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Rotatory Motion, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion
a) It has fixed shape and size
c) The total energy of a planet is always
more than potential energy of the
b) It does not have fixed shape and size
d) None of these.
1. Identify the correct definition of rigid body
c) The relative positions of its constituent
particles remain constant.
6. Identify the correct definition
acceleration due to gravity.
d) A rigid body undergoes both translation
and rotation.
a) It is defined as the force experienced
by a unit mass.
2. Choose the correct statement about the
moment of inertia
b) It is defined as the acceleration of a
freely falling body.
a) It is the ability of a body to get turned
about an axis
b) It is uniquely defined for a body
A body can posses infinite values of
moment of inertia.
d) Both a and b
3. Identify the situation in which a body
cannot roll
a) a smooth horizontal surface
b) a smooth inclined surface
c) a rough parabolic surface
d) a moving smooth horizontal surface
4. Choose the correct
kepler’s First law.
a) Planets move around sun in circular
b) Planets move around sun in elliptical
orbits with sun at its centre.
c) Planets move around sun in elliptical
orbits with sun at one of its foci.
d) Planets move around the centre of mass
of the sun planet system.
5. Identify the incorrect statement about a
planet revolving around sun.
a) The gravitational attraction provides
the centripetal force for a revolving
b) The total energy of a planet is always
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these.
7. A projectile is thrown from the top of a
tower on the surface of earth. Identify the
trajectory which is not possible.
a) straight line
b) circular
c) elliptical
d) parabolic
08. The escape velocity for the earth is
a) 11.2 km/s
b) 11.2 kmph
c) 8 km/s
d) 8 kmph
09. The time period of a satellite moving in an
orbit vary close to the surface of earth is
a) 24 hours
b) 84.6 minutes
c) 42.3 minutes
d) 12 hours
10. If a man standing at the equator feels
weightlessness, then the length of one day
will be
a) 6 hours
b) 8 hours
c) 12 hours
d) none of these
11. If a tunnel is cut at any orientation through
earth, then a ball released from one will
reach the other end in
a) 84.6 minutes
b) 42.3 minutes
d) none of these
c) 8 minutes
12. Choose the correct statement
a) Every harmonic motion is periodic
b) Every oscillatory motion is periodic
c) Every oscillatory motion is harmonic
d) Every periodic motion is not harmonic.
Rotatory Motion, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion
13. In order to make a body oscillating
simple harmonically, there must be
a) an equilibrium position only
19. Identify the incorrect statement related to
a) The frequency of variation of KE is
equal to that of PE.
b) a mechanism of providing restoring force
b) The frequency of variation of KE is
two times that of the displacement.
c) some inertia in the body
d) a position where potential energy is
14. Identify the correct definition of periodic
a) A ball moving along a straight line and
coming back to its initial position.
b) A ball moving along a circular path.
c) Any type of motion of a particle,
which comes back to its original position.
c) The frequency of variation of total
energy is constant.
d) None of these.
20. In a simple pendulum, if the radius R of
the bob of mass m is not negligible, then
the time period of simple harmonic
motion is given by
a) 2
c) 2
l 2  R2
b) 2
d) None of these
Identify the correct
harmonic motion
a) An oscillating motion is also called a
harmonic motion.
b) It has a fixed interval
c) Motion described in terms of sine
and cosine functions.
d) None of these.
16. An elastic ball is bouncing up and down
on a smooth horizontal floor. The motion
of the ball
a) is periodic only
b) is oscillatory
c) is harmonic
d) all the above
17. For a particle executing SHM, the
correct variation of acceleration a with
displacement x is given by
d) 2
5l 2  2 R 2
21. A homogenous disc of mass 2 kg and
radius 15 cm is rotating about its axis (
which is fixed) with an angular velocity
of 4 radian / sec. The linear momentum
of the disc is
a) 1.2 kg-m/s
b) 1.0 kg-m/s
c) 0.6 kg-m/s
d) none of these
22. A wheel is rotating at 900 rpm about its
axis. When the power is cut off, it comes
to rest in one minute. The angular
retardation (assuming to be uniform) in
rad/s2 is
a) Π / 2
b) Π / 4
c) Π / 6
d) Π / 8
23. A mass is revolving in a circle which lies
in the plane of paper. The direction of
angular acceleration is
a) perpendicular to radius and velocity
18. The correct variation between velocity v
and displacement x of the particle
executing SHM is given by
b) towards the radius
c) tangential
d) at right angle to angular velocity
24. A couple produces
a) purely linear motion
b) purely rotational motion
c) linear and rotational
Rotatory Motion, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion
d) no motion
25. The escape velocity for the moon is
geostationary orbit. The time period of
revolution of the missile is
a) 8 days
b) 16 days
d) 2 days
a) 11.2 km/s
b) 5 km/s
c) 4 days
c) 10 km/s
d) 2.4 km/s
32. Time period of a simple pendulum inside
a satellite orbiting around earth is
26. There is no atmosphere on the moon
a) Zero
b) α
a) it is closer to the earth
c) T
d) 2 T
b) it revolves round the earth
33. The planet nearest to the sun is
c) it gets light from the sun
a) Pluto
b) Mercury
d) the escape velocity of gas molecules is
lesser than their root mean square velocity
c) Venus
d) Uranus
27. A satellite of the earth is revolving in a
circular orbit with a uniform speed v. If the
gravitational force suddenly disappears, the
satellite will
a) continue to move with velocity v along the
original orbit
b) move with a velocity v, tangentially to the
original orbit
c) fall down with increasing velocity
d) ultimately come to rest somewhere on the
original orbit.
