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Marine Board‐ESF:
Structure and Activities
POGO 12 meeting
24‐26 January 2011
Antoine Dosdat Ifremer
Vice‐President Marine Board‐ESF
Outline of Presentation
• Overview of Marine Board‐ESF (Structure and Objectives)
• Policy Context
• Marine Board Core Activities and outputs
Marine Board‐ESF
The Marine Board provides a pan‐European platform for its member
organisations to develop common priorities, to advance marine research, and to bridge the gap between science and policy in order to meet future marine science challenges and opportunities.
Established in 1995; by Member Organisations in consultation with the European Commission
30 Member Organisations (Research Funding and Performing Organisations) from 19 countries
Node for:
Knowledge exchange between national science organisations
Science Forum, with members and other networks (EuroGOOS, EFARO, ICES, ECORD, WaterBorne TP, etc.); MB Biennial Forum
Policy Interface: European Commission = Permanent observer
European focal point for marine science
Forum Strategy
Voice Synergy
Marine Board Member Organisations
30 MOs from 19 countries
Marine Board
InnovOcean site, Ostend, Belgium
Marine Board-ESF
Flanders Marine
Institute (VLIZ)
Marine Board‐ESF Governance
The Board: Member Organisations = major marine research funding and performing organisations
‐ direct funding of the Secretariat
‐ decisions on activities (Plenary twice yearly)
Executive Committee
– Chair: Lars Horn (Research Council of Norway)
– vice‐Chairs (6): •
Jan Mees (VLIZ, Belgium),
Colpan Polat Beken (TUBITAK, Turkey), Geoffrey O’Sullivan (Marine Institute, Ireland), Antoine Dosdat (Ifremer, France), Ed Hill (NOCS, UK), Beatriz Morales Nin (MICNN, Spain)
– Executive Scientific Secretary: Niall McDonough
– Decisions on activities and operation
– 1 Executive Scientific Secretary
– 3 Science Officers
– 1 Administrator
Marine Board’s Raison d’être: Science Strategy and Policy elaborated collectively via:
1. Specialist Workshops / Conferences
E.g. EurOCEAN 2004 (Galway), 2007 (Aberdeen), 2010 (Ostend – in preparation)
2. Follow policy developments: Science‐Policy Interface
3. FP6 & FP7 Projects: ERA‐NETs, Foresight, Governance
FP6 (completed): MarinERA, AMPERA, FEUFAR
4. Core Marine Board Outputs/Activities:
Working Groups / Position Papers
Vision Groups / Vision Documents
Marine Board Panels
Marine Board biennial Forum
The European Marine Science Policy Landscape
•The Integrated Maritime Policy for Europe (Oct 2007)
•European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research
•Marine Strategy Framework Directive
•European Research Area (ERA)
•Lisbon / Gothenburg Agendas
•White Paper on Climate Change
•European Climate/Energy Package for 2020
Chronology of events
Partnership Science - Policy
Galway 2004
Brussels 2004
EU Parliament 2005
Brussels 2007
on the marine
EU Blue Book
and maritime
&Action Plan
October 2007
Sept 2008
Bremen 2007
Aberdeen 2007
September 2008 – A Major Milestone
European Marine Observation & Data Network (EMODNET)
European Atlas of the Seas
Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change
Maritime Spatial Planning
Improved Maritime Surveillance
European Strategy for Marine & Maritime Research
•Capacity Building
•Integration across disciplines
•Synergies between Member States
•New Forms of Governance
Ocean of Tomorrow
FP7 Research Initiative
European Renewable Ocean Energy Strategy
European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research:
Implementation Actions
FP7 Projects
EMAR²RES project ‐ European MARine and MARitime REsearch and Science
Objective: Exploiting synergies between marine and maritime research communities;
Focus on maritime transport
Horizontal themes include competitiveness and climate change
Consortium: 5 partners incl. Marine Board as marine partner; Community of European Shipyards Associations (CESA) as coordinator.
Kick‐off on 24November 2009 (Ostend). 30 month duration
MARCOM+ project ‐ Towards an Integrated Marine and Maritime Science Community
Objective: Support the marine and maritime science partnership for an independent consolidated science advice
Establish a sustainable “Marine and Maritime Science and Technology Forum”
Further dialogue between research communities, civil society, industry and policy makers
Contribute to a new governance model ƒ
Consortium: 10 partners incl. Marine Board; ICES as coordinator.
Kick‐off on 12 January 2010 (Copenhagen). 24 month duration
FP7 Projects and Proposals continued…
SEAS‐ERA proposal ‐ European MARine and MARitime REsearch and Science
Objective: create marine overarching platform for Research Funding Organisations, implement a basin approach, develop and implement common research programmes (incl. infrastructures) ;
Consortium: 21 partners incl. Marine Board; Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) as coordinator.
Kick‐off on 13 April 2010 (Madrid). 48 month duration
CLAMER proposal – Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem Research
Objective: to raise awareness of citizens to EU research results on the impacts of climate change on the marine environment, including socio‐economic consequences;
Consortium: 13 partners incl. Marine Board as Work Package Leader; Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) as coordinator.
