariadne,
Greeks: Agamemnon, Menelaus, Achilles, Odysseus, Helen
Trojans: Paris, Hector, Priam,
Heinrich Schliemann
Greek gods and goddesses
Koroibos, Pheidippides, Baron Pierre de Coubertin
Miltiades, Themistocles, Leonidas, Darius, Xerxes,
Pericles, Phidias,
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Archimedes, Pythagoras
Phillip II. Alexander the Great
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