28. The period of revolution of planet A
around the sun is 8 times that of B. The
distance of A from the sun is how many
times greater than that of B from the sun?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
29. The weight of a body at earth’s surface is
W. At a depth half way to the centre of the
earth, it will be (assuming uniform mass
density of earth)
a) W
b) W/2
c) W/4
30. If the earth loses its gravity, then for a
a) both mass and weight become zero
b) mass becomes zero but not the weight
c) neither mass nor weight become zero
d) weight becomes zero, but not the mass.
31. A missile, after missing its target enters
into an orbit of radius four times that of the
34. The gravitational force between two
stones of mass 1 kg each separated by a
distance of 1 m in vacuum is
a) zero
b) 6.675 x 10-5 N
c) 6.675 x 10-11 N
d) 6.675 x 10-8 N
35. Which of the following is the evidence to
show that there must be a force acting on
earth and directed towards the sun
a) deviation of the falling bodies towards
b) revolution of the earth round the sun
c) phenomenon of day and night
d) apparent motion of sun round the earth
36. The distance of the centers of moon and
earth is D. The mass of earth is 81 times the
mass of the moon. At what distance from the
center of the earth the gravitational force will
be zero?
a) D / 2
b) 2 D / 3
c) 4 D / 3
d) 9 D / 10
37. The earth revolves round the sun in one
year. If the distance between them becomes
double, the new period of revolution will be
a) 1 / 2 year
b) 2 2 year
c) 4 years
d) 8 years
38. If the gravitational force had varied as
r -5/2 instead of r -2; the potential energy of a
particle at a distance r from the center of the
earth would be proportional to
a) r -1
b) r -2
c) r -3/2
d) r -5/2
Rotatory Motion, Gravitation, Simple Harmonic Motion
39. A satellite which is geo-stationary in a
particular orbit is taken to another orbit, the
distance of which is twice that of earlier
orbit. The time period of the satellite in the
second orbit is
c)  A/2
a) 24 h
b) frequency of oscillation
c) 48
b) 48 h
d) 48 /
40. A ball is dropped from a spacecraft
revolving around the earth at a height of 120
km. What will happen to the ball?
d)  A / 2
45. The total energy of a particle executing
SHM is proportional to
a) displacement from equilibrium position
c) velocity in equilibrium position
d) square of amplitude of motion
a) it will go very far in the space
46. The time period of a simple pendulum on
the surface of earth is T. Its time period
inside a mine is
b) it will fall down to the earth gradually
a) greater than T
c) it will move with the same speed,
tangentially to the spacecraft
c) equal to T
d) it will continue to move with the same
speed along the original orbit of spacecraft
41. A space-ship moves from earth to moon
and back. The greatest energy required for
the space-ship is to over-come the difficulty
a) entering the earth’s gravitational field
b) less than T
d) can not be compared
47. A pendulum suspended from the ceiling
of a train has a period T when the train s at
rest. When the train is accelerating with a
uniform acceleration a, the period of
oscillation will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remains unaffected d) become infinite
b) take off from earth’s field
48. For a simple pendulum the graph
between L and T will be
c) take off from lunar surface
a) hyperbola
b) parabola
d) entering the moon’s lunar surface
c) a straight line
d) a curved line
42. A geo-stationary satellite is orbiting the
earth at a height of 6R above the surface of
the earth, R being the radius of the earth. The
time period of another satellite at a height of
2.5 R from the surface of earth is
49. Consider a simple pendulum made of a
hallow sphere containing mercury. If a little
mercury is drained off, the period of
pendulum will
a) 6 2 h
b) 6 h
b) increase
c) 5 2 h
d) 10 h
c) decrease
43. A particle is moving in a circle with
uniform speed. Its motion is
a) periodic and simple harmonic
b) periodic but not simple harmonic
c) a periodic and oscillatory
a) remains unchanged
d) become erratic
50. A simple pendulum performs SHM about
x = 0 with an amplitude A and time period T.
The speed of the pendulum at x = A/2 will be
 A
 T 
3  A
2  T 
d) none of the above
44. A particle executing SHM along a
straight line with an amplitude A. The
potential energy is maximum when the
displacement is
a)  A
b) zero
 A  A
b) 
 
 T   T 
 2A
d) 3 
 T 