Kick‐off on 15‐16 March 2010. 18 month duration
Core Marine Board Activities
1. Working Groups – Position Papers
WG SEAMBOR (2010), WG POL (2010), WG BIOTECH (2010)
WG MICROCEAN (2011), WG MPAs (2011), Navigating the Future IV (2011)
2. Marine Board Panels
Marine Board Communications Panel
European Scientific Diving Panel
3. Marine Board Forum
Marine Data Challenges: From Observation to Information (Ostend, May 2008)
Long‐term Time Series Stations: Essential Marine Monitoring Infrastructures for Europe (Brussels, September 2010)
4. Conferences
Marine Biotechnology Future Challenges. Marine Board/ESF/COST conference, Italy, June 2010
5. Vision Groups – Vision Documents
EMODNET (2008) [Marine Board – EuroGOOS]
Renewable Ocean Energy (2010)
Working Groups ‐ Position Papers:
Modus Operandi
•Address subjects of European dimension which are of strategic
importance for marine sciences ƒTerms of Reference agreed & Chair appointed
ƒ Working Group composed of national experts (8‐12) invited and nominated by Member Organisation Delegates.
ƒUsually 3 meetings. 18 month duration (approx.)
ƒ Expected output: MB Position Paper (peer‐reviewed)
ƒOutcomes and impact:
¾ subject to be taken into account by national and European programmes
¾ Uptake by policy makers
¾ Enhanced interaction and elaboration of common views by scientists, leading to new projects
Requires effective dissemination to end‐users!
Recently Published Marine Board Position Papers
• Navigating the Future III (November 2006)
Integrated Recommendations and research priorities on the whole spectrum of marine sciences
• Impact of Climate Change on the European Marine and Coastal Environment (March 2007)
Ecosystem approach on European regional seas and oceans
• European Ocean Research Fleet (March 2007)
Quantitative and qualitative approach towards a common strategy and enhanced use
• Remote Sensing of Shelf Sea Ecosystems (February 2008)
Requirement for regular monitoring of shelf sea ecosystems
• The Effects of anthropogenic sound on marine mammals (June 2008) Research strategy following an Expert Workshop
Current and New Marine Board Working Groups ON‐GOING
• Sciences dimensions of Ecosystem Approach to Management of Biotic Ocean Resources (Joint activity with ICES & EFARO) Chair: Jake Rice (ICES, Canada)
• Risk assessment and monitoring of existing and emerging new chemicals in the European marine and coastal environment
Chair: Colin Janssen (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Co‐Chair: Patrick Roose (MUMM, Belgium) • A European Strategy for Marine Biotechnology Chair: Joel Querellou Ifremer, France)
PLANNED • Marine Microbial Diversity and its role in ecosystem functioning and environmental change
Chair: Frank Oliver Glöckner (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
• Marine Protected Areas Chair: Esben Moland Olsen (Institute for Marine Research, Norway)
Vision Groups ‐ Vision Documents:
Modus Operandi
ƒAddress emergent scientific topics of strategic importance for marine sciences ƒTerms of Reference agreed & Chair appointed
ƒ Working Group composed of national experts (6‐8) nominated by Member Organisation Delegates.
ƒUsually 3 meetings. 6‐10 month duration (approx.)
ƒ Expected output: MB Vision Document (external review, +/‐ 10 pages)
ƒOutcomes and impact:
¾ subject to be taken into account by national and European programmes
¾ Uptake by policy makers
¾ Enhanced interaction and elaboration of common views by scientists, leading to new projects
Requires effective dissemination to end‐users!
Vision Document on European Marine Observations and Data Network
• Review the background policy documentation addressing EMODNET;
•Identify the concepts relevant for the EMODNET
• Science and policy dimensions of these concepts
• Develop a Vision Document targeted towards policymakers Co‐Chairs:
A.Dosdat (Ifremer) & P.Ryder (EUROGOOS)
Published in September 2008
Marine Board Panels
Communications Panel
“Panel” of the MB‐ESF ‐ collaborative network of marine communicators across Europe.
Chaired by Jan Seys (VLIZ, BE); Facilitated by the MB Secretariat
Mutually assist its members in promoting and communicating marine science across Europe and exchanging ideas on events, communication methods and best practice.
Scientific Diving Panel
Established in 2008
Chaired by J.P. Féral (CNRS, France)
Facilitated by the MB‐ESF Secretariat
Increase visibility, recognition and support for Scientific Diving in the marine science field
Marine Board Biennial Forum
1st Marine Board Forum
Marine Data Challenges: from observation to information
(Ostend, Belgium, 15 May 2008) ‐ 86 participants from 49 organisations
2nd Marine Board Forum
•Long‐term Time‐Series Stations – Essential Marine Monitoring Infrastructures for Europe (provisional title)
•Brussels – Belgium, 16 September2010)
•Targeted audience: policy makers, programme managers and scientists
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